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Anarchiści planują atak podczas uroczystości ślubnych księcia Williama
Ciekawe, czy ksiaze bedzie siedzial "na hexagramie"...
Od godz. 10. – Jedynka będzie bezpośrednio pokazywać przybycie do kaplicy gości weselnych oraz przejazd narzeczonych i pary królewskiej do katedry. O godz. 12 pokaże ceremonię zaślubin, a następnie przejazd nowożeńców ulicami Londynu do Pałacu Buckingham.
Dołączył: 15 Lut 2009 Posty: 1301
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Wysłany: 08:17, 24 Kwi '11
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Trafalgar Square
Statement from Protestors;
"Following the successful occupations of Trafalgar Square on the 2nd and 9th of April another occupation from Saturday 16th April 18.30 for 24 hours.
This will almost definitely continue on a weekly basis to show our continued opposition and resistance to the coalition government's program of cuts, and provide a space to engage with the public and discuss alternatives to cutting public services.
In occupying Trafalgar Square repeatedly so soon after the half-a-million strong march on the 26th of March and Vince Cable's refusal to "change its fundamental economic policy simply in response to a demonstration of that kind." we intend to show that we will not go back home until the government realises that popular opinion is against its program of cuts and changes its policies.
After the violent eviction of peaceful protesters on March 26th we intend to show that without police presence protesters can organise themselves peacefully and lawfully. We showed this on the 2nd and 9th of April when the police stayed at a distance for the entire occupation and there was no conflict or illegal activity. Police intervention at protests only serves to antagonise and incite violence. This occupation intends to defend our right to peaceful protest.
Dołączył: 15 Lut 2009 Posty: 1301
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Wysłany: 00:16, 29 Kwi '11
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Informacja dotycząca royal wedding prosto z facebooka:
ATTENTION LONDON UK, FREE CHARLIE VIETCH: Somebody is going to the police station with a megaphone right now to protest the arrest of Charlie Vietch of the Love Police. Please go if you can! I wish I could go, but I'm in Los Angeles. And please share!
Here's the message: URGENT come to parkside police stn 9.30pm else it'll be just me ...and the megaphone. Charlie arrested from home on absurdly concocted free speech crime conspiracy to cause a public nuisance at the wedding. Pls come down and make them aware this is not acceptable in a democracy and he must be released immediately! Pls call the police station on 08454564564 and ask for the custody block to register your concern -Silkie
Dołączył: 15 Lut 2009 Posty: 1301
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Wysłany: 09:55, 29 Kwi '11
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Seria aresztowań przed królewskim ślubem za myślozbrodnię:
Police arrests activists across Britain ahead of Royal Wedding, for allegedly thinking about protesting.
Today, dozens of individuals across Britain were arrested for allegedly planning to protest at the Royal Wedding tomorrow. At least 20 people in London were detained by the police on suspicion of planning to protest at the Royal Wedding (1), in addition to one confirmed arrest in Cambridge and one in Scotland. As news emerges of arrests across the country, campaigners are condemning the government's political policing of protest. The police have been facing heavy criticism of their policing of protest in recent weeks, as a judicial review labelled the policing of G20 protests in 2009 as "unlawful" (2) and an inquest into the death of Ian Tomlinson at the G20 protests today considers an unlawful killing charge. (3)
Terri Oaks, who has been protesting the arrest in Cambridge said:
"We are appalled that the government has so little respect for the right to protest that they are arresting people across the country for even thinking about protesting at the Royal Wedding. The public is footing the £20 million bill for the wedding, but we are being denied the right to voice our opinions, just as the government has been suppressing our right to protest against the welfare cuts which are hitting the poorest the hardest."
STOP PRESS C VEITCH ARRESTED Protest at Royal Wedding 28 May 2011
Charlie Veitch was in contact with police before his arrest, reassuring them that his plans were completely peaceful and merely centered around voicing his free speech, which evidently no longer exists as a human right in the United Kingdom.
Below is a note from his girlfriend.
Hi guys,
My apologies for sending this to multiple emails – this news is important and needs to get out quick, and these are the only Infowars addresses I have.
My boyfriend, Charlie Veitch of the Love Police (UK) was arrested today from our own home on suspicion of a ‘conspiracy to cause a public nuisance’ tomorrow at the Royal Wedding. By nuisance, they mean speaking freely in a public space, which is what Charlie does. He went to the police recently, on his own accord, to discuss how he is entirely non-aggressive and not a threat to them but a friend to them.
If you were wondering if the UK is still a democracy – the answer is evidently no. I have never known so many democratic activists be arrested, not only on suspicion of thought-crime, speech-crime, or political assembly crimes – but now actually these ‘offenses’ as PRE-crime?!
My name is Silkie – I am Charlie’s partner and a student of politics and psychology at The University of Cambridge. I would very much like to get the word out to your listeners/readers.
I’d particularly ask anyone who is similarly outraged by this to call (+44) 845 456 456 4 and ask for the custody block, who will be quite aggresive and rude (as they have been to me), in order to maintain the pressure and demand his release.
