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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 18:20, 01 Lut '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Trochę w cieniu całego zamieszania wokół ACTA oraz sprawy szefów serwisu Megaupload pojawiła się inna, wcale nie mniej istotna informacja. Otóż szwedzki Sąd Najwyższy odmówił właśnie rozpatrzenia apelacji, którą chcieli złożyć prawnicy czterech współzałożycieli serwisu The Pirate Bay. A to oznacza, że wydane przez sąd niższej instancji wyroki pozbawienia wolności zostały utrzymane w mocy. Po długiej batalii prawnej czterech Szwedów zostało skazanych na kary pobytu w więzieniu za ułatwianie internautom naruszania praw autorskich.

Werdykty w tych sprawach ogłoszono przed rokiem - prawnicy skazanych natychmiast zaczęli domagać się ponownego rozpatrzenia sprawy. Sąd Najwyższy przez dłuższy czas analizował dokumenty sądowe (a były co analizować, bo sądowe perypetie The Pirate Bay zaczęły się w 2006 r.), ale ostatecznie uznał, że sprawa nie kwalifikuje się do ponownego rozpatrywanie i apelacji nie będzie. A to oznacza, że wyroki pozbawienia wolności są ostateczne.

Dziś się dowiedzieliśmy jaki będzie koniec tej historii – czterej twórcy serwisu zostali ostatecznie skazani na kary pozbawienia wolności. Hollywoodzkie koncerny oczywiście się cieszą i chwalą , jak to udało im się ostatecznie pokonać przebrzydłych piratów. Bo niby się udało. Choć z drugiej strony… otwieram Chrome’a, wpisuję http://thepiratebay.se… Działa Smile

całość: http://www.spidersweb.pl/2012/02/piractw.....wszem.html
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Dołączył: 30 Lip 2008
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PostWysłany: 20:03, 22 Lut '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

T minus some days now

In following with our decision to skip .torrent-files in the nearby future one of the biggest steps will come on the 29th of February. We will stop serving .torrent-files for all torrents that has has more than 10 peers from this date.

End of communication.


Magnet link - zapomnij o Pirate Bay!
Klasyczne serwisy wymiany plików znalazły się w opałach, ale dzięki łączom magnet link świętują triumfalny powrót. CHIP przedstawia nową technologię wymiany plików.

Wymiana plików, zazwyczaj nielegalna, cieszy się dużym powodzeniem, nic więc dziwnego, większość transferu danych w Internecie generują właśnie użytkownicy różnego rodzaju serwisów wymiany plików. W obrocie są przede wszystkim pliki chronione prawami autorskimi, takie jak filmy i muzyka. Przemysł rozrywkowy próbuje przeciwdziałać temu procederowi i likwidować serwisy, których funkcjonowanie oznacza dla twórców wymierne finansowe straty.

Firmy z branży rozrywkowej nie bawią się jednak w łapanie płotek wysyłających do Sieci jeden lub dwa oskarowe hity. Koncerny wolą wytaczać procesy operatorom stron linkujących materiały. Jednym z ostatnich sukcesów w walce z piractwem było skazanie na rok pozbawienia wolności czterech założycieli i administratorów portalu The Pirate Bay, czyli jednego z najbardziej popularnych trackerów BitTorrentów. Ponieważ natura nie znosi próżni, szybko okazało się, że internauci znaleźli inny sposób na rozpowszechnianie plików.

Tym sposobem okazały się linki magnetyczne (magnet links), które nie odsyłają do źródła danych na podstawie ich lokalizacji czy nazwy, ale potwierdzają zgodność zawartości plików z wartością hasz (patrz słowniczek). Magnet link jest jednak przydatne nie tylko dla stron, takich jak The Pirate Bay, można go używać również do rozpowszechniania legalnych treści.

CHIP przybliża różnice pomiędzy wariantami ściągania plików, a także prezentuje to, co się zmieniło z punktu widzenia użytkownika. BitTorrent jest jedną z największych sieci P2P (peer-to-peer), za pomocą której użytkownicy mogą wymieniać między sobą pliki. Protokół BitTorrent nie zawiera mechanizmów pozwalających na wyszukiwanie plików, dlatego centralne punkty zbiorcze, np. portale The Pirate Bay czy Mininova, muszą przejąć ich koordynację. W tym celu na wszystkich serwerach operacyjnych pracuje tracker, który zarządza adresami użytkowników i rozdziela je, gdy ci włączą się do Sieci.

