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Al Kohol

Dołączył: 17 Sie 2008
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PostWysłany: 16:16, 14 Gru '11   Temat postu: izrael - dziel i rządź Odpowiedz z cytatem

natknalem sie dzis na mathabie na bardzo ciekawy artykul. pozwalam go sobie wrzucic w calosci, bo dosc dobrze opisuje co i dlaczego sie dzieje na bliskim wschodzie oraz dokad to wszystko zmierza. polecam!

Pakistan: Gateway to the Zionist Endgame
Posted: 2011/12/08
From: Source

By Martin Iqbal

Israel's plan to eviscerate the Arab and Muslim states, eyes nuclear Pakistan as the final hurdle. In the wake of NATO’s deadly November 26 attack on Pakistan, the S.I.T.E. Intelligence Group rears its head to carry forward the Zionist deceptions.

In February 1982 an important Hebrew paper appeared in a Jewish journal named KIVUNIM (Directions). Penned by Oded Yinon and titled ‘A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties‘, the essay delineates strategies for Israel to become a regional hegemon in the Middle East. The short and long term strategies discussed involve the dissolution of the surrounding Arab states, and the expansion of Israel beyond its current (undeclared) borders. Over a decade later in 1996, a Zionist study group led by arch Jewish Zionist Richard Perle wrote a paper entitled ‘A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm‘. ‘A Clean Break‘ was largely a rehashing of Oded Yinon’s essay, adapting the same strategies to the contemporary geopolitical landscape of the Middle East.

The Mossad false flag attacks of September 11, 2011 ushered in the Zionist-designed ‘War on Terror’. Before the attacks had even concluded, before any conclusive proof of the perpetrators could possibly have been attained, a prominent architect of the attacks appeared(1) on BBC World in order to name the states that had to be dissolved under Israel’s grand strategy (including Iraq, Libya, Syria and Iran). The U.S. Military was to be used as a mere tool, a ‘host body’ that would act as the American glove protecting the Israeli hand from the blood and treasure that would be spilled and spent. Since that time the geopolitical landscape of the Middle East and Central Asia has changed radically; we have seen the ‘Clean Break’ strategy unfold. In 2011 alone, Israel’s plan has lurched forward to engulf Libya and Syria. A major conflagration looms in the Middle East as Bashar Al-Assad faces a concerted destabilisation attempt mounted by Israel, the U.S, Jordan, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

Oded Yinon’s plan is centred around the exploitation of ethnic, religious and tribal divisions within the Arab world. He notes that the Arab states have been largely defined by Britain and France, with arbitrary borders drawn that are not faithful to the ethnic, religious, and tribal differences between the different peoples in the region. Likening the Arab world to a house of cards, Yinon surmises that the entire region can be easily broken up into tiny states based on ethnic, religious, or tribal lines. This would preclude any centralised governance, and ensure that power is only localised to these ‘mini-states’. In effecting this strategy, Israel would remove any real opposition to its regional dominance.

Egypt, Libya & Sudan

‘A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties‘ makes clear Israel’s goal of balkanising (or ‘breaking up into smaller states’) Egypt and the surround states of Libya and Sudan:

Egypt, in its present domestic political picture, is already a corpse, all the more so if we take into account the growing Moslem-Christian rift. Breaking Egypt down territorially into distinct geographical regions is the political aim of Israel in the Nineteen Eighties on its Western front.

Egypt is divided and torn apart into many foci of authority. If Egypt falls apart, countries like Libya, Sudan or even the more distant states will not continue to exist in their present form and will join the downfall and dissolution of Egypt. The vision of a Christian Coptic State in Upper Egypt alongside a number of weak states with very localized power and without a centralized government as to date, is the key to a historical development which was only set back by the peace agreement but which seems inevitable in the long run.

The illegal war on Libya has already plunged the country into tribal conflict and chaos, signalling a new phase in Israel’s plan. Sudan, as we have seen very recently, has already been split into two distinct states: Sudan and South Sudan. In a piece(2) published by the Al-Khaleej Times, Fahmi Howeidi expertly lays out how Israel has brought about the balkanisation of Sudan by training and cultivating secessionist groups, and provoking internal wars since the nineteen fifties. As Howeidi succinctly writes, "the crop sown by Israel and its allies since the 1950s is beginning to bear fruit".

Pertaining to Libya, Islamic scholar Sheikh Imran Hosein’s analysis is right on point. He theorises that the Libya war, waged by NATO, an extension of the Zionist entity, is a precursor to the balkanisation of Egypt. Hosein envisages a two-pronged attack on Egypt: NATO and its proxy land forces from the west, and Israel from the east.

Moving to Egypt’s eastern frontier, it is a well known fact that Israel covets the Sinai (the Egyptian peninsula east of the Nile River) for not only ideological reasons (the realisation of Greater Israel), but also economic ones.

The loss of the Suez Canal oil fields, of the immense potential of the oil, gas and other natural resources in the Sinai peninsula which is geomorphologically identical to the rich oil-producing countries in the region, will result in an energy drain in the near future and will destroy our domestic economy: one quarter of our present GNP as well as one third of the budget is used for the purchase of oil. The search for raw materials in the Negev and on the coast will not, in the near future, serve to alter that state of affairs.

(Regaining) the Sinai peninsula with its present and potential resources is therefore a political priority which is obstructed by the Camp David and the peace agreements. The fault for that lies of course with the present Israeli government and the governments which paved the road to the policy of territorial compromise, the Alignment governments since 1967. The Egyptians will not need to keep the peace treaty after the return of the Sinai, and they will do all they can to return to the fold of the Arab world and to the USSR in order to gain support and military assistance. American aid is guaranteed only for a short while, for the terms of the peace and the weakening of the U.S. both at home and abroad will bring about a reduction in aid. Without oil and the income from it, with the present enormous expenditure, we will not be able to get through 1982 under the present conditions and we will have to act in order to return the situation to the status quo which existed in Sinai prior to Sadat’s visit and the mistaken peace agreement signed with him in March 1979.

