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PostWysłany: 20:44, 27 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Dobry wywiad,warto go rozsyłać gdzie się da!
Jestem pisowskim aparatczykiem z małym penisikiem.
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Ogląda profil użytkownika Wyślij prywatną wiadomość

Dołączył: 16 Wrz 2009
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PostWysłany: 22:46, 27 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem



...to ciekawe...Wink

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Ogląda profil użytkownika Wyślij prywatną wiadomość

Dołączył: 03 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 10:07, 28 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Wiecie dla kogo pracował w swoim czasie rzecznik prasowy ministra sprawiedliwosci?



"Podejrzana" przeszłość rzecznika Czumy

Sobota, 26 września (07:32)

Antoni Tyszka - od 15 września rzecznik prasowy ministra sprawiedliwości Andrzeja Czumy - jako PR-owiec promował spółkę Ryszarda Krauzego, który jest podejrzany o składanie fałszywych zeznań w tzw. aferze przeciekowej - pisze "Rzeczpospolita".

- Wszystko wiem i mam zaufanie - mówi "Rz" minister Czuma.

Jak ustaliła "Rz", Tyszka od września 2007 r. do maja 2008 r. był zatrudniony w firmie MDI Strategic Solution zajmującej się m.in. public relations. Jako pracownik MDI reprezentował m.in. amerykański koncern farmaceutyczny Baxter oraz poszukującą ropy w Kazachstanie spółkę Petrolinvest Ryszarda Krauzego, jednego z najbogatszych Polaków.(...)

Czy głównym zadaniem szczepionki na H1N1 jest sterylizacja i rozwiazanie problemu rzekomego przeludnienia?



‘Immuno-Sterilization’ In Humans
A 2009 Vaccination Odyssey

By A. True Ott, PhD, ND

According to the Los Angeles Sunday Times newspaper dated May 24, 2009, a meeting of some of the world’s richest billionaires took place in Manhattan on May 5, 2009. (See addendum #1). These “elite” reached a uniform consensus during this meeting ­ that OVERPOPULATION is the single greatest threat facing Planet Earth.

Mr. George Soros, international banker and agent of the Rothschild family, was also in attendance, and actually led much of the discussion, it was reported. For a biography and curriculum vitae of this warped individual and his vision for mass sterilization/depopulation of the planet, see Addendum #2.

The elite’s agenda of mass depopulation is no longer covert. It is no longer the realm of “National Secret Memorandums” (see NSSM-200 authored by Henry Kissinger and Zbignew Brezinsky back in 1974) It is today public knowledge. It is indeed their top “agenda” item for immediate implementation this year – 2009.

I would submit that these billionaires are men and women of action. When they come to a joint consensus, a detailed plan is quickly and decisively put into action ­ especially if they perceive that their “plan” is literally going to “save the planet”. There should be little doubt that they would have a brilliant plan of action that they are most definitely implementing as you are reading this. These individuals did not get to be billionaires by being stupid, or by merely discussing ideas and concepts over dinner. They, of course, would also know how to keep their depopulation activities camouflaged and hidden from public scrutiny. After all, they reason that only THEY know what is best for the planet.

Let’s look at the elite’s depopulation plan from a standpoint of logic and common sense. Of course they realize that only a very small fraction of the world’s population (especially in the Western 1st World nations) would eagerly and willingly step forward and volunteer that their lineage and bloodlines would be severed by means of a permanent sterilization “vaccination”. It is obvious, therefore, that such a “sterilization vaccine” would need to be disguised as something else, a truly global false-flag program fueled by their controlled media propaganda and fear-mongering. I would submit that a worldwide faux “influenza pandemic” would be an absolutely perfect cover.

Prior to the year 1998, the available depopulation tools that could be utilized by such “global elitists” were fairly limited; diseases, famine, wars and even natural disasters could each be developed and actually implemented by a designed plan. These depopulation tools are rather messy, however, and often hard to completely control. However, thanks to the work of Dr. Richard A. Fayrer ­Hosken at the University of Georgia, a new and completely effective depopulation tool is now available ­ indeed, a simple little VACCINE SHOT can today cause permanent sterility. (See Addendum 3 attached for the international patent of this “immunosterilization vaccine”.)

Fayrer-Hosken’s invention has been successfully tested and found to be effective on all mammals, including the African elephant, although the potential long-term side effects are still being compiled. What exactly is the active ingredients of this sterilization vaccine? Primarily the sterilization vaccine contains antigens from PORCINE (pig) glyco-proteins (viruses are a form of glyco-proteins) bonded with a powerful oil-in-water “adjuvant” called squalene. (See addendum 3).

Is it just a coincidence that Novartis’ master patent for the “swine flu” vaccine utilizes swine (porcine) glycol-proteins bonded with a powerful oil-in-water “adjuvant” called squalene?

Is it just a coincidence that Novartis’ “swine flu” vaccine product information circular, section 8.1, includes this warning paragraph: “Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with this —[vaccine]. It is also not known whether the vaccine can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman, OR CAN AFFECT REPRODUCTION CAPACITY.” (Emphasis added.)

It would also seem highly logical that a sterilization vaccine disguised as a pandemic influenza vaccine would require a complete blanket shield against liability lawsuits and litigation as well ­ for such claims would undoubtedly number in the hundreds of millions. (Oops, sorry the vaccine made you sterile Mrs. Jones ­ we had absolutely no idea, you see!) Of course, such blanket immunity from lawsuits is exactly what has been given to the “swine flu” vaccine manufacturers and promoters by our corrupt federal government.

It is clear that the “swine flu” pandemic is no more serious than the common cold ­ but it is also increasingly clear that the VACCINE is the real danger. If the squalene adjuvant cripples and even kills the victim in addition to making him/her permanently stable, then I am confident that is perfectly ok with George Soros and his breed. Make no mistake, however, the entire agenda behind this pandemic vaccine hype is very likely the covert “immunosterilization” of the human herd!

–True Ott, PhD, ND


Billionaire Club Meets to Curb Population Growth

by John Harlow

Los Angeles

The Sunday Times

May 24, 2009

http://www.timesonline.co.uk”_TimesOnLine Website

America’s richest people meet to discuss ways of tackling a ‘disastrous’ environmental, social and industrial threat

SOME of America’s leading billionaires have met secretly to consider how their wealth could be used to slow the growth of the world’s population and speed up improvements in health and education.

The philanthropists who attended a summit convened on the initiative of Bill Gates, the Microsoft co-founder, discussed joining forces to overcome political and religious obstacles to change.

Described as the Good Club by one insider it included:


David Rockefeller Jr, the patriarch of America’s wealthiest dynasty

Warren Buffett and http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/esp_sociopol_rothschild.htm

“George_Soros_and_The_Rothschild”George Soros, the financiers

Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of New York


media moguls Ted Turner and Oprah Winfrey

These members, along with Gates, have given away more than £45 billion since 1996 to causes ranging from health programs in developing countries to ghetto schools nearer to home.

They gathered at the home of Sir Paul Nurse, a British Nobel prize biochemist and president of the private Rockefeller University, in Manhattan on May 5. The informal afternoon session was so discreet that some of the billionaires’ aides were told they were at “security briefings”.

W programie telewizji Fox na żywo doktor wypowiada się iż szczepionka jest o wiele niebezpieczniejsza niż wirus przeciwko któremu powstała:

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Dołączył: 10 Cze 2009
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PostWysłany: 10:55, 28 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Pani Jane Burgermeister, austriacka dziennikarka pisząca min. do Nature czy British Medical Journal złożyła w austriackiej prokuraturze oraz FBI (w amerykańskiej ambasadzie) zarzuty przeciwko Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia oraz min. firmie Baxter, która produkuje szczepionki, a której włodarze zasiadają min. w WHO. Po złożeniu tych zarzutów została zwolniona z pracy. Najświeższe informacje dot. śledztwa oraz przebiegu spraw można znaleźć na jej blogu.

Zarzuty poparte dowodami dotyczą planowanego mordu na ludzkości pod przykrywką obowiązkowych szczepień przeciwko pandemii świńskiej grypy. WHO zmieniła niedawno definicję pandemii, mimo iż faktyczne przypadki zachorowań nie wskazywały na nią.

Główne media celowo milczą a londyński Times ostatnio cenzurował komentarze. Można o tym przeczytać również tu.

W wielu krajach: min. w Wielkiej Brytanii (relacja tvn24.pl) czy Norwegii planowane jest wprowadzenie OBOWIĄZKOWYCH szczepień – docelowo mają one zostać wprowadzone we wszystkich 194 krajach, które są sygnatariuszami WHO.

Warto zauważyć, że w przypadku ogłoszenia kryzysu pandemii i faktycznie szalejącego wirusa sygnatariusze WHO czyli 194 kraje tracą swoją suwerenność a faktycznie dowodzą nimi centra kryzysowe. Ograniczone są również swobody jednostki i każdy może być zatrzymany i na czas nieokreślony poddany kwarantannie (co już ma miejsce w USA a testowane jest na imigrantach) ze względu na potencjalny kontakt z wirusem. Taki jest cel WHO, które zamierza zarazić ludzi fałszywymi szczepionkami by wywołać prawdziwą pandemię – relacjonuje Jane Burgermeister.

