Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005 Posty: 20460
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Wysłany: 17:06, 22 Maj '12
Temat postu: Wybory prezydenckie w Egipcie
Abdel-Moneim Abolfotoh, obecnie prowadzący w sondażach kandydat na prezydenta Egiptu, oświadczył w zeszłym roku, w rozmowie z egipskim uczonym Eric Tragerem, że ataki terrorystyczne z 11 września 2001 były spiskiem amerykańskiego rządu.
9/11 ‘truther’ leading Egyptian presidential race
An Islamist who believes that the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States were an American conspiracy is the front-runner in Egypt’s presidential race, a new poll shows.
Abdel-Moneim Abolfotoh, formerly a leading figure in the Muslim Brotherhood, led the field of 13 candidates with 32 percent of the vote in a survey released Monday by the Washington-based Brookings Institution.
Mr. Abolfotoh expressed his views on the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in an interview last year with Egypt scholar Eric Trager.
Mr. Trager, now with the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, quoted Mr. Abolfotoh as saying:
“It was too big an operation …. They [the United States] didn’t bring this crime before the U.S. justice system until now. Why? Because it’s part of a conspiracy.”
Egyptians will vote Wednesday and Thursday in their first presidential election since the toppling of Hosni Mubarak last year. If none of the candidates wins a majority, the two top vote-getters will compete in a runoff next month.
Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005 Posty: 20460
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Wysłany: 14:56, 20 Cze '12
Temat postu:
In Egypt, Arab Spring Replaced by Military Dictatorship
While competing candidates each declared victory following the presidential election, Egypt’s military made clear just who is in charge of the country, which has been trying to transition towards democracy.
Hours after the polls closed, marking the first presidential balloting since the fall of dictator Hosni Mubarak, the ruling military council, led by Hussein Tantawi, issued a temporary constitution that granted the generals broad powers and reduced the president to little more than a figurehead.
The announcement came after Egyptian media sources declared Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood candidate, the winner of the election. Former Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq also claimed victory.
But it was the apparent success of Morsi that likely prompted the military to assert its dominance, for fear of the Muslim Brotherhood taking control of the government.
Four months ago, the military dissolved Parliament after the Muslim Brotherhood won control of the legislative body.
Under the new constitution, the generals have control of all laws and the national budget, as well as immunity from any oversight.
Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005 Posty: 20460
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Wysłany: 11:24, 25 Cze '12
Temat postu:
Egypt's Morsi says wants to expand Iran ties
Egypt's president-elect tells Iran's Fars news agency he's looking to expand ties with Tehran to create strategic 'balance' in region
Egypt's Islamist President-elect Mohammed Morsi has said he wants to restore long-severed ties with Tehran to create a strategic "balance" in the region, in an interview published on Monday with Iran's Fars news agency.
Diplomatic relations between Egypt and Iran were severed more than 30 years ago, but both countries have signalled a shift in policy since former president Hosni Mubarak was toppled last year in a popular uprising.
"We must restore normal relations with Iran based on shared interests, and expand areas of political coordination and economic cooperation because this will create a balance of pressure in the region," Morsi was quoted as saying in a transcript of the interview.
Fars said it had spoken to Morsy a few hours before the result of the vote was announced on Sunday.
Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005 Posty: 20460
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Wysłany: 09:53, 29 Cze '12
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Musze przyznać, że w mediach czytam zupełnie sprzeczna informacje n.t. tego Muslim Brotherhood co to teraz będzie rządzić Egiptem. Nie wiem co o tym myśleć, ale skoro NATO nie protestuje to zakładam, że im to na rękę...
The CIA-MI6-Mossad Brotherhood Trick Egypt With Muslim Trojan Horse
The Muslim Brotherhood is a Western Trojan Horse that has come to power in Egypt thanks to the indispensable support of the CIA-MI6-Mossad brotherhood.
"The West's ability to install a Muslim Brotherhood government in Egypt, with it's substantial regional standing and influence would be a serious blow not only to Syria, but to Iran as well. The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is already echoing calls by the US and Israel for "intervention" in Syria." - Tony Cartalucci, "US Struggles to Install Proxy "Brotherhood" in Egypt."
Stuxnet and Flame are not the only viruses that have been created by the U.S. and Israeli intelligence agencies. The Muslim Brotherhood is perhaps Washington's most successful and dangerous virus that it has injected into the veins of the Middle East. It is an intellectual virus that destroys critical thinking among Muslims, excites their animal passions, and makes them act against their own interests.
With this virus firmly embedded in Egypt's social and political life, Washington has guaranteed its position in the region for years to come. But by no means does the Muslim Brotherhood have anything close to a majority of popular support in Egypt. Since half the country didn't vote in the election, the new president Mohammed Morsi only has the backing of "26% of the full electorate."
Whatever course Morsi decides to take Egypt in the coming months, it is already clear that his government will resemble a gang even more than the one currently in power. The only difference is that Washington wanted the Muslim Brotherhood on top in Egypt, so it won.
What does Morsi's win in Egypt mean for relations between the Western world and the Islamic world? I don't know. But say goodbye to the Arab Spring, and say hello to the Islamist Summer. Washington's Muslim Brotherhood is the new face of Egypt. In the past year, similar radical Islamist groups have taken over in Libya and Tunisia as the result of illegal Western interventions.