This corroborates Hosein’s theory that an Israeli attack is impending on the Sinai, potentially in concert with NATO-aligned forces in Libya. Recent belligerent posturing(3) by an Israeli Member of the Knesset further backs up this idea.

Syria & Iraq

Two other nations earmarked for destruction at the outset of the Zionist ‘War on Terror’ were Syria and Iraq. As Yinon’s paper demonstrates, these nations too are prime targets of Israel’s balkanisation plan.

The dissolution of Syria and Iraq later on into ethnically or religiously unique areas such as in Lebanon, is Israel’s primary target on the Eastern front in the long run, while the dissolution of the military power of those states serves as the primary short term target. Syria will fall apart, in accordance with its ethnic and religious structure, into several states such as in present day Lebanon, so that there will be a Shi’ite Alawi state along its coast, a Sunni state in the Aleppo area, another Sunni state in Damascus hostile to its northern neighbor, and the Druzes who will set up a state, maybe even in our Golan, and certainly in the Hauran and in northern Jordan. This state of affairs will be the guarantee for peace and security in the area in the long run, and that aim is already within our reach today.

Iraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other, is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel’s targets. Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria. Iraq is stronger than Syria. In the short run it is Iraqi power which constitutes the greatest threat to Israel. An Iraqi-Iranian war will tear Iraq apart and cause its downfall at home even before it is able to organize a struggle on a wide front against us. Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation will assist us in the short run and will shorten the way to the more important aim of breaking up Iraq into denominations as in Syria and in Lebanon. In Iraq, a division into provinces along ethnic/religious lines as in Syria during Ottoman times is possible. So, three (or more) states will exist around the three major cities: Basra, Baghdad and Mosul, and Shi’ite areas in the south will separate from the Sunni and Kurdish north.

Not only is Syria now undergoing the major Zionist destabilisation plot prescribed in Yinon’s strategy, but this plot is being carried out on the ground with major Turkish military, operational, and territorial support. This is something that was recommended in Richard Perle’s ‘Clean Break’ rehashing of the strategy:

(Israel can) Work closely with Turkey and Jordan to contain, destabilize, and roll-back some of its most dangerous threats. This implies clean break from the slogan, “comprehensive peace” to a traditional concept of strategy based on balance of power.

Israel can shape its strategic environment, in cooperation with Turkey and Jordan, by weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria. This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq — an important Israeli strategic objective in its own right — as a means of foiling Syria’s regional ambitions.

Most important, it is understandable that Israel has an interest supporting diplomatically, militarily and operationally Turkey’s and Jordan’s actions against Syria, such as securing tribal alliances with Arab tribes that cross into Syrian territory and are hostile to the Syrian ruling elite.

Readers will most likely be aware of General Wesley Clark’s ‘seven nations in five years’ testimony. Clark, a four star General in the United States Army stated that on September 12, 2001 – the day after Israel’s false flag – the United States had already made the decision to wage war on Iraq in spite of having no casus belli whatsoever. A few weeks after this, shortly after the start of the war on Afghanistan, Clark was shown a memo which named seven countries that the United States was to ‘take down’ in five years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran. This is literally a laundry list of Israel’s targets; the ‘Israeli hand in the American glove’ metaphor becomes disconcertingly fitting and relevant:

Jordan & the Palestinians

‘A Strategy for the Nineteen Eighties‘ recommends a ‘final solution’ to Israel’s ‘Palestinian problem’. After ethnically cleansing Palestinians from their land in 1948, Israel was unable to uproot the indigenous Arabs from the portion of Palestine that is now known as the West Bank. Though Israel occupied it in 1967, they were unable to force the entire population into flight.

Yinon’s plan calls for the native Palestinians of the West Bank to be pushed east over the river into Jordan, where they may establish a state. This, without compromise, is the only solution the Israeli colonists will accept – something which is evidenced by Israel’s continued and accelerated Jewish colonisation of the West Bank.

There is no chance that Jordan will continue to exist in its present structure for a long time, and Israel’s policy, both in war and in peace, ought to be directed at the liquidation of Jordan under the present regime and the transfer of power to the Palestinian majority. Changing the regime east of the river will also cause the termination of the problem of the territories densely populated with Arabs west of the Jordan. Whether in war or under conditions of peace, emigration from the territories and economic demographic freeze in them, are the guarantees for the coming change on both banks of the river, and we ought to be active in order to accelerate this process in the nearest future. The autonomy plan ought also to be rejected, as well as any compromise or division of the territories for, given the plans of the PLO and those of the Israeli Arabs themselves, the Shefa’amr plan of September 1980, it is not possible to go on living in this country in the present situation without separating the two nations, the Arabs to Jordan and the Jews to the areas west of the river. Genuine coexistence and peace will reign over the land only when the Arabs understand that without Jewish rule between the Jordan and the sea they will have neither existence nor security. A nation of their own and security will be theirs only in Jordan.

Within Israel the distinction between the areas of ’67 and the territories beyond them, those of ’48, has always been meaningless for Arabs and nowadays no longer has any significance for us. The problem should be seen in its entirety without any divisions as of ’67. It should be clear, under any future political situation or military constellation, that the solution of the problem of the indigenous Arabs will come only when they recognize the existence of Israel in secure borders up to the Jordan river and beyond it.

