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Dołączył: 04 Sie 2008
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PostWysłany: 21:51, 01 Wrz '08   Temat postu: Policjant miał rację Odpowiedz z cytatem


Sunday, 31 August 2008

Copyright David Icke, 2008. All Rights Reserved.

The David Icke Newsletter, August 31st 2008



Hello all ...

You may remember a Newsletter in March this year headed 'Is the Meter Maid Coming Into Your Home?' If not, you can find it in the Newsletter archive at Davidicke.com.

I also highlighted the information in that article in my presentations to both the media and the public at the Big Brother by-election in July. - click here to see the public event.

I explained how I had received a letter from a UK traffic warden who reads my books and had become extremely alarmed and bewildered by information he had been given in the course of his job, which involved issuing fines to motorists for illegal parking. (Women who do the same job became known as 'Meter Maids' after a Beatles song about 'Lovely Rita, Meter Maid'.)

Here is a summary of what appeared in that Newsletter of six months ago before I put it into the context of what has happened this week:

The man who wrote to me, I will call him 'Andy', has been a traffic warden for some two decades and his job has always been focussed on issues relating to traffic and parking law - nothing else - because that is all that traffic wardens were supposed to be involved with.

Traffic wardens as they used to be

All was well, he said, until about five years ago when changes in management brought a whole new change of emphasis. Suddenly, it was no longer about keeping the traffic moving efficiently; it was all about issuing as many parking tickets as possible to increase dramatically the money taken from motorists in fines. Andy said that many wardens left in protest with comments like 'The heart has been ripped out of this job' and 'We are now managed by robots'.

In his letter to me, Andy described how he had been asked to see his office manager for a 'quiet word', during which he was given three cards for himself and his colleagues:

* The first card dealt with his work on parking issues. Fair enough, that's his job, but the other two left him confused and increasingly concerned at what was going on.

* Card number two was a 'Pace' card, which is short for 'Police Action and Court Evidence, with the words that police officers have to say in law when they are arresting someone:

'You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence.'

Traffic wardens have no need whatsoever to know this police caution text because they are not in a position where they would - or can at present - use it. Only the police and some other government law enforcement officers have this power of arrest.

* The third card authorised Andy and his colleagues to act on behalf of the local council for the enforcement of various statutory provisions - 'including entering and inspecting premises'.

Excuse me? What on earth has entering and inspecting premises and the words said during a police arrest got to do with people who simply issue tickets to motorists illegally parked??

This was the question Andy put to his bosses when the cards were issued, but he was told that they had been ordered to distribute the cards and Andy should just keep them safe until he was told to use them.

Some time later, Andy met a police officer he knew from some years before. After a general chat among other wardens, the officer pulled Andy aside and said he wanted to speak in private.

The officer said that Andy should not breathe a word of what he was about to tell him, and he was only telling him the information because he was an old friend.

He said that for months he had been on 'special duties' coordinating a top secret operation, meeting with 'top brass' from the police and national and local government. This was happening all over the country, he said, and certain officers had been chosen - or were having to do - what he was doing.

The officer asked for another promise from Andy not to reveal details of the conversation before saying that the government was preparing for what he was about to reveal 'well, well, in advance'. They were expecting ...

'... a war, a lot of riots, a lot of very big trouble.'

The officer said that he understood that Andy and his colleagues had been given a number of cards, one with the Pace caution and one giving permission to enter various premises.

'Let's just say, I know, now, the reason you have been given them is because when all of this happens, and it will, we [the police] will be on the front line with the armed forces and people in your kind of jobs ... parking wardens, security officers, CCTV operatives and so on will be required to do our job.'

'You must be joking, that's crazy', Andy replied.

'I'm not joking', the officer said, 'this is on the level. I am just putting you wise to what will happen, but the main thing is please don't tell anyone.'

So here was a police officer, on the inside of this covert operation, saying that there was going to be a war and that the expected mass protests were going to be dealt with by the police and the military while the normal police work was going to be done by traffic wardens, private security guards, CCTV operatives and so on.

'Andy', the traffic warden, contacted me in March to tell me the story, but his conversation with the police officer happened some months earlier. So this 'war' and the preparations to meet the public response have been in the planning a long time.

