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Jerzy Ulicki-Rek

Dołączył: 18 Gru 2007
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PostWysłany: 03:32, 07 Lis '09   Temat postu: Pomylka w scenariuszu Odpowiedz z cytatem


Czytaliscie o strzelaninie w bazie amerykanskiej armii w Texasie?
To poczytajcie troche wiecej Smile
To maja byc "rzetelne wiadomosci"Smile

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Dołączył: 20 Maj 2008
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PostWysłany: 23:53, 07 Lis '09   Temat postu: Re: Pomylka w scenariuszu Odpowiedz z cytatem

Jerzy Ulicki-Rek napisał:

Czytaliscie o strzelaninie w bazie amerykanskiej armii w Texasie?
To poczytajcie troche wiecej Smile
To maja byc "rzetelne wiadomosci"Smile


"Co to za zagadka!
Dwie kulki i 60 ofiar....w miejscu -gdzie 50tys chłopów nosi bron...strzelają.
General odpowiedzialny za akcje informuje parę godzin ze strzelający nie żyje!
Po paru godzinach nieżycia...nieboszczyk ozywa i...Malik Hassan się nazywa!

Wojciechowo...jak waszemu Wojciechowi na imię???- pytal Srulek jako ankieter:-))) "
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Dołączył: 29 Sie 2006
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PostWysłany: 00:48, 08 Lis '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

też najpierw czytałem że strzały padały z trzech miejsc...
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Jerzy Ulicki-Rek

Dołączył: 18 Gru 2007
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PostWysłany: 01:38, 08 Lis '09   Temat postu: Re: Pomylka w scenariuszu Odpowiedz z cytatem

JerzyS napisał:
Jerzy Ulicki-Rek napisał:

Czytaliscie o strzelaninie w bazie amerykanskiej armii w Texasie?
To poczytajcie troche wiecej Smile
To maja byc "rzetelne wiadomosci"Smile


"Co to za zagadka!
Dwie kulki i 60 ofiar....w miejscu -gdzie 50tys chłopów nosi bron...strzelają.
General odpowiedzialny za akcje informuje parę godzin ze strzelający nie żyje!
Po paru godzinach nieżycia...nieboszczyk ozywa i...Malik Hassan się nazywa!

Wojciechowo...jak waszemu Wojciechowi na imię???- pytal Srulek jako ankieter:-))) "

Kiedys mowilismy"Zabili go i uciekl..."
Ale to byl tylko zart:)

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Dołączył: 20 Wrz 2009
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PostWysłany: 21:10, 08 Lis '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

A tu jeszcze lepsza rzecz.


11 września i "tykająca bomba"- sensacja ws. masakry w USA

Nidal Malik Hasan był powiązany z zamachowcami, którzy zaatakowali USA 11 września 2001 roku - pisze "Sunday Telegraph". Z kolei osoba, która miała okazję poznać Hasana, określiła go mianem "tykającej bomby zegarowej".
Pierwszy taki przypadek od 48 lat? Dramatyczny finał masakry -

Wojskowy psychiatra zastrzelił w czwartek 13, a ranił 30 przypadkowych osób w bazie wojskowej Fort Hood w Teksasie w USA.

Nidal Malik Hasan odprawiał religijne obrzędy w budzącym kontrowersje meczecie Dar al-Hijrah w Great Falls (Virginia, USA). Działo się to w 2001 roku - w tym samym czasie bywali też tam dwaj mężczyźni, którzy potem dokonali zamachu na World Trade Center i Pentagon - dowiedział się "Sunday Telegraph". W tym czasie imamem w meczecie był radykał Anwar al-Awlaki. Urodzony w Jemenie obywatel Stanów Zjednoczonych.

Uroczystości pogrzebowe matki miały miejsce w Dar al-Hijrah

Dodatkowo, pogrzeb matki autora masakry w Fort Hood odbył się w maju tegoż roku właśnie w tej świątyni. Wskazuje to na bliskie związki Nidala Malika Hasana z kontrowersyjnym meczetem.