Well played, Washington, London, and Tel Aviv. Now you have your war against Islam. Now you can point at the bad guys, the rising Islamists, and tell your populations to hate and fear.
9/11 didn't do enough to stir the passions and subdue the Western mind under a dark cloud of terror. The rise of Islamists in the wake of the CIA's Arab Spring might do the trick. The West has the jitters now. The Muslim Brotherhood is in power. Oooooh, so scary. "Oh my God, not the Muslim Brotherhood. O' Government Master, please keep me safe from those bad guys. I'll do anything you want."
The success of the Muslim Brotherhood at the polls is a big win for the Israeli government, which was secretly supporting Morsi all along.
How does Israel win? It can identify the Muslim Brotherhood as a powerful enemy of Israel that's been democratically elected by Egyptian voters, and continue to portray Arabs as anti-Jewish extremists. Israel's PR machine was spinning into gear even before the votes were counted. Israel was like, "Let's go Muslim Brothers. Win, baby, win. Win so we can have war."
After helping Washington to put Islamic extremists in power across North Africa, Israel can say to the world, "Look, we're surrounded by our enemies, the rising Islamic extremists. Help! Help! I'm drowning! I'm drowning! Help!" And Washington will respond, "Oh, my dear Israel, you poor thing, here are more weapons for your new acts of aggression. Start new wars, as much as you like. We're right here behind you, and we're not going to let you drown."
Washington's new Islamist pawns in power in the Arab world could become very unpopular and an anti-Islamist coalition may rise and defeat them. Or not. The victory of the Muslim Brotherhood shows that America's last days in the heartland of Arabia are still very far away.
Dołączył: 28 Cze 2012 Posty: 256
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Wysłany: 10:05, 29 Cze '12
Temat postu:
A mógłbyś chociaż konkluzję, podsumowanie danego artykułu tłumaczyć?
Wiesz, ja znam angielski na tyle by zrozumieć co tam jest napisane.
Ale jest wielu, którzy nie znają.
I poza tym, chyba żyjemy w Polsce, to forum jest polskie, piszemy i mówimy po polsku, więc elementarny szacunek dla czytelnika byłby mile widziany.
No chyba, że się mylę. Wszak 23 lata wpajania w mózgownice, że anglosasi to nasi kochający nas przyjaciele, będący ojcem i matką, zobowiązują nas do posługiwania się językiem "rodziców".
Za czasów zaborów tajne nauczanie, konspiracje, "podziemie" rozmawiało i dyskutowało po polsku. Żeby nie dać się wynarodowić.
_________________ "Demokracja niesie wyłącznie piękne słowa ale ani pracy ani chleba." - Labadine
Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005 Posty: 20460
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Wysłany: 10:13, 29 Cze '12
Temat postu:
WSTYD - to co najwyżej to, że grubo ponad połowa Polaków zna angielski jedynie na poziomie "fuck you", gdy prawie wszyscy od urodzenia najchętniej oglądali akurat hollywoodzkie filmy.
A niech się uczą, barany - na naukę nigdy nie jest za późno, a ja nie mam czasu, żeby im jeszcze tłumaczyć, zwłaszcza za darmo, bo tłumaczenie to żadna rozrywka, a raczej ciężka praca.
Dobrze dla tych głąbów, że im choć ktoś treści wynajduje i podstawia pod nosek, a Google im daje darmowy translator - bo by się nieuki swą patriotyczną dumą, w tych swoich polskich mediach, na śmierć gównem zaczytali. I umarli by jeszcze głupi niż już są.
Dołączył: 18 Kwi 2010 Posty: 2310
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Wysłany: 10:46, 29 Cze '12
Temat postu:
W wolnych chwilach warto poniższą opinię przetłumaczyć bo w sposób zwięzły i fachowy wyjaśnia etniczno-teologiczne zawiłości świata islamskiego a na razie główna konkluzja artykułowana przez znawcę
-wygrana Braci Muzułmańskich jest korzystna
-Bracia Muzułmańscy są naturalnymi sojusznikami Iranu (a konkretnie tej formy islamu która tam jest)
-są natomiast naturalnymi ( w teologiczno-kulturowym sensie) wrogami Arabii Saudyjskiej
-Braci Muzułmańscy zawsze popierali Hamas więc prawdopodobnie zniosą blokadę Gazy
Dołączył: 18 Kwi 2010 Posty: 2310
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Wysłany: 15:29, 29 Cze '12
Temat postu:
salparadise napisał:
Nie rozumiem co mówi, więc zapytam: korzystna dla kogo? Dla muzułmańskich fundamentalistów?
No właśnie nie rozumiesz dlatego będziesz niestety musiał poczekać na pełną translację.Ich wygrana będzie korzystna dla regionu a fundamentalistami akurat nie są.Doktrynerska i całkowicie podporządkowana amerykańskim interesom jest akurat teologia islamska obowiązująca w Arabii Saudyjskiej i właśnie tam funkcjonuje rozsadnik fundamentalizmu.
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