TRACKER - znajdujący się na serwerze program do centralnego zarządzania siecią, np. adresami IP użytkowników
CLIENT - program na lokalnym komputerze potrzebny do ściągania plików
SEEDER - użytkownicy posiadający kompletny plik i udostępniający go do ściągnięcia
LEECHER - użytkownik ściągający dane
PEER - wszyscy użytkownicy ewentualnie klienci Sieci
HASZ - funkcja skrótu, która tworzy niewielką sygnaturę dla dowolnie dużego zbioru danych, na podstawie której mogą być one zidentyfikowane

Wymiana plików za pomocą trackera
Aby znaleźć plik, użytkownik instaluje klienta, na przykład Vuze lub μTorrent i ściąga ze strony, np. MIinova, plik torrent. Otwiera go za pomocą klienta i wysyła zapytanie o szukany plik do serwera plików torrent (czyli tzw. trackera), który przesyła adres IP źródła. Kiedy rozpoczyna się ściąganie, to plik użytkownika również zostaje przyjęty jako źródło. Dlatego serwer plików torrent jest centralnym interfejsem przekazującym konkretne linki i ten fakt przypieczętował los The Pirate Bay.

Link magnetyczny ma to zmienić. Jest on wprawdzie podobnie jak klasyczny URL częścią standardu URI (Uniform Resource Identifier), a więc hyperlinkiem, lecz w przeciwieństwie do adresu URL nie wskazuje źródła pobierania. Magnet link potwierdza tylko, że istnieje plik pasujący dokładnie do tego linku – w sposób zupełnie niezależny od faktycznej lokalizacji pliku. W tym celu algorytm funkcji haszującej generuje dla pliku wartość hasz, czyli swego rodzaju sygnaturę. Jest ona tylko ciągiem znaków i liczb i nie zawiera żadnych informacji o pliku, a służy tylko do jego identyfikacji. Użytkownik sam musi ustalić, gdzie plik się znajduje.

To w stosunku do plików torrent ma zaletę o zasadniczym znaczeniu z punktu widzenia operatora serwera: centralny tracker nie jest potrzebny. Strony internetowe muszą udostępniać tylko nazwę pliku i przypisaną do niej wartość funkcji hasz. Nie jest jeszcze pewne, czy ten trik pozwoli operatorom stron na obronę przed ewentualnymi pozwami.

Wymiana plików za pomocą linków magnetycznych
Kiedy użytkownik kliknie magnet link, to podobnie jak w przypadku plików torrent otworzy się klient. Aby program, bez podawania adresu IP „dowiedział się”, gdzie znajduje się plik, musi skorzystać z protokołu DHT (ditributed hash table): każdemu użytkownikowi przypisuje się sąsiadów, adresy IP innych użytkowników. Link jest przesyłany od sąsiada do sąsiada aż do momentu znalezienia źródła – to bardzo pracochłonna, przebiegająca w sposób całkowicie zdecentralizowany metoda.

Dla użytkownika to obojętne, czy ściąga plik z torrenta, czy poprzez link magnetyczny, bo jego adres IP tak samo jak wcześniej jest możliwy do zidentyfikowania. W przypadku
nielegalnego ściągania ryzyko dla użytkownika jest takie samo jak przy użyciu trackerów. A nawet gorzej, magnet link ma bowiem tę wadę, że wyszukiwanie odpowiedniego adresu
IP trwa dłużej niż w przypadku plików torrent.

Serwisy sieciowe takie jak Freebase.be radzą sobie z tym problem, dodając do linku informacje podobne do trackera: seeder zapisuje swój zakodowany adres IP na siedem dni. Każdy leecher ściągający plik za pomocą tego linku ląduje również w bazie danych Freebase.be i przez tydzień służy innym użytkownikom jako źródło.

