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Autor Wiadomość
Jerzy Ulicki-Rek

Dołączył: 18 Gru 2007
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PostWysłany: 23:53, 24 Lip '08   Temat postu: A Niemcy zdychają po cichutku... Odpowiedz z cytatem


Jeszcze jeden z tematow ,o ktorych nie trzeba glosno mowic :jak naprawde wyglada sytucja ekonomiczna w Niemczech.
Ponizej fragment.

"By Michael James
On the border of Switzerland

There is a strange feeling of despair that is sweeping Germany, but as with all things that are uniquely German, or at least address fears that cannot be articulated lest they betray a cultural peculiarity incompatible with politically correct European or American sensibilities, nothing is said that makes sense to ordinary citizens. It is only sometimes whispered.

The banks in Germany now stand on the verge of collapse, and despite the best assurances of the financial elite, we all know that hard times are soon upon us. But it’s still a whisper. The International Jewish money power has all but eaten the substance of a fiat money system that, despite its modicum of probity based upon the nominal integrity of a commoditised financial system, had at least promised an element of surety in a world that placed its faith in promissory notes and digits on a computer screen that seemed real. But let’s not mention the Jews. This is Germany.

In America, the people look to their new saviours to rescue them from the disaster that awaits them, a crisis that will most assuredly reveal itself at a personal level on the single default of a month’s salary. Clinton, Obama, McCain, and Huckabee: the hucksters and charlatans of a Judeo-Freemasonic financial deception; all of whom know that the only avenue of escape is war. A New Deal and New War. But this time the only deal you’ll get is war.

We know this already in Europe. America is no longer a real producer economy, but an exporter of war and death. Although Americans are only beginning to feel the inflationary incursions on their purchasing power caused by the greed of a handful of rapacious Zionist bankers, millions of Europeans are bringing less food to the table, week by week, month by month.

If your news staple is CNN or the BBC, you probably won’t realise that hundreds of thousands of Germans are now suffering a level and degree of poverty unknown since the time of the Weimar republic. You’ve probably been sold the story that everything is just swimmingly fine and Germans are amongst the most affluent people in the world. What your Jewish journalists, who in any case have a vested interest in selling the myth of untold German riches to fill their reparations coffers, are not telling you, is that vast numbers of ordinary hard-working Germans are not only working for a pittance, but are finding it almost impossible to feed their families adequately and meet their housing and energy bills.

Although the official statistics and the astonishing lies that daily boast of a ‘buoyant economic recovery’ speak of a nation adequately inured against the worst ravages of poverty and its ability to survive any meltdown on the financial markets, the unspeakable truth never mentioned in any popular broadsheet is that untold numbers of native German children are now going to bed hungry, deprived of even remedial healthcare and a normative standard of education, simply because parents are no longer able to pay clinic visitation fees or cover the costs of schools meals.

According to the latest AWO-ISS report, 10 percent more German children fell below the poverty line in 2006. Wages in real terms (minus inflation) retain the same purchasing power they had in 1987. The despised euro has almost all but decimated consumer purchasing power. Between 2001 and 2005, the cost of most food products increased by almost 100 percent, despite the bare-faced, criminal protestations to the contrary on the part of the former Minister of Finance, Herr Eichel, who was himself found guilty of tax evasion. "
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Dołączył: 12 Cze 2008
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PostWysłany: 23:57, 24 Lip '08   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Można się było tego spodziewać.
Po za tym są w Niemczech takie absurdy jak zakaz wjazdu starym samochodom ze starymi katalizatorami do miast. Chyba większość takie posiada. Odcinanie wsi od miast? Zamykanie miast, robienie z nich gett śmierci? Przeżyją tylko ze wsi?
To co się dzieje teraz na zachodzie zakrawa o taki faszyzm jakich mało.
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Dołączył: 04 Lip 2009
Posty: 8630
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PostWysłany: 10:09, 02 Mar '24   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Deindustrializacja Europy na przykładzie Niemiec. Najciekawszy pomysł to przenoszenie niemieckiej myśli technologicznej i fabryk do USA. Oczywiście w całej tej ekologii chodzi o to by wydymać drugą stronę która ma wyjebane w ekologię. I już widać kto stoi na zielonym ładem w Europie - USA. Ruski gaz zły, nasz skroplony statkami dobry, fabryki przeniesiemy, myśl techniczną, wykwalifikowaną kadrę stworzymy, a w Europie będzie park rozrywki Dzikich, będą wycieczki "Noc Oczyszczenia" , gdzie będzie można polować na Dzikich, normalnie jak tysiąc lat wcześniej, będą popierdalali na koniach z mieczami Wink .
Taki Westworld na żywo, i coś takiego to ekscytujące wyzwanie dla inżynierii społecznej, dla Elit prawdziwie rządzących i to jest do zrobienia. To jest ten sam poziom co Kambodża Pol Pota, wyjebiać ludzi z miast na wieś tylko w drugą stronę, ze wsi do miast obozów i to w skali prawie całej Europy.
Pamiętajcie że w specjalistycznych Obozach pracy nie produkuje się żywności, tylko ją sprowadza z zewnątrz, to już się dzieje Wink .

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