Wysłany: 14:14, 10 Lip '11
Temat postu: Carbon Tax w Australii
Premier Australii, Julia Gillard oglasza wprowadzenie podatku weglowego
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UPDATE 7.40pm: ANGRY Australians have vowed to vote Prime Minister Julia Gillard from office at the next election after today's controversial carbon tax announcement.
Scores of voters rejected the plan soon after details of the $24.5 billion package to tackle climate change were revealed, with more than 80 per cent who voted in a national online poll saying Australia shouldn't have a carbon tax.
Almost 100,000 votes were cast by more than 25,000 people across four polls in News Limited's "Carbon Tax Plebiscite" by 5pm today, with 87.1 per cent saying they planned to change their vote at the next election in light of the tax.
Special report: Carbon tax bottom line
More than 70 per cent of voters, or 15,866 people, said they now planned to vote for the Coalition at the next election while just 8.51 per cent said they would support a Labor government.
Just 13 per cent of voters said they wouldn't change their vote at the next election.
Despite government claims that 90 per cent of Australians would receive compensation, and that 40 per cent of households would be overcompensated, voters said Ms Gillard had signer her fate at the polls.
"They're calling it 'Carbon Sunday' but I like to refer to today as 'Suicide Sunday' for a PM and three independents," one reader wrote.
"I cannot wait until the next election. The Labor Party the Greens and the Independants will answer to the Australian people for what they are inflicting upon us. Revenge is a dish best served cold," wrote another.
Eighty per cent of voters described the tax as "disgraceful" while others said it was "inadequate".
Just eight per cent of voters said they were confident it wouldn't affect their hip pocket.
Gillard's national address
In her nationally-televised address at 6.30pm tonight, Ms Gillard detailed the carbon pricing scheme, which will see the top 500 polluters pay $23 per tonne of carbon.
Read Gillard's address to the nation in full here
It will be be a fixed price for three years before Australia transitioned to an Emissions Trading Scheme and in 2015 where the market would then set the price for carbon.
Ms Gillard said the tax would reduce Australia's greenhouse gas emissions by 160 million tonnes by 2020, the affect of removing 45 million cars from the road.
Households will be hit with a $9.90 per week increase in the cost of living, but the Government said nine out of 10 households would receive some form of assistance and for two-thirds of all households this will be enough to cover the entire carbon price impact.
In a surprise move, the Federal Government's Clean Energy Future package also included an ambitious new target of cutting greenhouse emissions by 80 per cent by 2050.
The Government has also defied the multi-party climate change committee, which prepared the package, by proposing to tax heavy transport in 2014, while exempting other fuel.
Ms Gillard confirmed a taxpayer-funded advertising campaign on the carbon price would begin soon.
"Carbon pricing is a reform we need to make to keep our economy competitive, to protect our environment and to do the right thing for our children and future generations," Ms Gillard said.
Ms Gillard said there was an "avalanche of science" to support the notion of climate change and the carbon tax would move Australia towards a clean energy future and aid job creation.
"I want us to have a clean energy future," she said.
"A carbon price will create economic incentives for the biggest polluters to reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases."
Flawed plan - Abbott
In his reply to Ms Gillard's address to the nation, Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said the environment could not be protected by making everyday life more expensive and by sending Australian jobs overseas.
Read Abbott's address to the nation in full here
Mr Abbott said Australians would get around price rises in steel, aluminium and cement by importing them from countries without a carbon tax and without any plan to reduce their emissions.
He said that under the carbon tax, power prices would rise by 10 per cent and the cost of living of average households would rise by $515 a year.
"The Prime Minister says most families will be compensated, but you can't compensate people who lose their jobs and the compensation won't keep pace as the tax goes up and up and up," he said.
"Why should we trust this Government with a new tax when we know where it will all end - with more spending, more waste and more spin."
Mr Abbott said the whole point of the tax was to make coal, gas and oil more expensive.
