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Dołączył: 03 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 11:21, 06 Lis '08   Temat postu: Atak na Neoconów rozpoczęty Odpowiedz z cytatem


As the World continues to celebrate the election of Barak Obama as the new President of the United States the same cannot be said within the walls of Kremlin today where President Medvedev has ordered the immediate stationing of nuclear missiles in Europe to counter an expected first strike by American Forces led by US Coup Forces intent upon keeping power despite their being thrown out of power.

Russian Intelligence Analysts are also reporting that those American Military Forces loyal to President Elect Obama are continuing their ‘furious’ assault upon the International drug empire used to finance the Nazi backed Bush-Clinton-CIA troika intent upon toppling the established government of the United States and plunging our World into Total War.

As we had previously reported on in our October 27th report “Obama-Ahmadinejad Meet Spurs Attacks On Syria, CIA”, the first attacks launched by the Obama Forces against the Bush-Clinton-CIA troika began with the downing of a CIA jet aircraft over Mexico bringing to the United States over 3 tons of cocaine and the seizing of over 10 tons of CIA controlled cocaine in Colombia planned by these coup-plotters to finance their operations against Obama’s Forces.

After these initial attacks against the Bush-Clinton-CIA troika Venezuela Military Forces than acted upon information supplied to them by the Obama Forces in the US staging a daring raid against the Stanford International Bank on November 1st used by the Bush and Clinton Families to hide their billions of dollars in drug profits, and as we can read as reported by the Reuters News Service:

“Venezuelan military intelligence officials on Friday raided offshore banking group Stanford International Bank, a prosecutor and the U.S.-founded company said.”

Russian Military Analysts further report that information gained by Venezuela Military Intelligence Officers in their raid on Stanford International Bank, and passed onto Obama Forces in the US, led to the immediate resignation of Colombia’s CIA-trained Military Chief, General Mario Montoya, implicated in this vast International drug empire, and the killing of innocent civilians, and to the shootdown yesterday of Mexico’s Interior Minister Juan Camilo Mouriño’s jet aircraft attempting to flee to the Bush Family’s mountain stronghold in Paraguay, and Bolivia’s President Evo Morales ordering all US Drug Officials out of his Nation.

Even more disturbing, these reports continue, and as we had previously reported on in our November 3rd report “McCain Agrees To Destroy CIA In Bid To Stop US Coup Forces”, the United States was nearly plunged into chaos on the very day of their election due to Senator McCain’s attempting to break his previous agreement with Obama’s Forces to dismantle the CIA, should he win the Presidency, and which led to the near shootdown of his plane as it attempted to land in Albuquerque, New Mexico, after which McCain was said ‘quick’ to reaffirm his earlier stated commitment.

To the most astounding fact of all of these events is the American people’s continued refusal to believe the monstrous powers of those they have chosen to lead them these past nearly 30 years, and which has allowed the Bush-Clinton-CIA troika to bring their once great Nation to near destruction. Nowhere is this more evident than in the former CIA pilot Terry Reed, who in the 1990’s was one of the first to expose these monsters in his book “Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA” of which is said:

“This book could topple the President," is the quote from the London Sunday Telegraph on the back cover. Well, ten years on and Bill Clinton seems to be a respected elder statesman and I don't think he comes out of this book with his reputation too badly damaged as at least he invested some of the drug money into regenerating Arkansas. It seems that back in 1992 when Mr Reed went public about his experiences that he wasn't taken seriously because it would have meant that Clinton, who had been a vocal critic of aid to the Contras, would have been performing "risky favors" (as Time magazine put it) for the Reagan administration. And why would he do that? Money! The CIA supposedly judged Arkansas to be a kind of banana republic with very poor accounting standards and used it as a base to manufacture weapons to be used in Nicaragua and the CIA paid Clinton for the privilege. However, it seems that Clinton got greedy and creamed off too much of the CIA's hard-earned drug money and the operation was moved to Mexico.”

But not to toppling these monsters when the facts of their actions were revealed, the American people actually kept reelecting them to office, and as we had reported on in our November 4th report, “Chaos And War Face United States As It Chooses New Leader” has therefore brought their Nation to the brink of the abyss.

Today these American people live in a Nation that has not seen such division since their Civil War, with one half of them being ‘overwhelmed’ by the victory of Barack Obama over the Neocon Nazi Forces currently ruling over them, and the other half of them ‘absolutely’ convinced that Obama’s victory spells the end of the ‘real’ America.

Not being understood by either of these sides, however, is that they have been deliberately separated so that all it will take is one simple ‘spark’ to plunge them into full and total war against one another, and which out of will come Total Global War.

And be warned, this ‘spark’ is not going to be some ‘far off’ event, it is, in fact, much nearer than these poor people could ever believe, and which the coming weeks will show to their great horror and surprise.

For those American people seeking which direction to look towards in order to be warned of when this ‘spark’ will ignite our World, they need look only towards Rome, and which as we had reported on in our August 23rd report “Vatican Moves For Total US Takeover With Obama Vice President Pick” should cause them great cause for worry as these days grow shorter towards the greater winter that lies ahead of us all.

Zastanawiała mnie ta tajemnicza katastrofa Ministra SW Meksyku i nagły wzrost aktywności antynarkotykowej a tu proszę,okazuje się że część Armii USA miała tak bardzo dość Busha że zaczęli zwalczać jego interesy nie dość że przed zaprzysiężeniem nowego prezydenta ale nawet przed wyborami Laughing
Nie ma to jak zmienić front w odpowiednim momencie...
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Dołączył: 29 Sie 2006
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PostWysłany: 14:42, 06 Lis '08   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

whatdoesitmean.com jest stroną pozbawioną całkowitej wiarygodności...
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Dołączył: 03 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 15:21, 06 Lis '08   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

...co nie oznacza że większość z informacji jakie podają się nie sprawdza.
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Dołączył: 29 Sie 2006
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PostWysłany: 16:27, 06 Lis '08   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

a jakaś się sprawdziła? ostatnio pisali, że Busha schwytało wojsko...
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