Szef zgromadzenia ONZ Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann wzywa do niezaleznego zbadania lamania praw ludzkich przez inwazje USA w Iraku.
Powiedzail ze:
"Niezalezni eksperci szacuja, ze zginelo ponad milion Irakijczykow na skutek nielegalnej inwazji ich kraju"
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US accused of causing one million Iraqi deaths
UN General Assembly President calls for Iraq human rights probe to document US violations.
PACIFICA - UN General Assembly President Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann is calling for an independent probe into human rights violations as a result of the US invasion of Iraq, Democracy Now! reported Thursday.
“Independent experts estimate that over one million Iraqis have lost their lives as a direct result of the illegal invasion of their country," said UN General Assembly President Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann.
"The various UN human rights monitors have prepared report after report documenting the unending litany of violations from crimes of war, rights of children and women, social rights, collective punishment and treatment of prisoners of war and illegal detention of civilians," said Brockmann before the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on Tuesday.
"This must be addressed to bring an end to the scandalous present impunity.”
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