Założenie magnet linku jest proste: chcąc za jego pomocą wymieniać dane, należy zainstalować klienta Phex i kliknięciem wyeksportować pliki jako link magnetyczny, który można wysłać emailem. Ponieważ link jest niezależny od lokalizacji, to nie zachodzi również połączenie z serwerem – filesharing odbywa się całkowicie pomiędzy użytkownikami. W przeciwieństwie do pliku torrent, który traci swoją ważność, kiedy kontakt z trackerem jest już niemożliwy, za pomocą magnet linku dane można wymieniać tak długo, jak długo ktokolwiek w Sieci je posiada. Dlatego link doskonale nadaje się do legalnych treści: użytkownicy do udostępniania swoich plików nie muszą korzystać z drogiego serwera – wystarczy magnet link, np. na blogu.

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Dołączył: 30 Lip 2008
Posty: 1450
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PostWysłany: 08:37, 04 Maj '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

The Pirate Bay będzie zablokowane w Wielkiej Brytanii

Brytyjscy dostawcy usług internetowych (ISP) będą musieli zablokować dostęp do szwedzkiej witryny The Pirate Bay - orzekł Sąd Najwyższy w poniedziałek. Przedstawiciele wytwórni muzycznych nie kryją zadowolenia.

Brytyjscy dostawcy usług internetowych (ISP) będą musieli zablokować dostęp do szwedzkiej witryny The Pirate Bay - orzekł Sąd Najwyższy w poniedziałek. Przedstawiciele wytwórni muzycznych nie kryją zadowolenia.

Dostawcy tacy, jak Sky, Everything Everywhere, TalkTalk, O2 czy Virgin Media, będą musieli zablokować stronę, która oferuje linki umożliwiające internautom pobieranie muzyki oraz materiałów wideo udostępnianych z naruszeniem praw autorskich.

- Witryny takie, jak The Pirate Bay, wpływają na zmniejszenie liczby miejsc pracy w Wielkiej Brytanii, a także podkopują kolejne inwestycje w brytyjskich artystów - twierdzi British Phonographic Industry (BPI). Jak poinformowało BBC, dostawcy usług internetowych zapowiedzieli, że potrzebują "kilku tygodni", by przedstawić swoje stanowisko dotyczące blokowania witryny.

- Sąd najwyższy potwierdził, że The Pirate Bay odpowiedzialne jest za naruszenia na masową skalę - mówi Geoff Taylor szefujący BPI. - Jej właściciele napełniają swoje kieszenie, eksplorując muzykę i inne prace bez płacenia ani grosza ludziom, którzy je stworzyli.

Taylor tłumaczy, że muzycy, a także producenci zasługują na zapłatę "jak wszyscy inni". Warto przypomnieć, że witryna blokowana jest już przez niektórych dostawców usług internetowych z innych państw. Aby uniknąć całkowitego odcięcia witryny od świata, jej operatorzy rozważali jakiś czas temu nawet umieszczenie serwerów na bezzałogowych dronach.



TPB gets censored in the UK

The Western countries of the world all complaints about the censorship in Iran, China, Saudi Arabia and so on. But they are really the worst culprits themselves, having double morals in doing an even worse thing themselves.

Today news was out that the UK high court has decided that TPB is "massively infringing on copyright". The facts that no copyright is being infringed upon here at the site was not a welcome fact, so that was ignored apparantly.

Noone from TPB was invited to the court case, which would be normal to do in a democracy. This is not the first time this happens, it's been the same in most countries we're censored in. We have no right to speak since we're not rich.

Five ISPs got sued by the record companies to force them to block us. This is particularily interesting since music released and promoted exclusively here on TPB is currently in the brittish top charts. We are simply competitors that they just managed to squeeze out of their market, in a maffiesque way.

As usual there are easy ways to circumvent the block. Use a VPN service to be anonymous and get an uncensored internet access, you should do this anyhow. Or use TOR, I2P or some other darknet with access to the internets. Change your DNS settings with OpenDNS. Or use googles DNS servers... we could go on...

But don't forget that we can't allow this shit to happen. Next time they're coming for something else. And yes, there will be a next time if we don't stop them. Write to your ISP and tell them to appeal the case. Write to your local MPs and tell them that this is not allowed. Make sure your voice is heard. Remember, we're all the pirate bay, and we must stand united against the censorship from our opponents!