Wspomniany duchowny, Anwar al-Awlaki, był "doradcą duchowym" trzech spośród terrorystów z 11 września. Charles Allen, b. podsekretarz ds. wywiadowczych w Departamencie Obrony, tak charakteryzuje imama: - Jest zwolennikiem Al-Kaidy i był "doradcą duchowym" trzech zamachowców z 11 września. Co ważne, w nagraniach umieszczanych w internecie imam nawoływał amerykańskich muzułmanów do dokonywania kolejnych ataków terrorystycznych.

Jak pisze "Sunday Telegraph", trafił on do Dar al-Hijrah w styczniu 2001 roku. Potem zjawili się tam Nawaf al-Hamzi i Hani Hanjour. Kolejny, trzeci już terrorysta miał kontakt z al-Awlakim jeszcze w stanie Kalifornia, przed przenosinami do Wirginii.

Hasan to "tykająca bomba zegarowa"

Policja potwierdziła już, że w krytycznym czasie, przed zamachami na WTC, po nauki do radykalnego imama przychodził także Nidal Malik Hasan. Obecnie FBI stara się ustalić, czy sprawca masakry w Fort Hood kontaktował się ze sprawcami największego zamachu terrorystycznego w dziejach USA.

- Byłem zszokowany, ale nie zaskoczony informacjami o ataku - tak tę tragedię komentuje dr Val Finnell, który miał okazję poznać poglądy Hasana podczas szkolenia na przełomie 2007 i 2008 roku. Inny uczestnik tegoż szkolenia - po tym jak usłyszał o wojowniczych poglądach psychiatry nt. zamachów samobójczych - doniósł służbom wojskowym. Stwierdził przy tym, że Hasan jest "tykającą bombą zegarową".

Fort Hood - krwawa łaźnia psychiatry

W czwartek ogień do żołnierzy w bazie Fort Hood w Teksasie otworzył oficer-psychiatra, Nidal Malik Hasan. Bilans masakry to 13 ofiar śmiertelnych ataku. Kolejnych 30 osób odniosło obrażenia.

Sprawcą jest 39-letni major Nidal Malik Hasan, który został postrzelony i w stanie śpiączki przebywa w szpitalu. Do masakry doszło w tzw. Centrum Gotowości Bojowej, gdzie kieruje się żołnierzy na testy medyczne przed wysłaniem na front lub tuż po powrocie z wojny.

Trwa dochodzenie w sprawie motywów i ewentualnych problemów psychicznych Hasana.

Rodzina sprawcy pochodziła z Jordanii. Jego kuzyn Nader Hasan powiedział telewizji Fox, że Nidal Malik Hasan jest muzułmaninem i starał się uniknąć wysłania na front.
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Jerzy Ulicki-Rek

Dołączył: 18 Gru 2007
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PostWysłany: 00:43, 09 Lis '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Coraz lepiej:)
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Jerzy Ulicki-Rek

Dołączył: 18 Gru 2007
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PostWysłany: 03:01, 09 Lis '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Joined: 06 Nov 2007
Posts: 5183

Posted: 09 Nov 2009 12:56 am Post subject:


Jeszcze troche to zrobia z Nalika pedofila:)
Tutaj jest wstep:)

"-- Los Angeles Times reports: Nidal Hasan Said Muslims Should Not Be In Military
-- " Over the last few weeks, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan drove off the vast Army base at Ft. Hood, Texas, at least a dozen times to enjoy seafood dinners with Duane Reasoner Jr., an 18-year-old he was mentoring in the ways of Islam."
-- "'He said he didn't want to go to Iraq or Afghanistan,' said Reasoner, who was raised as a Catholic. 'He didn't want to be deployed. He said Muslims shouldn't be in the U.S. military, because obviously Muslims shouldn't kill Muslims. He told me not to join the Army.'"

"(...)W ciagu ostatnich kilku tygodni mjr.Nidal Malik Hasan wyjezdzal z bazy w Fort Hood wielokrotnie aby zjesc obiad w towarzystwie 18-letniego Duane Reasoner Jr ,ktoremu wyjasnial tajniki islamu".