Royal wedding: three arrested for 'mock execution' plan
Three protesters who were planning on staging mock executions outside Westminster Abbey this morning have been arrested by Scotland Yard.
Dołączył: 15 Lut 2009 Posty: 1301
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Wysłany: 19:21, 26 Maj '11
Temat postu:
Parliament Square is the Peoples land, at the moment the people's rights are being ignored and arrested by the GLA and Boris Johnson. On behalf of the people we ask that the land be returned to the people for purpose and enjoyment. Keeping the people out is in direct contravenion of peoples human rights, specifically; the right to liberty, freedom of thought, conscience and religion, and freedom to express your beliefs, freedom of expression
, freedom of assembly and association, the right not to be discriminated against in respect of these rights and freedoms
, the right to peaceful enjoyment of your property.
Dołączył: 18 Kwi 2010 Posty: 2310
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Wysłany: 22:54, 31 Maj '11
Temat postu:
1milion mieszkańców Londynu nie umie czytać a co czwarte dziecko opuszczające szkołe pozostaje niepiśmienne .Co piaty londyński uczeń cierpi na upośledzenia typu dysleksja i inne.Poziom pismienności pięciu procent Brytyjczyków pozostaje na poziomie 7-letniego dziecka. http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/a.....ot-read.do całość raportu.
Dobry boże ! jestem w szoku ! ale nie w rozpaczy
_________________ sasza.mild.60@mail.ru
Dołączył: 30 Gru 2007 Posty: 3715
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Wysłany: 22:59, 31 Maj '11
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pszek napisał:
1milion mieszkańców Londynu nie umie czytać a co czwarte dziecko opuszczające szkołe pozostaje niepiśmienne .Co piaty londyński uczeń cierpi na upośledzenia typu dysleksja i inne.Poziom pismienności pięciu procent Brytyjczyków pozostaje na poziomie 7-letniego dziecka. http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/a.....ot-read.do całość raportu.
Dobry boże ! jestem w szoku ! ale nie w rozpaczy
ja tam ci tylko jedno napiszę:
W Polsce każdy to student, i to jaki! A potem przyjeżdża do UK na zmywak, bo sie okazuje, że nie dość, że języka nie zna to jeszcze nic nie umie.
O poziomie nauki w danym kraju świadczą jego osiągnięcia,l porównaj osiągnięcia i dominację UK z np. tak wspaniale wykształconymi Polakami.
Tyle warte są te raporty.
This edition of CinePolitics reviews the documentary movie "Unlawful Killing" directed by Keith Allen.
The movie being currently not allowed to be screened in the UK, explores the possibility that princess Diana may have been murdered by the British establishment.
"Unlawful Killing" directed by Keith Allen-CinePolitics-05-21-2011-(Part1)
"Unlawful Killing" directed by Keith Allen-CinePolitics-05-21-2011-(Part2)
Dołączył: 05 Kwi 2011 Posty: 116
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Wysłany: 13:29, 19 Cze '11
Temat postu:
Planowane nowe protesty w Londynie - zaczyna sie potężny ruch... wolnościowy , ogólno europejski przeciwko korporacyjnym rządom wynikający z rosnącej świadomości społecznej i niezadowolenia z sytuacji.. W KOŃCU !!
Dołączył: 15 Lut 2009 Posty: 1301
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Wysłany: 23:01, 29 Cze '11
Temat postu:
Jutro tj 30 czerwca strajki budżetówki w Wielkiej Brytanii.
Dziś wieczorem policja rozpoczęła aresztowania (czytaj: prowokację) okupujących Trafalgar Square:
Charlie Veith, zadeklarowany anarchista, współtwórca The Love Police, poeta i performer, poniekąd ikona alternatywy, zmienił zdanie na temat zamachów 11 września 2001 i po latach życia w przekonaniu, że „9/11 was an inside job” zadeklarował, że uznaje oficjalną rządową wersję za prawdziwą.
_________________ nie ma żadnej prawdy, wszystko jest tym samym, wielu się załamie, wielu parsknie śmiechem, to wszystko jedno
Dołączył: 10 Lis 2007 Posty: 779
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Wysłany: 23:09, 14 Lip '11
Temat postu:
agharto napisał:
Charles Veitch to:
1)Aktor z olbrzymim parciem na szkło
2)Ofiara PSY-OP
3)Etatowy pracownik policji
4)Każdy ma prawo do wolty, bez żadnych ograniczeń
A jakie są wasze opinie?
Dzisiaj na topie jest Nigel Farage. Powiedział on kiedyś takie słowa (cytat z pamięci)
"Dzisiaj UE już nie walczy z opozycją jak dawniej, tylko ją wynagradza (kupuje) i to za nasze pieniądze"
Dał tu przykład cały europarlament.
Wszystkie czasy w strefie CET (Europa) Strona: « 1, 2, 3, ...25, 26, 27 »
Strona 2 z 27
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