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Bimi Site Admin
Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005 Posty: 20471
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Wysłany: 13:02, 20 Sie '05
Temat postu: Wirtualna rzeczywistość - prawdziwe zbrodnie |
Czy Al Zarkawi naprawdę istnieje?
Czy gdyby nie on to w Iraku panowałby juz pokój?
To dziwne, ale odkąd (za innymi) napisaliśmy o tym, że Al Zarkawi to chyba tylko wirtualny wytwór, jakby przestali o nim mówić w mediach.
Czyżbyśmy go zabili? A może sezon ogórkowy to zrobił?
Pewnie to tylko chwilowe i wkrótce Al znowu o sobie przypomni. A raczej ktoś przypomni nam o nim.
Tak czy owak - Al wydaje się nam ciekawym obiektem badań nad tym jak działa miedialna propaganda.
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Cichy Bob Gość
Wysłany: 13:49, 07 Wrz '05
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To nie opinia publiczna jest głupia, podatność na wpływy rządzocych, to rzecz naturalna dla mas, bez tej osobliwej cechy nikomu chyba nie udało sie stworzyc państwa. No i tu na sprawach wewnętrznych państw wpływy na masy by się kończyly. Ale nie w dzisiejszych czasach! W obliczu globalnej wioski, gdzie mediom elektronicznym (tym najbardziej zorganizowanym - z największa koncentracją kapitału - stacjom telewizyjnym) powierza sie głos demokratyczny. Masy milczą, teraz telewizja jest głosem ludu, a wiadomo, ze sensacja i bezmyślne bicie piany to dla mediów najatrakcyjniejszy produkt który przyciąga widownię. Warto wiedzieć, ze o ile media w Europie są chronione przed wpływami politycznymi (telewizja dla polityków - takie mysleniej obowiązuje w krajach totalitarnych, w polsce i w ameryce, w polsce politycy nie potrafia sie wyzbyc naleciałości po starym systemie a w ameryce wiadomo - wszystko jest na sprzedaz, a najbogatsi mają wladzę), to w USA, gdzie telewzija zrodziła sie najpierw jako komercyjna, sieci TV nauczyły się sprzyjac politykom nie bacząc na poglądy, to jest dla nich marginalne, przeciez liczy sie $.
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lopez Gość
Wysłany: 07:43, 09 Paź '05
Temat postu: pytanie |
a czy przypadkiem nie jesteś wyznawcą Allacha?
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obiektywny Gość
Wysłany: 22:43, 06 Sty '06
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chlopie daj sie leczyc, we wszystkim widzisz podstep, spisek.
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0_0 Gość
Wysłany: 01:30, 11 Mar '06
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gruciano Gość
Wysłany: 14:06, 09 Sie '06
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Abu Musaba al Zarkawi nie zostal juz czasami zlapany i osądzony ?
i tak to jest z wszystkimi waszymi "dowodami" na tej stronie :] Wszedzie spisek, wszystko jest podejrzane. A gdy sie okazuje, ze to bylo wyssane z palca to nawet nie macie odwagi sie przyznac :]
teraz Bimi zmieni taktyke i powie ze Zarkawi nie jest jednak wirtualny, ale i tak jest podlozony
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Bimi Site Admin
Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005 Posty: 20471
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Wysłany: 12:24, 10 Sie '06
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jasne stary. twoja babcia go złapała a ty go osądziłes.
na pewno możecie to potwierdzić...
ja z kolei potwierdzam dziś wszystko co napisałem w tym tekscie. nic się nie zmieniło. al zarkawiego jak nie było, tak nie ma. zniszczono tylko faludżę mordując przy okazji ponad 100 tysięcy ludzi. a wszystko pod pretekstem łapania zła wcielonego, czyli al zarkawiego.
mysle, ze taki sam z niego terrorysta jak i z bin ladena - świetny pretekst to mordowania irakijczyków, afgańczyków czy libańczyków. pokażcie ludziom zło wcielone to będą was mocniej popierac - zwykłe socjotechnicze sztuczki znane już od wieków.
co jest jednak w tym wzysktim niepojęte to ludzka głupota i naiwność.
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Gość Gość
Wysłany: 21:12, 23 Sie '06
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Jak Amerykanie chca zabić jakiegoś Bin Ladena czy Al zawkariego czy innego typa spod ciemnej gwiazdy to niech wyslą snajpera czy zabójcę i wszystko w temacie, a nie podbijać kraj. I co Afganistan zdobyty a Bin Laden nie złapany. Ściema i już.