I kawałek, który TPB wypromowało:

Nie ma rzeczy niemożliwych, są tylko mało prawdopodobne.
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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 14:27, 28 Maj '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Pirate Bay Ready For Perpetual IP-Address Whac-A-Mole

Last week The Pirate Bay added a new IP-address which allows users to circumvent the many court-ordered blockades against the site. While this proved to be quite effective, the Hollywood backed anti-piracy group BREIN has already been to court to demand a block against this new address. But that won’t deter The Pirate Bay, who say they are fully prepared for an extended game of whac-a-mole using the hundreds of IP addresses they have available.

The Pirate Bay is arguably the most censored website on the Internet.

Courts all around the world have ordered Internet providers to block subscriber access to the torrent site, and the end is still not in sight.

Within a few days, a new deadline for five UK and five Dutch Internet providers passes. This means that millions more will be unable to access The Pirate Bay, at least, that is the plan.

Last week The Pirate Bay team responded to the blockades by adding a new IP-address. The new location was setup to make it easier for people to start their own dedicated proxy sites, but it also allows blocked Pirate Bay visitors to gain access to the site.

Instead of the normal address they simply go to, bypassing the court order – for the time being at least.

The new IP-address represents a new thorn in the side of Dutch anti-piracy group BREIN, who quickly asked ISPs to censor that too. Unfortunately for them the providers refused to do so, so the group had to go to court once again last week to get the added IP-address blocked as well.

Right before the weekend BREIN succeeded with the court ordering an ex-parte injunction for the new address. However, according to comments coming out of The Pirate Bay, this could just be the start of an extended game of whac-a-mole.

“Let me get the next IP-address lined up,” a Pirate Bay insider told TorrentFreak. “We have hundreds, so let’s see many times they will respond,” he added.

We were told that if the new IP-address is blocked again, they will simply add a new one. This means that BREIN would have to file for another ex-parte injunction, a process that may repeat itself hundreds of times.

dalej: http://torrentfreak.com/pirate-bay-ready.....le-120528/
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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 15:21, 01 Cze '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

The Pirate Bay Celebrates Independence Day, Six Years After the Raid

Today, exactly six years have passed since The Pirate Bay was raided by the Swedish police. At the time the entertainment industries hoped that this would silence the deviant BitTorrent site for good, but in hindsight we can conclude that they had actually awakened a monster. The raid and the ongoing battle that later unfolded reads like a script for an upcoming Hollywood blockbuster. The Pirate Bay team have already coined an appropriate title: Pirate Independence Day.

Two weeks ago The Pirate Bay was offline for more than a day due to a DDoS attack. A rare event for a site that prides itself on being the “most resilient” torrent site on the Internet.

However, looking at The Pirate Bay’s history it is actually a small miracle that the site is still around. Without a few essential keystrokes six years ago, The Pirate Bay may have not been here today. Those same keystrokes marked the beginning of an ongoing battle between a group of fun-loving geeks and a billion dollar entertainment industry.

Let’s look back at what happened…

May 31, 2006, less than three years after The Pirate Bay was founded, 65 Swedish police officers entered a datacenter in Stockholm. The officers were tasked with shutting down the largest perceived threat to the entertainment industry at the time – The Pirate Bay’s servers.

In the months running up to the raid, Pirate Bay founders Gottfrid and Fredrik discovered they were under 24 hour surveillance by private investigators so they had an idea something was amiss. Then on the day of the raid, events rapidly unfolded.

“I got a phone call like 10am in the morning, it was Anakata [Gottfrid],” recalled Fredrik.

Gottfried said that there were police officers at their office and asked Fredrik to get down to the co-location facility and get rid of the ‘incriminating evidence’, although none of it, whatever it was, was related to The Pirate Bay.

As Fredrik was leaving he suddenly had a hunch that the problems might be linked to their tracker, so he initiated a full backup of the site. At the co-location facility there were dozens of policemen, some in civilian clothing. Fredrik asked them: “Who are you? What are you doing here?” To which they responded: “Who are YOU? What are you doing here?” After questions back and forth, Fredrik eventually revealed who he was and a police officer responded, “Oh, we’ve been looking for you.”