The Atlantic boasts of a new Middle East

A 2008 Atlantic article by Jewish Zionist Jeffrey Goldberg contained a very telling map of a possible future Middle East. Readers may recall that it was Jeffrey Goldberg who said in 2002(4) that Saddam Hussein “could have an atomic bomb within months of acquiring fissile material”, and that the genocidal war on Iraq would be “remembered as an act of profound morality”.

The map makes for very interesting viewing; it is literally a visual representation of the Israeli plan to remake the Middle East and North Africa. On the Horn of Africa we see Somalia split into three states, and Sudan broken into two (something which has actually happened since 2008). Eritrea is occupied by Ethiopia, signified by the striped colour-coding on the map, and the Egyptian Sinai is given the same treatment, presumably indicating an Israeli occupation.

Palestine is merged into Jordan, in line with the plan to push the Palestinians out of the West Bank and into a state on Jordanian territory.

Iraq has been balkanised with the creation of a Shia state, a Sunni state, and a Kurdish state in the north. This outcome is being avidly worked towards by Mossad and elite elements of the Israeli military, who have been fomenting Shia-Sunni sectarian conflict in Iraq for years.(5) As a result, since the 2003 invasion the U.S. Military has constructed hundreds of miles of concrete walls in Iraqi cities, to separate the Sunni and the Shia from one another. Though most of these walls have since been torn down, their very presence is a manifestation of the Israeli plan to split Iraq on sectarian lines, “So, three (or more) states will exist around the three major cities: Basra, Baghdad and Mosul, and Shi’ite areas in the south will separate from the Sunni and Kurdish north.”

Pakistan: Gateway to the Zionist Endgame

The first Prime Minister of Israel, David Ben Gurion, elucidated Israeli opposition to the state of Pakistan. His words, printed in the London Jewish Chronicle on August 9, 1967 – a matter of weeks after Israel’s conquest of the West Bank, Al Quds (Jerusalem), Gaza, and Syria’s Golan Heights – made Zionism’s staunch opposition to Pakistan crystal-clear:

The world Zionist movement should not be neglectful of the dangers of Pakistan to it. And Pakistan now should be its first target, for this ideological State is a threat to our existence. And Pakistan, the whole of it, hates the Jews and loves the Arabs.

This lover of the Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arabs themselves. For that matter, it is most essential for the world Zionism that it should now take immediate steps against Pakistan.

Whereas the inhabitants of the Indian peninsula are Hindus whose hearts have been full of hatred towards Muslims, therefore, India is the most important base for us to work there from against Pakistan.

It is essential that we exploit this base and strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans.

Relatively recent comments from Israel’s repugnant, racist Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman corroborate this position, revealing that this Zionist strategy exists as a priority in the modern day. In a 2009 interview with a Russian daily newspaper, Soviet-born Lieberman (born Evet Lvovich Liberman) revealed(6) that he saw Pakistan as Israel’s biggest threat, as opposed to Iran which is commonly painted as Israel’s arch nemesis:

“Pakistan is nuclear and unstable and Afghanistan is faced with a potential Taliban takeover, and the combination forms a contiguous area of radicalism ruled in the spirit of Osama bin Laden,”

In the same interview Lieberman professed, “Believe me, America accepts all our decisions”, an arrogant but nevertheless valid analysis.

Briefly returning to the ‘Atlantic’ map, you will notice that Afghanistan has been disembowelled; the ethnic states of Baluchistan and Pashtunistan have been created, and the northern region of Afghanistan has been absorbed into ‘Persia’. As a result of the secession of Baluchistan and Pashtunistan (both of which straddle the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, while Baluch territory extends into Iran too), significant chunks of Pakistan have been lost. This is part of a long-standing Zionist policy to cripple Pakistan as a nation.

Pakistan is a proud Muslim nation which not only has an ideological opposition to Zionism and Western colonialism, but possesses nuclear weapons. The nuclear deterrent, partnered with a cohesive and loyal army and air force presents a significant roadblock to Zionist and Indian aspirations of hegemony.

Shahid Siddiqi of Dawn.com muses(7) that,

"Due to its defiance of Indian diktat, Pakistan is for India an obstruction in its quest for domination of South Asia and the Indian Ocean region. Israel's apprehension of Pakistan’s military prowess is rooted in the strength Pakistan indirectly provides to Arab states with whom Israel has remained in a state of conflict. Conscious that several Arab states look up to Pakistan for military support in the event of threat to their security from Israel, it is unsettling for Israel to see a nuclear armed Pakistan."

Again, this analysis gives a nod to David Ben Gurion’s position on Pakistan – echoed by Israel’s Foreign Minister over forty years later. Israel’s deep military-intelligence collaboration with India(Cool is yet another indication of this strategy manifesting.

This strategy was transposed into an overt act of war when in 1984, Israel attempted to destroy Pakistan’s Kahuta nuclear reactor. After becoming aware of the plot, Pakistan spurned the attack by pre-emptively scrambling jets to protect the facility. To this day the strategy continues by overt and covert means.

In the midst of the Zionist ‘War on Terror’ in June 2004, George W. Bush began drone attacks on Pakistan. The deadly attacks, ostensibly launched against ‘Al Qaeda’ and Taliban ‘terrorists’ and ‘insurgents’, accelerated in regularity and intensity from 2004 to 2011 – killing thousands of innocent Pakistanis. The real underlying motive for these attacks is to foment unrest in these regions, with a view to provoking and cultivating militant secessionist groups. The aim is to turn these groups against the collaborationist Pakistani government (which is impotent in the face of naked aggression on the part of its American ‘ally’).