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Gość Gość
Wysłany: 12:42, 24 Sie '06
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wiadomo że to ściema...
przede wszystkim na jakiej podstawie oni ludziom wmawiają kim był Al zarkawi, na podstawie jednego oklepanego już do bólu zdjęcia, paru dennych reportaży? skąd oni mają te informacje wogóle? Nie podali tak na prawde żadnych normalnych dowodów na to że ich oskarżenia wobec al zarkawiego są prawdziwe. Oznajmili nam że stanowi on zagrożenie, bo jest przywodcą szajki terrorystycznej, a po jakims czasie dowiadujemy się z wiadomości że został pojmany i że nie żyje.. czy to nie zastanawiające?
Jak dla mnie to zwyczajne szukanie kozła ofiarnego..aby przede wszystkim odciągnąc uwagę od siebie..historia podobna do bin ladena.
To po prostu zwykli mordercy... najpeirw naparzają w irakijczyków jak w kaczki... po czym szerzą bezczelną propagadne przy pomocy mediów ze to niby w imię walki z terroryzmem, może jeszcze w imię pokoju na świecie....Zawsze przecież można zwalajic wszystko na arabów, a wiadomo.. szajka bez przywódcy sie nie obejdzie wiec znaleźli sobie taką postac jak al zarkawi no i masz babo placek...
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Antenka Gość
Wysłany: 08:52, 25 Sie '06
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to byłam ja Antenka..
TO NIE FER... wczoraj podczas pisania tego posta nastąpiła awaria serwera i konto wraz z resztą moich postów zostało skasowane
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Bimi Site Admin
Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005 Posty: 20471
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Wysłany: 11:21, 05 Mar '10
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Six years after the intense fighting began in the Iraqi town of Fallujah between US forces and Sunni insurgents, there is a disturbingly large number of cases of birth defects in the town.
Fallujah is less than 40 miles (65km) from Baghdad, but it can still be dangerous to get to.
As a result, there has been no authoritative medical investigation, certainly by any Western team, into the allegations that the weapons used by the Americans are still causing serious problems.
The Iraqi government line is that there are only one or two extra cases of birth defects per year in Fallujah, compared with the national average.
'Daily cases'
But in the impressive new Fallujah General Hospital, built with American aid, we found a paediatric specialist, Dr Samira al-Ani, who told us that she saw two or three new cases every day.
Most of them, she said, exhibited cardiac problems.
When asked what the cause was, she said: "I am a doctor. I have to be scientific in my talk. I have nothing documented. But I can tell you that year by year, the number [is] increasing."
The specialist, like other medical staff at the hospital, seemed nervous about talking too openly about the problem.
They were well aware that what they said went against the government version, and we were told privately that the Iraqi authorities are anxious not to embarrass the Americans over the issue.
There are no official figures for the incidence of birth defects in Fallujah.
The US military authorities are absolutely correct when they say they are not aware of any official reports indicating an increase in birth defects in Fallujah - no official reports exist.
Mothers warned
But it is impossible, as a visitor, not to be struck by the terrible number of cases of birth defects there.
We heard many times that officials in Fallujah had warned women that they should not have children.
We went to a clinic for the disabled, and were given details of dozens upon dozens of cases of children with serious birth defects.
One photograph I saw showed a newborn baby with three heads.
While we were at the clinic, people kept arriving with children who were suffering major problems - a little girl with only one arm, several children who were paralysed, and another girl with a spinal condition so bad I asked my cameraman not to film her.
At the clinic we were told that the worst problems were to be found in the neighbourhood of al-Julan, near the river.
This was the heart of the resistance to the Americans during the two major offensives of April and September 2004, and was hit constantly by bombs and shells.
River water
We went to a house where three children, all under six, were suffering from birth defects.
Two boys were partially paralysed, and their sister clearly had serious brain damage.
Like all the other parents we spoke to, their mother had no doubt that the American attacks were responsible.
Outside, a man who had heard we were there had brought his four-year-old daughter to show us. She had six fingers on each hand, and six toes on each foot.
She was also suffering from a number of other serious health problems. The father told us that the house where they still lived had been hit by an American shell during the fighting in 2004.
There may well be a link with drinking-water, especially in al-Julan.