Footage from The Pirate Bay raid

While this sequence of events is almost comedic, that split-second decision to backup the site turned out to be the most pivotal moment in the site’s short history. Within days the site was restored online thanks to the backup. Without it, the situation today might look very different.

This determination and defiance from the site’s operators set the tone for the years that followed. Learning from their experiences, safety measures were put in place. Backups were spread around the globe to mitigate any future attacks, and although the site has gone down for 24 hours or more since the raid, the culprit has often been technical or wild party related.

After all their equipment was confiscated by the authorities in 2006, Peter, Fredrik and Gottfrid were escorted to the police station. During their questioning the Pirate Bay trio gave up very little information. Gottfrid quickly confessed to his crime – of killing the Swedish prime minister when he was 2 years old – but that was all they got.

czytaj dalej: http://torrentfreak.com/the-pirate-bay-c.....id-120531/
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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 12:17, 08 Cze '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Pirate Bay Pesters Copyright Holders with Yet Another New IP-Address

In the UK and the Netherlands The Pirate Bay is widely censored, but that doesn’t mean the site is entirely unavailable. In fact, The Pirate Bay is enjoying the whack-a-mole game they’re playing. After several ISPs added the site’s new IP-address to their filters, the infamous torrent site has just added another, plus an IPv6 address. Meanwhile, the site’s operators are wondering how much court filings cost each time an IP address has to be blocked.

Copyright holders around the world are growing increasingly annoyed with The Pirate Bay.

After expensive legal battles they managed to get ISPs to block the site in the UK, the Netherlands and elsewhere. But despite these orders the BitTorrent site remains widely available. To make matters even worse, the increased media attention has boosted the site’s visitor count.

Besides the many proxy sites that exists, The Pirate Bay team found out that simply adding a new IP-address circumvents the blockades as well. They added last month, which allowed subscribers to access the site again, for a while.

Responding to the move, Dutch anti-piracy group BREIN had to return to court again to get the new IP-address added to the filter. They succeeded, but now that the ISPs have started to block this address, The Pirate Bay has responded by adding a new one today.

“We wonder what it costs BREIN to file for these injunctions, as we have hundreds more IPs we can add,” the Pirate Bay team told us jokingly.

In the UK, where the procedure to add new domains and IP-addresses is part of a “”private agreement,” it’s no different. Virgin Media recently expanded their filter and blocked the .80 address. However, affected subscribers can now access the site via .81, circumventing the blockade.

And that’s not all.

The Pirate Bay team informs TorrentFreak that they have added an IPv6 address as well, opening a can of new unblocking options. As none of the court orders lists IPv6-addresses, using a compatible connection should re-enable access the site. Not to mention the IPv6 -> IPv4 tunnels that become fully operational proxies now.

The above once again shows that it’s virtually impossible to completely prevent people from accessing The Pirate Bay. There are simply too many options for people to route around the blockades.

Worst of all for the copyright holders, The Pirate Bay team appears to be enjoying themselves.

In The UK O2 said it will start blocking access to The Pirate Bay tonight, but this blockade will already be outdated when it goes online. BT, the last ISP to comply to the court order, is expected to follow suit later.

źródło: http://torrentfreak.com/pirate-bay-peste.....ss-120607/
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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 16:14, 20 Cze '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Pirate Bay Disarms BT Blockade Within Minutes

Today, BT became the last major UK Internet provider to block subscriber access to The Pirate Bay. The ISP has gone further than other providers since it also restricts access to the new IP-addresses added by the deviant BitTorrent site in recent weeks. Nevertheless, even these additional efforts were quickly neutralized. Immediately after the block kicked in Pirate Bay added a set of new IP addresses to allow BT subscribers access again – for now at least.

Following in the footsteps of Virgin Media, Everything Everywhere, Sky Broadband, TalkTalk, BE and O2, UK ISP BT has now blocked access to The Pirate Bay.

In addition to blocking domain names such as thepiratebay.se and thepiratebay.org, BT went further than expected. In response to earlier censorship attempts Pirate Bay added two new IP-addresses – and – but those are now also included in BT’s filter.