The balkanisation of Pakistan and seizure of its nuclear weapons are the ultimate aspirations of Israel as well as the United States, which aims to preserve its declining superpower status in the face of a growing China. A prominent meme in the Zionist media is the notion that Pakistan’s nuclear weapons are unsafe and at risk of ‘falling into the wrong hands’. This is the very justification that will eventually be used to launch an all-out invasion of Pakistan whereby Western powers will seize its nuclear weapons. The drone strikes, NATO provocations, and CIA-Mossad-RAW black ops serve to fan the flames of unrest, creating the necessary climate for military action and eventual dismemberment of Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran. The close relationship between China and Pakistan is a significant factor in the drive to break up Pakistan. China’s port at Gwadar is known as one of her ‘String of Pearls’, being of huge strategic interest and allowing for an energy corridor through Pakistan.

The latest chapter in the war on Pakistan transpired on Saturday 26 November when NATO helicopter gunships slaughtered 24 Pakistani soldiers.(9) In a naked act of aggression, NATO helicopters attacked a Pakistani army post for 45 minutes, then returned 20 minutes later and attacked for a further hour. Predictably this has triggered furious protests in Pakistan, and intense anger at both NATO and the Pakistani military, criticised for not responding to protect the soldiers during the two-hour attack. In the final analysis however, this event has unified the Pakistani people.

After NATO’s inexcusable attack on Pakistan the Zionist deceptions immediately followed, in a stunningly predictable development.

On Saturday 13 August, 2011 – over three months prior to the recent NATO attack – an American Jewish man named Warren Weinstein, working under the auspices of the U.S. government, was reportedly kidnapped by armed men in the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore. Suspiciously, five days after the NATO attack, the S.I.T.E. Intelligence Group informs the world that ‘Al Qaeda’ have claimed in an audio message to be holding Weinstein. In a profoundly shaky statement a U.S. official was quoted(10) as saying, “It’s entirely possible that al Qaeda or one of its militant allies may be holding Mr. Weinstein, and the statement by Zawahiri supports this conclusion”.

Rita Katz: asset of the Zionist ‘War on Terror’ - faking intelligence for a fake war.
Why would ‘Al Qaeda’ wait over three months to tell us?

Is it not convenient that, in S.I.T.E’s audio message, ‘Zawahiri’ also called for the lifting of the siege on Gaza?(11) Israel has consistently tried to link the global ‘Free Gaza’ struggle to ‘Al Qaeda’. This has been the Zionist entity’s modus operandi ever since the Mavi Marmara was brutally attacked, whereafter Israel claimed the activists were linked to ‘Al Qaeda’.(12)

Why are these ‘Al Qaeda’ audio messages invariably posted on ‘extremist websites’ that no independent person has access to and therefore can never be independently verified? Why is every such ‘Al Qaeda’ tape, without exception, found by S.I.T.E? This bizarre situation becomes clearer when we examine the S.I.T.E. Intelligence Group. Founded in 2002 at the outset of the ‘War on Terror’ by rabid Zionist and former IDF soldier Rita Katz (whose father was hanged in Baghdad for spying for Israel), S.I.T.E. is nothing more than the PR organ of the ‘War on Terror’. It exists to convince the world that the ‘Al Qaeda’ apparition is an eminent threat whenever and wherever it is required.

The invasion of Afghanistan was waged in the name of a number of important interests. It was an attempt to militarise Central Asia in order to counter the growing power of China, Iran, and Russia. It was meant to facilitate the construction of an energy pipeline to transport the rich energy reserves of the Caspian basin through Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, southern Pakistan, and from there to Western markets. However, even more importantly the occupation of Afghanistan serves as a precursor to the war on Pakistan. It allows Western forces to learn the territory and develop the necessary tactics. It allows them to become familiar with local groups who can be armed, trained, and used as proxy armies as we’ve seen in the Libya war.

When we read of drone strikes against ‘militants’ and alleged ‘Al Qaeda’ kidnappings in Pakistan, we must view them through an analytical lens; nothing is ever as it seems in this geopolitical hotspot. While kvetching that Pakistani nukes are unsafe and a threat to peace, Israel, the United States, and India are actively working to violently destabilise the country.

The ‘War on Terror’ is an utterly false paradigm shored up by the sea of deception put forth by the Zionist media and groups such as S.I.T.E. We must strip away this veneer to expose the motivations and strategies of the Zionist entity and its American lapdog – the nations which constitute the biggest threat to peace on the face of the planet.

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Al Kohol

Dołączył: 17 Sie 2008
Posty: 1198
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PostWysłany: 23:35, 22 Gru '11   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

ponownie namawiam do zapoznania sie z materialem ktory zamiescilem powyzej. w kontekscie wycofania usa z iraku, dzisiejsze zamachy bombowe w bagdadzie w ktorych zginelo 69 ludzi doskonale sie wpisuja w scenariusz nakreslony w tym artykule.

tu info odnosnie zamachow:

Dozens die as bombs explode across Baghdad

Attacks ratchet up sectarian tensions at a time when many Iraqis were already worried about security

A wave of bombings ripped across Baghdad on Thursday morning, killing at least 69 people and injuring almost 200 in the worst violence Iraq has seen for months. The apparently coordinated attacks left a bloodbath just days after American forces left the country.

The blasts also came on the heels of a political crisis between Iraq's Sunni and Shiite factions that erupted this weekend.

The political spat has raised fears that Iraq's sectarian wounds will be reopened during a fragile time when Iraq is finally navigating its own political future without U.S. military support.

The string of explosions will ratchet up tensions at a time when many Iraqis are already worried about security. If continued, it could lead to the same type of tit-for-tat attacks that characterized the insurgency years ago.