Tutaj jeszcze troche wiecej od bylego "kolegi".
Troche wiecej i troche inaczej:)

"-- Los Angeles Times: Nidal Hasan Did Presentations on Islam and War During Environmental Health Class

-- "One of Hasan's classmates in the [disaster and military psychiatry fellowship] program said he doubted the man's commitment to the military. He told students, 'I'm a Muslim first and an American second,' ' Dr. Val Finnell, now a lieutenant colonel at the Los Angeles Air Force Base, said in a telephone interview. 'I really questioned his loyalty.'"
-- "Finnell said he first became suspicious of Hasan shortly after the program began when Hasan gave a provocative presentation in an environmental health class. Other students focused on topics including mold and water contamination. Hasan's project asked "whether the war on terror is a war against Islam,' Finnell said. "
-- " 'It was very off-topic,' Finnell said. 'I raised my hand and said, 'What does this have to do with environmental health?' "
-- "Finnell said Hasan became agitated when he was challenged and became 'sweaty and nervous and emotional.'"

To tez jest doskonale:

"-- On Friday, November 7, 2009 at 10 PM ET, the CNN television show "Anderson Cooper 360" reported further on Nidal Hasan. CNN reported that Nidal Hasan repeatedly used a neighbor's computer. CNN's reported that according to his apartment manager John Thompson, Nidal Hasan had strict orders that no one was to go into his apartment without him being there. Apartment manager John Thompson told CNN that the only time that he was known to have a visitor was the day before the shooting. CNN reported that witnesses described the visitor as "dark-skinned, had bushy eyebrows, and was dressed in Islamic clothing."

Zapomnieli tylko dodac ,ze ten tajemniczy gosc przyjechal na wielbladzie okrytym iranska flaga:)

Wolna Polska zaczyna sie tutaj
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Dołączył: 30 Gru 2007
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PostWysłany: 03:59, 09 Lis '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

A za paręnaście godzin dowiemy się, że był jednym z głównych współpracowników Osamy... tego od binladenów.
Ja też na początku słyszałem o 3 strzelających z których dwójka miała być zabita. Tak podawano na banerze informacyjnym na BBC.

Mi coś w tym, śmierdzi. Za dużo robi się wokoło tej sprawy szumu informacyjnego, Nie ma rzetelnego przedstawienia sytuacji a jedynie nakręcanie tła. A, że miał udziały w jakimś meczecie, ą że związany z zamachami 9/11 (ciekawe jak skoro nie było samolotów) a to, że chodzi w "piżamie" i jak ktoś napisał niebawem dopiszą, że miał osiołka z flaga iracka. Ponoć zakrzyczał coś po persku w stylu "Allah jest wielki"... za dużo tych negatywów wokoło prasa tworzy, tak jak by za wszelką cenę chcieli totalnego miedzy narodowego żądania kary śmierci i zapomnienia dla tego gościa a jednocześnie wybielić resztę... na zasadzie, bo to był terrorysta i psychol... Komuś na tym wyjątkowo zależy - takie odnoszę wrażenie.
A przy okazji, pamiętajcie, że skoro nie wiadomo o co biega, to biega o pieniądze. Może doszło do kłótni o podział zysków z handlu prochami, wyposażeniem wojskowym, ustawionymi przetargami? W Wojsku to normalne, wystarczy zobaczyć nasze wojsko a zwłaszcza marynarkę.
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Dołączył: 03 Mar 2009
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PostWysłany: 10:43, 09 Lis '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

To w sumie normalne. USA nie przyzna przecież, że ich wojskowi, wycho(do)wani na rdzennych amerykańskich hamburgerach z bliżej nieznanych przyczyn zaczęli strzelać we własnej bazie. Lepiej to zatuszować i do tego wymyslić historyjkę o dowódcy z arabskimi korzeniami no i oczywiście przy okazji przypomnieć o straszliwym ciosie dla całego zachodniego świata, jakim był 11 września. Strach się bać! Niewierni atakują! Smile
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Ogląda profil użytkownika Wyślij prywatną wiadomość