BT subscribers who try to access Pirate Bay through the addresses above get an “Error – site blocked” message.

However, The Pirate Bay is not giving up so easily. In an immediate response the site has enabled two new IP-addresses (.82 and .83) which kicked in just minutes after BT’s block was implemented. And so the whack-a-mole continues.

A Pirate Bay insider told TorrentFreak that they can continue adding new addresses for years to come. For them, it’s more a statement than anything else as there are already dozens of proxy sites that allow users to access The Pirate Bay just fine.

The most frequently visited proxy in the UK, operated by the local Pirate party, is already among the top 600 sites in the UK. With the new block by BT it is expected to attract even more visitors. In addition, the Pirate Party is picking up a few new members in the process.

The above shows once again that while these blockades may stop some people from accessing a site, the really determined have plenty of options. Also, of those who simply give up on accessing The Pirate Bay, many will simply switch to other torrent sites.

The futility of these censorship efforts is an issue also being raised by Pirate Bay’s domain registrar. The .SE registrar states in a blog post that it would not seize the domain without a court order, adding that even if one was granted the site would simply switch to a new domain.

The various anti-piracy groups, however, believe that censoring sites such as The Pirate Bay is better than doing nothing at all.

“These developments are good for content creators, workers in the creative industries, and, ultimately, for consumers. As courts throughout Europe move to shut avenues of illicit content, they are helping to ensure that consumers will continue to have access to the compelling, legitimate, and virus-free content they want,” MPAA commented earlier.

Interestingly, the MPAA and other copyright holders have yet to demand similar measures from US Internet providers. But maybe that’s coming up next.

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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 16:56, 21 Cze '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Pirate Bay Founders File Appeals With Human Rights Court

After earlier attempts through other courts and processes, two of the key figures behind the creation of The Pirate Bay have announced what could be their last throw of the dice to avoid imprisonment. Peter Sunde and Fredrik Neij, two of the co-founders of the infamous torrent site, have now filed appeals with the European Court of Human Rights.

Over the years there have been dozens of announcements coming out of The Pirate Bay, often foretelling the arrival of some crazy scheme or thought-provoking plan to move the site and sharing culture forward.

While many haven’t come to fruition due to outside influences such as wild parties, one thing has been upheld – the years-long promise to fight until the bitter end.

The site has been in new hands for some time now, but for site co-founders Peter Sunde and Fredrik Neij there is unfinished Pirate Bay business that isn’t just going to go away.

Early February, Sweden’s Supreme Court announced its decision not to grant the pair (plus Gottfrid Svartholm and Carl Lundström) leave to appeal, meaning that the previously determined jail sentences and fines would stand.

Sunde was scheduled to begin his 8 month jail sentence in the Västervik Norra facility last month, with Neij destined for 10 months in Kirseberg prison. Neither are in place with both choosing to fight instead.

In May, Sunde went on to file a plea for clemency with Neij announcing shortly after that he would take his case to Europe.

Now it appears that both Neij and Sunde are aiming for a hearing at the European Court of Human Rights.

“Essentially we’re arguing the same as we did in the previous court case, regarding the e-commerce directive as the basis for TPB being legal, Sunde told TorrentFreak.

Further detail comes from Neij’s lawyer Jonas Nilsson who says that Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights guarantees citizens of Sweden the freedom to receive and impart information. The Pirate Bay’s services – to transfer non-proprietary information (.torrent files) among users through an automated process on the Internet – is protected under that article of the Convention, Nilsson says.

“There’s some references to other cases that this has been tested in already,” Sunde told us.

“I’m positive, but it will take 4-5 years before they try the case IF they take it at all. IF they take it – I’m positive of the outcome.”

These appeals to the ECHR appear to be the last throws of the dice for ‘brokep’ and TiAMO, but if we’ve learned anything from almost a decade’s worth of Pirate Bay-related news it’s this – never count them out and expect the unexpected.

