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Dołączył: 12 Sie 2008
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PostWysłany: 12:26, 28 Sty '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

hoo - niezły wałek

i to pewnie jest główna prawda bo biorąc pod uwagę ile danych zagarnęli dla siebie a pewnie duża część z tego to były kopie zapasowe lub jedyne kopie zdjęć czy filmików rodzinnych lub innych plików autorstwa zwykłych ludzi.

dzisiaj gdzieś słyszałem że zbierają prawników żeby wytoczyć proces FBI za nielegalne zagarnięcie mienia.
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Ogląda profil użytkownika Wyślij prywatną wiadomość

Dołączył: 23 Lut 2009
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PostWysłany: 13:28, 28 Sty '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

a jezeli przez pipe bedzie trudniejszy dostep dla imbecyli do kretynskich filmow to DOBRZE! moze sie w koncu zabiora za cos bardziej konstruktywnego.

świnta racja panie...pewnie 99% owiec bylo o wiele szczesliwsza gdy nie bylo internetu wcale a przynajmniej niedostepna dla nich.

onet mnie rozbraja. wyżej pisałem jak manipulują głosami zmieniając pytanie sondy.
wrzucili nową w któej głosów na tak jest znacznie mniej Smile

o net to jedna wielka manipulacja i kłamstwo czy jeszcze tego nikt tu nie zauważył Razz

Z tym całym ACTA chodzi o odszkodowania i zyski jak we wszystkim na tym świecie ... ;/ zysk zysk zysk ;D

a za wszystkim stoi ssszyssk i niewolnictwo Twisted Evil ciekawe czy ktokolwiek z was potrafi jeszcze normalnie funkcjonować bez internetu?
nie konwersuje z babochłopami.

*miarą twojej wiedzy jest zasięg twojej intuicji* astrit
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Ogląda profil użytkownika Wyślij prywatną wiadomość

Dołączył: 12 Sie 2008
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PostWysłany: 21:19, 10 Lut '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

sypie nam się stara era internetu bo odchodzą najwięksi.
wchodzisz na btjunkie a tam:

2005 - 2012
This is the end of the line my friends.
The decision does not come easy, but we've decided to voluntarily shut down.
We've been fighting for years for your right to communicate, but it's time to move on.
It's been an experience of a lifetime, we wish you all the best!
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Dołączył: 02 Mar 2012
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PostWysłany: 13:05, 05 Mar '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 18:35, 18 Mar '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Mega court blunder could see Kim Dotcom’s fortune returned

An incorrect court order issued against the founder of Megaupload has been declared “null and void” by a New Zealand judge. The legal bungle could lead to the return of the internet tycoon’s multi-million dollar fortune.

New Zealand police reportedly made a procedural error and applied for the wrong kind of restraining order. As a consequence internet mogul Kim Dotcom, formally known as Kim Schmitz, was not afforded the opportunity to defend himself prior to the seizure of his assets eight weeks ago by the police.

The Judge presiding over the case, Justice Judith Potter said on Friday that the order carried no “legal effect” and the case would have to be re-evaluated, the NZ Herald reports.

Potter said she would soon rule on whether the mistake meant the internet mogul should get his property back.

dalej: http://rt.com/news/dotcom-megaupload-assets-return-853/
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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 14:16, 27 Mar '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Kim Dotcom: The US Government is Wrong, Here’s Why

For the first time since his arrest in January, Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom is responding to allegations in what he calls the “MPAA-sponsored” indictment. Eager to fight back, Dotcom refutes several “nonsense” claims made by the Government. In addition, he shows that Mega wasn’t a big bad pirate haven, but a legitimate service that may have been shutdown for political reasons.

For a man who’s the main defendant in one of the biggest criminal cases ever brought in the US, Kim Dotcom is surprisingly composed.

The Megaupload founder is convinced of his innocence, and instead of letting fear or anger get to him, he is excited. Deep into the night, Dotcom digs through heaps of paperwork, collecting evidence that shows how he was framed by the US Government.