A few days after I received Andy's letter and saw the cards he was talking about, the government announced that traffic wardens were going to be renamed 'civil enforcement officers' and their powers increased and expanded to include some of the tasks normally done by the police.

Now, this week, the government has revealed plans to 'accredit' a whole list of 'civilians' to do police work and these include ... security guards, council officials, car park attendants, store detectives, park wardens, even stewards at sporting events.

This is exactly what the police officer described to Andy the best part of a year ago. Two things to stress here:

1.)This is not just about the UK. Yes, in so many ways Britain is at the forefront of the rapidly unfolding Orwellian State, but what you see here is a blueprint for everywhere.

2.) The police powers being given to these people today are nothing compared with the powers they will be given when 'the war' breaks out.

This is a graphic from the UK Daily Mail (www.dailymail.co.uk) revealing the powers of the new 'civilian police' and who qualifies:

There are already 1,400 of these Orwellian-entitled 'Accredited Persons' under the 'Community Safety Accreditation Scheme' and now the numbers are going to explode. All they have to do is pay, or have their employers pay, a small fee for their next-to-no training and next-to-no background checks and off they can go onto the streets where they can stop vehicles, issue fines, take photographs of people, patrol with dogs, confiscate property and demand names and addresses.

It has reached the point where people who drop litter, no matter how minor, are being photographed when they refuse to give their names to these agents of the State and their picture printed in the local paper like a wanted poster.

For the moment 'Accredited Persons' will wear badges on their current uniforms, but the government plans eventually to have them all in special uniforms (in time for the war, no doubt, and black shirts would be most appropriate). They will join the former traffic wardens, now the Orwellian-entitled Civil Enforcement Officers, and the so-called 'Special Constables' who also do police work without the same level of training.

Together, with yet more classic Orwellian language, this little lot are being called by the government 'the extended police family'. 'Family', see; sounds cuddly and non-threatening to obscure the reality of what it really represents.

They are far more accurately being dubbed 'Jacqui Smith's Secret Police' or 'Smith's Stasi' after the notorious East German Stasi secret police and the British Home Secretary who is officially behind the policy, but, of course, isn't in truth.

As I have been stressing all these years, the few can't control the many unless the many control each other and that is what this is all about - to get people from the masses to control the masses.

Every dictatorship and tyranny from Hitler to Stalin to Mugabe to any other you can name has imposed its will on the people through inadequate idiots from within the people. And there is never a shortage of takers anywhere in the world, which is why there can be so many tyrannical regimes.

What kind of mentality will want to take up the government's offer to become an 'Accredited Person' and a member of the 'British Secret Police'? The very people who should not be allowed within a million miles of any position that involves power over others.

They will be the bullies and the mentally and emotionally insecure who seek power over others to feed their sense of self when what they really need is a good therapist; they will be the robots for whom the rule book is their brain and they will be the masochists who will use the job to feed their fetish for domination and control.

And, of course, the Shadow People behind the useful idiots like the above Jacqui Smith know exactly what sort of personalities the job will attract. That's the idea, to set loose on the people the most emotionally-retarded expressions of the people; to turn neighbour against neighbour, family against family. It's called divide and rule.

I live on a small Island with only 140,000 people and yet I have seen a dramatic increase in uniforms and luminous jackets this past seven years as the number of council enforcers has constantly expanded. When I see the mentality of these people, some with no observable evidence of neuron activity, it beggars belief that they are now being offered ever more powers to inflict themselves on other peoples' lives.

But, this is the irony. They actually have no power themselves at all. The uniform or the badge has the power, not them. When they take off the uniform or leave the job they leave their 'power' behind because they never had it in the first place - the uniform did.

And the uniform is what? An extension of the State. That's all these people are - extensions of the State, which, in turn, is an extension of the Shadow People manipulating the direction of human society.

What they should be called are 'Accredited Pawns'. If they were, how many takers would there be then? Next to none, so those who are emotionally sick enough to desire power over others must go on deluding themselves that they have power when they have none. Pathetic pawns is all they are, though few of them will ever see it - the 'cognitive dissonance' I wrote about last week will make sure of that.

