Prawie miliard dolarow z programu ratunkowego dla gospodarki USA ma byc przeznaczone na
szczepienia dzieci...
Ponad pol miliarda dolarow ma isc na inne akcje zwiazane z machinacjami morderczej medycyny/ medycznej mafii.
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While the Obama administration is attempting to pass the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 in a hurry, NaturalNews readers have begun actually reading the bill, and they’re finding some worrying language that should raise concern among people interested in preserving health freedom and protecting the health of all Americans.
Specifically, one section of the economic stimulus bill designates nearly a billion dollars for new vaccinations of children. This was discovered by Elisha Celeste, a NaturalNews reader. As stated in the bill:
$954,000,000 shall be used as an additional amount to carry out the immunization program authorized by section 317(a), (j), and (k)(1) of the Public Health Service Act (”section 317 immunization program”)
The issue of whether vaccinations are actually helpful or harmful is hotly debated, of course. The pro-vaccine camp believes that the human immune system is a technological failure and that chemical intervention is the only way to protect children. The anti-vaccine camp believes that exposure to non-fatal infections actually strengthens the immune system, creating stronger protections against future infections. Thus, vaccines actually interfere with normal, healthy immune function while injecting children with dangerous chemicals and substances derived from sick, diseased animals.
NaturalNews is against childhood vaccines as explained in this article that completely debunks conventional beliefs about vaccinations:
Genomics programs?
The economic stimulus bill also requests more than half a billion dollars for “genomics programs”, saying:
$545,000,000 shall be used as an additional amount to carry out chronic disease, health promotion, and genomics programs
What’s interesting about this last quote is that it essentially says this half a billion dollars should be used to carry out three things:
1) Chronic disease programs
2) Health promotion
3) Genomics programs
I don’t have a problem with the second point. “Health promotion” sounds good (unless it’s nothing more than mammograms and mental health screening programs designed to sell more chemotherapy and psych drugs). But what, exactly, is meant by the phrase “…to carry out chronic disease”? And what is meant by “genomics programs”? Are we talking about government-funded genetic experimentation on human babies, perhaps? It wouldn’t be the first time. See: