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"A call for a sound money system" - do tłumaczenia  
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Dołączył: 30 Paź 2008
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PostWysłany: 12:13, 30 Paź '08   Temat postu: "A call for a sound money system" - do tłumaczenia Odpowiedz z cytatem


Szukam chetnych i sprawnych do tlumaczenia tego tekstu. Z gory dziekuje!

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PostWysłany: 12:57, 30 Paź '08   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

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"Jeden człowiek nie zmieni świata, ale jeden człowiek może przekazać informację która zmieni świat." David Icke
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PostWysłany: 14:07, 30 Paź '08   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Co to jest? Z tytułu zapowiada się dobrze Smile. Może i ja bym się też dorzucił swoje 3 grosze do tłumaczenia.
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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 17:12, 30 Paź '08   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Smile chyba chodziło mu o to:
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Dołączył: 30 Paź 2008
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PostWysłany: 17:34, 30 Paź '08   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Wlasnie o te dwa pliki chodzi, choc nie wiem dlaczego na tym Forum nazywaja sie one A i A-1


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Ogląda profil użytkownika Wyślij prywatną wiadomość
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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 19:28, 30 Paź '08   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

bo tak się nazywały w mailu którym mi je wysłałeś.
zasadniczo nie są na tyle duże żeby nie dało się ich wkleić na forum więc nie bardzo rozumiem skąd ta konspiracja.
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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 19:50, 30 Paź '08   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem


* All in parenthesis is my own (indigoapollo´s) additions.

/…/ I invoke a mass awakening so people can see how the duality consciousness has perverted the money system, and thus created an unbalanced economy that concentrates wealth in the hands of a small elite while keeping the population in poverty.

/…/ I call forth a shattering of the veil in the collective consciousness, so that people will awaken to the realization that there is a power elite of people who are entirely trapped in the duality consciousness. The elite firmly believe that the illusions of their egos are the absolute truth. They think they have elevated themselves to the ultimate status of being able to define truth without God.

I call forth an awakening to the fact that idolatry of the elite keeps the population trapped in the illusion that we need the elite to stand between ourselves and God. This is the lie that we cannot go within our own hearts and find God directly, but that we can know truth only through the outer religion and its priesthood, even the religion of mammon.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that idolatry is the central problem in the current economic crisis. This creates the belief that certain companies and institutions are “too big to fail,” and thus the government must step in and prop them up with the people’s money. The lie that the people cannot exist without the elite prevents us from taking back our God Power.

I call forth an awakening to the fact that stability is not as important as growth. And sometimes growth means that if people cling to the old systems, those systems must be shattered in order to set society free to move forward.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that while it is preferable with a smooth transition from the current economic system to a golden age economy, this can only happen if we learn the lesson that we must not prop up the institutions created by the elite. We must reach for higher principles that are beyond the duality consciousness.

I call forth an awakening to the fact that we have been programmed to accept the consciousness of lack perpetrated by the elite, who desire to raise themselves above the people. Yet the current state of an unequal distribution of wealth and privilege cannot exist in the abundant life of God. It can only exist when the abundant life has been rejected by us because we believe in the illusion of lack.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that an equal distribution of wealth is not the socialist dream, where the state has usurped the position of our I AM Presence. It is the true realism of the Golden Age, where the people realize that we have access to the power of God within ourselves, and therefore we can bring forth the abundant life without being dependent upon an elite here on Earth.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that we do not need an elite to run the complicated financial system that they have created in order to hide their intentions and their manipulation from the people. For even the elite have become so deceived by the complexity of their financial instruments and by the consciousness of greed, that they cannot accurately assess the risk of those instruments, leading to a crisis that threatens the economy.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that when we are in the state of idolatry, blindly following the blind leaders and allowing them to run the economy, it is only a matter of time before the elite back themselves and the world into a corner from which there is no easy way out – only a collapse of the system.

/…/ I call forth a shattering of the veil in the collective consciousness, so that people will awaken to the realization that the lesson from the story of the Tower of Babel is that when you build a financial system without having a foundation of the /Life/ consciousness – building on the sand of the anti-/life/ consciousness – your creation will tumble under its own weight.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that what drives our financial system is unbridled blind greed. This greed has perverted the economy to the point where it is so based on debt that it is impossible to accurately assess the risk of conducting business. For the risk has been spread out and thereby masked so that no one knows what is really going on.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that the cycle of supposed growth and profit can continue only as long as the people in the system blindly believe it can continue forever. Yet it was built not only on the blindness and greed of the elite, but also the blindness and greed of the people. People thought that by investing their savings and pension plans in the stock market, hedge funds and mutual funds they could get something for nothing.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that the people must stop following those blinded by the consciousness of something for nothing, which is the essence of greed. The elite are no longer willing to work for a fair return or for raising all life. They want a reward without working, they want a shortcut, and this threatens the entire economic system.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that people blinded by greed think that anything goes – anything that seems to offer a short-term profit should be pursued For, after all, if you don’t do it, all the other companies in the financial world will, and they will seem to be doing better than you.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that the profits that were claimed were not real profits. They were imaginary profits because the risk had been masked to the point, where it seemed like any loss could be postponed to next year, creating a good balance sheet this year. Thus, no one projected what would happen in the future, failing to see that they were killing the goose that laid the golden eggs.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that blindness is the inevitable companion of greed. For greed can only be based on an illusion, and any illusion feeds further blindness. Greed is based on the illusion of a separate self, where it seems possible that we can gain an advantage for ourselves and our company, regardless of what happens to other people or to the system itself.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that the money managers have created an economy that is based on the same consciousness and the same principle behind gambling. It is the desire of something for nothing, where you make a small, seemingly insignificant investment, and then hope for a tremendous return.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that by masking the risk of derivatives and other financial instruments, the money managers entered into this state of gambling. They thought that because they were investing borrowed money, and because they had masked the risk, it was an insignificant investment that had the potential to give a very large return.

/…/ I call forth a shattering of the veil in the collective consciousness, so that people will awaken to the realization that when Wall Street started investing borrowed money – money that was created out of nothing – they gradually created the false promise that all who invested in these new financial instruments would make a return. That promise could not be fulfilled because it was the illusion that all who play the lottery can win the big prize.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that greed can blind people, but only for a time. There comes a point of reckoning when the people at the top start realizing that this cannot continue. And then they switch from the illusion of greed to the illusion of fear. They try to pull out what they have, and this creates a downward spiral that threatens a meltdown of the system.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that when a crisis becomes apparent, it wakes up the government – who would not regulate these new financial instruments, and thought the market would take care of it. The government realizes that the market will indeed take care of it – by taking down the entire flawed financial system. The government then believes it has to step in to protect society.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that the American government is trapped in the mindset of something for nothing – the mindset of greed and elitism – and they are acting primarily to protect the elite rather than the people. Yet if they do not thoroughly reform the entire financial system, they will only prop up the system temporarily, and the next crisis will soon manifest.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that there are intelligent and well-meaning people in the system – both in businesses and in the government – who have the potential to bring reforms that will not only stave off the current crisis, but can put the entire financial world back on a sustainable growth path, where the system will not destroy itself out of blind greed.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that if the right people are allowed to bring forth and enact their ideas, we can have a smooth transition toward the Golden Age economy. True realism is that the power of God can correct all man-made problems, for the /…/ Light of /the expressed God/ can as easily outpicture the abundant life as the current state of lack and inequality.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that we must be willing to look at the system and ask what is wrong with the system. Instead of trying to prevent a collapse of the system, we must consider how to create an economy with sustainable growth.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that during the transition to the Golden Age, no economy can be sustainable unless it raises up all people toward the abundant life. It is not sustainable to have a world economy, where two thirds of the world’s population live below the poverty level. And as long as the rich nations will not address that problem, our economies will always be in a state of going from one crisis to the next.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that in order to create a financial system that is sustainable, the government must acknowledge its rightful role. One of the primary reasons for the current financial crisis is the lack of regulation, because the government has been trapped in the false view that they should let the market freely create financial instruments, for the market will regulate itself.