Dołączył: 20 Wrz 2009
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PostWysłany: 18:44, 09 Lis '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Ja wiem, ja wiem. Zabil wtylu ludzi, wiec byl dobrym strzelcem wyszkolil sie przedtym jak zabil Kennedego. Usunal 18 minut z tasmy z afery Watergate, zadluzyl kraj na 11 trylionow, przebral sie ma Monike L. i uwiodl Clintona po czym zeslal na Stany Huragan Cathrina. Smile
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Ogląda profil użytkownika Wyślij prywatną wiadomość

Dołączył: 29 Sie 2006
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PostWysłany: 19:35, 09 Lis '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

ciekawe czy wszyscy psychiatrzy tak dobrze strzelają...
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Jerzy Ulicki-Rek

Dołączył: 18 Gru 2007
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PostWysłany: 23:48, 09 Lis '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Wiedzmin napisał:
Ja wiem, ja wiem. Zabil wtylu ludzi, wiec byl dobrym strzelcem wyszkolil sie przedtym jak zabil Kennedego. Usunal 18 minut z tasmy z afery Watergate, zadluzyl kraj na 11 trylionow, przebral sie ma Monike L. i uwiodl Clintona po czym zeslal na Stany Huragan Cathrina. Smile

Trafiles w dziesiatke.
o tym poczytamuy juz wkrotce:)
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Jerzy Ulicki-Rek

Dołączył: 18 Gru 2007
Posty: 9351
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PostWysłany: 07:41, 10 Lis '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem


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Dołączył: 03 Paź 2009
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PostWysłany: 12:22, 10 Lis '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Już pisałam o tym w temacie viewtopic.php?p=123780#123780
ale jeszcze raz wkleję linka - http://conspiracygrimoire.com/2009/11/07.....s-haywire/
"Virginia Tech is good for two things, engineering and mind control." – Cathy O’Brien

Major Nidal Malik Hasan ukończył Virginia Tech. Inny student Virginia Tech - Seung-Hui Cho zabił 32 studentów i siebie w kwietniu 2007.
Powrót do góry
Ogląda profil użytkownika Wyślij prywatną wiadomość
Jerzy Ulicki-Rek

Dołączył: 18 Gru 2007
Posty: 9351
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PostWysłany: 07:46, 11 Lis '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Nov. 10, 2009

This interview is online here:

Interviewer: Why have you termed it "Fort HOODwink"?

Hoffman: The Freemasons have many occult sayings that have become part
of our common parlance, such as: on the level; square deal, hoodwink,
etc. In masonry a hoodwink is a synonym for the secrecy with which
masonic rites are kept from the prying, unhallowed eyes of the

Interviewer: What would you say is the most striking aspect of the Fort
Hood shootings?

Hoffman: There are so many anomalies, things that just don't add up, but
rather than going into hypotheses that would be difficult for most
people to follow, I'll focus on something glaring, which is -- the rush
to judgment of Hasan -- the total mockery of the ancient right of
innocent until proven guilty.

Interviewer: You mean in naming Major Hasan as the shooter and the only

Hoffman: Yes, that's part of it. Even if he was the gunman, even if was
another lone nut, the precedent that's been set here by the government's
mouthpiece corporate media is dreadful. They report as fact whatever the
government chooses to tell them. Notice too that the Glenn Beck
anti-government rebels believe the government in this Texas case, just
like Beck believes the government narrative in the 9/11 attacks. It's
remarkable, this bipolar suspension of the suspicion of government when
it comes to official government accounts of shootings, wars and
terrorist attacks.

Interviewer: Anything else?

Hoffman: In addition to proclaiming Major Hasan guilty until proven
innocent, the effect of Fort Hoodwink on the public, as filtered through
the media, is to induce in the American people one of the lowest,
dumbest, golem-like mentalities of obtuseness.

Interviewer: That's insulting to your fellow Americans.

Hoffman: They insult themselves by their behavior. A friend in
California who is one of the few honest attorneys e-mailed me and
pointed out that if there were two or more shooters, as eyewitnesses
initially reported, then it could be that one or more of them is one of
the "victims" mourned by Obama today.

Interviewer: You're blaming the victims?

