CDC chce przepchnąć obowiązkowe szczepienia w USA
Artykuł, który wywołał spore zamieszanie w sieci początkowo został opublikowany na stronie "Washington Post":
Niestety z niewiadomych przyczyn został on usunięty, w cachach wyszukiwarek także go nie znalazłem. Mimo wszystko zdążyło go skopiować kilka portali, które nagłośniły sprawę:
W obecnej sytuacji zastanawiający jest także wpis, który pojawił się w lutym tego roku na Wolnych Mediach, z którego wynika, że do szczepień sezonowych będzie dodawany także antygen szczepu świńskiej grypy:
Światowa Organizacja Zdrowia (World Health Organization - WHO) w wydanym 18 lutego br. oświadczeniu oznajmiła, że zdecydowała się na wydanie rekomendacji dla producentów szczepionek, dodania do szczepionek przeciwko tzw. sezonowej grypie, antygenu szczepu wirusa A/H1N1, znanego jako świńska grypa.
Nowe szczepionki przeciwko grypie sezonowej, której kolejny sezon przewidziany jest na jesień tego roku, zawierać więc będzie również szczepionkę przeciwko "świńskiej grypie".
Poniżej artykuł, który pojawił się w Washington Post:
(NaturalNews) An advisory panel to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended that every person be vaccinated for the seasonal flu yearly, except in a few cases where the vaccine is known to be unsafe.
"Now no one should say 'Should I or shouldn't I?'" said CDC flu specialist Anthony Fiore.
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices voted 11-0 with one abstention to recommend yearly flu vaccination for everyone except for children under the age of six months, whose immune systems have not yet developed enough for vaccination to be safe, and people with egg allergies or other health conditions that are known to make flu vaccines hazardous. If accepted by the CDC, this recommendation will then be publicized to doctors and other health workers.
The CDC nearly always accepts the advisory committee's recommendations.
Current CDC recommendations call for the yearly vaccination of all children over the age of six months, all adults over the age of 49, health care workers, people with chronic health problems and anyone who cares for a person in one of these groups. These recommendations cover 85 percent of the US population.
Excluded are adults between the ages of 19 and 49 who do not come into close contact with people in high-risk groups. The new recommendation, if adopted, would close that gap, bringing an end to a 10-year campaign by supporters of universal vaccination. In the past, the advisory committee has been reluctant to recommend universal vaccination for fear that it might produce vaccine shortages that place members of higher risk groups in danger. Yet even with current recommendations, only 33 percent of the public gets vaccinated every year, leaving millions of doses to be disposed of.
The H1N1 swine flu scare of the past year played a major role in the committee's about face, both because the disease killed many people falling outside the current recommended vaccine demographic and because it raised public awareness of and demand for vaccines.
Sources for this story include:
Wynika z niego, że panel doradczy CDC rekomenduje, aby corocznie prawie każdy obywatel USA został zaszczepiony przeciwko grypie sezonowej.
Komitet doradczy CDC był jednomyślny: za przyjęciem rekomendacji było 11 osób, jedna wstrzymała się od głosu. Rekomendacja obejmuje wszystkich obywateli z wyjątkiem dzieci poniżej 6 miesiąca, oraz osoby cierpiące na alergie i inne zaburzenia zdrowotne.
Rekomendacja pokrywa populację USA w 85%. Na chwilę obecną corocznie przeciwko grypie szczepia się około 33% obywateli Stanów Zjednoczonych.
Na blogu birdflu666 także pojawił się artykuł na ten temat:
"Now the US government has put together a cocktail of dangerous flu strains, including the swine flu virus, for the seasonal flu jab - and is poised to order everyone in the USA under a mandate anchored in the recently passed health bill legislation.
This is the same jab that had to be suspended in Australia for causing so many convulsions and deaths."
Jak widać Jane także podziela te obawy. Z jej wpisu wynika, że szczepienia będą także zamierały antygen A/H1N1. Pisze, że to ta sama szczepionka, która w Australii jest podejrzewana o wywołanie wielu przypadków drgawek i zgonów.
Ban extended on flu vaccine for children
June 2, 2010
"THE Australian-made flu vaccine Fluvax, found to trigger a nine times higher than the expected rate of convulsions in babies, will remain available for use but subject to precautionary measures.
Fluvax, a product of the vaccine company CSL, has been identified as being the most likely trigger of 59 convulsions in Western Australia and in about 20 cases elsewhere, including four in NSW and six in Victoria. All the babies, most of them under two years, recovered fully.
Despite investigations in the past month, experts have not identified a biological explanation for the higher rate of convulsions. These occurred in nine out of every 1000 children vaccinated, when the expected rate was fewer than one in 1000.
The Commonwealth's chief medical officer, Jim Bishop, said yesterday the suspension of seasonal flu vaccinations for healthy children aged under five would continue.
CSL is also being required to declare the increased convulsion risk in patient information leaflets distributed with Fluvax.
Professor Bishop said that where infants were at risk of respiratory diseases such as asthma, and an influenza shot was advisable, parents should discuss with their doctor whether a seasonal flu vaccination would be the best option.
He urged caution in the use of Fluvax for the under-fives and said the other two seasonal flu vaccines available, Influvac and Vaxigrip, were not yet completely in the clear because of lower use in Australia.
An alternative for both healthy children and those at risk of other diseases was the swine flu vaccine, Panvax, which has been shown to be safe, he said.
Fluvax contains elements designed to protect against two strains of seasonal flu and also against swine flu. The reason why this combination triggers convulsions is not yet known.",.....enia-w-USA