/…/ I call forth a shattering of the veil in the collective consciousness, so that people will awaken to the realization that freedom does not mean the freedom to exploit. A free society cannot allow a small power elite to dominate the population, for freedom cannot be found through the blindness of the human ego. Freedom can be found only in knowing the oneness of all life and that only when you seek to raise the All, will you truly benefit yourself.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that the role of a free democratic government is to protect the people through the principles that will raise up all life towards greater economic freedom and abundance. It is a myth, perpetrated by the elite, that a free market economy can run itself without government intervention. It is a further myth that the United States and Western nations have a free market economy.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that for a century financiers and industrialists have used the free market to create huge businesses that can control market conditions and restrict competition. Yet in a true free market economy – where competition is unrestricted and the people well informed – it is not possible to create a monopoly. Freedom is the anti-thesis of monopolies.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that a monopoly is not the inevitable result of free competition. Free competition will prevent the creation of monopolies by always making it possible for others to compete, no matter how big one business might become. If one company creates a near monopoly and artificially raises prices, its customers will go elsewhere.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that the big industrialists and financiers realized that in a democratic nation it was not possible to create a monopoly through competition. The only way to create a monopoly is to restrict competition by causing the government to regulate the economy, and create a situation where smaller companies cannot challenge the position of established companies.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that over the past century government regulations have been used to protect the big established companies from free competition. And the “master stroke” of American financiers was the creation of the Federal Reserve System, which serves to restrict free competition in the banking industry and to prevent the big companies from reaping the consequences of their own mistakes.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that in creating the Federal Reserve as the lender of last resort, the big banks could make questionable investments, and if they were wrong, the system would protect them from going down. And thus, the big banks in the Federal Reserve System will get bigger, for they are backed by the government who is liable for the money that the system creates out of nothing.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that when you create more money to prop up the failing system, you put more money in circulation. But there is nothing of real value to support that money, and the value of the money is degraded. Thereby, the value of people’s labor is degraded, and their standard of living inevitably goes down.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that we must use our freedom to go beyond the illusions and the lies of the mainstream press, and educate ourselves about the reality of the economy. We must be the watchmen on the wall, for surely, the people in the media and government are not the watchmen.

/…/ I call forth a shattering of the veil in the collective consciousness, so that people will awaken to the realization that it is a myth that a free democratic government can stay out of the economy. It is absolutely necessary that a modern government regulates the economy. However, regulation should not give an advantage to the elite. It should make sure that an elite cannot form, for the people have recourse to take their business elsewhere and to create smaller businesses that compete with the big corporations.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that a free democratic government must not allow businesses to go beyond a certain size. It is not a truly a free economy if businesses are allowed to become so big that they can out-compete smaller businesses and drive the market. The government must not allow the financial companies to create instruments that end up destroying the entire system.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that it is the duty of a government to protect its citizens against the consequences of companies becoming so big that they can dominate the marketplace and therefore in some sense hold a monopoly. A monopoly that in many cases is protected by government regulations, but in other cases is protected by non-regulation, so that once a company has become so big that it dominates the market, it can effectively destroy any competition.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that laissez faire is not an option on this planet, as long as so many people are blinded by the duality consciousness. We cannot ignore that there is a large number of people who are totally embodying the self-centered, egotistical consciousness of wanting something for themselves regardless of the consequences for other people.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that a government cannot simply let the market take care of itself. For the government should be of the people, by the people and for the people. It must protect the people from the elite and from their own blindness, which is why a government must be based on principles beyond the illusions of the ego.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that in the Golden Age it is necessary to raise up people in government, media and business who have the vision that beyond man-made ideas there is a greater reality. And it is only by reaching for that reality that we can create a civilization that does not collapse under its own weight –
whether through financial crises, wars, natural disasters or diseases that are an outpicturing of people’s consciousness.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that if we allow any aspect of society to be dominated by the duality consciousness, we will regularly experience a crisis that threatens the collapse of society. These swings are partly caused by the blindness of the duality consciousness and partly by those who are manipulating markets for the purpose of having larger businesses take over smaller companies in a downturn.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that /Univers/ is ready to inspire people with the necessary knowledge of the economy, so that we can create a sustainable system that avoids these ups and downs. For, it is only the ideas from the Ascended Host that can pull civilization out of the current financial crisis.

