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Dołączył: 14 Kwi 2008
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PostWysłany: 11:46, 23 Sie '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

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Dołączył: 02 Mar 2009
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PostWysłany: 19:39, 25 Sie '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

normalnie qrde jakbym czytał witka suworowa... albo forsytha...
masakra, nawet jeśli podaliby prawdę to i tak bym nie uwierzyłRazz
w sumie czuję się na tyle skutecznie zdezinformowany, że nawet nie widzę sesnu dociekać. kwadratura koła:/
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Dołączył: 03 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 09:56, 26 Sie '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem



09:27, 26.08.2009 /Reuters, PAP
Rozbiorą "Arctic Sea" na kawałki

Rosyjskie wojsko chce w końcu poznać tajemnicę statku "Arctic Sea", którego tajemnicze zniknięcie świat śledził przez kilka tygodni. Jednostka zostanie rozebrana na części.
Wszystko po to, żeby rozwikłać zagadkę - czego szukali porywacze na pokładzie "Arctic Sea", który oficjalnie przewoził tylko drewno.

- Nie wiemy dotąd i co przewoził. Wiemy jedynie, że to drewno.
Ale co jeszcze było transportowane, to musi być wyjaśnione - oznajmił Nikołaj Makarow, szef rosyjskiego sztabu generalnego.

Eksperci z Unii Europejskiej i rosyjscy podejrzewają, że "Arctic Sea" nielegalnie przewoził broń. Zdaniem estońskiego admirała Tarmo Koutsa, zajmującego się w strukturach UE problematyką piractwa, transporty drewna najlepiej nadają się do przemytu broni; pod pniami najłatwiej jest ukryć np. pociski rakietowe.

Kilka tygodni bez znaku życia

Saga pływającego pod maltańską banderą "Arctic Sea" zaczęła się 28 lipca, gdy zaginął po przepłynięciu Kanału La Manche. Statek z ładunkiem fińskiego drewna miał zawinąć 4 sierpnia do algierskiego portu Bidżaja, dokąd nie dopłynął.

Obawy o losy załogi pojawiły się, gdy władze morskie Malty poinformowały o otrzymaniu doniesienia, że 24 lipca na pokładzie Arctic Sea, który znajdował się wówczas na wodach szwedzkich, pojawili się zamaskowani, uzbrojeni ludzie podający się za oddziały antynarkotykowe. Mieli związać załogę i przez kilkanaście godzin przeszukiwać statek.

Porywacze zatrzymani

W końcu 18 sierpnia statek został odnaleziony przez rosyjską fregatę Ładnyj w pobliżu Wysp Zielonego Przylądka. Rosjanie zatrzymali też ośmiu porywaczy statku.

Już po odnalezieniu jednostki władze Malty ogłosiły, że komisja ds. bezpieczeństwa morskiego, w której skład weszli przedstawiciele Szwecji, Finlandii i Malty, śledziła kurs statku, ale postanowiła nie ujawniać informacji o położeniu jednostki, żeby nie narażać życia ludzi.

Po cholerę szukać czegoś czego od dawna tam nie ma?

I kolejna morska opowieść z dreszczykiem tajemnicy...



Luxury yacht in mystery shipwreck off Corsica
An Italian luxury yacht riddled with bullet holes was mysteriously found near Corsica and the Italian captain is still missing.

Ajaccio – An Italian-registered luxury yacht has been found half-submerged off the coast of Corsica, riddled with what appear to be bullet holes, officials on the French Mediterranean island said on Sunday.

The 15-metre motorboat named Veduevidue was spotted Friday by a sailboat with its prow under water, in deep water off the coast from Calvi, according to an official connected with the inquiry.

Divers sent to examine the boat, which is registered in Naples in the name of an Italian company, found its portholes open, its radio equipment missing and what appeared to be bullet holes strafed along its side.

French maritime gendarmes towed the yacht to shore, and it was to be moved to a dry dock for full inspection.

Investigators were still trying to track down the Italian captain of the boat, which spent several days in Calvi over the past week.

"The boat has not been reported stolen and we found nothing at the site where it was floating to suggest there had been an accident," said the official.

"We are looking at all possibilities, including an attack at sea or a deliberate wrecking as part of an insurance scam."

AFP / Expatica
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Dołączył: 03 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 12:40, 26 Sie '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Pewne ciekawe zdanie znalezione w niewinnym na pozór artykule:



Russia says nothing suspicious found on Arctic Sea
Tue Aug 25, 2009 1:20pm EDT

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia said on Tuesday nothing suspicious was found on board the Arctic Sea ship, whose seizure by suspected pirates off the coast of Europe this month sparked a media storm.