'Accredited Persons' report for duty

Without such people the few simply cannot control the many. They are the enforcers of State power, which is the enforcer of Shadow People power, and now those in the shadows are making their final plays in their long-planned goal of global domination.

The 'Accredited Person' scam is also designed to bring into the realm of public control the endless 'private security firms' who, when you dig deep enough, so often turn out to be owned by the same people who own the governments. These private companies are being encouraged by the government to get involved with this 'Accredited Persons' scheme to 'boost their profile'. Oh, I think the motivation goes just a touch further than that.

There are the official armies and the private armies and given that both are controlled ultimately by the same force they form, in fact, one army, the army of the Shadow People.

So here we are, and I can't say it too often or loudly enough, at the crossroads for human society. What I have been warning about for so long is now daily experience and yet still the vast majority call for the sand and the bucket.

At the Big Brother by-election media conference in July I told the 'journalists' the story of the traffic warden and what his police officer friend said was going to happen. This week it happened and yet my phone has not rung with a single journalist asking for more information.

Irony, of ironies, a newspaper that broke the 'Accredited Persons' story was the London Daily Mail and in the audience at my by-election media conference last month was a Daily Mail 'star' called Quentin Letts. He wrote at the time that what I had said about Big Brother, including, therefore, the traffic warden's tale, was 'nonsense, of course'.

So much nonsense, in fact, that this week confirmation of its validity was blazed across the front page of his own newspaper.

Once again, as with the Big Brother by-election and the truly useless 'civil rights' group, Liberty, the media blamed the 'authoritarian Labour government' for the introduction of Orwell's Britain - not able, or not willing, to see that we are looking at Global Big Brother and the 'Labour government' is just a servile cog in its machine.

When the 'opposition' Conservative Party come to 'power' they will simply continue the expansion of the Big Brother society, not least because they are now, through organisations like the Henry Jackson Society, an arm of the Neocon network in the United States, which has been the puppeteer behind Bush these last eight years and before.

But 'It's the Labour government' provides the diversion to camouflage Global Big Brother.

For the last nearly two decades I have felt like someone watching a road traffic accident in slow motion. You can see the outcome, but the guy about to cross the road in front of the truck is laughing at you and saying of your warning: 'It's nonsense, of course'.

There is only one thing left to happen in what the police officer told 'Andy' and that is the war that he said all this was leading to. It is the war I have long warned is planned to create the global turmoil and catastrophe designed to justify a world government and army to 'stop such a war ever happening again'.

But, naturally, those who are behind the war will be behind the creation of a fascist world government and army 'to stop such a war happening again' - Problem-Reaction-Solution.

What is happening with regard to the United States, NATO and Russia in Georgia and the ongoing manufactured dispute with Iran are all part of the build-up to the engineered conflict that will also involve China at some point. I am not saying it will happen tomorrow, but nor do I say it is a long time away.

What is for sure is that as you see the British secret police network, sorry 'extended police family', getting ever larger with ever more powers, the ever-closer we will be to the war and thus the public response that these manipulations are designed to quell.

How much longer before we 'get' it? How much longer before we 'get' it and then do something about it? How much longer before we have a mass campaign of non-violent, non-cooperation that will show where the real power lies - with ourselves?

We can only be enslaved with OUR cooperation and we need to stop cooperating NOW.

But what if we don't act and instead do nothing?

Tick, tick, tick ...

... 'They say they're using child protection laws to impose Big Brother, honey, what is the world coming to? What's on the TV tonight, honey, is there a game show on ...?'

Tick, tick, tick ...

... 'They say they're giving the tax people the power to come in our homes, honey, what is the world coming to? What's on the TV tonight, honey, is there a game show on ...?'

Tick, tick, tick ...

... 'They say they're creating a Stasi secret police in our own community, honey, what is the world coming to? What's on the TV tonight, honey, is there a game show on ...?'

Tick, tick, tick ...

'... Hey, honey, I just heard a knock on the door. Who can that be?'

Please Note

The content of this Newsletter is so important for everyone to know, so please feel free to circulate it to anyone you think will benefit from this information.

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