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Dołączył: 26 Cze 2009
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PostWysłany: 10:28, 06 Sie '09   Temat postu: Sekrety Obamy Odpowiedz z cytatem

"A Question of Eligibility" - dokument sumujący niejasności dotyczące feralnego aktu urodzenia Obamy.

WHAT if the president of the United States is not constitutionally eligible to serve? Is it possible that a straightforward criterion was overlooked during a long, grueling, expensive campaign? Why are so many questions about something so simple still going unanswered? "A Question Of Eligibility" goes where no other documentary has dared to go in seeking the answers to those questions, including one that millions of Americans are asking: "Why won't Barack Obama release publicly the long-form birth certificate he claims to have from the state of Hawaii?"

In this video, you will hear from four experts on the subject: Dr. Jerome Corsi, author of the New York Times No. 1 bestseller "The Obama Nation"; Orly Taitz, the Southern California lawyer who has led the legal fight to secure the evidence of Barack Obama's eligibility; Alan Keyes, a third-party presidential candidate in 2008 and the man who challenged Obama for the Illinois U.S. Senate seat that served as a springboard to his presidential ambitions; and Janet Porter, radio talk-show host and political activist who has championed the constitutional issue.

download: http://www.mininova.org/tor/2819544
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