Dr Piotr Bein opowiada o zarzutach Pani Burgermeister oraz o powiązanych z nimi przypadkach śmierci wśród polskich bezdomnych za sprawą firmy Novartis. Podsumowujący post znajduje się na stronie Wolnych Mediów.

Jane udzieliła póki co dwóch wywiadów: pierwszy (w 4 częściach) dostępny jest (youtube) tutaj, drugi pochodzi z 14 lipca u jest dostępny tutaj

Bardzo istotne fakty nt. szkodliwości wszelkich szczepionek oraz manipulacjach informacji dokonywanych przez WHO oraz CDC możemy dowiedzieć się z filmu lekarza medycyny, specjalisty w tym zakresie Pani Dr. Tenpenny, która poświęciła ponad 6000 godzin by zbadać te zagadnienia, a jej badania są doskonale udokumentowane. Film pt. “Vaccines – The Risks, the Benefits, the Choices” dostępny jest tutaj.

W Polsce najprawdopodobniej możliwe jest przejęcie władzy przez sztab kryzysowy wobec czego konstytucja naszego kraju przestaje obowiązywać. Osoby odmawiające będą mogły zostać pociągnięte do odpowiedzialności karno-administracyjnej na podstawie art. 26 ustawy z dnia 13.11.1989r. o zwalczaniu chorób zakaźnych (Dz. U. Nr 50 poz. 279). Ciekawy jestem wiążącej opinii prawnej.

Pani Jane Burgermeister należą się słowa wielkiego uznania za odwagę, której dowiodła składając kwietniowe zarzuty oraz za rozpoczęcie powolnego procesu uświadamiania ludzi co do prawdziwej natury WHO oraz takich firm jak Baxter czy Novartis. Jak wnikliwie mawiał G. K. Chesterton – tylko ludzie słabi potrafią wykazać się prawdziwą odwagą gdyż silni, właśnie ze względu na swoją siłę, odważni być nie muszą. Lecz odwaga cenniejsza jest od siły.

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Dołączył: 20 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 11:10, 28 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

pawlak jeśli śledzisz blog grypa666 http://grypa666.wordpress.com lub bieżący temat, to te wszystkie informacje są oczywiste, takie powtarzanie się...
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Ogląda profil użytkownika Wyślij prywatną wiadomość

Dołączył: 03 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 12:22, 28 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Intrygujące wyniki badań naukowców kanadyjskich stwierdzają że osoby zaszczepione mają większą szansę na złapanie H1N1.


A jeżeli szczepionka wcale nie ma chronić przed wirusem tylko słuzyć w zupełnie innym celu?


Study prompts provinces to rethink flu plan

Report suggests people who get vaccinated are more likely to catch H1N1

Patrick White

Winnipeg — From Monday's Globe and Mail Last updated on Monday, Sep. 28, 2009 02:16AM EDT

A “perplexing” Canadian study linking H1N1 to seasonal flu shots is throwing national influenza plans into disarray and testing public faith in the government agencies responsible for protecting the nation's health.

Distributed for peer review last week, the study confounded infectious-disease experts in suggesting that people vaccinated against seasonal flu are twice as likely to catch swine flu.

The paper is under peer review, and lead researchers Danuta Skowronski of the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control and Gaston De Serres of Laval University must stay mum until it's published.

Met with intense early skepticism both in Canada and abroad, the paper has since convinced several provincial health agencies to announce hasty suspensions of seasonal flu vaccinations, long-held fixtures of public-health planning.

“It has confused things very badly,” said Dr. Ethan Rubinstein, head of adult infectious diseases at the University of Manitoba. “And it has certainly cost us credibility from the public because of conflicting recommendations. Until last week, there had always been much encouragement to get the seasonal flu vaccine.”

On Sunday Quebec joined Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario and Nova Scotia in suspending seasonal flu shots for anyone under 65 years of age. Quebec's Health Ministry announced it would postpone vaccinations until January, clearing the autumn months for health professionals to focus on vaccinating against H1N1, which is expected to the more severe influenza strain this season.

“By the time the H1N1 wave is over, there will be ample time to vaccinate for seasonal flu,” Dr. Rubinstein said.

B.C. is expected to announce a similar suspension during a press conference Monday morning.

Other provinces, including Manitoba, are still pondering a response to the research.

New Brunswick is a lone hold-out, announcing last week it would forge ahead with seasonal flu shots for all residents in October, as originally planned.

So far, the study's impact is confined to Canada. Researchers in the U.S., Britain and Australia have not reported the same phenomenon. Marie-Paule Kieny, the World Health Organization's director of vaccine research, said last week the Canadian findings were an international anomaly and could constitute a “study bias.”

An international panel is currently scrutinizing the research data. “The review process has been expedited, so we're hoping for a response within days,” said Roy Wadia, spokesman for the B.C. Centre for Disease Control.

Dr. Rubinstein, who has read the study, said it appears sound.

“There are a large number of authors, all of them excellent and credible researchers,” he said. “And the sample size is very large – 12 or 13 million people taken from the central reporting systems in three provinces. The research is solid.”

The vaccine suspensions do not apply for people over 65. Seniors are considered more susceptible to severe seasonal flu symptoms. At the same time, they carry antibodies from a 1957 pandemic that seem to neutralize the current version of H1N1.

Even if the statistical link is proven, the medical link between seasonal flu shots and H1N1 remains mysterious. One hypothesis suggests seasonal flu vaccine preoccupies the cells that would otherwise produce antibodies against H1N1.

But, according to Dr. Rubinstein, the research shows that people who received the seasonal shot during the 2007-08 flu season remained vulnerable to swine flu well into 2009 – an interval that should provide most immune systems ample restoration time.

“We don't understand the mechanism,” Dr. Rubinstein said. “At the present time it is quite perplexing.”

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Ogląda profil użytkownika Wyślij prywatną wiadomość

Dołączył: 20 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 13:20, 28 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Prrivan napisał:
Intrygujące wyniki badań naukowców kanadyjskich stwierdzają że osoby zaszczepione mają większą szansę na złapanie H1N1.


A jeżeli szczepionka wcale nie ma chronić przed wirusem tylko słuzyć w zupełnie innym celu?


Odnośnie wyniku tych badań z blogu http://grypa666.wordpress.com/

Dzisiejszy Globe and Mail pisze o studium na parenastu milionach Kanadyjczykow. Wykazalo ono, ze osoby zaszczepione na grype sezonowa maja dwukrotnie wieksza szanse zlapania grypy swinskiej. Wyniki sa praca zbiorowa duzej liczby naukowcow, bedaca w trakcie przegladu naukowego. Naczelnymi autorami sa Danuta Skowronski z Osrodka Kontroli Chorob Brytyjskiej Kolumbii (BCCDC) i Gaston De Serres z Uniwersytetu Laval w Quebec. Nie mogli oni wypowiedziec sie dla Globe and Mail przed oficjalna publikacja wynikow.
Globe and Mail pisze tez: “Jak dotad wnioski ze studium ograniczaja sie do Kanady. Badacze w USA, Brytani i Australii nie raportowali tego samego zjawiska. Dyrektor badan nad szczepionkami w Swiatowej Organizacji Zdrowia, Marie-Paule Kieny powiedzial w ub. tygodniu, ze kanadyjskie wyniki stanowia miedzynarodowa anomalie i moga pochodzic z “bledu badawczego”. Miedzynarodowa grupa sprawdza obecnie dane z tego studium. “Rozpoczelismy proces przegladu badan, wiec mamy nadzieje na odpowiedz za kilka dni”, powiedzial Roy Wadia, rzecznik BCCDC. “

“Wstrzymanie szczepien na grype sezonowa nie dotyczy osob powyzej 65 lat. Uwaza sie je za bardziej podatne na powazne objawy grypy sezonowej. Jednoczesnie maja oni przeciwciala z pandemii w 1957 roku, ktore wydaje sie neutralizuja biezaca wersje H1N1. Nawet jesli zostanie udowodniony zwiazek statystyczny, zwiazek medyczny miedzy zastrzykiem na grype sezonowa a H1N1 pozostaje tajemniczy. Jedna z hipotez sugeruje, ze szczepionka na grype sezonowa okupuje komorki, ktore inaczej produkowalyby przeciwciala na H1N1.”

Dr Ethan Rubinstein na Uniwersytecie Manitoby kieruje badaniami nad chorobami zakaznymi u doroslych. Wg Globe and Mail ma on pelne zaufanie do autorow oraz ich studium. Wg Rubinsteina studium dowodzi, ze “osoby, ktore dostaly zastrzyk na grype sezonowa w sezonie grypy 2007-2008 pozostaly podatne na grype swinska do dzis – tj. przez okres, ktory normalnie wystarczylby systemowi immunologicznemu u wiekszosci osob na regeneracje.” “Nie rozumiemy tego mechanizmu, jest to lamiglowka”, powiedzial Rubinstein.