Media reports had speculated that the ship had a secret cargo of arms or even nuclear materials, saying a ship carrying timber in some of the world's best policed seas would be an unlikely target for pirates.

"The initial inspection of the ship did not uncover any suspicious cargo," Russia's Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The Foreign Ministry said the captain initially said the ship was North Korean, but this information was denied by Pyongyang.

Russian prosecutors say the ship, which had a mainly Russian crew was operating with a Maltese flag when it was seized off the coast of Sweden.

(Reporting by Conor Humphries; Editing by Alison Williams)

Niech mi ktoś pomoże zrozumieć kontekst,ten statek należał wcześniej do Korei Północnej?
To by znowu zagęściło atmosferę domysłów...
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Dołączył: 26 Cze 2009
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PostWysłany: 21:42, 28 Sie '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Is Russia setting the stage for a nuclear apocalypse?

24 August 2009: While it might seem like an unusual morphing of the movies Inside Man and The Hunt for Red October, the account of the cargo ship Arctic Sea is far stranger than either fictional account. Based on information developed through our extensive investigation, we can authoritatively state, without hyperbole, that the mysteries surrounding the MV Arctic Sea are as deep as the Atlantic waters where it navigated and its “alleged” secret cargo as potentially dangerous to an unsuspecting, distracted populace as the coastal rip tides produced by a late summer hurricane.

Imagine a 4,000 ton, 100 meter commercial cargo ship, manned by a crew of 15, equipped with an automatic identification system (AIS), a satellite navigation beacon, and state of the art communication equipment, including satellite phones and the cellular telephones of the crew, laden with $1.2 - $1.8 million of cut lumber and manned by a crew of 15, suddenly and inexplicably “disappearing completely off the grid” for two weeks - allegedly at the hands of eight- hijackers or “pirates.” Now, imagine the pirate attack of this low value target taking place in a busy transit area that has not seen an act of piracy since the 17th century.

That’s what reportedly transpired with the Arctic Sea, a Russian managed commercial cargo ship sailing under a Maltese flag and owned by the Finnish company Arctic Sea Ltd. The Russian management is from a sister company based in the Russian city of Arkhangelsk that reportedly provides “technical support” to the company and its sole vessel. Arkhangelsk is also the home of the 15 man crew of the Arctic Sea.

Now imagine a search for the missing vessel launched by numerous assets from the Russian Black Sea fleet in conjunction with NATO, the use of satellites and other forms of surveillance, and a “rescue mission” that ultimately secured the ship, rescued its crew and captured the alleged hijackers or pirates. Except this was no ordinary rescue of the crew and arrest of the hijackers. Some of the crew and all of the hijackers, including one who was later identified as a fisherman who supposedly died three years ago, were transported together by the Russians to a high security Moscow prison where they are being held incommunicado.

Next, imagine an investigation of the incident that has involved law enforcement from 20 countries, 3 intelligence agencies, and British nuclear response team - so far, all of which has been conducted under an unprecedented level of secrecy. Added to that shroud of secrecy are various bits of disinformation - news articles - that have been intentionally seeded to a non-inquiring media through Russian and other diplomatic sources.

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Dołączył: 03 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 13:23, 02 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

A to ciekawe,nawet izraelskie źródła wspominają że to Izrael może stać za całą aferą z "Arctic Sea":



EU source implies Israel behind July hijacking of Russian ship

Admiral Tarmo Kouts, who heads European Union's piracy watch, tells Time Magazine Israel was most likely responsible for hijacking of Arctic Sea in an attempt to intercept Mideast bound missile delivery

Published: 09.02.09, 08:46 / Israel News

A European source claimed in a recent interview with Time Magazine, that Israel was responsible for the hijacking of Russian cargo ship the Arctic Sea since it was suspected of carrying an arms shipment to the Middle East, Ynet learned Wednesday.

The Arctic Sea went missing in July while en route from Finland to Algeria. Its disappearance sparked reports of a first incident of piracy in European waters in modern times.

The Russian Navy has since located the ship, arrested the alleged hijackers and charged them with kidnapping and piracy, but Admiral Tarmo Kouts, the European Union's rapporteur on piracy, now claims the Arctic Sea was intercepted by Israel as it carried a secret cargo of weapons to the Middle East.

Op-ed hints Mossad snatched Russian ship / Yael Branovsky
Russian, Ukrainian media spreading rumors over their analysis of disappearance and subsequent finding of cargo ship, which was allegedly carrying sawdust, despite reports that it was transporting missiles to Iran
Full story

Russia has adamantly denied the ship was carrying any kind of military supplies.