Hoffman: How do we know they're all victims? Tell me how we know that
every one of the dead in Fort Hood is a victim of Hasan, a mere 100 or
so hours after the shooting? Give me a break. Let's dispense with the
boy scout gullibility. Assassination tactics sometimes entail a backup
shooter to eliminate the main shooter after the job is done. This was
the m.o. when the head of the Columbo crime family was shot in New York
in 1971. The assassin himself was immediately shot by a second assassin
put in place for that very task.

Interviewer: Major Hasan may have killed the shooter or shooters
responsible for the killings at Fort Hood?

Hoffman: I don't know if he did or didn't, but it's certainly a
possibility given early reports of "eyewitness testimony" of more than
one shooter. Consider a plausible scenario: Hasan is told he's going to
stop a mass murder and he's sent in for that very reason and then after
he kills the actual shooter or shooters he's left holding the bag.

Interviewer: You think the President may have honored one of the killers
at today's (Nov. 10) memorial service for the victims? You're saying
that one of those mourned as a victim was actually a perpetrator?

Hoffman: Stranger things have been known to happen. What I do know for
certain, as a reporter who investigated crime cases for the Associated
Press in New York, is what every cop and detective worth his salt knows,
that a crime like this cannot be neatly wrapped up and tied in a ribbon
a few days after it was committed. Today's presidential memorial service
in Fort Hood, centering on Obama's speech, was a way of preempting
questions that should be asked but are not being asked. Instead, only
approved questions are getting asked.

Interviewer: Such as?

Hoffman: Such as, to what extent was this a Muslim extremist conspiracy.
Those are the only kind of questions that are being allowed or

Interviewer: If it's so obvious that there's more to it, why don't more
people see what you see?

Hoffman: Mass hypnotism. As Charles Fort once said, the proper hypnotic
belief has been induced and people believe properly. That's been the
story of humanity from time immemorial, but Americans are too puffed up
on their own pride to believe that they are susceptible to hypnotic
cues. They discount their hypnotic susceptibility, which makes them
ideal hypnotic subjects.

Interviewer: What's the main objective of the operation in Fort Hood, if
it was actually a government set-up?

Hoffman: First and foremost is the precedent of a mouthpiece media
acting as a shill for the government. It happened in the aftermath of
Sept. 11 and it's happening in the aftermath of the 5th of November.
People are getting conditioned to axiomatic belief in what the
government decrees where violent crimes or wars are involved. They won't
believe Obama on health care, abortion or gun control, but they'll
believe him when it comes to Fort Hood. Even the enemies of the Obama
administration are seen to believe the administration in this case.
That's a very powerful precedent and it's intended to apply under a
Republican or a Democratic administration. Believe and obey what they
say when the guns begin to fire, and Americans by and large do, without
doubting or revolting.

We are losing our humanity. We're so dumbed down, even as our digital
gadgets and personal computers evolve to ever higher planes of magical
realism. The alchemical component in this process, the real alchemy, is
not base metals into gold, it is the gold of humanity coagulated into
the basest shadow of what it means to be human; voila -- human alchemy.
Mozart portrayed something along these lines in his "Magic Flute" opera,
shortly before his untimely sudden death and the disappearance of his

Interviewer: Any other dimension to this that benefits the powers that

Hoffman: There is the stirring of the embers of hatred for Muslims and
Islam, the "clash of civilizations;" the idea that we can terror-bomb
Afghan wedding parties and dismiss it as "collateral damage" and still
consider ourselves heroes and sleep well at night -- although many
front-line American troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan are not
sleeping well at night, because they still have a conscience, unlike the
top brass. But no Afghan is supposed to send any avenging troops against
us, here in America, to defend the lives of Afghan people from our
bombs. We claim that right while we deny it to them. That's Talmudic.

The test of the justice of any law is its universality. When you have
one law for the agents of the American empire and another for the people
of the Third World, you have a rabbinic standard. Yesterday the head of
a Talmud school (yeshiva) in the occupied Palestinian territories, Rabbi
Yitzhak Shapiro, published a book, The King's Torah, calling for the
murder of the children and infants of gentiles who thwart "Israel."