"The price signal won't work if the price isn't high, the tax doesn't work if it doesn't hurt," he said.
"It has to make turning on your heater more expensive and make using transport more expensive to work."
Mr Abbott said the Coalition's plan to cut emissions meant more trees, better soil and smarter technology.
The Opposition's plan was costed, capped and fully funded from savings in the Budget, he said.
"It means no extra burden on taxpayers and no extra costs to consumers," Mr Abbott said.
"It's not a tax policy pretending to be an environment policy."
Mr Abbott said the next election would be a referendum on the carbon tax.
Cost of living
In 2012/13, the Government expects the cost of living to rise - as industries pass on their costs - by around 0.7 per cent.
More than half of the expected $24.5 billion to be raised from carbon permit sales over the next three years will go to households in the form of tax cuts and increases in allowances, payments and benefits.
Industries affected by the change will get $9.2 billion over the next three years, with the worst impacted expected to be steel and aluminum manufacturers who will get free permits representing 94.5 per cent of industry average carbon costs and special jobs packages.
Climate Change Minister Greg Combet said the coal industry, which faced a $1.80 a tonne hit from the tax, would be helped to reduce their pollution and maintain jobs.
Agriculture won't be included in the scheme, but farmers will benefit from around $1.2 billion over three years for carbon farming
Among the new bodies to be set up are a $10 billion Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) to invest in new technology, a $3.2 billion Australian Renewable Energy Agency, and an independent adviser known as the Climate Change Authority, headed by former Reserve Bank governor Bernie Fraser.
While around 2000 megawatts of the dirtiest power generators will be closed by 2020, the CEFC will help get clean energy projects started and boost renewable energy jobs.
Ms Gillard said there had been "false steps" and "mis-steps" on the road to the carbon price.
"But we are here now and now is the time to get this done.
"As a nation we need to put a price on carbon and create a clean energy future."
Ms Gillard said the policy was ultimately quite simple: the Government would require 500 big polluters to pay a price per tonne for the carbon they release into the air.
"At the moment those big polluters can release that pollution into our atmosphere for free."
This will cause the polluters to innovate and change to reduce their bills.
"In doing so they will reduce their carbon pollution," she said.
"This all adds up to a reduction in carbon pollution of 160 million tonnes by 2020. That's the equivalent of taking 45 million cars off the road.
"In the weeks ahead people will see advertising to assist them to digest this big change to the Australian economy."
Pain is small - Swan
Treasurer Wayne Swan said the cost of pricing carbon was small, particularly if the country acts now.
"The longer we delay, the greater the cost and the more difficult the transition," Mr Swan said.
"Under a carbon price we can see strong growth in the economy, we can see strong jobs growth, we see strong growth in incomes, and we can do all of that while making deep cuts in carbon pollution."
With the Opposition expected to focus its campaign on how the tax will hurt the hip-pocket, the Government has calculated price impacts down to the decimal point for individual grocery items.
The figures show the Government expects the cost of Weet-Bix cereal to rise by 0.00024 cents a biscuit.
An $11 packet of mince meat will rise by 4c, while a $3.75 fillet of ocean trout will increase 1.5c.
A loaf of bread will rise 0.016c while Tim Tams will increase 0.012c.
A standard jar of coffee, such as Nescafe Blend 43, will rise 0.02c and 250g of margarine will increase 0.016c.
The carbon tax is expected to add about 0.026c on a six-pack of beer and 0.004c on a box of tissues.
Nie od dziś wiadomo, że stopa przeciętnego Australijczyka jest najcięższa na świecie. Mowa tu oczywiście o współczynniku stopy węglowej, która w Kraju Kangurów oscyluje w okolicach 20,5 ton CO2 rocznie, dla porównania analogiczna stopa Polaka waży jedynie 9,9 ton CO2, a w Chinach ledwie 4,5 tony CO2 per capita.