Talking to TorrentFreak by phone, he gives example after example of why he thinks the indictment twists the truth. While Megaupload’s lawyers are still working on the first motion in response to the indictment, he agreed to exclusively share the first details with us.

czytaj dalej: http://torrentfreak.com/kim-dotcom-the-us-government-is-wrong-heres-why-120326/
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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 15:37, 03 Kwi '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Kim Dotcom allowed back online in New Zealand

AUCKLAND, New Zealand (AP) — The founder of file-sharing website Megaupload, Kim Dotcom, is being allowed back online.

Dotcom was previously denied Internet access under bail conditions imposed by New Zealand authorities after his January arrest. He remains under house arrest.

U.S. prosecutors seeking to extradite Dotcom accuse him of racketeering by facilitating millions of illegal downloads of copyrighted material on his website.

New Zealand Judge David Harvey on Monday said Dotcom's behavior since his arrest appears to have been "exemplary."

The judge ruled Dotcom could access the Internet, go swimming once a day, travel twice a week to an Auckland studio to record music, and meet once a week with his co-accused Megaupload colleagues ahead of an August extradition hearing.

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Dołączył: 03 Gru 2009
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PostWysłany: 06:10, 04 Kwi '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Widzialem wywiad ten kilka postow wyzej oraz poczytalem trochu, by
stwierdzic, ze to poprostu madry gosc, a ja ze swojej strony zycze mu jak najlepiej niech
pokaze, ze da sie wygrac z mafia i bandyckim systemem.
"Uważajcie na ludzi, którzy się nie śmieją.
Są niebezpieczni"
G. J. Cezar
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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 18:50, 22 Kwi '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Megaupload Trial May Never Happen, Judge Says

A US judge has put a bomb under the Megaupload case by informing the FBI that a trial in the United States may never happen. The cyberlocker was never formally served with the appropriate paperwork by the US authorities, as it is impossible to serve a foreign company with criminal charges.

The US Government accuses Kim Dotcom and the rest of the “Mega Conspiracy” of running a criminal operation.

Charges in the indictment include engaging in a racketeering conspiracy, conspiring to commit copyright infringement, conspiring to commit money laundering and two substantive counts of criminal copyright infringement.

While the prosecution is hoping to have Megaupload tried in the US, breaking news suggests that this may never happen.

It turns out that the US judge handling the case has serious doubts whether it will ever go to trial due to a procedural error.

“I frankly don’t know that we are ever going to have a trial in this matter,” Judge O’Grady said as reported by the NZ Herald.

Judge O’Grady informed the FBI that Megaupload was never served with criminal charges, which is a requirement to start the trial. The origin of this problem is not merely a matter of oversight. Megaupload’s lawyer Ira Rothken says that unlike people, companies can’t be served outside US jurisdiction.

"My understanding as to why they haven´t done that is because they can´t. We don´t believe Megaupload can be served in a criminal matter because it is not located within the jurisdiction of the United States," Rothken says.

Megaupload´s lawyer adds that he doesn´t understand why the US authorities weren´t aware of this problem before. As a result Judge O´Grady noted that Megaupload is "kind of hanging out there."

If this issue indeed prevents Megaupload from being tried in the US, it would be a blunder of epic proportions. And it is not the first "procedural" mistake either.

Last month the New Zealand High Court declared the order used to seize Dotcom´s property "null and void" after it was discovered that the police had acted under a court order that should have never been granted.

The error dates back to January when the police applied for the order granting them permission to seize Dotcom´s property. Rather than applying for an interim restraining order, the Police Commissioner applied for a foreign restraining order instead.

The exact ramifications of the failure to serve will become apparent in the near future.