Nevertheless, Kouts told Time that only a shipment of missiles could account for Moscow's "bizarre" behavior throughout the month-long saga: "There is the idea that there were missiles aboard, and one can't explain this situation in any other way. As a sailor with years of experience, I can tell you that the official versions are not realistic."

Kouts claims that an Israeli interception of the ship is the most likely explanation. But his theory, has been vehemently denied by Russia's envoy to NATO, Dmitri Rogozin, who says Kouts should stop "running his mouth."

Too many unanswered questions

Moscow's official explanation was simple: The Arctic Sea, manned by a Russian crew, set sail from Finland under a Maltese flag on July 22. It was destined for Algeria and carried less than $2 million worth of timber. Then a group of eight Russian and former Soviet hijackers boarded the ship on July 24. The ship's tracking device was disabled in the last days of July, as it passed through the English Channel into the Atlantic, and the ship disappeared. On Aug. 12, the Russian navy sent out a search party. A week later, Russia declared that the ship and its crew had been rescued.

The explanation, however, does little to clear many unanswered questions: Why, with so many other ships carrying much more valuable cargo, would the hijackers target the Arctic Sea and its small load of timber?

Why didn't the ship send out a distress signal? Why did Israeli President Shimon Peres pay a surprise visit to Russia a day after the ship was rescued? Why did Russia wait so long to send its navy to find the ship? And why did family members of the suspects claim their kin were "hostages to some kind of political game"?

There are also several questions surrounding ship's rescue. The Kremlin apparently dispatched a completely disproportionate force, including destroyers and submarines, to look for the vessel and it took five days for them to find it, even though the Russian Foreign Ministry later claimed that it was fully aware of the Arctic Sea's coordinates the entire time.

On top of that, to fly the alleged pirates and the crew back to Moscow – a group of only 19 men – Russia dispatched two enormous military-cargo planes.

"Even from the basic facts, without assumptions, it is clear that this was not just piracy," said Mikhail Voitenko, editor of the Russian maritime journal Sovfrakht, which has been tracking unusual incidents on the high seas for decades.

"I've never seen anything like this. These are some of the most heavily policed waters in the world. You cannot just hide a ship there for weeks without government involvement."

According to Voitenko and other experts, a secret cargo could have been hidden on the ship during the two weeks it spent in Kaliningrad for repairs, just before it picked up its Finnish haul of timber. Not contiguous with the rest of Russia, Kaliningrad is the country's westernmost enclave on the coast of the Baltic Sea, and is known as a hub for Russian smugglers. "Personally, I don't care about any missiles. I care about what they're doing with those sailors."

Many governments, and Jerusalem especially, have expressed concerns about missile shipments bound for the Middle East: Israel has consistently raised alarms about Russia's plans to sell MiG-31 fighter planes to Syria and its construction of a nuclear-power station in southwestern Iran.

"The most likely explanation is that the Israelis intercepted this cargo, which had been meant for Syria or Iran," said Yulya Latynina, a prominent political commentator and radio host on Echo of Moscow, a station owned by state-controlled gas giant Gazprom.

"They will now use the incident as a bargaining chip with Russia over weapons sales in the region, while allowing Russia to save face by taking its empty ship back home."

According to the report in Time, both the Israeli Prime Minister's office and Mossad, declined comment.

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Dołączył: 04 Lip 2009
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PostWysłany: 15:47, 03 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Badał zniknięcie Arctic Sea, musiał uciekać z Rosji

Dziennikarz Michaił Wojtienko, który podważył oficjalną wersję porwania przez piratów frachtowca Arctic Sea, zbiegł do Turcji w obawie o swoje bezpieczeństwo. W swoich artykułach redaktor rosyjskiego internetowego biuletynu morskiego Sowfracht spekulował, że statek wykorzystano do przemytu broni.
Porywacze "Arctic Sea" oskarżeni
Ośmiu porywaczy statku "Arctic Sea", który w tajemniczych okolicznościach... czytaj więcej »Podejrzani o porwanie "zaprzyjaźnili się" z załogą
Podejrzani o porwanie frachtowca Arctic Sea zapewniają: jesteśmy niewinni.... czytaj więcej »Rozbiorą "Arctic Sea" na kawałki
Rosyjskie wojsko chce w końcu poznać tajemnicę statku "Arctic Sea", którego... czytaj więcej »Wojtience nakazano telefonicznie, by wyjechał z Moskwy, jeśli nie chce być aresztowany - donosi BBC. W środę redaktor poleciał do Turcji i powiedział, że nie wie, czy - z obawy o swoje życie - będzie mógł wrócić do kraju.