Prowincje Quebec, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario i Nowa Szkocja (wiekszosc populacji kraju) wstrzymaly szczepienia na grype sezonowa, a Brytyjska Kolumbia miala dzis oglosic to samo — “skoncentrowac sie na szczepieniach przeciw H1N1, ktory ma byc grozniejszym szczepem wirusa w nadchodzacym sezonie” — donosi Globe and Mail.

Komentarz od P.B.:

Jest podejrzane dawanie priorytetu niesprawdzonym, zatrutym szczepionkom na swinska grype, ze zwolnieniem producentow i wstrzykujacych z wszelkiej odpowiedzialnosci, podczas gdy “pandemia” jest naciagana, wirus sztucznie wytworzony i trwaja przygotowania do totalitarnego przejecia wladzy pod pretekstem pandemii – o czym napisze niebawem w kontekscie kanadyjskim.

Jest mala szansa, zeby autorzy ww. studium byli w bledzie. Wyniki wydaja sie opierac na prostej analizie statystyk z ogolnokrajowej bazy danych grypowych. Podobne dane nt. grypy musza byc we wszystkich krajach tzw. rozwinietych.

Zasygnalizowanie wynikow w czolowej gazecie Kanady oraz “zdziwienie” Swiatowej Organizacji Zdrowia daja do myslenia. Czy mamy dowod dzialania sil dobra w ostatnich tygodniach przed przymusowymi szczepieniam? Jesli tak, niepozorny artykul Globe and Mail moze byc ostatnio najdonioslejszym.
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Dołączył: 03 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 15:16, 28 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Whoops,w USA podobno zaczęła się druga fala grypy.Kluczowe słowo to "podobno":



Second wave of swine flu pandemic begins to hit US
Surge in cases closes schools, strains hospitals

By Rob Stein
Washington Post / September 28, 2009

WASHINGTON - After months of warnings and frantic preparations, the second wave of the swine flu pandemic is starting to be felt around the country. Doctors, health clinics, hospitals, and schools are reporting rapidly increasing numbers of patients experiencing flu symptoms.

While most cases so far are mild, and the health care system is handling the load, officials say the number of people seeking treatment for the flu is unprecedented for this time of year.

In Austin, so many parents are rushing their children to Dell Children’s Medical Center of Central Texas with swine flu symptoms that the hospital had to set up tents in the parking lot to cope with the onslaught.

In Memphis, the Le Bonheur Children’s Medical Center emergency room got so crowded with feverish, miserable youngsters that it had to do the same thing.

And in Manning, S.C., a private school where an 11-year-old girl died shut down after the number of pupils who were out sick with similar symptoms reached nearly a third of the student body.

“It just kind of snowballed,’’ said Kim Jordan, a teacher at Laurence Manning Academy, which closed Wednesday after Ashlie Pipkin died and the number of ill students hit 287. “We had several teachers out also.’’

“H1N1 is spreading widely throughout the US,’’ said Thomas Frieden, director of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. The CDC reported last week that at least 26 states are now reporting widespread flu activity, up from 21 a week earlier.

Even though some parts of the Southeast that started seeing a surge of cases first now seem to be showing a decline, that could be a temporary reprieve, Frieden said. And other parts of the country are probably just starting to feel the second wave.

“Influenza is perhaps the most unpredictable of all infectious diseases,’’ Frieden said.

The pandemic has prompted scattered school closings around the country in recent weeks, including 42 schools that closed in eight states Friday, affecting more than 16,000 students.

Many colleges and universities have been hit particularly hard, forcing some to open separate dorms for sick students. Ninety-one percent of the 267 colleges and universities being surveyed by the American College Health Association are now reporting cases.

The government is starting an unprecedented system to track possible side effects as mass flu vaccinations begin next month. The idea is to detect any rare but real problems quickly, and explain the inevitable coincidences that are sure to cause some false alarms.

In just a few months, health authorities hope to vaccinate well over half the population against swine flu, which doctors call the 2009 H1N1 strain. No more than 100 million Americans usually get vaccinated against regular winter flu, and never in such a short period.

The last mass inoculations against a different swine flu, in 1976, were marred by reports of a rare paralyzing condition, Guillain-Barré syndrome, a sometimes fatal paralysis. Other possible side effects could potentially include heart attacks, strokes, seizures, and miscarriages.

On top of routine vaccine tracking, these government-sponsored monitoring projects are planned:

■ Harvard Medical School scientists are linking large insurance databases that cover up to 50 million people with vaccination registries around the country for real-time checks of whether people see a doctor in the weeks after a flu shot and why. The huge numbers make it possible to quickly compare rates of complaints among the vaccinated and unvaccinated, said the project leader, Dr. Richard Platt, Harvard’s population medicine chief.

■ Johns Hopkins University will direct e-mails to at least 100,000 vaccine recipients to track how they’re feeling, including the smaller complaints that wouldn’t prompt a doctor visit. If anything seems connected, researchers can call to follow up with detailed questions.

■ The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is preparing take-home cards that tell vaccine recipients how to report any suspected side effects to the nation’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting system.

“Every day, bad things happen to people. When you vaccinate a lot of people in a short period of time, some of those things are going to happen to some people by chance alone,’’ said Dr. Daniel Salmon, a vaccine safety specialist at the Department of Health and Human Services.

Bójcie się,bójcie się!
Nie boicie się?

A to chuj wam w dupę Laughing
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Dołączył: 10 Lip 2008
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PostWysłany: 20:52, 28 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

"Świnie szczepią ludzi" - artykuł z tygodnika „NIE”, nr 40 z 1 października 2009 r.

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Dołączył: 02 Gru 2008
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PostWysłany: 00:44, 29 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

aro_klb napisał:
Dobry wywiad,warto go rozsyłać gdzie się da!

robi sie caly czas Smile

PS : jestem z powrotem Smile
konsola 2 : brat cos ostatnio wspominal o kontroli poprzez wojsko czy jakos tak... ano sluzby mundurowe w uk ( north irleand ) i nie byla to drogowka ani wyrywkowa kontrola . no control !
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Dołączył: 02 Lut 2009
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PostWysłany: 02:35, 29 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Czy płatne szczepionki nie pasują czasem do scenariusza masowych szczepień pod przymusem?
O tych plakatach mówię oczywiście.
Moja odpowiedź na zaczepki TROLL-i.

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Dołączył: 31 Mar 2008
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PostWysłany: 02:55, 29 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Plakat z Niemiec - TAMIFLU
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Dołączył: 03 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 10:08, 29 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Media w Stanach panikuja jakoby połowa ludności USA była już zarażona albo bezposrednio narazona na zarażenie drugą falą H1N1.

Ratunek:90000 centrów szczepiennych.



CDC reports widespread H1N1 influenza swine flu in half the nation

By: Marci | 28 September 2009 | 1 Comment »

The CDC reported this morning that a second wave of H1N1 influenza is now widespread in 26 states across the United States. A map on the CDC website (see link below), shows the individual states and how deeply each is being affected. To see your state, click here CDC H1N1 Map of the US

The Center for Disease Control held a press conference on Friday to discuss flu shots and nationwide coverage. There will be plenty of shots available and should be distributed within the first two weeks of October.

Thomas R. Frieden, Director of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) stated, ”The CDC estimates that there will be approximately 90,000 vaccine points across the states. Much of the initial vaccine will be in the form of a flu mist vaccine, which will be utilized for health care workers among others who most require the vaccine. In this flu season, there is no prediction whether the H1N1 nasal spray or the vaccination is more effective. Persons with underlying conditions are not recommended to receive the vaccine. The CDC recommends that parents of children under six months of age should be vaccinated. Furthermore, children older than six months of age should be vaccinated, as well as pregnant woman who are at risk (about six times) of serious illness.”

For week ending September 12, 2009 widespread H1N1 has spread through half of the states. The CDC map shows individual states and the level of reported H1N1 cases. Every state in the south has been mapped with widespread H1N1 influenza.

The CDC recommends that most people get the regular flu shot and the H1N1 (swine) shot as soon as they are available.

This is a chart from the CDC website that states exactly which groups will need the H1N1 vaccine. The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), a panel made up of medical and public health experts, recommends several groups receive the H1N1 (Swine) flu vaccine as soon as it becomes available:

Pregnant women because they are at higher risk of complications and can potentially provide protection to infants who cannot be vaccinated.

Household contacts and caregivers for children younger than 6 months of age because younger infants are at higher risk of influenza-related complications and cannot be vaccinated. Vaccination of those in close contact with infants less than 6 months old might help protect infants by “cocooning” them from the virus.

Healthcare and emergency medical services personnel because infections among healthcare workers have been reported and this can be a potential source of infection for vulnerable patients. Also, increased absenteeism among healthcare professionals could reduce healthcare system capacity.

All people from 6 months through 24 years of age

Children from 6 months through 18 years of age because there have been many cases of H1N1 (Swine) flu in children and they are in close contact with each other in school and day care settings, which increases the likelihood of disease spread.