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Dołączył: 19 Lut 2009
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PostWysłany: 18:53, 22 Kwi '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

A właśnie gdzieś ostatnio mi śmignęło przed oczami, że ci od Rapidshare zaczynają wymiękać i popierać ustawy antypirackie. Ciekawe w co przekształcą swój serwis. Smile
Uwaga - Wypowiedzi autora posiadają jedynie wydźwięk satyryczny celem obnażenia ludzkich lęków i obsesyjnych zachowań społeczeństwa.
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Dołączył: 29 Paź 2011
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PostWysłany: 03:56, 23 Kwi '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

pojawiło się ostatnio coś fajnego nazywa się to DwnShare, a wupload z hasłami i loginami typu premium zapierdala 1gb s
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Ogląda profil użytkownika Wyślij prywatną wiadomość

Dołączył: 29 Paź 2011
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PostWysłany: 04:32, 23 Kwi '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

podaje teraz hasło@log do tego wariata: Ale nie nie ma tak łatwo- szukajcie pastebin plus coś tam
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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 12:45, 05 Maj '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

The founder of the popular file-sharing website Megaupload has started to get back his assets in New Zealand, after a local court ruled the confiscation of his fortune was illegal. Kim Dotcom is currently facing extradition to the US where he faces charges of money laundering, racketeering and copyright infringement. American authorities shut down Megaupload in January, while Dotcom and his fellow executives were arrested in New Zealand at US request. But voices are growing louder in America that the prosecution of the website and its owners is unlawful. Law professor Eric Goldman argues that the shutdown was simply a gift to the entertainment industry.
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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 13:07, 30 Maj '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Megaupload Wins Crucial Evidence Disclosure Battle With US Govt.

A New Zealand court has ruled that the U.S. Government must hand over the evidence they have against Megaupload so Kim Dotcom and other employees can properly defend themselves against the pending extradition request. The U.S. refused to comply but Judge Harvey concluded that this would be unfair. He further noted that the entire U.S. case stands or falls on the strength of the alleged copyright infringement charges.

czytaj: http://torrentfreak.com/megaupload-wins-.....vt-120529/

New Zealand judge orders US to hand over Megaupload documents

Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom and his co-defendants scored a significant victory on Tuesday when a New Zealand judge ordered the United States government to hand over evidence the defense will need to prepare for an upcoming extradition hearing. He rejected the government's argument that the defendants should make do with the information about its case the government itself chose to introduce in court.

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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 12:25, 07 Cze '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

MPAA: Megaupload Users Can Have Their Files Back, But…

Almost half a year has passed since Megaupload’s servers were raided by the U.S. Government, and still there is no agreement on how former users can retrieve their files. Previously the authorities and MPAA have objected against such a mass retrieval, but in a filing at the court today the movie industry changed its tone. The MPAA states that users can have their files back as long as access to copyrighted files is blocked.

In the wake of the January shutdown of Megaupload, many of the site’s legitimate users complained that their personal files had been lost.

Among these users are many people in the U.S. military who used the site to share pictures and videos with family. Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom previously informed TorrentFreak that least 15,634 soldiers had accounts at Megaupload, between them sharing hundreds of thousands of files.

But as of January those files were rendered inaccessible and attempts by the parties involved to come to a solution have failed miserably.

Last month one of Megaupload’s users, represented by the EFF, filed a motion asking the court to facilitate such a user data retrieval. Today, the MPAA filed a response to this motion in which they appear to be more open to the request.

“The MPAA Members are sympathetic to legitimate users who may have relied on Megaupload to store their legitimately acquired or created data, although the Megaupload terms of use clearly disclaimed any guarantee of continued access to uploaded materials,” MPAA’s lawyers write.

dalej: http://torrentfreak.com/mpaa-megaupload-.....ut-120606/
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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 22:41, 21 Cze '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Kim Dotcom jest uparty – po zamknięciu Megaupload planuje uruchomić Megabox

Kim Dotcom, kontrowersyjna postać będąca ostatnio w centrum zainteresowania głównie z powodu zamknięcia przez FBI serwisu hostingowego Megaupload, którego Dotcom jest twórcą, nie planuje wycofania się z interesu. Megabox, projekt muzyczny, który miałby pomóc artystom zarabiać na swojej muzyce, a odbiorcom otrzymywać ją za darmo, prawdopodobnie wejdzie w życie – tak wynika przynajmniej tak wynika z Tweeta, w którym Dotcom na Instagramie zapowiada nadejście czegoś poważnego.