Magia liczb obrazuje, jak głęboką skalę przemian muszą przejść Australijczycy, by zejść z niechybnego szczebla podium. Z „pudła” ma ów naród należący do Commonwealthu zrzucić zaproponowane przez rząd rozwiązanie – implementacja tzw. carbon tax. Wraz z wejściem w życie podatku węglowego piętnującego zużycie energii pochodzenia bitumicznego może jednak pogorszyć się diametralnie sytuacja materialna przeciętnego „Thompsona”.
Średni koszt wdrożenia nowego obciążenia fiskalnego oscylować będzie w granicach 10 USD miesięcznie. To kwota, o jaką Australijczycy zwiększą wydatki na rachunki za energię elektryczną. W głowach obywateli powstaje zatem pytanie, co z resztą efektów ubocznych: cenami produktów sklepowych, energochłonnych materiałów budowlanych itd.
Mimo tego, że według oficjalnych statystyk przeciętny Australijczyk zarabia 45 tys. USD rocznie (3600 USD miesięcznie), zaledwie 19 % społeczeństwa stwierdziło w niedawnym sondażu publicznym, że jest w stanie i pokryje wydatki związane z podatkiem węglowym. To zdecydowany spadek poparcia dla idei rządu premier Julii Gillard – w poprzednim sondażu zwolenników tego konceptu było „aż” 32 %. Co więcej Instytut Lowy’ego wskazał, że zwalczanie zmian klimatu w hierarchii ważności sprawy publicznych spadło w ciągu ostatnich 4 lat z 1. miejsca na 10.
Premier Gillard nie ustępuje i obiecuje, że 9 na 10 gospodarstw domowych objętych systemem opodatkowania, mającym zacząć obowiązywać od lipca 2012 r., otrzyma wsparcie rządowe, które skutecznie zamortyzuje poniesione przez nie wydatki inkrementacyjne.
Opinia publiczna jest jednak nieprzekonana również z innego powodu. Wraz z podatkiem węglowym, niejako w pakiecie ma przejść przez laskę marszałkowską projekt wdrożenia klasycznego systemu handlu emisjami ETS, pod którego parasol prawny przymusowo zostałyby włączone sektory: energetyczny, transportu, oraz emisji przemysłowych, czyli główni pracodawcy australijskiego rynku pracy. Sam sektor węglowy odpowiada za zatrudnienie w sposób niebezpośredni ok. 140 tys. ludzi, przynosząc państwu 60 mld USD zysku tytułem eksportu. Implementacja ETS uruchomi lawinę – przekonuje Stowarzyszenie Węgla Australijskiego. Na pierwszy ogień pójdzie 5 tys. górników, którzy stracą pracę po zamknięciu 18 kopalni.
- Wprowadzenie systemu cen emisji dwutlenku węgla będzie skutkował koniecznością skanalizowania w systemie ETS do 2020 r. ok. 25-30 mld USD, z czego jedynie sektor węglowy zapłaci 18 mld USD. To niebagatelna strata i wyrwa w bilansie ekonomicznym spółek – czytamy w australijskiej prasie.
Organizacje ekologiczne przekonują jednak, że nie ma innej drogi. Węgiel musi zostać zastąpiony przez OZE.
Rząd Australii ogłosił 10 lipca plan redukcji emisji związków węgla do atmosfery, który przewiduje podatek w wysokości 23 dolarów australijskich od tony spalonego węgla od roku 2012.
Plan przewiduje równocześnie ulgi podatkowe dla gospodarstw domowych korzystających z urządzeń emitujących związki węgla. W przeciwnym razie koszty rachunków za energię dla tych gospodarstw znacznie by wzrosły.
Jezeli ma byc 23 dol. za tone spalonego wegla, a my za to mamy miec podniesiona cene za uzywanie energii, to rzad australijski razem z firmami energetycznymi moze nas oszukiwac do woli, bo nikt z obywateli nie dokdzie nigdy do tego, ile ton wegla faktycznie spalono !!!! Papier wszystko przyjmie, z nas cignac beda podatek w nieograniczonych ilosciach.
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