At least 14 blasts went off in the morning and there were two more in the evening.

reszta tutaj: http://www.sott.net/articles/show/239185.....ss-Baghdad
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Al Kohol

Dołączył: 17 Sie 2008
Posty: 1198
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PostWysłany: 00:15, 07 Sty '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

kolejne zamachy w iraku. przypominam ze zgodnie z teza z pierwszego artykulu syjonisci daza do rozbicia iraku na trzy mniejsze panstwa.

Iraq blasts kill at least 72, raise specter of civil war

Baghdad - A wave of bombings targeting Shiites in Iraq killed 72 people on Thursday, deepening sectarian tensions that exploded just after the last American troops left the country in mid-December.

The coordinated attacks targeting Shiites bore the hallmarks of Sunni insurgents linked to al-Qaida, although there was no immediate claim of responsibility.

The bombings began early in the morning when explosions struck two Shiite neighborhoods in Baghdad, killing at least 27 people.

A few hours later, a suicide attack hit Shiite pilgrims heading to the holy Shiite city of Karbala, killing 45, said provincial official Quosay al-Abadi. The explosions took place near Nasiriyah, about 200 miles southeast of Baghdad. Hospital officials confirmed the causalities.

reszta tutaj: http://www.sott.net/articles/show/239895.....-civil-war
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Dołączył: 27 Sty 2014
Posty: 753
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PostWysłany: 13:55, 23 Paź '15   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Waszyngton reaktywuje projekt rozdziału Iraku

Thierry Meyssan

25 czerwca 2014

Mapa „rozszerzonego Bliskiego Wschodu” według Sztabu Generalnego Stanów Zjednoczonych

Od 2001 roku Sztab Generalny Stanów Zjednoczonych usiłuje rozbić terytorium „rozszerzonego Bliskiego Wschodu” na małe państewka, jednolite pod względem składu etnicznego. Przekształcona mapa regionu została opublikowana w lipcu 2006 roku [1]. Ona też przewiduje podział Iraku na trzy państwa: sunnickie, szyickie i kurdyjskie.

Przegrana Izraela w wojnie z Hezbollahem latem 2006 roku [2] oraz przegrana Francji i Wielkiej Brytanii z Syrią w latach 2011-2014 skłaniały ku myśli, że ten projekt został porzucony. Bynajmniej: Sztab Generalny Stanów Zjednoczonych usiłuje podjąć go na nowo, za pośrednictwem najemnych kondotierów, jakimi są dzisiaj dżihadyści.

Wydarzenia, jakie miały miejsce w Iraku w ubiegłym tygodniu należy rozpatrywać właśnie pod tym kątem. Międzynarodowa prasa kładzie nacisk na ofensywę ze strony „Islamskiego Państwa w Iraku i Lewancie” (zwanego Daesh w języku arabskim), a ona jest zaledwie elementem operacji rozkręcanej właśnie na szeroką skalę.

Całość: http://www.voltairenet.org/article184441.html

Nowy film z Iraku pokazuje jak amerykańskie uzbrojenie przekazywane jest ISIS


W nowym filmie umieszczonym w tym tygodniu w Internecie mieszkańcy Iraku po raz kolejny oskarżają rząd USA o dostarczanie dżihadystom z ISIS żywności i broni.

EXCLUSIVE: Israeli Colonel Leading ISIL Terrorists Captured in Iraq

Thu Oct 22, 2015

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iraqi security and popular forces have caught an Israeli colonel from Golani Brigade along with a number of ISIL terrorists, a commander disclosed on Thursday.

"The security and popular forces have held captive an Israeli colonel," a commander of Iraq's popular mobilization forces said on Thursday.

"The Zionist officer is ranked colonel and had participated in the Takfiri ISIL group's terrorist operations," he added.

Noting that he was arrested along with a number of ISIL terrorists, the commander said, "The Israeli colonel's name is Yusi Oulen Shahak and is ranked colonel in Golani Brigade of the Zionist regime's army with the security and military code of Re34356578765az231434."

He said that the relevant bodies are now interrogating the Israeli colonel to understand the reasons behind his fighting alongside the ISIL forces and the presence of other Zionist officers among ISIL terrorists.

The Iraqi security forces said the captured colonel has already made shocking confessions.

Several ISIL militants arrested in the last one year had already confessed that Israeli agents from Mossad and other Israeli espionage and intelligence bodies were present in the first wave of ISIL attacks on Iraq and capture of Mosul in Summer 2014, but no ranking Israeli agent had been arrested.

Political and military experts told FNA that the capture of the Israeli colonel will leave a grave impact on Iraq's war strategy, including partnership with Israeli allies.

In a relevant development in July, Iraqi volunteer forces announced that they had shot down a drone that was spying on the Arab country's security forces in the city of Fallujah, Western Iraq.

Iraq's popular forces reported that they had brought down a hostile surveillance aircraft over the Southeastern Fallujah in Anbar Province.

They said that the wreckage of the ISIL's spy drone carried 'Israel-Made' labels.

This was not the first Israeli-made drone downed in Iraq.

In August an Israeli Hermes drone was shot down in the vicinity of Baghdad Airport.

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Ogląda profil użytkownika Wyślij prywatną wiadomość

Dołączył: 27 Sty 2014
Posty: 753
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PostWysłany: 14:21, 17 Lis '15   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

The United States and Israel begin the colonisation of Northern Syria

The colonisation of Northern Syria is an old Israeli project linked to the development of missile weaponry. It calls for the creation of an independent state in the north of the country in order to control Syria from behind, just as Israel had created the state of Southern Sudan in 2011, to control Egypt from behind.

This Israeli project was taken up again by France and gave rise, in 2011, to a secret treaty signed by Alain Juppé and Ahmet Davutoglu.