Zapewne chodzi o Megabox. Megabox to projekt zapowiadany jeszcze przed zamknięciem Megaupload. Miał, według górnolotnych słów samego Dotcoma i jego świty, dać artystom możliwość uniezależnienia się od wytwórni i zarabiania na swojej muzyce bezpośredników. Model biznesowy ujawniony wtedy jest trochę pokręcony, zacytuję samą siebie:

Megakey, czyli obecne darmowe konta dostępu do usług Mega, w przyszłości miałoby być połączone z dodatkowym oprogramowaniem i usługami reklamowymi Mega. Megakey byłby takim AdBlockiem, tylko zamiast blokowania reklam zmieniałby 10-15% źródeł reklam na swoje, tak, by wygenerować zyski, z których można by opłacać twórców. Użytkownik w zamian otrzymywałby darmowy dostęp do licencjonowanych treści.

Taka wizja jest mocno marzycielska i oczywiście zostawia dla Mega miejsce na duże zyski własne, jednak im mocniej się nad nią zastanowić, tym więcej ma sensu. Skoro ludzie nie chcą płacić, a wszyscy w gruncie rzeczy uważają, że twórcom należy się wynagrodzenie, to dlaczego Megakey miałby być złym pomysłem? Wszyscy otrzymywaliby to, czego chcą. No, oprócz wytwórni. Bo plan Mega zakłada docelowe pominięcie wytwórni w większości kwestii tak, żeby artysta otrzymywał jak najwięcej zysku dla siebie.

O tych wytwórniach wykrakałam, jednak warto pamiętać, że artysta ma wybór, czy współpracować z wytwórnią, czy działać niezależnie. Widać, że Dotcom się nie poddał, tylko ciekawe, jak sami artyści przyjmą możliwości Megaboksa, no i oczywiście wciąż nie wiadomo, czy pomysł Dotcoma nie ewoluował i nie zmienił się w znaczny sposób.

Sam Dotcom napisał: "Wielkie wytwórnie myślały, że Megabox umarł. Artyści radujcie się. To nadchodzi i uwolni was z więzów". Nie da się ukryć, że Dotcom wciąż jest niezłym showmanem z zamiłowaniem do górnolotnych słów i przesadyzmu, ale przecież nie o to chodzi.

czytaj dalej: http://www.spidersweb.pl/2012/06/kim-dot.....gabox.html
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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 11:32, 28 Cze '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Megaupload Search Warrants Ruled Illegal by High Court

The search warrants used by police to raid the New Zealand home of Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom have been ruled illegal. In addition, the data that was sent to the FBI was ruled to be unlawfully obtained. The decision by the High Court is the latest in a series of setbacks for prosecutors on both sides of the Pacific. Could this be the beginning of the end for the Megaupload trial?

A case that seemed, just 5 months ago, to be a veritable David and Goliath fight is certainly living up to its billing.

The battle between Megaupload (David) and the US Government and the MPAA (Goliath) started out with a flurry of blows against the New Zealand based site staff, but in recent weeks the blows have all been falling stateside.

czytaj dalej: http://torrentfreak.com/megaupload-searc.....rt-120628/

Megaupload Search Warrants Ruled Illegal by High Court

WELLINGTON (Reuters) - Search warrants used when 70 New Zealand police raided the mansion of the suspected kingpin of an Internet piracy ring were illegal, a New Zealand court ruled on Thursday, dealing a blow to the FBI's highest profile global copyright theft case.