Young adults 19 through 24 years of age because there have been many cases of H1N1 (Swine) flu in these healthy young adults and they often live, work, and study in close proximity, and they are a frequently mobile population.

Persons aged 25 through 64 years who have health conditions associated with higher risk of medical complications from influenza.

According to a report on Friday morning on Good Morning America, there will not be a shortage of the flu shots this year, and in most cases they will be free.

A jednak informatorka ostrzegajaca przed szykowanymi blokadami drogowymi w USA i szczepieniami jak leci wszystkich zatrzymanych miała rację...



California Swine Flu Checkpoint Identified?

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Monday, September 28, 2009

The testimony of a woman who claimed she was part of a military drill in California centered around setting up roadblocks to check if people had received the H1N1 vaccine has potentially been validated with another report of a swine flu checkpoint near San Diego.

Earlier this month we reported on the You Tube video of a woman who claimed to have taken part in an Army exercise which involved setting up roadblocks and checkpoints so authorities could check who has received the swine flu vaccine. Those who have had the shots will be fitted with an RFID bracelet so they can be tracked. Those who have not taken the shot will be offered it there and then and if they still refuse, will be carted off to an internment camp, according to the woman.

Former Kansas state trooper Greg Evensen spoke of similar checkpoints recently, when he told an audience in West Virginia that preparations to enforce mandated vaccinations were being focused around preventing those who haven’t had the shot from traveling.

“I have been told by state troopers across the country that there are plans ready to be implemented that would include roadblocks and choke points as we call them, major interstate junctions around major cities and so forth where the greatest number of people can be held until they prove their vaccination by papers,” Evenson said, adding that permanent RFID bracelets would then be used to identify those who had taken the shot.

“I have been told that the plans would include buses standing by for people at roadblocks that refuse to take the inoculation,” added Evenson, saying that such refusniks would then be taken to military bases and imprisoned.

“Get your shot or get on the bus, that’s what’s coming,” warned Evenson.

Authorities in Boston have already trialed RFID bracelet technology, with the purpose of creating a “vaccination map” charting which people have taken the vaccine and which have not, or “creating a citywide registry of everyone who has had a flu vaccination,” as a Boston Globe article describes.

Participants were given a bracelet with a unique identifier code, exactly as described in the You Tube clip of the woman’s testimony.

* A d v e r t i s e m e n t
* efoods

We have now received yet another report of a roadblock staffed by armed military personnel centered around checking whether people have received vaccines.

A reader e mailed us a photo (see top of page) and the testimony of his friend who was traveling from California to Arizona after visiting friends. The man was driving through mountains east of San Diego when he came across a roadblock.

“As I neared the border they had a checkpoint set up but not the usual stateline checkpoint,” he writes.

“As I approached I noticed armed military personnel had most of the cars pulled over and there were a lot of people going in and out of a mobile trailer. The people looked confused and some upset. Seeing what was going on made me really nervous,” the man adds.

He was then approached by a women in military fatigues who asked him where he was driving and “something about a vaccination.”

“I got scared and told her I was a state geologist doing field research and because I was doing so much driving back and forth I had my vaccine on campus. She didn’t say anything for a few seconds and then the car behind me started honking and she got pissed and waved me on. I was so scared!,” he concludes.

The truck with the green stripe seen in the image is undoubtedly a border patrol car, but a blow up of the picture shows men dressed in military cammo, not the usual single color green uniform of border patrol agents. One of the men on the left hand side of the car in front appears to be carrying a large firearm.

Whether this was just another of the sprawling internal checkpoints that are now popping up all over the country is open to debate, but the fact that vaccines were mentioned indicates that this was potentially another drill in preparation for a mass swine flu outbreak. The addition of mobile trailers and unhappy people being forced to leave their cars and undergo some form of involuntary procedure hints that this could have been something even more ominous. See the enlarged image below.

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Dołączył: 03 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 12:11, 29 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

W UK powszechne oburzenie po śmierci czternastolatki po podaniu jej obowiazkowej w tym kraju a wyprodukowanej przez GlaxoSmithKline szczepionki przeciwko rakowi szyjki macicy:



GlaxoSmithKline jab ordered by UK government kills schoolgirl

Wtorek, 29 Wrzesień 2009 08:15

A 14 year-old schoolgirl from Coventry, UK, has died after being given a GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) jab as part of a government mandated immunisation programme.

The Cervarix jab was licenced for use in September 2007
even though an examination of European Medicines Agency documents reveals that a study on its safety and effectiveness was not completed.

The EMEA document says that a study on humans -- as opposed to "experimental models -- was set to last another four years at the time it was recommended for a licence.


"The study was still ongoing at the time of the assessment and will continue for up to four years."

Also, no toxicokinetic studies or carcinogenicity studies were carried out.


GSK is set to produce millions of "swine flu" jabs that will not be tested for safety or effectiveness before they are given to people.

This is a report in The Guardian:

Schoolgirl dies after cervical cancer vaccination

• HPV vaccine batch quarantined as 'precautionary measure'
• Vaccination part of national immunisation programme


· Jo Adetunji

· The Guardian, Tuesday 29 September 2009 01.49 BST

An urgent investigation has been launched after a 14-year-old girl died shortly after receiving a cervical cancer vaccination at her school.

Natalie Morton was a pupil at the Blue Coat Church of England School in Coventry, where she was given the human papilloma virus (HPV) jab yesterday. She was taken to Coventry University hospital, where she died at lunchtime.

A letter to parents posted on the school's website by the headteacher, Dr Julie Roberts, said a girl had suffered a "rare but extreme reaction" after being given the vaccine. The precise cause of her death remains unknown.

Three other girls from the school are reported to have experienced possible side effects of dizziness and nausea after receiving the Cervarix jab, which was given to female pupils as part of a national immunisation programme against HPV. Their symptoms were described as mild and none was taken to hospital.

Although no link has yet been made between Natalie's death and the HPV vaccine, NHS Coventry said it had quarantined the batch as a "precautionary measure" and had contacted the parents of other children at the school who may have been affected.

Dr Caron Grainger, joint director for public health for NHS Coventry and Coventry city council, said: "Our sympathies are with the girl's family and friends at this difficult time. The incident happened shortly after the girl had received her HPV vaccine in the school. No link can be made between the death and the vaccine until all the facts are known and a postmortem takes place." She added: "We are conducting an urgent and full investigation into the events surrounding this tragedy."

Dr Pim Kon, medical director at GlaxoSmithKline UK, which manufactures Cervarix, offered the company's "deepest sympathies" to the girl's family and friends.

"We are working with the Department of Health (DoH) and the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) to better understand this case, as at this stage the exact cause of this tragic death is unknown," she said.

Although national programmes also exist in other European countries, Britain is the only country to have opted to use Cervarix, rather than a rival brand called Gardasil.

Although the NHS said the drug underwent "rigorous safety testing" before being chosen for the programme, the shadow health secretary, Andrew Lansley, called for more transparency over the assessments made of Cervarix and Gardasil. "This is tragic news and will be deeply concerning for all the families involved," he said. "The DoH and the MHRA need to investigate, as a matter of urgency, what the cause of this is so they can assess how widespread the problem could be."

The public health minister, Gillian Merron, said: "It is important we have the results of further investigations as soon as possible to establish the cause of this sad event."

Cervical cancer is responsible for more than 1,000 deaths in Britain each year, with around 3,000 women diagnosed annually. The vaccine offers protection against HPV, a sexually transmitted disease most commonly linked with the cancer, and is thought to have safely been given to 1.4 million girls across the country, at a cost of around £242 per person.

The national programme to immunise all schoolgirls aged 12 and over began across the UK last autumn, with the aim of offering the vaccine to all girls under the age of 18 by 2011. The decision to immunise teenagers before they become sexually active has been controversial, with some critics of the programme claiming the treatment would encourage more teenagers to engage in sexual activity.

Stan Waszyngton znosi limity zawartości rtęci w szczepionce przeciwko H1N1,oficjalnie ma to słuzyć uproszczeniu procedur.Ciekawe jakich procedur...



US State suspends limits on mercury for "swine flu" jab

Wtorek, 29 Wrzesień 2009 08:34

The Washington State government has suspended limits on the amount of mercury to be allowed in the H1N1 swine flu vaccine in spite of the body of scientific evidence proving that mercury is toxic.

The suspension of limits on toxic mercury for pregnant women and children for six months will fuel fears that elements in the US government are mounting an undeclared biological war against the American people under the pretext of giving them a necessary jab.


US Government Suspended Limits on The Amount of Mercury in H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine

Washington : Recently we reported about Australians among the first to get "swine flu" vaccine which containing 50 ug mercury.

And now Washington health officials have temporarily suspended limits on the amount of mercury allowed in the upcoming H1N1 influenza vaccine for pregnant women and children younger than 3 years old.

The move comes after Health Secretary Mary Selecky was informed that the initial batches of vaccines against the swine flu may not include enough doses that were specially packaged without thimerosal, a mercury-containing preservative.