Turkey agreed that this new state would be governed by the Kurdish minority and that Ankara would be allowed to expel the PKK there, thus affirming Turkish supremacy in their own country.

In September 2013, the Pentagon published a new map of the division of the region designed by Robin Wright. This map included the creation of Daesh’s Islamic Emirate and the creation of a new « Kurdistan » in the Arab territories of Syria.

In mid-October 2015, in reaction to the Russian campaign against the jihadists, the CIA created the « Syrian Democratic Forces », presented as an alliance between the Syrian Kurds and the « rebels ». In actual fact, the SDF is simply a new label for the YPG (People’s Protection Units, the Kurdish forces who until then had been loyal to Damascus) with the addition of a few Arabs to act as a front.

The Syrian Kurds immediately decided to ’Kurdicise’ the territories in Northern Syria. They therefore began to occupy the houses of non-Kurds, and sent a threatening letter to local schools ordering them to fire their Arab teachers and replace them with Kurdish teachers in order to ensure exclusively Kurdish teaching.

The new teachers, imported from Iraq and Turkey, often transcribe their language in the Latin alphabet, which Syrian Arabs and Kurds are unable to read.

The Arabs, who have been in the majority in these territories for thousands of years, protested vigorously, as did the other minorities. In the space of two weeks, the movement spread, and many schools were forced to obey, except for those of the Assyrian Christian minority, who deployed their own militia to defend them.

Historically, only a small territory to the North-East of Syria is Kurdish. Unlike Turkey, the Syrian Arab Republic recognises the same rights for all its citizens, independent of their ethnic origins, their religion or their political affiliation. There is therefore no reason to create an independent Kurdistan in Syria. If this should occur, however, under the pressure of the United States and Israel, it would give dozens of other ethnic and religious groups the right to demand the recognition of the same human rights throughout the region.

If this were to happen, the creation of a « Kurdistan » within Arab territory would open a new conflict comparable to that in Palestine.


Declaration by the Christians of Al-Jazeera (Hassake) District

For over four years our country, Syria, is struggling with tragic events. War devastation and terrorism have caused all ethnic groups much suffering. But we, inhabitants of Al-Jazeera, have kept so precious nowadays ideals of peaceful coexistence between various communities of our province. Due to extraordinary situation and having safety in mind Local Self-Administration was created, together with number of dependent institutions. Some of its regulations, however, are not properly prepared nor thoroughly measured. This causes valid concerns among various ethnic and national groups. While it is happening official authorities are still performing its fiscal, administrative, legal and military duties.

Law on Emigrant Property

After careful consideration representatives of Christian communities in Qamishli agreed on following:
- Aforementioned Law on Emigrant Property is in violation of Human Rights Law, breaking fundamental Right to property
- Under no circumstances, nobody can be labelled as "traitor" just for leaving their home.
- Efforts at creating "Institution for Emigrant Properties Redistribution and Management" is an attempt of expropriation real estate under a guise of helping those in need.
- These regulations create a dangerous precedence in Proprietorship Law in whole province of Al-Jazeera. Additionally this will cause substantial demographic changes centered at local Christians who will lose their homes. It’s worth mentioning that nearly 35% of all real estate in the area is owned by Christians. Expropriation of this properties will cause valid concerns amongst both those who fled and stayed, preventing the latter from ever coming back.
- It’s worth noting that stance, taken by many local Christians, of not selling nor appointing a proxy for their properties is fully supported by both state and international law. Any claims of this being illegal are false.

Taking all of the above into account we believe that such actions of "Local Administration" will cause ethnic cracks and turmoil. In order to avoid it and to convince authors to abandon these regulations we hereby announce ourselves as plaintiffs and prosecutors for any and all cases under both state and international tribunals and courts of law.

"Procedure on issuing permits and licenses, new permits and licenses fees and taxes" is redundant and illegal. Already existing permits and licenses are absolutely valid. They were issued in accordance with the law by official Syrian authorities and did not lose their legitimacy. Demand for their replacement and new fees, often exceeding their holders financial capabilities, is unacceptable.

"Conscription Law". Demanding military service by organization without state legitimization is preposterous.

Any interference into church private schools in Al-Jazeera province in unacceptable. These institutions are sanctioned by administrative and education authorities. Pressure on this institutions is viewed as an interference in education and upbringing of Christian children and adolescents.

We appeal into everybody’s sense of responsibility and ask for restraint when handling matters that could limit rights of both individuals and communities. Fundamental Human Rights have to be upheld in order for peace and safety to once again grace all of Syria. We are hoping for continuous, peaceful coexistence of all Al-Jazeera inhabitants, regardless of their faith, ethnicity, nationality and culture.

Syriac Orthodox Church
Armenian Apostolic Church
Al-Jazeera and Euphrates Armenian Diocese
Chaldean Syrian Church in Qamishli
Assyrian Church of the East
Assyrian Ancient Church of the East
Syriac Catholic Church
Syriac Orthodox Civil Peace Committee
National Evangelical Church
Assyrian Democratic Organization
Aramean Free Party
Assyrian Committee on Rural Agricultural Land
Christian Civic Union
Mother Syria Youth Association
Youth Institute for National Reconciliation
Center for Syrian Christian Youth

Pete Kimberley

Attached documents: Decree of forced Kurdisation in Northern Syria, and the reaction of the local populations (PDF - 40 Mb)

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Dołączył: 27 Sty 2014
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PostWysłany: 17:05, 26 Lis '15   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

France and Israël launch a new war in Iraq and Syria

by Thierry Meyssan

On one hand, the French government is mobilising all its media in order to keep its population focused on the attacks of the 13th November. On the other, with Israël, it is launching a new war in Iraq and Syria. The objective is no longer to overthrow the secular Syrian régime, nor to destroy its army, but to create a colonial state straddling the border between Iraq and Syria, to be managed by the Kurds, in order to apply a stranglehold on the Arab states. The dream of an Israeli nation between the Nile and the Euphrates is back.