German national Kim Dotcom, also known as Kim Schmitz, was one of four men arrested in January as part of an investigation of his Megaupload.com website led by the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

dalej: http://in.news.yahoo.com/nz-court-finds-.....57269.html
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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 18:24, 29 Cze '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Top Artists Line Up for Kim Dotcom’s Megabox

Kim Dotcom is currently involved in a high-profile criminal prosecution in the U.S., but that isn’t stopping him from preparing the launch of a revolutionary new music service. With Megabox, Dotcom aims to make piracy an issue of the past by introducing free music for all. Dotcom told TorrentFreak that some of the world’s top artists have already signed up for the launch, and more are expected to follow.

Megabox first appeared in the news late last year, following the release of the “Mega Song” promo.

The song featured top artists including P Diddy, Will.i.am, Alicia Keys, Snoop Dogg and Kanye West, endorsing the now-defunct Megaupload. At the time, Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom explained that he had plans to put the “dinosaur record labels” out of business with the release of Megabox.

A month later, however, the Megabox domain was seized as part of the criminal case against Dotcom and other members of the so-called “Mega Conspiracy”. While many thought this was the end of the ambitious plans, Megaupload’s founder recently announced that Megabox is not dead yet.

In fact, the events of the past half year make Dotcom more motivated than ever before.

“I am totally excited about changing the music industry forever and giving the power to the artists,” Dotcom told TorrentFreak today. And he has reason to be excited.

Despite the legal woes, Megabox can still count on the support of many of the world’s top musicians. According to Dotcom, several of them have agreed to try the “free music” model.

“Some of the world’s top artists have lined up to launch with us and I want to make sure that they have the launch that they deserve. And of course the same is true for all the hidden talent out there, the artists who want to use Megabox as a launch pad,” Dotcom says.

The basic idea behind Megabox is simple. Give the public access to free music, and cut out the big labels so artists get properly compensated from the revenue being generated.

This revenue comes from the Megakey application that users have to install. Megakey works like an ad blocker, but instead of blocking ads it replaces a small percentage with Mega´s own ads. Those who prefer not to install the app have the option to buy the music instead.

"Music will be free for users who install the Megakey App. Anyone who does not like the App can just purchase the music," Dotcom explains.

czytaj dalej: http://torrentfreak.com/top-artists-line-up-for-kim-dotcoms-megabox-120629/
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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 12:34, 04 Lip '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Kim Dotcom: Joe Biden Ordered the Megaupload Shutdown

Kim Dotcom says he knows who ordered the shutdown of his company and related sites. The Megaupload founder informs TorrentFreak that he has insider information which reveals that none other than Vice President Joe Biden directed attorney Neil MacBride to target the site. Biden is known to be one of the best friends of former Senator Chris Dodd, who’s now heading the MPAA.

When Megaupload was raided in January, questions were raised as to why the U.S. Government acted so aggressively against a company that seemingly played by the rules.

It’s no secret that the MPAA provides the authorities with “leads” for criminal investigations on a regular basis, but considering the size and location of the company Megaupload was not an ordinary target.

Soon after Kim Dotcom was released from custody he pointed the finger at Washington, arguing that the Mega investigation was a ‘gift’ to Hollywood, facilitated by corrupt Government forces. In the months that followed Dotcom and his team researched the motivations of the U.S. Government which resulted in some revealing findings.

While Megaupload’s founder is cautious about revealing too much early on, he says he has information which shows that it was none other than Vice President Joe Biden who called for the Megaupload takedown.

“I do know from a credible source that it was Joe Biden, the best friend of former Senator and MPAA boss Chris Dodd, who ordered his former lawyer and now state attorney Neil MacBride to take Mega down,” Dotcom told TorrentFreak.

Dotcom previously hinted that Biden was involved in the Megaupload case through one of his tweets.

According to Dotcom the Mega case was discussed June last year in a meeting in the West Wing of the White House.

