Przyjaźń Polsko - Węgierska w II wojnie światowej naprawdę istniała?
Węgrzy czasami zrobili krzywdę Polakom II wojnie światowej. Polacy często uciekali przed Węgrami bojąc się o swoje życie.
according to Hungarian Minister Count Csaky and ultimately refused Hitler's requests to participate in any actions against Poland, his armies did control certain areas of Poland during the war. (1) Yet, at the same time the Hungarians voluntarily admitted Poles within their borders. The refugees either lived freely within the borders or found themselves running for their lives dependent upon the Magyars relationship with the Germans or which Hungarian controlled the political arena: e.g., both Dome Sztojay, a puppet of the Nazis, and Ferenc Szalasi, the leader of the Arrow Cross viciously attacked the Poles.
Węgrzy z Niemcami w Polsce w 1944