On this map, published in 2013 by Robin Wright in the New York Times, we can see Sunnistan, which Daesh was to create in June 2014, and from where they proclaimed the Caliphate, and also Kurdistan, that France and Israël now want to create. You may note that on this map, nothing is planned for the Christian populations, who will either have to be transferred to Europe, or else exterminated.

At the G20 meeting, Moscow and Washington demand a halt to the financing of Daesh

The G20 summit in Antalya (Turkey) certainly concentrated on economic questions, but above all, on the situation in the Near East. Numerous bilateral negotiations took place, but we know nothing about the subjects discussed and the agreements reached.

However, Russian President Vladimir Putin denounced – without naming them – the states present at the summit who were actively sponsoring Daesh. He showed his colleagues satellite photographs of convoys of tanker-trucks crossing Turkey to sell the petrol stolen by the terrorist organisation in Iraq and Syria [1]. Publicly implicated for his violations of Security Council resolutions in the financing of Daesh, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was visibly affected. According to the Turkish Socialist party, Bilal Erdoğan (the President’s son) was directly managing this traffic [2].

Presidents Putin and Obama concluded an agreement to destroy the Erdoğan family’s tankers, thereby putting an end to the petrol trafficking. On the same day, and for the first time in eighteen months, the US Central Command bombed the tanker-trucks in Iraq, while the Russian army destroyed a massive number in Syria [3].

Russia and the United States obliged France to join in this operation. Pretending to react to the Paris attacks, French Persident Hollande shamelessly announced that he had given his armies the order to bomb Daesh objectives in Syria, while President Putin gave public instructions to the Russian armies to coordinate with France and to act “as if” it was an ally [4]. The French President will be meeting with his US and Russian counter-parts in the near future.

It would seem that effective dispositions have been taken to isolate the 24 banking establishments used by Daesh from Iraq to transfer money - dispositions that the Under-Secretary of State David S. Cohen has been trying in vain to impose for months [5].

France and the “liberal hawks” organise a new war

Noting that they will now have to remove Daesh from Syria, the group of states, multinationals and US personalities who are organising the war have therefore decided to launch a third.

– The “Arab spring” (February 2011 to January 2013) was triggered by the US State Department. The aim was to overthrow the secular Arab régimes, whether they were allied with or opposed to the United States, and to replace them with dictatorships managed by the Muslim Brotherhood. After having overthrown the Tunisian and Egyptian Presidents during the Jasmin and Lotus “revolutions”, they declared war on Libya and Syria (as planned by the Lancaster House Treaty of November 2010), but the colonial forces were unable to attack Algeria (In Amenas hostage crisis).

– The second Syrian war (July 2012 to October 2015) was started by France, the US “liberal hawks” (Hillary Clinton, Jeffrey Feltman, David Petraeus, etc.) and Israël - financed by a group of states (Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, etc.) and multinational corporations (Exxon-Mobil, KKR, Academi, etc.). The aim was not so much to force a régime change as to “bleed” the country and destroy its army (more than 100,000 Syrian soldiers had already been killed in their fight against terrorism). This ended with Russia’s military intervention.

– The third Syrian war (since the 20th November 2015) was initiated by certain members of the the same group, this time with the aim of creating a new state to the North of Syria and Iraq, in order to apply a stranglehold on the Arab states who are resisting Israël [6].

Having realised that it will no longer be possible for them to act against Syria, the organisers of the war agreed to reboot and continue the programme which had already led to the creation of South Sudan in 2012. This project corresponds to the plan by Alain Juppé (March 2011) and that developed by Robin Wright (September 2013), which anticipated that after having supported Daesh in order to create a “Sunnistan”, it would be neccessary to create a “Kurdistan” [7].

This is no longer a phoney “ideological” war (the Arab spring), nor a phoney “religious“ war (the second Syrian war), but a phoney “ethnic” war.

In 1956, the Likudnik David Ben-Gurion and the Socialist Guy Mollet met secretly at Sèvres to conclude an alliance and capture the Suez Canal. Today their successors, the likoudnik Benjamin Netanyahu and Socialist François Hollande, made a pact to seize northern Iraq and Syria. Formerly, the colonial powers were practicing "gunboat policy", today they prefer to use terrorism.

Secret operations on the ground

In order to acheive their goals, they managed to turn the Marxist-Leninist Syrian Kurdish party, YPG, (now known as the “Syrian Democratic Forces”) and ally it with the Barzani clan of Iraq. Of course, both groups are Kurdish, but they do not speak the same language, they killed each other throughout the Cold War, and are obedient to ideologies which are diametrically opposed [8].

Let us note, by the way, that as from now, the Regional Kurdish Government of Iraq is a dictatorship. Its President, Massoud Barzani, who is a Mossad agent set up by the United Kingdom and the United States, has been hanging onto power since the end of his mandate in June 2013 [9].

The government obliged the “Democratic Forces” (sic) to compel the non-Kurdish populations in the North of Syria to adopt the Kurdish culture (October 2015), provoking an uprising amongst the Arabs and Assyrian Christians, and the anger of Damascus. But there was no international reaction [10]. There had been no such reaction either during the annexation of the oil-fields in Kirkuk by the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq (summer 2014), since international public opinion was focused only on the ethnic cleansing perpetrated by Daesh. At that time, not only had the major powers not yet condemned the war of conquest by the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq, but they had proposed to supply them with weapons, without notifying the Central Government in Baghdad, with the phoney aim of fighting Daesh.