The preservative is controversial among some people who believe that it may be linked to autism and other childhood disorders.

Selecky said the suspension is designed to ensure that pregnant women and children have access to the vaccines, even though they may contain thimerosal.

The swine flu vaccines will be available in early October, while the seasonal flu vaccines are available now.

For more detail Visit : http://www.doh.wa.gov/Publicat/2009_news/09-154.htm
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For immediate release: September 24, 2009 (09-154)

Michele Roberts, Immunization Program CHILD Profile 360-236-3720
Donn Moyer, Communications Office 360-236-4076

Mercury limits suspended for H1N1 (swine flu) vaccine to improve access
Creates choice for pregnant women and children under three

OLYMPIA - State health officials are taking steps to ensure Washington residents at highest risk for H1N1 (swine flu) infection have broad access to the new vaccine when its available. Secretary of Health Mary Selecky is temporarily suspending Washingtons limit on the amount of mercury (thimerosal) allowed in H1N1 (swine flu) vaccine given to pregnant women and children under three.

Its vital to be sure everyone in a high risk group has the choice to be vaccinated when swine flu vaccine becomes available, said Secretary Selecky. Mercury-free H1N1 vaccine may not always be in stock, and we want to be sure there are no barriers to protecting people.

The six-month suspension is effective through March 23, 2010 and applies only to H1N1 (swine flu) vaccines now being developed. As a precaution, Washington state law limits the amount of mercury that can be in vaccines for pregnant women and children under three. The secretary of health can suspend the law when theres a shortage of vaccine or during a disease outbreak both criteria apply to the H1N1 (swine flu)
vaccine. Supplies of mercury-free vaccine will be limited, which may stop people in these groups who want the vaccine from getting it.

H1N1 vaccination is voluntary. Pregnant women and children under three are at the top of the list to get the vaccine because theyre at high risk for serious complications from swine flu.

We believe suspending the law allows health care providers to offer their patients as many choices as possible to protect themselves against H1N1," said Cindy Markus, MD, President of the Washington State Medical Association.

When the limits are suspended, the law requires that pregnant or lactating women and parents or guardians of children under 18 be told theyre getting a vaccine containing more mercury than is usually permitted. There is no specific notification method required; most patients will get a handout to read.

The mercury in vaccines is in a preservative called thimerosal. Its been used safely for years to prevent contamination of vaccines in vials that contain more than one dose. Except for some types of flu vaccines, all vaccines routinely recommended for children under six years of age are thimerosal-free, or contain only
trace amounts. While some people are concerned about the safety of thimerosal, many large, thorough studies have shown no harm caused by thimerosal in vaccines.

Federal health officials expect H1N1 (swine flu) vaccine to be available in early October. Although there will eventually be enough vaccine for everyone, supplies will be limited at first and will likely be reserved for high risk people. People are encouraged to check with their private health care provider, public health clinics, retail pharmacies, and community vaccination event organizers on locations to get the vaccine. State and local health partners are working together to identify these locations and will share that information when vaccine is available.

More information is available on the Department of Health H1N1 (swine flu) Web site (http://www.doh.wa.gov/h1n1/).

Nowe wieści z Francji,czyli więcej szczegółow z tamtejszego planu pandemicznego:



French doctor reveals more details of mass vaccination campaign planned for France

Wtorek, 29 Wrzesień 2009 09:02

News - Highlighted News
Następna >
There are no translations available.

A French doctor has said that doctors and pharmacists in France are being warned in private meetings not to take the "swine flu" vaccine by their associations because it is so toxic due to the presence of mercury and squalene.

Doctors in Bordeaux are reported to have decided to refuse the "swine flu" vaccine.

According to the doctor, there are going to be at least three "swine flu" vaccine centers in each French department with 500,000 people to be vaccinated in the 3 centers in a period lasting 2 to 3 months.

This plan will inevitably result in long waits in queues and, therefore, to a much greater chance of catching a flu infection.

The "swine flu" jabs will be given in multi-dose vials that do not have a label indicating which pharmaceutical company they came from. People will have to return in the 3 weeks with a ticket to trace their correct jab.

No special plans appear to be in place to prevent a mix up of the tickets, which could result in people getting the wrong jab.

People will be made to sign a consent form saying they are taking the jab voluntarily.

Also, a nurse at a psychiatric hospital in Erstein, south of Strassburg, has said that patients are already being given the "swine flu" jab even though it has not even been approved formally for marketing.

This is the letter of the French doctor with identifying data blanked out:

Monsieur XX,

J'étais convaincu dès le départ d'être face à une fumisterie et que je refuserai
le vaccin. Ma famille s’est moquée de moi jusqu'à hier : Ma belle sœur est au
XX XX d'XX en tant que XXX, elle a eu une réunion où on
les a alerté sur les risques des adjuvants vaccinaux, le mercure mais aussi le
squalène, un dérivé lipidique des requins qui est fortement immuno-réactif, les
médecins bordelais ont tous décidé de refuser le vaccin, du coup mon épouse m'a
donné raison !

D'autres points de réflexion :
* Le vaccin va être dispensé dans au moins 3 centres par DEPARTEMENT, soit
500.000 personnes a vacciner dans 3 centres en 2-3 mois fait le calcul du temps
de queue ! Si tu n'as pas la grippe tu l'attraperas là dans la queue.

* Les flacons seront multidoses, 10 doses, et ne comporteront pas d'indication
du labo d’origine, tu devras d'ailleurs avoir à le rappel dans 3 semaines avec
le MEME LOT pour une bonne traçabilité, on pourra donc retrouver le labo avec le
n° du lot, en fait il y a 5 labos (selon ma belle-sœur), les 3 connus + 2 qui
sont « bidons ».

* Tu devras signer une feuille que tu es volontaire !

* Une infirmière de psychiatrie d'Erstein vient de me raconter que les
"débiles" de la section dépendance mentale viennent d'être vaccinés, je lui ai
annoncé que vaccin n'a pas encore d'AMM : ILS SONT DONC EN TRAIN DE LE TESTER

- Le Pr CARRAT dans le PANORAMA DU MEDECIN (pas VOICI ou GALA) a précisé qu'une
vaccination de masse est un non sens et risque de provoquer une vraie mutation
du virus, ce que le Pr CHRISTMANN de Strasbourg pense aussi.


* En ce qui concerne la létalité elle est de 0,05% pour H1N1, pour la grippe
saisonnière elle est de 0,1%, cela laisse rêveur…

* Les ALLEMANDS qui ne sont pas plus cons, n'ont commandé du vaccin que pour 30%
de la population : ils font donc une vaccination CIBLEE, comme les SUISSES (40%)
or NOVARTIS est Suisse...

- Effectivement en 76 les Ricains ont vacciné 50.000.000 de personnes : bilan
500 morts et 5000 cas de paralysies diverses pour une pandémie qui n'a jamais eu
lieu (tu le trouves sur Internet).

Tout cela est une gigantesque intoxication,

------------JE PENSE QU'IL FAUT REFUSER LE VACCIN--------------


Tłumaczenie listu byłoby mile widziane Smile
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Dołączył: 03 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 12:37, 29 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Czy nie zapomniałem wspomnieć że jutro zaczyna się szczepienie Aussies?



Swine flu vaccine to be rolled out

Siobhain Ryan | September 18, 2009
Article from: The Australian

THE swine flu vaccine will be rolled out from September 30 in Australia's single biggest immunisation program, after the nation's drug safety watchdog gave it the all-clear.

The Therapeutic Goods Administration today ruled a single dose of the CSL vaccine for the pandemic H1N1 virus is safe and effective in preventing swine flu infections among adults.

Federal Health Minister Nicola Roxon said there was now enough stock on order to provide the vaccine to every Australian who wanted it.

"As there is enough vaccine for all adults, I encourage people to protect themselves and their families against the pandemic flu by getting vaccinated," she said.

Some 172 people have died and thousands more been hospitalised with swine flu since the pandemic arrived in Australia.

Children aged nine and under, however, will have to wait longer for their jabs since clinical trials of the vaccine for their age group are not due for completion until next month.

The Government expects a local take-up rate for the voluntary immunisation scheme of under 90 per cent, allowing it to also meet a request from US President Barack Obama to donate some of its vaccine supply to less developed nations.

It will divert up to 2.1 million of the 21 million doses it has on order to neighbours such as Papua New Guinea, East Timor and Pacific Island nations.

A jako że szczepionki nadmiar to jeszcze obskoczy się po krajach sąsiadujących...
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Dołączył: 14 Lip 2009
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PostWysłany: 14:41, 29 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Alarm: 14-latka zmarła po szczepionce?

Główny doradca ds. zdrowia w Anglii nakazał wszcząć "pełne i pilne" śledztwo w związku ze śmiercią 14-letniej dziewczynki, która zmarła wkrótce po podaniu jej szczepionki przeciwko wirusowi brodawczaka ludzkiego (HPV). Szczepionka ma redukować ryzyko zachorowania na raka szyjki macicy – podaje BBC.
Wyniki sekcji zwłok 14-latki mają zostać wkrótce ogłoszone.