After the fighting was over, the rubble from the town was bulldozed into the river bank, and most people in this area get their water from the river.
The true causes of the problem, and the question of the effects of the weapons the Americans used, can be resolved only by a proper independent inquiry by medical experts.
And until the security situation in and around Fallujah improves, it will be difficult to carry that out.
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Bimi Site Admin
Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005 Posty: 20471
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Wysłany: 11:44, 05 Kwi '10
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Cancer is spreading like wildfire in Iraq. Thousands of infants are being born with deformities. Doctors say they are struggling to cope with the rise of cancer and birth defects, especially in cities subjected to heavy American and British bombardment.
The cancer rate in the province of Babil, south of Baghdad has risen from 500 diagnosed cases in 2004 to 9,082 in 2009.
In Basra there were 1885 diagnosed cases of cancer in 2005. According to Dr. Jawad al Ali, director of the Oncology Center, the number increased to 2,302 in 2006 and 3,071 in 2007. Iraqi doctors say cancer cases increased after both the 1991 war and the 2003 invasion.
Abdulhaq Al-Ani, author of “Uranium in Iraq” told Al Jazeera English that the incubation period for depleted uranium is five to six years, which is consistent with the spike in cancer rates in 1996-1997 and 2008-2009. Pentagon used more than 300 tons of depleted uranium in 1991. In 2003, the United States used more than 1,000 tons.
Title: Cancer-The deadly legacy of the invasion of Iraq
Source: One World. New America Media, January 6, 2010
URL:http://news.newamericamedia.org/news/view_article.html?article_id=80e260b3839daf2084fdeb0965ad31ab And http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2009/10/2009101213552137511.html
Author: Jalal Ghazi, Student Researcher: Kristy Nelson Faculty Advisor: Julie Flohr Sonoma State University
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Dołączył: 10 Mar 2010 Posty: 541
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Wysłany: 22:31, 22 Kwi '10
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Obecnie można wrogów i zagrożenie wyczarować niby królika z kapelusza. Założę się o paczkę dropsów że wkrótce bardzo grożne organizacje terrorystyczne uaktywnią się w całej europie. W Grecji to już chyba ma miejsce. Większość z nich jest lub będzie kontrolowana przez służby specjalne. Z byle szczawia z proca zrobią grożnego ekstremistę. Od czasów Ochrany niewiele się zmieniło.
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Dołączył: 19 Lis 2009 Posty: 857
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Wysłany: 00:10, 23 Kwi '10
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krótko; to wszystko jest bardzo prawdopodobne, i może istnienie takiego gościa jest nawet prawdziwe ale reszta jest naciągana..Howgh
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Bimi Site Admin
Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005 Posty: 20471
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Wysłany: 13:04, 07 Sie '10
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Cytat: | 'Fallujah more toxic than Hiroshima'
A British scientist says the weaponry used by the US in Fallujah in central Iraq has increased the cancer rate in the city, outpacing Japan's Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
"In the case of leukemia, we found that the rate of leukemia was 38 times higher than what we expected in the population that we sampled," Chris Busby the director of Green Audit, an environmental consultancy agency, told Press TV on Saturday.
"We also had 10-fold level of childhood caner, breast cancer, and all cancer types that were in association with radiation which were found following the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but actually these were at much higher rates and occurred at sooner after the event," he added.
"The other thing we found peculiar sex ratio change which is a sure indicator of genetic damage which was also found after Hiroshima and Nagasaki," Busby said.
"It is a serious mutation. All these findings are consistent with exposure to large amounts of Uranium," he concluded.
http://www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=137777 |
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Bimi Site Admin
Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005 Posty: 20471
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Wysłany: 13:48, 01 Kwi '12
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Bimi Site Admin
Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005 Posty: 20471
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Wysłany: 12:31, 31 Maj '12
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Those Laboratory Mice Were Children
By Karlos Zurutuza
FALLUJAH, Iraq, Apr 13, 2012 (IPS) - At Fallujah hospital they cannot offer any statistics on children born with birth defects – there are just too many. Parents don’t want to talk. "Families bury their newborn babies after they die without telling anyone," says hospital spokesman Nadim al-Hadidi. "It’s all too shameful for them."
"We recorded 672 cases in January but we know there were many more," says Hadidi. He projects pictures on to a wall at his office: children born with no brain, no eyes, or with the intestines out of their body.