The parties in the conflict will not announce that they are making war in order to create an Israeli colonial state, thus creating a pincer situation to the disadvantage of the resistant Arab states, but as soon as it becomes necessary, they will declare that they are fighting for an independent “Kurdistan” - a grotesque position since the territory concerned has never in history belonged to Kurdistan, and that the Kurds are in the minority here (less than 30 % of the population).

On the 5th November, France announced it was sending the aircraft carrier Charles-De-Gaulle into the area, pretending that it was to support the fight against Daesh, but in reality, to take up position ready for the third Syrian war [11]. The ship left Toulon, its home port, on the 18th November.

From the 13th to the 15th November, the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq, supported by the “Democratic Syrian Forces” pushed Daesh out of Sinjar (Iraq). In reality, Daesh soldiers reatreated from the area, leaving only 300 men to face a coalition of several tens of thousands of soldiers. The liberated zone was not handed back to the Iraqi government, but annexed by the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq.

Although it is pretending not to support this operation, and while condemning it, Turkey in fact approved it in the secret Juppé-Davoutoglu Treaty of 2011. If this pseudo-Kurdistan were to be created, Turkey would not hesitate to force the PKK to retreat there.

Resolution 2249 authorises this new war de facto

On the 20th November, Russia attempted once again to officialise the proposition for a resolution that it had drawn up for the session of the 30th September, and which it had been constrained to withdraw [12]. At the most, it modified the text by including references to the attacks in the Sinaï, Beirut and Paris, and also mentioned article 51 of the Charter (the right to legitimate defence). Once again, it was obliged to withdraw the text and allow the passage of a French proposition which legalised any military intervention against Daesh in Syria and Iraq, which the Council approved unanimously (Resolution 2249) [13]. Although this resolution can be interpreted in a number of different ways, it tramples, de facto, on the national sovereignty of Iraq and Syria. It authorises the major powers to interfere as long as they pretend to be fighting against Daesh [14]. The aim is obviously to liberate the North of Syria from Daesh – but not to return it to Syria, but to proclaim an independent state under Kurdish authority.

Russia did not oppose the resolution, and voted for it. It seems that it prefers for the moment to profit from the Franco-Israeli plan in order to push Daesh out of Syria, without necessarily accepting the principle of a pseudo-Kurdistan. The creation of such a state has no legitimacy in international law – the Kurds of Syria are not oppressed, but enjoy the same rights as other citizens. This re-opens the question of the rights of minorities which was already opened by the creation of Kosovo by NATO. It authorises de facto all ethnic groups, whatever their political situation, to demand an independent state. This implies the dissolution of most of the states in the world – including France – and the triumph of “globalisation”.

Keep in mind:

– The Kremlin and the White House have agreed to prevent financial support for Daesh. They have bombed tanker-truck convoys in Iraq and Syria belonging to Bilal Erdoğan’s company, and have isolated Daesh’s banks.

– After the annexion of the Kirkuk oil-fields in June 2014, Israël and France have managed to continue the extension of the territory governed by the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq (annexing of the Sinjar Mountains) and launching the conquest of the non-Kurdish territories in the North of Syria by the YPG, now known as the “Syrian Democratic Forces”. They intend, finally, to unite the two entities and proclaim the independence of a phoney Kurdish state.

– The creation of a pseudo-Kurdistan in non-Kurdish territories has no legality in international law. It’s aim is only to function, with South Sudan, as a stranglehold on the major Arab states (Egypt, Syria and Iraq) in order to pursue the dream of an Israeli state between the Nile and the Euphrates.

Pete Kimberley


How 5 Countries Could Become 14

Slowly, the map of the Middle East could be redrawn. An analysis by Robin Wright


Biały Dom ostrzega ISIS przed nalotami na cysterny:
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Dołączył: 27 Sty 2014
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PostWysłany: 13:38, 02 Gru '15   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Raqqa's Rockefellers: How Islamic State oil flows to Israel:

More than 500 jihadists cared for at the Ziv Medical Centre:
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Dołączył: 27 Sty 2014
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PostWysłany: 13:40, 09 Gru '15   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

The unavowable project for a pseudo-Kurdistan

by Thierry Meyssan

Paris and London are multiplying their categorical declarations against Daesh, its programme of ethnic cleansing and its terrorist attacks. And yet they are preparing in secret for the ethnic cleansing of Northern Syria with a view to creating a pseudo-Kurdistan, and the re-localisation of Daesh to Al-Anbar in order to create a « Sunnistan » there. Thierry Meyssan analyses this plan, and underlines the numerous contradictions in the official discourse.

Dalej: http://www.voltairenet.org/article189562.html
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Dołączył: 18 Wrz 2007
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PostWysłany: 16:28, 09 Gru '15   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

ISIL (ang. ISIS – Israeli Secret Intelligence Services)

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Dołączył: 28 Sie 2022
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PostWysłany: 17:23, 04 Lis '23   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Pana Tomka zawsze warto posłuchać

(uwaga - 13:44 => wrzuca swojego przyjaciela "szczęść boże" do jednego worka antypolskiego i mianuje go rabinem)
Dla ludzi mających wiedzę o lotach na Księżyc żadna hipoteza nie jest już potrzebna prócz czasoprzestrzeni Einst.
dowiedli tego Amerykanie w Kosmosie ~@Panocek
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Dołączył: 28 Sie 2022
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PostWysłany: 19:01, 07 Lis '23   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

I jeszcze jeden odcinek

Struktura głębokiej siły

Dla ludzi mających wiedzę o lotach na Księżyc żadna hipoteza nie jest już potrzebna prócz czasoprzestrzeni Einst.
dowiedli tego Amerykanie w Kosmosie ~@Panocek
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