Dziewczynka zmarła w poniedziałek w szpitalu, wkrótce po tym, gdy dostała szczepionkę Cervarix. 14-latka uczęszczała do Blue Coat CofE School w Coventry.

Spośród 1,5 mln dawek szczepionki Cervarix, niepokojących reakcji na nią zaobserwowano u 4,657 pacjentów.

Agencja kontrolująca jakość leków i szczepionek poinformowała, że w okresie od 14 kwietnia 2008 roku do 23 września 2009 roku, otrzymała 2,137 raportów na temat działania szczepionki.

Jak jednak poinformowano, ryzyko, że po podaniu szczepionki wystąpią powikłania zagrażające życiu, wynoszą nie więcej niż jeden na milion dawek szczepionki.

Możliwe jest, że śmierć 14-latki związana jest z innymi problemami zdrowotnymi, a podanie szczepionki było zbiegiem okoliczności i nie miało żadnego wpływu na zgon dziewczynki.


ciekawe co wykarze sekcja zwlok?
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Dołączył: 13 Sie 2009
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PostWysłany: 14:53, 29 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

A wiecie jak wygląda sprawa szczepień i ogólnie szczepionek w Iranie, a jak jeszcze w Izraelu? Może pandemia to będzie pomocnik zajęcia Iranu? Zaszczepią jak najwięcej ludzi na świecie, kto nie będzie chciał to jest im na rękę bo kto się sprzeciwia nie jest przychylny obecnej władzy i może wtedy roześlą wirus różnymi możliwymi sposobami?

Możliwe jest, że śmierć 14-latki związana jest z innymi problemami zdrowotnymi, a podanie szczepionki było zbiegiem okoliczności i nie miało żadnego wpływu na zgon dziewczynki.

Często tak jest i właśnie dlatego nie powinno być żadnych obowiązkowych szczepionek, i tak rodzice będą szczepić, a jak zaszczepione zostanie 80% to nie powinna wybuchnąć żadna pandemia... Jeśli dziecko od urodzenia ma problemy zdrowotne, alergiczne to rodzice powinni to zauważyć i sami ecydować o własnym dziecku czyli nawet zrezygnować ze szczepionek.

Od ilu lat są te szczepionki (HPV)? Od kilku? H1N1 jeszcze krócej. To chyba za mało aby kiedykolwiek powiedzieć, że są bezpieczne, a w gazecie ostatnio widziałem artykuł żeby się szczepić bo szczepionki są 100% bezpieczne... No możecie pisać, przedstawiać badania, ale jak gazeta czy tv przekaże byle gówno niepodparte dowodami to ludzie zawsze uwierzą. Tak działa większość pierdolonych zombie, nie wiem po co chipy jak już większością sterują lepiej niż ja moim psem mając go na smyczy.
"Kiedy znalazłem się na dnie, usłyszałem pukanie od spodu." S. J. Lec
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Dołączył: 28 Lis 2007
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PostWysłany: 19:23, 29 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem


Pomóżcie wykopać!!
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Dołączył: 10 Mar 2009
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PostWysłany: 19:43, 29 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

UE: zielone światło dla szczepionek na nową grypę
W ślad za rekomendacją ekspertów, Komisja Europejska zatwierdziła dwie szczepionki na nową grypę A/H1N1, co ma umożliwić rozpoczęcie szczepień jeszcze przed sezonem zachorowań - poinformowała KE w komunikacie.
Decyzja KE oznacza, że szczepionki mogą być stosowana we wszystkich 27 krajach UE oraz Islandii, Norwegii i Liechtensteinie.

Chodzi o szczepionki Pandemrix firmy GlaxoSmithKline i Focetria firmy Novartis. Komitet ekspertów Europejskiej Agencji ds. Leków (EMEA), odpowiedzialny za naukową ocenę skuteczności i ryzyka wprowadzanych do użytku leków, zarekomendował w piątek, że te dwie szczepionki powinny być podawane w dwóch dawkach w odstępie trzytygodniowym u dorosłych (w tym kobiet w ciąży) oraz dzieci powyżej szóstego miesiąca życia.

- Jestem bardzo zadowolona, że Komisja Europejska była w stanie podjąć decyzję w najkrótszym możliwym terminie - cieszyła się unijna komisarz ds. zdrowia Andrulla Wasiliu. Jej zdaniem daje to szansę na ograniczenie rozprzestrzeniania się wirusa oraz uniknięcie zachorowań i zgonów wśród obywateli UE.

W komunikacie sprecyzowano, że decyzja KE wejdzie w życie z chwilą doręczenia firmom farmaceutycznym, co ma nastąpić najpóźniej do czwartku 1 października.

Trzecia szczepionka, firmy Baxter, nie uzyskała na razie rekomendacji Europejskiej Agencji ds. Leków. EMEA dodała, że w dalszym ciągu dokonuje przeglądu tej i innych propozycji. "Współpracujemy z firmą (Baxter) w celu pozyskania wszelkich informacji, których potrzebujemy, żeby rekomendacja mogła być wkrótce wydana" - powiedziała w piątek rzeczniczka EMEA.

Światowa Organizacja Zdrowia (WHO) poinformowała w czwartek, że firmy farmaceutyczne będą w stanie wyprodukować rocznie około 3 miliardów dawek szczepionki przeciwko nowej grypie. Dotychczas przewidywano, że producenci leków będą w stanie wyprodukować 5 miliardów dawek rocznie.

Organizacja oświadczyła, że wyzwaniem jest również zapewnienie, aby kraje biedne otrzymały wystarczającą liczbę szczepionek, ponieważ większość ich światowych zapasów została zarezerwowana przez bogate kraje. WHO będzie koordynowała dystrybucję przekazanych szczepionek, począwszy od 300 milionów dawek w listopadzie. Zaleca też, aby pierwszeństwo w szczepieniach mieli pracownicy służby zdrowia.

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Dołączył: 10 Lip 2008
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PostWysłany: 22:42, 29 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

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PostWysłany: 23:06, 29 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

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Dołączył: 10 Mar 2009
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PostWysłany: 08:55, 30 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Rozpoczęto szczepienia dzieci przeciwko A/H1N1

Pierwsze szczepionki przeciwko "świńskiej grypie" zostały podane dzieciom w Wielkiej Brytanii - podało BBC.
Lekarze w pięciu miastach Anglii, porównują działania szczepionek pocących od dwóch różnych producentów, aby sprawdzić która jest bardziej efektowna.

W okresie przyszłych dwóch tygodni tysiąc dzieci w wieku od 6 miesięcy do 12 lat będzie poddanym szczepieniu w Oxfordzie, Bristolu, Southampton, Exeter i Londynie.

Zastrzyki uodparniające będą wkrótce zatwierdzone i wprowadzone do powszechnego użytku.

Szczepienia to najskuteczniejszy sposób na zapobieganie grypie oraz złagodzenia jej ewentualnych skutków; bólu mięśni czy gorączki – twierdzi Profesor Uniwersytetu w Oxfordzie, Andrew Pollard.

Ten projekt medyczny będzie zaoferowany osobom o największym ryzyku zagrożenia, czyli około 11 milionom ludzi. Szczepionka będzie również podana pracownikom służby zdrowia.

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Ogląda profil użytkownika Wyślij prywatną wiadomość Odwiedź stronę autora

Dołączył: 03 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 09:53, 30 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Nowin ciąg dalszy:



W USA: uwiezienie za odmowe kwarantanny

Opublikował/a grypa666 w dniu 30 wrzesień 2009

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Centrala Kontroli Chorób w USA opracowała projekt “rozkazu izolacji” dla H1N1


Kurt Nimmo, Infowars, 29.09.2009, tłum. Maciej 30.09.2009

Następujący projekt “rozkazu izolacji” został odkryty na stronie Centrali Kontroli Chorób (Center for Disease Control, CDC). Jest to szablon dla państwowych i lokalnych urzędników w celu egzekwowania kwarantanny, i co faktycznie może być środkiem dla stanu wojennego.

“Twoja choroba [ustalona przez urzędników państwowych i samorządowych] wymaga, abyś został odizolowany i wymaga dalszych badań oraz monitorowania zdrowia publicznego.”

Brak posłuszeństwa spowoduje uwięzienie bez kaucji i bez procesu oraz możliwość pozbawienia wolności na dwa lata.

Innymi słowy, zgodnie z tym dokumentem urzędnicy mogą ustanawiać kwarantannę bez dowodów, że ktoś rzeczywiście jest zainfekowany wirusem, co teraz w najlepszym razie staje się bez znaczenia. Ten dokument może być również stosowany dla kwarantanny potencjalnie milionów ludzi cierpiących na dowolną liczby chorób, lub nie cierpiących z powodu jakiejkolwiek choroby – według uznania państwa – i to faktycznie nie ma nic wspólnego z H1N1. W gruncie rzeczy jest to carte blanche dla stanu wojennego pod pretekstem ochrony społeczeństwa przed chorobą zakaźną, która jest wyraźnie zagrożeniem wyprodukowanym i użytym jako broń.