“After we received information from an insider we scanned the White House visitor logs for all meetings of Chris Dodd and studio bosses with Joe Biden and Obama. They are publicly available on the White House website,” Dotcom told us.

“It is interesting that a man by the name of Mike Ellis of MPA Asia, an extradition expert and former superintendent of the Hong Kong police, was also at a meeting with Dodd, all studio bosses and Joe Biden. The same Mike Ellis met with the Minister of Justice Simon Power in New Zealand.”

An overview of the visitors that were present at this meeting is listed below.

Barry Meyer – CEO Warner Bros Entertainment, Brad Grey – CEO Paramount Pictures, Michael Ellis -Managing Director MPA Asia Pacific, Chris Dodd – CEO MPAA, Jeff Blake – Vice Chairman of Sony Pictures Entertainment, Ronald Meyer – President Universal Studios, Michael O’Leary – MPAA Senior Executive Vice President for Global Policy and External Affairs, Robert Regan – (?) and Rich Ross – Chairman of Walt Disney Studios at the time.

The information above does indeed suggest that the Megaupload case was discussed at the highest political levels last year. Noteworthy is also the MPAA´s lobbying disclosure statement of last year which includes money spent on lobbying the office of Vice President Joe Biden.

What exactly Biden´s role has been, and whether that´s problematic, remains to be seen. However, Dotcom is convinced that corrupt elements in the U.S. Government brought Mega down. More on this will be made public in the near future.

"At the appropriate time we will release what we know. The whole Mega case is quite the political thriller," Dotcom concludes.

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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 20:18, 10 Lip '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Rozprawa Dotcoma odroczona

Rozprawa ekstradycyjna założyciela serwisu Megaupload, Kima Dotcoma, została przesunięta na marzec przyszłego roku. Początkowo planowano ją w sierpniu 2012.

Na zmianę jej terminu wyrazili zgodę zarówno oskarżyciele jak i obrońcy. Opóźnienie rozprawy ma na celu umożliwienie wysłuchania przez sąd innych argumentów obu stron. Obrońcy Dotcoma chcą bowiem złożyć apelację od decyzji sądu, na podstawie której w marcu policja dokonała przeszukania posiadłości podejrzanego. Przed dwoma tygodniami sąd orzekł, że wydany nakaz był wadliwy. Ponadto prawnicy chcą zapoznać się z dowodami, jakimi dysponują amerykańscy oskarżyciele. Nowozelandzcy oskarżyciele reprezentujący amerykańską prokuraturę twierdzą, że nie ma obecnie takiej potrzeby, gdyż Dotocom nie będzie sądzony w Nowej Zelandii.

Samemu Dotcomowi nie podoba się przeniesienia terminu postępowania administracyjnego. Na Twitterze napisał: "Brudna gra USA na zwłokę. Zniszczyli mój biznes. Zajęli moje aktywa. Czas zrobi resztę".

czytaj dalej: http://kopalniawiedzy.pl/Kim-Dotcom-rozprawa-Megaupload-ekstradycja,16195
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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 13:44, 02 Sie '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

US Has Ignored New Zealand Court Order To Return Data It Seized From Megaupload

There are a bunch of moving pieces in the various Megaupload legal proceedings, but if you recall, in the ruling in late June from New Zealand's High Court, it was made clear that the New Zealand government and the US FBI broke the law in sending data from Megaupload's hard drives overseas, and ordered them returned. Megaupload's lawyer, Ira Rothken is out reminding the world that the US has failed to comply with the order to return the data that was illegally taken, and has shown no signs of planning to comply. Apparently, the Justice Department, who is supposed to be enforcing the rule of law, doesn't believe such rule of law applies to its own activities.

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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 18:15, 08 Sie '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Zobaczcie jaką jazdę zrobili gościowi skurwysyny. Znaczy sorry: nowozelandzka policja, na wniosek FBI...

Video: Police Raid On The Mansion Of Megaupload’s Kim Dotcom

Kim Dotcom began giving evidence in the Auckland High Court yesterday at the start of a three day hearing into what happened during the January raid on his New Zealand mansion.