Facing a frozen image of a child born without limbs, Hadidi says parents’ feelings usually range between shame and guilt. "They think it’s their fault, that there’s something wrong with them. And it doesn’t help at all when some elder tells them it’s been ‘god’s punishment’."
The pictures are difficult to look at. And, those responsible for all this have closed their eyes.
czytaj dalej: http://ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=107424
You might remember Karlos Zurutuza from his photos of Baloch insurgents, his guide to warzone hotels or maybe, if you like reading news and knowing what’s going on in the world, you will have seen his work elsewhere. During recent trips to Iraq, Karlos waded into a story that even in the quagmire of depressing awfulness that is Iraqi news, stands out as brutally distressing. We had a chat with him about the medical fallout of the Iraq War and specifically its effects on children in Fallujah. You can read his original report on this here.
VICE: Hi Karlos. Thanks for sending me these photos, I guess. Where were you when you first came across this story?
Karlos Zurutuza: I covered it for the first time in Basra – Basra is the place that has been most affected by war in the last 30 years, because it's between the borders of Iran and Kuwait. We’re talking about the Iran-Iraq war too, here. It’s a fucking mess. I had been to Fallujah before, but I didn’t have any access to the hospital then. The last time I went, I did. Fallujah is particularly interesting because it is being called "the Iraqi Hiroshima" – the town was obliterated in 2004, in the Battle of Fallujah. There were two battles. The second one was the biggest. It all started when they found those four bodies.
Were those the bodies of the security contractors?
Yeah, the security men hanging from the bridge. After that happened somebody decided that Fallujah was an al-Qaeda stronghold and so they used all kinds of weapons. At first the coalition denied that they had used white phosphorus in Fallujah. Or at least they claimed it was only used to "illuminate targets". White phosphorus is meant to melt metal, so you can imagine what kind of effect it has on the human body. There’s also the issue of depleted uranium, but the US has denied using it. There is a well-known relationship between the increase in cancer cases and the use of depleted uranium.
czytaj dalej: http://blacklistednews.visibli.com/share/WYbVMd - uwaga, drastyczne zdjęcia!
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Bimi Site Admin
Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005 Posty: 20471
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Wysłany: 09:46, 14 Gru '12
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Press TV: US used nuclear weapons in Fallujah
Iran’s growing position in global energy poses as competition to the United States and Israeli entity, with the former imposing unilateral sanctions as a result, a professor tells Press TV.
This comes as the United States carries out its 27th subcritical nuclear test, known as Pollux, in the state of Nevada on Wednesday to ensure that Washington “can support a safe, secure and effective stockpile” of nuclear weapons.
Press TV has conducted an interview with James H. Fetzer, Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota, Duluth, from Madison, to further discuss the issue. Fetzer is joined by Kaveh Afrasiabi, an author and political scientist from Boston, and Kenneth Katzman, an advisor to US Congress from Washington. The following is a rough transcription of the interview.
reszta: http://nsnbc.wordpress.com/2012/12/13/pr.....-fallujah/
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Bimi Site Admin
Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005 Posty: 20471
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Wysłany: 10:36, 15 Paź '13
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How the World Health Organisation covered up Iraq's nuclear nightmare
Ex-UN, WHO officials reveal political interference to suppress scientific evidence of postwar environmental health catastrophe
Last month, the World Health Organisation (WHO) published a long awaited document summarising the findings of an in-depth investigation into the prevalence of congenital birth defects (CBD) in Iraq, which many experts believe is linked to the use of depleted uranium (DU) munitions by Allied forces. According to the 'summary report':
"The rates for spontaneous abortion, stillbirths and congenital birth defects found in the study are consistent with or even lower than international estimates. The study provides no clear evidence to suggest an unusually high rate of congenital birth defects in Iraq."
Jaffar Hussain, WHO's Head of Mission in Iraq, said that the report is based on survey techniques that are "renowned worldwide" and that the study was peer reviewed "extensively" by international experts.
dalej: http://www.theguardian.com/environment/e.....ed-uranium
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Jerzy Ulicki-Rek
Dołączył: 18 Gru 2007 Posty: 9351
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Wysłany: 11:32, 15 Paź '13
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"The rates for spontaneous abortion, stillbirths and congenital birth defects found in the study are consistent with or even lower than international estimates. The study provides no clear evidence to suggest an unusually high rate of congenital birth defects in Iraq."
A swinie umieja latac...
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