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"Polecam ten tekst.Napisany z polotem i poczuciem humoru.Smialem sie glosno czytajac TE wersje ich historii.
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"An Introduction to Jewishism
The Main Jewish Icon Is a Man Called James Attwood (also known as Jebus).
Jews think they are "god's chosen people", conniving Things, who enjoy running small family dry cleaners and control 99% of the world's money.
They are also known as "t3h j00z!", but thats only a cliche that will result in you being beaten brutally by a mob of them.
Their only weaknesses are bagels, and Chinese Food.
Long thought to be an offshoot of particularly ugly Sicilians who interbred with Arabs, the Jews are a small, but vibrant cult given to strange customs including editing funny Internet articles in order to remove all traces of humor.
Jews are beloved for their arrogance and materialism, and their steadfast refusal to allow their culture to be diminished by the introduction of lesser human beings, e.g., anyone who isn't a Jew".Koniec cytatu