Almost no one among the super-patriots who have methodically studied the
"evils" of the religion of Islam from alpha to omega, knows anything
about this rabbi's ruling, or many similar rulings from what are called,
in Judaism, the "posikim." It's rabbinic theology like this that got
1400 Palestinians slaughtered last December and January. But to the
superior Talmudic mind, what is done to the inferior non-Talmudic being
doesn't register. Victims of Zionism and Talmudism have no right to
fight back. "Christian" America has adopted this Talmudic standard.
Palestinian resistance is completely illegitimate in the eyes of
contemporary Western governments and media.

This applies to resistance by all Muslims anywhere, unless it involves
Muslims battling against Christians like the Serbs, who the Cryptocracy
also fear, as apart of a resurgent Russia and Russian Orthodox Church,
which is a hereditary enemy of Judaics like the recently deceased
physicist Vitalty Ginzburg, one of the architects of the Soviet atomic
bomb. In the case of Serbia, the Cryptocracy played the Muslims against
the Serbs and NATO terror-bombed Serbia for weeks, "in defense of Muslim
civilians." Yeah, right.

I would add that in this age of instant communication and a dearth of
deep reflection or contemplation, we have been given the illusion that a
man can be justly tried and convicted in the media of all places, of a
heinous crime, in the space of five days. We're speeding everything up
to the detriment of thought and reflection -- or for that matter,
serious thought at all. Fort Hood is an example of this. We've become
nerve-endings tethered to Twitter, the Internet and simplistic
"solutions" to what are, at the very least, mysterious and complex
criminal cases with plaintiffs and defendants that deserve a fair test
of evidence and a suspension of belief in the guilt of the accused. All
that is lost here. Suddenly in Hasan's case, the Constitution doesn't
apply. He's guilty of everything General Cone and Fox News say he did.
Period. Unless they change the script and then we'll believe the new
script and mentally discard the old one. This is the essence of

Interviewer: What criminal cases have you investigated as a reporter?

Hoffman: The big ones have been the Double Initial murders in Rochester,
New York, which is still an open case; the Son of Sam murders in New
York City; and the Unabomber. Those are three that I worked on
personally; others I have sleuthed long distance, but with those three I
was actively involved with the investigation. All three cases are
discussed in my book, "Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare."

Interviewer: Are you optimistic about the future in terms of solving the
conspiracies we have today?

Hoffman: Not all of them are necessarily conspiracies. But Fort Hood
obviously stinks, at least that's what my instincts tell me. The way
they resurrected Hasan from the dead -- he either survived when he
wasn't supposed to, or they changed the script and decided he was worth
more to them alive than dead, in terms of a courtroom circus and
show-trial; especially if he's medicated, as I believe Ted Kaczynski was
at his sentencing.

The shootings in Texas happened on what is known legally as a military
reservation; that means witnesses and bystanders are constrained under
loyalty and secrecy oaths by reason of their military service and by
reason of where the shootings took place.

Interviewer: Any disadvantages for the System in the Fort Hood killings?

Hoffman: Muslims the world over are enraged at how Americans and
Israelis treat the most defenseless civilians in their families and
neighborhoods as so much crap to be flushed. When we kill their
grandmothers, brothers, mothers and babies we refuse to take
responsibility for our crimes. We call them collateral damage. We say
the child-victims we kill were killed while being callously used as
"human shields" -- which is a neocon canard refuted in Gaza by the
Goldstone Report. What we've done in Iraq and Afghanistan, and what our
Israeli "ally" has perpetrated in Lebanon and occupied Palestine, is the
slaughter of dehumanized Arabs, some of whom are Christians, and of
course many of whom are Muslim; all are less than zero in the eyes of
the Cryptocracy and for that matter, large segments of the American

Americans are okay with this because our victims are not wealthy whites
or Freemasons; they're not "Jews," so who cares? But the fact is, the
Muslims care, and the awful blowback from the "clash of civilizations"
which the Cryptocracy so assiduously wants to escalate into
generational, perpetual war for perpetual "peace and democracy," is that
it is a war we can't possibly win.