Hrabstwo Ramsey w Minnesocie przeprowadza cwiczenia pod nazwą "Wielki Strzał" majace na celu opracowanie idealnego planu masowego szczepienia.Pocieszający jest fakt że ochotnicy dostaną talon na benzynę o wartosci 10$,cóż za hojność!



Ramsey County holds mass vaccination drill 'Operation Big Shot'

Ramsey County health officials have come up with a novel way to prepare for what's called the novel H1N1 flu: Operation Big Shot


Last update: September 29, 2009 - 11:03 AM

Ramsey County health officials have come up with a novel way to prepare for what's called the novel H1N1 flu.

They're holding a mass vaccination drill called "Operation Big Shot" today to test their ability to immunize a lot of people quickly.

The drill, to be held at North Heights Lutheran Church in Arden Hills, will be run in two sessions, this morning and this afternoon.

Officials are counting on about 300 volunteers to conduct the drill alongside about 200 health department staff members. They emphasized that staffers will not dispense actual vaccinations.

Instead, volunteers acting as patients will be spotted with a marker as health department staffers refine the best way to operate a vaccine clinic for a large number of people.

To entice volunteers, they will be given a $10 gas card after their shifts.

While the exercise is designed to be helpful in planning for swine flu, officials say it may not be the exact model that St. Paul and Ramsey County Public Health choose for public health vaccinations.

Operation Big Shot is one of several training exercises health officials in Ramsey County conduct each year and was scheduled prior to the emergence of the H1N1 flu pandemic.

WHO przyznaje że nie ma żadnej zabójczej mutacji wirusa H1N1:



WHO Admits No Deadly
Mutation Of Swine Flu
Flying Pigs Saga Continued
By F. William Engdahl
Author of Full Spectrum Dominance:
Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order

The World Health Organization, the UN agency (ir-) responsible for declaring a Phase 6 "PANDEMIC" global alert over what it calls H1N1 Influenza A or Swine Flu, whose chief Dr Margaret Chan has repeatedly warned that while Swine Flu to date had been rather mild, that the emergency declaration was necessary because it "could mutate" aggressively into a deadly pandemic killing millions, now admits well into the flu season in the Northern Hemisphere that H1N1 has apparently not mutated.

Margaret Chan, the head of the World Health Organization, at a meeting with health officials in her native Hong Kong has just stated that the swine flu virus has not yet mutated into a more deadly strain. WHO Director of the Initiative for Vaccine Research, Dr Marie-Paule Kieny reinforced that statement in a press conference September 24 in Geneva when she stated, "we are lucky that the pandemic is moderate in severity that most people experience a mild illness and recover spontaneously." That means recovery with no vaccination, no Tamiflu or other dangerous "antiviral" drugs. Just with letting nature take its course.

Last summer, when the WHO decided to declare a global "pandemic emergency" over what it called the H1N1 Influenza A global spread, it also announced in a notice buried among its press releases that most countries had stopped testing ill populations for H1N1, and that WHO therefore simply arbitrarily "assumed" all patients with a stated set of symptoms were automatically H1N1 victims. So the H1N1 pandemic case counts, to quote the WHO "no longer reflect actual disease activity."

The symptoms the WHO listed as indication that a patient has H1N1? A fever, cough, sore throat, headache...in short, all the symptoms of a common cold. The pandemic declaration by the agency entrusted by the UN with monitoring and guarding the world's health came anyway, on recommendation of the WHO's "experts," the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts or SAGE.

However, even though the WHO admits it is not testing patients for H1N1 around the world, they also state that the H1N1 "pandemic virus" is becoming more common than the common seasonal flu virus. A simple question in the interest of accuracy: How in Hells blazes do they know that if they stopped testing around the world? Gut feeling? WHO's "intuition" that everyone who has a fever, cough, headache and or sore throat around the world automatically must have H1N1? The alarming aspect of this entire charade is that it will likely have severe health consequences for millions or tens of millions of some three billion people around the world targeted to get injections of largely untested so-called H1N1 Swine Flu vaccines.

Vaccines for South nations?

Equaly bizarre is the fact that in her latest comments, the WHO's Chan seemed preoccupied with how to get vaccines to poorer countries mainly in the Southern Hemisphere. Yet the same WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts, SAGE, states on the WHO official website that H1N1 does not pose a major risk to the Southern Hemisphere.
The number of swine flu cases is now expected to rise as the Northern Hemisphere moves into winter, WHO Director-General Margaret Chan says. But she claims that the biggest challenge in combating the pandemic would be ensuring enough vaccines got to the world's poorest countries. Three billion doses could be produced worldwide annually, enough to cover almost half the world's population, Chan said.

The WHO is working to raise a billion dollars to help buy vaccines for developing countries that cannot produce them themselves. The United States and several other countries have stated they plan to make 10 percent of their vaccine supply available to others in need. The vehicle to raise funds for the apparently not-threatened countries of the south is a public-private partnership of the Who established in 2000 called GAVI.

In 2005 Bill Gates gave a whopping $750,000 to GAVI for Third World vaccines

Bill Gates, GAVI and the Good Club

One source for the desired billion dollars for spreading untested H1N1 vaccines to the developing world will clearly be the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Over the past decade the Gates Foundation, the largest tax-exempt foundation in the United States since it pooled funds with fellow billionaire investor Warren Buffett, has put $1 billion into something called GAVI Alliance, formerly the Global Alliance for Vaccination and Immunization.

The Gates Foundation sits on the GAVI board together with the major Swine Flu vaccine maker GlaxoSmithKline and others from the global drug industry. Over the past decade the Gates Foundation alone has pumped $1 billion into GAVI to spread vaccines across the Third World. The Gates Foundation is the largest financial backer of the WHO-linked GAVI "public-private partnership."

This is the same Bill Gates Foundation which is a major sponsor of the curious Svalbard Arctic "Doomsday Seed Vault" along with Syngenta and major Genetically Modified seed manufacturers.

It is also the foundation of the same Bill Gates who co-founded an elite ultra-private club of billionaires in New York at the home of Sir Paul Nurse, the President of the Rockefeller University. That elite club, whose members include David Rockefeller, billionaire speculator George Soros and Gates' friend Warren Buffett, and CNN founder Ted Turner, calls itself the "Good Club." It sounds good, but what they don't say is "good for whom?" In the event the reports leaking out of their first May meeting suggest that the preoccupation of Gates and his fellow billionaires was how to dramatically reduce world population. That's definitely not good for the world's population who face involuntary reduction.

Ted Turner some years ago in an interview with a nominally Christian US magazine, defended his vision of a world of merely '225 million people.'

David Rockefeller and his brothers created the global movement to reduce population growth back in 1953 with the founding of the Population Council, one of the least known and most influential organizations in the world.Gates and Buffett are major funders of global population reduction programs, as is Turner. The programs in Africa and elsewhere are masked as philanthropy and providing health services for poor Africans. In reality they involve population sterilization via vaccination and other medicines that make women of child-bearing age infertile. The Gates Foundation, where Buffett deposited the bulk of his wealth two years ago, is also backing introduction of GMO seeds into Africa under the cloak of the 'Second Green Revolution' in Africa. The introduction of GMO patented seeds in Africa to date has met with enormous indigenous resistance.

Tellingly, health experts claim that were the intent of US philanthropists such as Gates really to improve the health and well-being of black Africans, the same millions invested in providing minimal sanitary water and sewage systems would revolutionize the health conditions of the Continent. Vaccinating a person who then goes to drink feces-polluted water is hardly healthy in any respect. Many organizations have concluded the true aim of the vaccinations is to make people sicker and even more susceptible to disease and death.

Symptoms of what WHO calls H1N1 or Swine Flu are identical to a bad cold

Tricks with WHO death data

Another little known fact about the WHO pandemic operation which gives their dire warnings about H1N1 the necessary gravitas to scare the dickens out of pregnant women, parents and just about anybody, are the death statistics constantly cited when data on purported H1N1 cases are mentioned. As of the last report at end September 2009 the WHO claimed 3917 deaths due to H1N1 Influenza A or Swine Flu.

In most cases, even the WHO and the Atlanta US Government's CDC has been forced to admit, deaths were in patients who already has some severe respiratory disorder or grave illness when they contracted what was named H1N1 Influenza A. They never to date have offered the slightest proof that it was not those grave prior illnesses which caused death and that the flu symptoms were merely a coincident event, what epidemiologists term an "opportunistic infection."

But it gets even more interesting. The WHO it turns out lumps its statistics for flu deaths together with those from pneumonia, a completely separate and far more common illness and a far larger cause of death, in a disease classification it calls "Influenza and Pneumonia (J09-J18)."

So, in 2007 the WHO recorded 21883 deaths attributed to "flu and pneumonia" without dividing each as to direct cause. But of those WHO classifications, flu itself only goes for symptoms in categories J09-J11. The entire rest of the categories deal with pneumonia and related lung infectious manifestations. Yet far and away the largest group of deaths from infectious diseases comes from pneumonia, not from influenza. The number of certified deaths from "influenza virus", with or without pneumonia complications was a far less alarming 14 persons in 2007. This clever trick allows pharmaceutical manufacturers like GlaxoSmithKline or Baxter Labs to promote their "flu" vaccines.