/…/ I call forth an awakening to the fact that the people who have the knowledge and the potential to receive higher ideas must be recognized and allowed to play their intended role. Thus, we the people must stop propping up the system of the power elite. We must allow the right people to bring forth the ideas of the Ascended Host that can replace the old system and manifest a Golden Age economy.
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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
Posty: 20438
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PostWysłany: 19:51, 30 Paź '08   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

* All in parenthesis is my own (indigoapollo´s) additions.

/…/* after money was created, a small elite saw that by perverting the money system, they could use money to gather privileges for themselves and further their never-ending quest for power and control over the people.

/…/there is indeed a power elite on this planet who want to enslave the people and have us serve them as worker bees. The elite are trapped in the consciousness of wanting something for nothing, of wanting to reap the reward of other people’s labor.

/…/wanting something for nothing is a perversion of the Divine Mother /a female ascpect of expressed God/, where you seek to reap without sowing. Wanting to reap the reward of other peoples’ labor is a perversion of the Divine Father /masculin ascpect of expressed God/, where you seek to control and suppress others because you have created an illusion of separating man from God.

/…/when a society is separated from the reality of God, you cannot have true equality. Instead, you have the creation of an elite who will then suppress the people and reap the rewards of their labor, as in the feudal societies of Europe, where the noble class had the physical power to suppress the people.

/…/when the feudal societies collapsed, the elite realized that visible force was not the ultimate way to suppress the people. It was better to suppress and control the people in hidden ways, so that the people did not realize they were suppressed.

/…/the power elite realized that the creation of this new medium of money gave them an opportunity to control the people by perverting the money system. They could steal the value of people’s labor – without the people understanding what was happening.

/…/when money is used correctly as a medium of exchange, we only have the amount of money needed to exchange the total amount of goods and services produced by society. There is a direct relationship between the amount of money and the amount of something that has real value.

/…/when there is a direct correspondence between money and something of real value, it is not possible to create money out of nothing, money that has no real value associated with it. Thus, even though the money supply can grow, the value of money is not degraded, for we only have the money needed to exchange goods and services.

I /Me, who read this text/ call forth a shattering of the veil in the collective consciousness, so that people will awaken to the realization that when money is based on real value, it is possible to have a steadily growing economy and a steady increase in the money supply without having an increase in the prices of goods and services. The value of the money – what you can buy for that money – will remain constant.

I call forth an awakening to the fact that as productivity increases – as new methods and services are invented – the value of people’s labor goes up. Thus, everyone experiences an increase in abundance. This is the divine economy, the spiritual economy, the natural economy. For nature has a built-in force that leads towards greater abundance for all life.

I call forth an awakening to the fact that you get away from the divine economy by disassociating money from something that has real value. This started with the kings in Europe who needed money to wage war with each other. Yet war cannot produce something of value; it can only destroy something of value. Thus, the warring kings set the stage for the emergence of a perverted money system.

I call forth an awakening to the fact that the medieval kings entered into an unholy alliance with the emerging bankers of Europe. The bankers realized that they could make money by lending gold and charging interest, and they started secretly lending out the money people had deposited in their vaults.

I call forth an awakening to the fact that the warring kings of Europe were open to the suggestions of the bankers, that instead of having money that was based on gold or silver, the kings created a new type of money, called fiat money – money by decree. The bankers created this money, lent it to the king, who could then use it to finance his war.