Zionists, Orthodox rabbis and occultists are ultimately
self-destructive; they serve a god with no loyalty to them. They are
coffin riders hurtling this planet into a conflagration, the only actual
beneficiary of which is the devil. The disadvantage for the System in
this case is that Major Hasan the cartoon-monster --as opposed to Major
Hasan the actual man -- is now a figure of heroic avenging resistance to
millions of Muslims worldwide who have been on the receiving end of the
Cryptocracy's "power over the air,'" which they ritually cultivated with
their parrot familiars long before they gained actual air force power
over the civilizations of the Near East.

Interviewer: What are "parrot familiars"?

Hoffman: Let's save that one for another time.

Copyright 2009 by Michael Hoffman. All Rights Reserved.

If you have benefited from Mr. Hoffman's information, be fair and send a
donation to keep him working. Thank you.

The Masqueraders' Jest

Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare

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Jerzy Ulicki-Rek

Dołączył: 18 Gru 2007
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PostWysłany: 11:43, 13 Lis '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Ciag dalszy tez jest intrygujacy:
Dowodca mjr.Nalika odmawia odpowiedzi na pytania zwiazane z cala sprawa ,m.in.odmowil odpowiedzi na pytanie kto naprawde postrzelil Nalika.
Oficjalna wersja robi bohaterke z - Sgt. Kimberly D. Munley ,podczas gdy swiadek twierdzi ,ze to nie ona a sgt.Todd postrzelil Nalika po tym gdy ten nieco wczesniej postrzelil nasza bohaterke.
Nie bylo rowniez odpowiedzi jak to sie stalo ,ze mjr.Nalik w pierwszej wersji zginal w strzelaninie a potem zmartwychwstal:

"These questions are specific to the investigation and I am not going to
address that," Colonel Rossi said.



Revelation of the Method:


At Fort Hood, Witness Credits Second Officer
By James C, McKinley Jr. | New York Times | Nov. 12, 2009

Online here:

KILLEEN, Tex. - Sgt. Kimberly D. Munley has been applauded as a hero
across the nation for shooting down Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan during the
bloody rampage at Fort Hood last week. The account of heroism, given by
the authorities, attracted the attention of newspapers, the networks and
television talk shows.

But the story of how the petite police officer and the accused gunman
went down in an exchange of gunfire does not agree with the account of
an eyewitness who had gone to the base's processing center, where the
shooting occurred, to conduct business before being deployed.

The witness, who asked not to be identified, said Major Hasan wheeled on
Sergeant Munley as she rounded the corner of a building and shot her,
putting her on the ground. Then Major Hasan turned his back on her and
started putting another magazine into his semiautomatic pistol. It was
at that moment that Senior Sgt. Mark Todd, a veteran police officer,
rounded another corner of the building, found Major Hasan fumbling with
his weapon and shot him.

How the authorities came to issue the original version of the story,
which made Sergeant Munley a national hero for several days and obscured
Sergeant Todd's role, remains unclear. (Military officials also said for
several hours after the shooting that Major Hasan had been killed,
although he had survived.)

Six days after the deadly shooting rampage at a center where soldiers
were preparing for deployment, the military has yet to put out a full
account of what happened.

At a news conference outside the post on Wednesday, Lt. Col. John Rossi
refused to take questions about who shot Major Hasan or why the initial
reports said it had been Sergeant Munley rather than Sergeant Todd. "

These questions are specific to the investigation and I am not going to
address that," Colonel Rossi said.

Public affairs officials also declined to make Chuck Medley, the
director of emergency services at the post, available for questions. It
was Mr. Medley, who oversees the post's civilian police and fire
departments, who gave the first account of how Sergeant Munley stopped
the gunman.

...the quickness of the military to label someone a hero seemed
reminiscent of the case of Pfc. Jessica Lynch in 2003, when the Army
initially reported Private Lynch had been captured in Iraq after a
Rambo-like performance in which she emptied her weapon and was wounded
in battle. It was later learned she had been badly hurt in a vehicle
accident during an ambush and was being well cared for by the Iraqis.

(End quote from the NY Times).
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Dołączył: 26 Cze 2009
Posty: 250
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PostWysłany: 22:59, 20 Lis '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

analiza Webstera Tarpely'a


w audycji Jonesa:
cz. 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JnhjiT__M8
cz. 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfCv-MfYSO8
The storm is coming.
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