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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 16:28, 27 Cze '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Pirate Bay Founder Fined For ‘Continued Involvement’ In The Site

As part of the punitive measures against both The Pirate Bay and its founders, a Swedish court previously banned two of the torrent site’s founders from having anything to do with its future operations. Now, according to the Stockholm District Court, Fredrik Neij has violated that ban and will be fined. Neij told TorrentFreak that his only ‘crime’ was failing to prove a negative. In any event, no fines will be paid.

Over the years the laundry list of punishments and measures against The Pirate Bay and its founders has grown to epic proportions.

The founders of the site were hit with jail sentences and huge fines following a 2009 trial and subsequent appeals, and the site itself is banned or censored in growing numbers of countries around the world.

What is less well known perhaps is that two of the site’s founders are actually forbidden from having anything at all to do with running The Pirate Bay.

The legal restrictions date back to an order issued by the Stockholm District Court, which declared that Fredrik Neij (TiAMO) and Gottfrid Svatholm (Anakata) were forever banned from operating the site.

Breaching the ban would result in a hefty fine for the duo, but one was not expected to be handed down – until today.

The Stockholm District Court now says that Neij has continued to have involvement in the operations of The Pirate Bay. As a result it has handed down a 500,000 kronor fine ($70,690).

So what evidence does the Court have exactly? TorrentFreak tracked Fredrik down and asked.

“There is no evidence, just the lack of evidence that I was not involved,” he told us.

“In civil cases it’s guilty until proven innocent and in a previous case I declined to give the details who I transfered the site to. They say if it’s not me, then I could easily say who it is.”

Although the amount levied by the District Court is significant, Neij appears unfazed.

“I don’t mind civil cases,” he told us. “I don’t live in Sweden, and it’s not like an extra $71,000 would hurt the $10,606,000 I already owe.”

Along with the other founders of The Pirate Bay, Neij does indeed owe millions of dollars in damages and fines so his predicament and attitude is perhaps best summed up by paraphrasing the earlier words of fellow site founder Peter Sunde. “Why stay at just a few million dollars?” Sunde said. “Why not make it a billion dollars instead?”

In any event, it appears that no one is getting any money. Fredrik tells TorrentFreak that he’s already written to the court informing them of his intention never to pay any fines, now or in the future. Even if he did, however, there would be a bonus.

“[Any payment] would push the mafiaa from The Pirate Bay trial one step away from even getting any cash at all, as all this goes directly to the state, and stuff owed to the state will be taken before anything is sent to private cash I owe.

“Not that they will ever get any cash for either of the debts, but still.”

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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 14:17, 05 Lip '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

ISP: BitTorrent Traffic Increased After Pirate Bay Blockade

After the Hollywood-funded anti-piracy group BREIN claimed victory against The Pirate Bay, Dutch Internet provider XS4All has spoiled the fun with a surprise announcement. The ISP claims that BitTorrent traffic increased after the Pirate Bay blockade was introduced, and adds that the entertainment industry’s witch hunt is alienating consumers. “Build a legal version of the Pirate Bay,” is their advice.

This week anti-Piracy group BREIN celebrated a victory against The Pirate Bay. Now 90% of the Dutch Internet users can no longer access the BitTorrent site directly, the site’s Alexa traffic rank in the Netherlands tanked.

The group conveniently forgot to mention that many people now use proxy sites to access the site, and didn’t mention the uptick that can be noticed at other BitTorrent sites. It was a win for Hollywood, they simply argued.

However, XS4All, one of the Dutch providers that was sued by BREIN, has now burst this bubble. According to the ISP there is no sign that their subscribers are changing their downloading habits, on the contrary.

“Since the Pirate Back blocking lawsuit began, BitTorrent traffic has not been reduced, it increased instead,” XS4All’s Niels Huijbregts states.

The ISP looked at the traffic on its network and found that over the past year traffic increased on ports that are commonly used for BitTorrent. XS4all claims that all the news about the blockade may be one of the reasons for this increase.

“I think that the increase is a result of all the media attention for the lawsuit and the blockade. Perhaps people who until then had never downloaded thought ‘I hear so much about downloading music and movies, let me try it!’.”