The Megaupload founder described how he heard stones being kicked up onto his bedroom window by helicopters, later revealed to be carrying officers from the Special Tactics Group, New Zealand’s elite anti-terror force.

This overwhelming display of force, detailed in our earlier article, only added to the huge controversy surrounding the dramatic Megaupload takedown, but until now has only been described in words. Today that changed.

3News’ Campbell Live show has been running footage captured from the onboard cameras of helicopters involved in the raid. Audio can be heard throughout describing what is happening on the ground, including the status of Kim Dotcom, his wife and children, and his staff.

“We have five Philippine females and three children,” a voice on the police radio said.

All along Dotcom has insisted that the raid was ordered by Hollywood and if the footage is anything to go by, it certainly lives up to that billing.

The original 3News news report can be watched here.

źródło: http://torrentfreak.com/video-police-rai.....om-120808/
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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 21:18, 08 Sie '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Bimi napisał:
Zobaczcie jaką jazdę zrobili gościowi skurwysyny. Znaczy sorry: nowozelandzka policja, na wniosek FBI...

Ale jaja.
Sierżant jednostki specjalnej, jeden z 30 funkcjonariuszy biorących w akcji nalotu na dom Dotcoma, zeznając przed nowozelandzkim sądem zapytany dlaczego zrobili nalot na dom gościa z użyciem helikoptera, antyterrorystów i karabinów maszynowych (choć bez kamizelek kuloodpornych), pomimo że FBI już wcześniej zajęło mu data center znajdujące się w USA i zabezpieczyło wszystkie dowody, odpowiedział że użyli tego typu środków gdyż Dotcom dysponował urządzeniem do kasowania serwerów na całym świecie ("device to delete servers around the world") - bo takie informacje przekazała im FBI. Shocked

No kurwa, od zawsze wiedziałem że psy to najgorsi debile... ale nie sądziłem, że ma to zastosowanie around the world... Laughing

His lawyer, Paul Davison, QC, yesterday quizzed a sergeant and another officer from the elite STG about the raid, which followed an FBI request for help with an investigation into criminal copyright violation. The men were among 30 officers from the STG and armed offenders squad tasked with leading the raid at the mansion in Coatesville before being backed up by other officers.

The court heard the primary objective of the raid was to stop Dotcom destroying evidence. The sergeant had earlier confirmed his notes, which stated Dotcom had a "device to delete servers around the world" - information he said came from the FBI.

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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 10:38, 16 Sie '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Kim Dotcom oskarżony o… atak brzuchem

Sprawa założyciela popularnego portalu MegaUpload – Kima Dotcom – zamienia się w coraz większą farsę. Teraz, uzasadniając użycie przeciw niemu w pełni uzbrojonego oddziału antyterrorystów policja twierdzi, że wcześniej Dotcom zaatakował jednego ze swoich współpracowników … brzuchem.

dalej: http://www.geekweek.pl/kim-dotcom-oskarzony-o-atak-brzuchem/365238/

Dotcom accused of assault - with his stomach

Police justifications for using anti-terrorist officers to raid Kim Dotcom's home were partly based on claims the tycoon assaulted a former staff member with his stomach. A police form described the assault complaint by video editor Jess Bushyhead as "minor". The form quoted Mr Bushyhead saying the tycoon had "body-butted me in the left shoulder using his stomach".

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PostWysłany: 10:56, 30 Sie '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Kim Dotcom has yet another reason to celebrate this morning. The High Court in New Zealand has freed up $4.83 million from a government bond seized from the Internet entrepreneur when he was arrested back in January. The cash will go towards Dotcom’s New Zealand legal expenses to date and contribute to his future fighting fund. The Megaupload founder will also be able to sell some of the vehicles from his luxury car collection.

źródło: http://torrentfreak.com/kim-dotcom-wins-.....id-290812/
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