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Dołączył: 26 Cze 2009
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PostWysłany: 17:07, 15 Sie '09   Temat postu: Oceaniczny Holocaust Odpowiedz z cytatem

We wrześniu rozpoczynają się pięcioletnie ćwiczenia Amerykańskiej Marynarki w czasie których zdziesiątkowane zostaną morskie zwierzęta. Narodowa Służba Rybołówstwa Morskiego przygotowuje się do wydania pozwolenia na zabicie 11,7 miliona ssaków morskich w Pacyfiku.
Ćwiczenia obejmują wykrywanie okrętów podwodnych przy użyciu sonarów średniej i wysokiej częstotliwości, oraz manewry z ostrą amunicją, podwodne eksplozje. Co będzie miało olbrzymi wpływ na ssaki morskie które nie potrafią się lokalizować w szumie sonarowym: http://www.nrdc.org/wildlife/marine/sonarvideo/video.asp

Nie bez znaczenia dla nas jest też fakt zanieczyszczenia oceanów odpadami aluminium, zubożonego uranu, fosforu i co tylko armia ma na stanie...

Marynarka dostała zezwolenie na zabijanie wielorybów w czasie ćwiczeń sonarowych na Hawajach:

Navy Allowed to Kill Whales in Hawaii During Sonar Training
WASHINGTON, DC, January 12, 2009 (ENS) - The federal government today issued authorization to the U.S. Navy to impact whales and dolphins while conducting sonar training exercises around the main Hawaiian Islands for the next five years. The letter of authorization and accompanying rules allow for injury or death of up to 10 animals of each of 11 species over the five years covered by the regulations.

The Navy requested authorization under the Marine Mammal Protection Act because the mid-frequency sound generated by tactical active sonar, and the sound and pressure generated by detonating explosives, may affect the behavior of some marine mammals or cause what the Navy calls "a temporary loss of their hearing."

Mid-frequency sonar can emit continuous sound well above 235 decibels, an intensity roughly comparable to a rocket at blastoff across hundreds of miles of ocean to reveal objects, such as submarines, underwater.

NOAA's Fisheries Service, which issued the authorization says serious injury or death to marine mammals is not expected as a result of the exercises. But the agency acknowledges that exposure to sonar has been associated with the stranding of some marine mammals, and some injury or death could occur.


Ssaki morskie i inne formy życia morskiego zostaną zdziesiątkowane:

The United States Navy will be decimating millions of marine mammals and other aquatic life, each year, for the next five years, under their Warfare Testing Range Complex Expansions in the Atlantic, Pacific, and the Gulf of Mexico. The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS under NOAA), has already approved the “taking” of marine mammals in more than a dozen Navy Range Warfare Testing Complexes, and is preparing to issue another permit for 11.7 millions marine mammals (32 Separate Species), to be decimated along the Northern, California, Oregon and Washington areas of the Pacific Ocean.

The total number of marine mammals that will be decimated in the Atlantic, Pacific and the Gulf of Mexico for the next five years is unknown. The NMFS approvals will have a devastating impact upon the marine mammal populations worldwide and this last Navy permit, which is expected to be issued in February 2010, for the “taking” of more than 11.7 million marine mammals in the Pacific will be the final nail in the coffin for any healthy populations of sea life to survive.

Now with ever-increasing numbers of permits being issued for sonar programs in more than twelve ranges in the Pacific, Gulf of Mexico, and the Atlantic regions of the United States, our marine mammals and other sea life are facing complete devastation. When you add bomb blasts to this list, warfare testing of all types, future war testing practice, and the toxic chemicals which are both airborne and to be used underwater, there is little chance that most marine life will survive in any significant numbers. Our U.S. Senators and U.S. Congressmen refuse to postpone these disastrous “takings” or hold U.S. Congressional Hearings while pretending to be ocean environment friendly in their re-election speeches.


Raport na temat manewrów marynarki u wybrzeży Kaliforni:

Manewry armii zabójcze dla wielorybów:


Eko-głupki złazić z tych kominów i zająć się prawdziwą zbrodnią.
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