Według dziennikarza, tajemniczy głos w słuchawce, który dał mu do zrozumienia, że powinien wyjechać z Moskwy, bo naraził się wpływowym ludziom, mógł należeć do przedstawicieli FSB, czyli Federalnej Służby Bezpieczeństwa.

Tajemnicze zniknięcie

Zarejestrowany na Malcie frachtowiec Arctic Sea o wyporności 4 tys. ton zaginął pod koniec lipca, tuż po wypłynięciu z portu w Finlandii. Oficjalnie przewoził do Algierii budulec drzewny wartości 1,8 mln USD.

Władze twierdzą, że został porwany, a Rosjanie postawiły w tej sprawie zarzuty piractwa ośmiu osobom, głównie Estończykom. Na pokład "Arctic Sea" mieli oni wejść przebrani za policjantów. Statek został odnaleziony 16 sierpnia w odległości 300 mil morskich od wybrzeży zachodniej Afryki.

Wersja oficjalna, znaczy nieprawdziwa?

Oficjalnie Rosjanie twierdzą, że na pokładzie statku nie znaleziono niczego podejrzanego, ale zniknięcie "Arctic Sea" wciąż owiane jest mgiełką tajemnicy. Zdaniem wielu fachowców, w tym redaktora Sowfrachtu, wersja o zwykłym porwaniu nie trzyma się kupy.

- Sugestie, że mamy do czynienia z aktem piractwa morskiego, to nonsens - powiedział Wojtienko BBC. Jego zdaniem statek przewoził broń, którą handlowali na boku przedstawiciele władz państwowych.

Pojawiły się także spekulacje, że Arctic Sea został przechwycony przez izraelski wywiad Mosad, by zapobiec dostawie broni na Bliski Wschód.

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Dołączył: 03 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 09:04, 14 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Czy nie wydaje wam się ciekawym fakt odnalezienia u wybrzeży Włoch nieznanego do tej pory wraku statku handlowego z przypuszczalnie nuklearnym ładunkiem na pokładzie?



A secret shipwreck found off Italy’s southern coast has set alarm bells ringing. Far from containing hidden treasure, the cargo on board the vessel is thought to consist of toxic, possibly nuclear material. And the suspicion is that it may have been sunk by the local Mafia, paid by authorities to take waste off their hands. A former mobster indicated where the wreck would be found off Cetraro, on the Calabrian coast. Regional environmental official Silvio Greco said the aim now is to establish what is inside the ship and whether it is toxic. He evoked the possible existence of other vessels, as indicated by ex Mafia members. Questions are being asked about whether local deaths over recent years could be linked to the potentially dangerous load left underwater. While investigators still have much work to do before the nuclear and Mafia claims can be confirmed, the fact the wreck was never declared has only strengthened suspicions.
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Dołączył: 03 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 09:56, 13 Paź '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Były członek mafii kalabryjskiej wyjawił iż w ciągu ostatnich 20 lat grupy przestępcze zatopiły przynajmniej 30 statków z niebezpiecznymi chemikaliami na Morzu Jońskim:



A former member of Italy's Calbreze mafia has warned authorities in Greece that toxic waste material is being dumped in the Ionion Sea, media reports said Monday. Francesco Fonti, told Italian authorities last month that he was personally involved in sinking ships containing radioactive waste in the Ionion Sea, as part of an operation to bypass local laws. According to Italian environmental organization, Legambiente, as many as 30 vessels may have been sunk in this manner over the past 20 years, seven of which supposedly went down close to the Ionion islands of Paxoi, Cephalonia and Zakynthos. According to Fonti, the vessels contained toxic waste from pharmaceutical companies who paid the mafia between 1.5 and 15 million euros (2 and 22 million dollars) per ship to sink them. "There needs to be a concerted search for radioactive material," the head of Greece's Atomic Energy Committee Christos Chousiadis said. "The Greek side has to be informed about the exact spots were the ships sank, so that we know what action to take." Meanwhile, Italian authorities are investigating whether the 120 containers found on a ship approximately 22 kilometres off the coast of Calabria contains toxic waste.

Zwróćcie uwagę na to zdanie:

the vessels contained toxic waste from pharmaceutical companies who paid the mafia between 1.5 and 15 million euros (2 and 22 million dollars) per ship to sink them.

Koncerny farmaceutyczne płaciły włoskiej mafii grube miliony Euro za pozbywanie się toksycznych odpadów,i wy sądzicie że dla nich wyprodukowanie zabójczej szczepionki to jakiś wielki wyrzut na sumieniu???
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