I call forth an awakening to the fact that by disconnecting money from something of real value, the bankers could create money out of nothing by lending more money than the reserves in their vaults. Through the emergence of fractional reserve banking, the kings and the bankers could increase the money supply beyond what is needed to trade goods and services that have real value.

I call forth an awakening to the fact that when there is more money in circulation, the first people who spend the newly issued money will inevitably bid up prices of goods and services, including real estate. This increases prices, which gradually filters through the economy until the prices of all goods and services have gone up.

I call forth an awakening to the fact that if you double the amount of money by creating money that is not backed by anything of value, then prices of most goods and services will go up proportionally. Thereby, the value of the labor of the majority of the population has now been reduced, because we still only work so many hours, but we need more money to pay for goods and services.

I call forth an awakening to the fact that even though the average worker is better off today, this is only true because we have been willing to multiply our talents. Yet because of the perverted money system, we have not been reaping the natural, God-given reward for our labor.

I call forth an awakening to the fact that inflation is a hidden form of tax, where the people do not realize they are taxed because we do not see it on our tax bill or paycheck. What we do not see is that the value of the money, and thereby the value of our labor, has been reduced.

I call forth an awakening to the fact that if we had a divine economy, the standard of living would be much higher for all people. We would have a worldwide economy where no people would have to exist on less than two dollars a day. In a divine economy, the amount of abundance would have increased so greatly that there is enough to give everybody a decent standard of living.

I call forth an awakening to the fact that the power elite – through the perversion of the money system, and through eroding the value of the fiat money they have created – have delayed the God-ordained growth in the economy and the manifestation of the abundant life that should have come about by now – had it not been for the intervention of the elite.

I call forth an awakening to the fact that in a debt-based money system, the elite who create money out of nothing can buy goods and services at the old prices. Yet as the new money circulates through the economy, prices go up so that the people have to pay more.

I call forth an awakening to the fact that an inflationary money system causes a greater and greater concentration of wealth in the control of a smaller and smaller elite. Thus, we now have a few percent of the population in most nations who control the majority of the wealth. And this is not the divine economy, where there is abundance for all.

I call forth a shattering of the veil in the collective consciousness, so that people will awaken to the realization that the fiat money system is an absolute perversion of the abundant life of God. It is the power elite seeking to control the people through the money supply. In the United States, this has lead to an unholy alliance between the federal government and the Federal Reserve – which is not a federal agency and thus not answerable to the people in a direct manner.

I call forth an awakening to the fact that the governments of today also face the situation that they want to spend more money than the people are willing to pay in taxes. Thus, they let the bankers create it out of nothing, thereby eroding the value of money – and thus taxing the people without the people being aware of this.

I call forth an awakening to the fact that in order to finance the war in Iraq, President Bush set the money machine in motion. The Federal Reserve created the money out of nothing, lending it to the federal government, so that they could use it to finance the military invasion in Iraq.

I call forth an awakening to the fact that this is not only done to finance wars. It is done in many other areas of the economy, where the government wants to spend more than they think the people are willing to pay in taxes, so they simply camouflage it as inflation. The people pay it anyway, but now we do not notice, and thus we do not object.

I call forth an awakening to the fact that the bankers and those in the top financial elite make a huge profit from creating money out of nothing, because the people not only have the degradation of the value of the money but also pay the interest on the national debt. Yet the bankers are not concerned about a nation paying back the debt – as long as we keep paying the interest and allowing them to create more money out of nothing, so that they can keep their money machine rolling.

I call forth an awakening to the fact that there is a direct connection between war and the money machine. For the bankers long ago realized that there was no better way to earn a profit than to set nations against each other in war. For when nations are committed to war, they spend more money than they would in peacetime. And the power elite make the profit, for they often finance both sides of the conflict and also produce the weapons used in the conflict.

I call forth an awakening to the fact that a perverted money system is a form of slavery that is far beyond physical slavery. For economic slavery is a form of slavery that most people do not understand, and therefore we cannot object to it. We simply notice that we have to work harder and harder.