Useless campaigns like wearing face masks to guard
against H1N1 "infection" add to climate of fear

If we are dealing with an illness whose symptoms in the vast majority of cases are mild and disappear from itself with no medication after five or more days, and whose mortality rate is at worst infinitesimally small, why there would be no need for panic, no need to line up in queues to get jabbed with untested vaccines whose contents including various adjuvants like aluminum hydroxide and nanoparticles are potentially nerve crippling or even death-causing. But then that would not be "good" for Bill Gates, David Rockefeller and other members of the Good Club, would it?

Kanadyjczycy z Kolumbii Brytyjskiej poszli za to po rozum do głowy i zastanawiają się ze wstrzymaniem programu szczepien z powodu ostatnich badań wykazujacych że osoby zaszczepione są bardziej narazone na infekcję H1N1 niż pozostałe.



Province may suspend flu shots after vaccine's safety questioned

Canwest News ServiceSeptember 28, 2009

B.C. might suspend the seasonal flu shots as early as today, in the wake of a Canadian study that suggests people who get the flu vaccine are twice as likely to contract the H1N1 virus.

Several news outlets reported the preliminary findings of the study, which is still under peer review. Researchers found that those who received the seasonal flu vaccine in the past were more likely to catch H1N1.

While the research was initially met with much skepticism from health officials, several provinces, including Quebec, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario and Nova Scotia, have suspended seasonal flu shots for anyone younger than 65, the Globe and Mail newspaper is reporting in its Monday editions.

The B.C. Ministry of Healthy Living and Sport is holding a news conference today at 9:30 a.m. to make what is billed as "an announcement around B.C.'s seasonal flu vaccine campaign."

Jeff Rudd, ministry spokesman, would not confirm whether minister Ida Chong will announce a suspension of the vaccine.
© Copyright (c) The Vancouver Sun


EDIT:Za "nie później niż 10 dni" rozpocznie się obowiazkowe szczepienie sił zbrojnych USA:



Military to get mandatory swine flu shots soon

By LOLITA C. BALDOR (AP) – 10 hours ago

WASHINGTON — U.S. military troops will begin getting required swine flu shots in the next week to 10 days, with active duty forces deploying to war zones and other critical areas going to the front of the vaccine line, a top military commander said Tuesday.

Air Force Gen. Gene Renuart also told The Associated Press that as many as 400 troops are ready to go to five regional headquarters around the country to assist federal health and emergency management officials if needed as the flu season heats up.

The Pentagon has bought 2.7 million vaccines, and 1.4 million of those will go to active duty military. National Guard troops on active duty are also required to receive the vaccine, as are civilian Defense Department employees who are in critical jobs.

As a result, the military is expected to provide health officials with an early assessment of the vaccine.

"Because I can compel people to get the shots, larger numbers will have the vaccine," said Renuart, commander of U.S. Northern Command. "They will, as a percentage of the population, be vaccinated more rapidly than many of us. So we may see some objective results, good or not, of the vaccinations."

Shots will be doled out on a priority basis, with troops preparing to deploy first, followed by other active duty forces, particularly any who might be needed to quickly respond to a hurricane or other emergency.

Families of military members will receive their shots through the military bases, who will be working with state officials and get their own shipments of the vaccine. Renuart said it appears there is enough of the vaccine to meet the military's needs.

Inoculating the military is a key requirement of the Pentagon's emergency plan, as a way to ensure that troops are available to protect the nation. They also will be on tap to provide help to states if problems come up as the flu season continues.

So far, Renuart said that between 15 and 20 troops have been dispatched to each of the five regional headquarters, to work with officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Federal Emergency Management Agency and state leaders.

But the military presence could rise to 80 in each regional office if needed, he said.

"If you see the virus begin to mutate or have a broader affect, or pockets where the vaccine isn't available or is less effective," and the local authorities need help, the military would send the additional support, Renuart said.

For the general population, the first swine flu vaccine should be in some doctors' offices as early as Oct. 5, according to U.S. health officials.

The early batches will protect 6 million to 7 million people, but over time, the government expects to have a total of 250 million doses of the new vaccine. About 10 percent of that has been promised to other countries.

Vaccine shipments will go directly to doctors, clinics and other providers designated by each state.

According to the CDC, the swine flu is widespread in 26 states now, up from 21 a week ago. While the CDC doesn't have an exact count of swine flu deaths and hospitalizations, reports suggest the infection has caused more than 600 deaths and more than 9,000 hospitalizations.
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Dołączył: 03 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 12:37, 30 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Komuś bardzo przeszkadzają wczorajsze doniesienia z UK:



10:03, 30.09.2009 /BBC
To nie szczepionka zabiła

To nie szczepionka przeciwko wirusowi HPV była przyczyną śmierci 14-latki z Wielkiej Brytanii - twierdzą służby medyczne z Coventry, gdzie zmarła Natalie Morton. Według lekarzy dziewczynka zmarła z innych "poważnych medycznych powodów".

Dziewczynce w poniedziałek podano szczepionkę Cervatrix, wyprodukowaną przez firmę GlaxoSmithKline. 14-latka zmarła wkrótce po podaniu preparatu.

Brytyjska służba zdrowia twierdzi, że to nie szczepionka była przyczyną śmierci Natalie. - Przeprowadzone badania ujawniły "poważne przyczyny zdrowotne", które spowodowały zgon 14-latki. Jakie? Tego na razie nie ujawniono. - Czekamy na wyniki dalszych badań - powiedział dr Caron Grainger.

Szczepiona wycofana, szczepienia - będą kontynuowane

Rząd Wielkiej Brytanii zapowiada, że będzie kontynuował program szczepień.
Minister zdrowia Gillian Merron stwierdziła, że ma nadzieję, iż dziewczynki dalej będą szczepić się przeciwko HPV. Szczepienie nie jest na Wyspach obowiązkowe, ale program obejmuje wszystkie 12- i 13- latki w Zjednoczonym Królestwie.

GlaxoSmithKline wycofało jednak serię szczepionek, z której pochodziła dawka podana Natalie "do zbadania".

Do tej pory w Wielkiej Brytanii zaszczepiono ponad milion dziewczynek. W ponad 4,5 tysiącach przypadków preparat spowodował skutki uboczne, ale w większości nie były one poważne.


Szczepienie nie jest na Wyspach obowiązkowe, ale program obejmuje wszystkie 12- i 13- latki w Zjednoczonym Królestwie.[

Jak to rozumieć?

Konferencja prasowa belgijskiego ruchu oporu przeciwko szczepieniom:



Belgium vaccine resistance movement organises press conference

Zmieniony: Środa, 30 Wrzesień 2009 09:14 Środa, 30 Wrzesień 2009 09:05

News - Latest News
There are no translations available.

Belgium scientists and lawyers organised a press conference on the suspension of parliament last week under the subterfuge of a pandemic emergency, the toxicity of the "swine flu" vaccine, forced vaccinations and the lack of transparency among government bodies.

In French:

W Arabii Saudyjskiej zostaną zaszczepieni wszyscy biorący udział w dorocznej pielgrzymce do Mekki.
Czyli miliony ludzi:



Saudi Arabian to make "swine flu" vaccines compulsory for pilgrims

Środa, 30 Wrzesień 2009 09:47

News - Latest News
There are no translations available.

Saudi Arabain authorities are mandating swine flu vaccines for all pilgrims visiting the Kingdom for the annual Hajj pilgrimage. This year's Hajj is due to begin in November. Authorities reportedly ordered 10 million vaccine doses expected to be delivered in October for this year’s Haji due to begin in November. In addition, medical staff are to thermally screen travelers for fever at the airport in Jeddah.

W Albany,NY protestowali pracownicy służby zdrowia przeciwko przymusowym szczepieniom albo wyrzuceniu z pracy:



Health Care Workers Protest State-Mandated H1N1 Vaccine in Albany

By WBNG News

Story Created: Sep 29, 2009 at 7:18 AM EDT

Story Updated: Sep 29, 2009 at 7:18 AM EDT

Health care workers in New York are required to get vaccinated against swine flu if they want to keep their jobs, but not all of them are accepting the mandate without a fight.

The state Health Department announced in August that all heath care employees in hospitals, public health clinics, hospices, and home health care get seasonal and H1N1 flu shots by November 30. If they don't, they'll be fired.

But workers plan to rally in Albany today against the decision, saying the H1N1 vaccine hasn't been fully tested, and they don't want to be forced to be guinea pigs.

The Centers for Disease Control says the vaccine is safe and effective.
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Dołączył: 02 Lut 2009
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PostWysłany: 13:33, 30 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Ma ktoś informacje z czasów szczepień na czarną ospę?
To było chyba z 45 lat temu :/
Moja odpowiedź na zaczepki TROLL-i.

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