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InterReflections - nowy film by Peter Joseph  
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PostWysłany: 12:22, 12 Gru '20   Temat postu: InterReflections - nowy film by Peter Joseph Odpowiedz z cytatem

Wyszedł nowy film Petera Josepha, czyli twórcy m.in. trzyczęściowego Zetigest'a

Poniżej zwiastun - cały film można znaleźć w necie.

Z tego co wiem nie ma jeszcze polskich napisów.

Dzięki @Dawid za podesłanie info emailem.

Strona filmu: https://www.interreflectionsmovie.com/

Link do pełnej (odpłatnej) wersji na Vimeo:

InterReflections explores deep social issues. In three timelines our main story takes us into the future when ecological crisis and inequality has destabilized society. John Taylor, a defected government intelligence agent turned revolutionary leader, is captured by his former colleague and nemesis, Simon Devoe. Simon leads a government spy agency, encouraging John to join him to avoid punishment. Simon humors John as they debate ideas about humanity, seeing no possibility of John's escape. But John has a secret. Our second timeline follows a woman in modern day, experiencing life as a horror show, reflecting issues such as racism and environmental destruction. Fired from her job, she sets about finding another. Her journey transforms her. Timeline three takes place 100 years forward as four academics of this future talk about the way things used to be in the early 21st century. They speak of "The Great Transition", a dramatic global revolution that changed everything for the better.
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InterReflections - nowy film by Peter Joseph
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