I call forth an awakening to the fact that the people need to muster the will to educate ourselves as to why we have to work harder and the money is not stretching as far as it used to. Because if the people are not willing to take responsibility for our society and the money system, we draw unto ourselves those who are willing to pervert the system and take advantage of the people.

I call forth an awakening to the fact that if the good people do nothing, the power elite will inevitably keep increasing the money supply in their greed, blindness and spiritual pride. For they think they will never have to suffer the consequences of their actions, being so used to the people bearing the karma that they think they can get away with anything.

I call forth a shattering of the veil in the collective consciousness, so that people will awaken to the realization that we cannot expect the power elite to stop the downward spiral. Thus, if we do not put on the brakes, it is just a matter of time before the money machine will run amok, until the whole system collapses and the nation is faced with the necessity to return to a sound money system.

I call forth an awakening to the fact that when you have a sound money system – where money is tied to real value, such as the value of people’s labor – you have the foundation for a golden age economy. In the Golden Age, there is a steady growth in abundance and opportunity, where all people get a fair return from their efforts.

I call forth an awakening to the fact that in the Golden Age /…/, no one is poor, no one is lacking for food, no one is lacking for a decent standard of living. No one is lacking for the free time to pursue the spiritual aspects of life according to their own choosing.

I call forth an awakening to the fact that there is no end to the growth in the economy in a golden age society. For the concept of limits to growth is put upon us by the elite, who want us to accept limits for our growth, while they have no intention of limiting their own accumulation of wealth, power, and privilege. But they have to find a way to get the people to be satisfied with less, so that they can have more.

I call forth an awakening to the fact that money is not evil, but that money is an expression of the Mother and the Mother flame. But if the Mother is disconnected from the Father, then the Mother becomes an end in itself. And so money becomes an end in itself – rather than a means to the end of keeping the divine economy growing, bringing forth greater abundance.

I call forth an awakening to the fact that when we have the perversion of the Mother, instead of an upward spiral of increasing the amount of abundance, we have a situation where we limit the growth so that there is a concentration of wealth in the hands of a small elite.

I call forth an awakening to the fact that the elite want to concentrate wealth in their own hands, and they do not care that the total amount of abundance is not increased, for they do not care that the people live in poverty. In fact, they prefer it, because then they seem richer in comparison.

I call forth an awakening to the fact that the power elite are trapped in the duality consciousness, which is relative, and therefore compares everything based on a relative value judgment. And so they are raising themselves in comparison to others by keeping the people down, by limiting the value of our labor, thereby limiting the total amount of wealth.
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Ogląda profil użytkownika Wyślij prywatną wiadomość Wyślij email Odwiedź stronę autora

Dołączył: 04 Paź 2008
Posty: 517
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PostWysłany: 06:34, 31 Paź '08   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Zaczalem ten tekst tlumaczyc, ale nie dokoncze mego dziela.
Jestem ateista i nie wierze w boga, owy artykul wg mnie to dzielo i odpowiedz fanatykow religijnych na to co sie dzieje wokol nas..
Oczywiscie przeczytalem caly tekst i znalazlem wiele niescislosci..
Koles powtarza sie 5 razy na minute, nie wnosi nic nowego do tematu, a krzyczec moze kazdy.. nie widze tu zadnego dzialania, akcji ani dowodow..
Dla mnie jest oczywiste ze jest to dzielo wlasnie """ takiego kogos z elity, albo ich poplecznika"""..
"Nasze poglady sa wyuczone, co nie znaczy ze sa prawdziwe.." Bill Hicks
Wiara to Ja, a Wiedza to moj Miecz.

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Ogląda profil użytkownika Wyślij prywatną wiadomość Odwiedź stronę autora

Dołączył: 30 Paź 2008
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PostWysłany: 07:49, 31 Paź '08   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Nie ma zadnej konspiracji. Jest/byl to, po prostu, wynik tego, ze jako nowy uczestnik nie calkiem mam opanowana technike zamiszczania postow.

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