“What I want to say to BREIN is this: your repressive policy does not work. You can block access to the Pirate Bay, but that clearly doesn’t result in the desired effect on the download behavior of the Dutch.”

dalej: http://torrentfreak.com/isp-bittorrent-t.....de-120705/
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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 18:55, 09 Lut '13   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

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PostWysłany: 21:37, 04 Mar '13   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

The Pirate Bay Moves to North Korea, Gets Virtual Asylum

The Pirate Bay says it has been offered virtual asylum in North Korea. This move comes after the Norwegian Pirate Party was forced to stop routing traffic for the infamous BitTorrent site by a local copyright group. “We can reveal that we have been invited by the leader of the republic of Korea, to fight our battles from their network,” the Pirate Bay says. A traceroute does indeed show that The Pirate Bay is now being routed through the dictatorial country.

Last week the Swedish Pirate Party saw itself forced to shut down its routing services to The Pirate Bay.

The Party and its leaders took this difficult decision after they were threatened with a lawsuit by a local anti-piracy group.

Luckily for The Pirate Bay, the pirate parties of Norway and Catalunya were willing to take over this role. However, after just a few days the Norwegians had to shut down their Pirate Bay node as well, facing similar threats as their Swedish comrades.

This resulted in some downtime earlier today, The Pirate Bay after which The Pirate Bay returned online from a rather unsuspected location.

A Pirate Bay insider informed TorrentFreak that they had been working for a while to get connectivity on North korea. Today they switched over and TPB not not too shy to let the world know.

dalej: http://torrentfreak.com/the-pirate-bay-m.....um-130304/



The Pirate Bay has been hunted in many countries around the world. Not for illegal activities but being persecuted for beliefs of freedom of information. Today, a new chapter is written in the history of the movement, as well as the history of the internets.

A week ago we could reveal that The Pirate Bay was accessed via Norway and Catalonya. The move was to ensure that these countries and regions will get attention to the issues at hand. Today we can reveal that we have been invited by the leader of the republic of Korea, to fight our battles from their network.

This is truly an ironic situation. We have been fighting for a free world, and our opponents are mostly huge corporations from the United States of America, a place where freedom and freedom of speech is said to be held high. At the same time, companies from that country is chasing a competitor from other countries, bribing police and lawmakers, threatening political parties and physically hunting people from our crew. And to our help comes a government famous in our part of the world for locking people up for their thoughts and forbidding access to information.

We believe that being offered our virtual asylum in Korea is a first step of this country's changing view of access to information. It's a country opening up and one thing is sure, they do not care about threats like others do. In that way, TPB and Korea might have a special bond. We will do our best to influence the Korean leaders to also let their own population use our service, and to make sure that we can help improve the situation in any way we can. When someone is reaching out to make things better, it's also ones duty to grab their hand.

// Winston & Kim ston Il
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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 16:25, 23 Kwi '14   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Nie ma to jak odbywać wyrok w duńskim więzieniu.
Matka nie może ci nawet wysłać książki ani gazety, bo jeszcze nie daj boże zawierała by jakiś... ukryty przekaz. Exclamation
Jasne kurwa - ukryty przekaz przy pomocy którego koleś spierdoli im z więzienia. Smile

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Dołączył: 05 Sty 2013
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PostWysłany: 21:14, 23 Kwi '14   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Bimi napisał:
Jasne kurwa - ukryty przekaz przy pomocy którego koleś spierdoli im z więzienia.

Samolot posklada z kartek i odleci Very Happy
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PostWysłany: 22:21, 23 Kwi '14   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Albo gorzej; dzięki informacjom przemyconym w książkach zbuduje radiomodem, po czym zacznie kontaktować się z bazą - i tak ściągając torrenty z TPB, narobi Hollywoodowi strat na kolejnych 600 trylionów dolarów, przez co dzieci w Afryce dalej będą musiały przymierac głodem Smile
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Dołączył: 04 Paź 2011
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PostWysłany: 23:28, 23 Kwi '14   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Nie ma się co śmiać, bo takie wyliczenia strat robią naprawdę mądre głowy. Gdybym nie ściągał z 10 filmów czy odcinków seriali tygodniowo, to na bank bym co chwilę latał do sklepu po oryginały. Myślę, że swoimi okropnymi postępkami przynoszę z 500zł tygodniowo strat producentom filmów. Minimum.

Very Happy
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