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Dołączył: 03 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 12:23, 14 Sie '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

O ile komuś nie przyjdzie do głowy żeby zaspokoić całość rynku aspartamem...
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Ogląda profil użytkownika Wyślij prywatną wiadomość

Dołączył: 07 Sie 2009
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PostWysłany: 18:09, 15 Sie '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Szykuje się CHAOS i to już niedługo... Nie zdziwiłbym się, że te bojówki/milicje są po cichu kontrolowane/inspirowane. Wogóle te filmiki, ich początek wpływają na podświadomość... Jak w jakiejś grze komputerowej... Bardzo to wszystko zadziwiające/sposób w jakim dąrzy się do wywołania CHAOSU w stanach. W mediach USA propaganda na całego. Teraz tylko punkt zapalny np. szczepienia i mamy początek stanu wyjątkowego. Te grupy nie są duże, dlatego Irak był bardzo dobrym polem ćwiczebnym do neutralizacji niedużych grup w terenach zurbanizowanych. Wszystko zgodnie z przewidywaniami...
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Dołączył: 27 Lis 2007
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PostWysłany: 18:28, 15 Sie '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Lucid to samo pomyślałem oglądając wcześniej już te filmiki. Obserwuję od jakiegoś czasu niezadowolenie ludzi na spotkaniach TOWN HALLS, przyprawianie temu przez media etykietki zorganizowanych akcji przez przeciwników Obamy i utożsamianie ich samych z rasistami, radykałami prawicowymi. Dodatkowo teraz pojawiła się skoordynowana nagonka na oddziały MILITIA czyniąc z obrońców Konstytucji i Wolności wewnętrznych terrorystów typu Timothy McVeigh, który i tak był podstawioną figurą. Obecne poparcie dla Obamy jest na poziomie bliskim 50%, a więc idealna sytuacja pod kątem zarządzania DZIEL I RZĄDŹ. Wystarczy to tylko medialnie zaakcentować i na nowo odgrzać kwestie rasowe, gdzie nawet jawnie wciągają w to Amerykanów latynoskiego pochodzenia. Obama zombie naprawdę, zaczynają odbierać polityczne ataki na Obamę utożsamiając z tym podtekst związany z jego odcieniem skóry. Nie ma co genialnie to sobie NWO wymyśliło.

Dodatkowo niedawna rekrutacja ludzi do obozów przetrzymywania oraz przesiedleń. Zwiększona aktywność wojsk, które ćwiczą jawnie na wypadek konfrontacji z ludźmi. Naprawdę może być już blisko odpalenia zapalnej iskry, która spowoduje, że ludzie zamiast przeciwko rządowi zwrócą się przeciwko sobie. Sytuacja się zagęszcza ... i nie wiadomo, czy już nie został przekroczony punkt w którym nie można cofnąć procesu.
arrow Mossad did 9/11, ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD!
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Dołączył: 13 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 18:33, 15 Sie '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

No panowie ilu z was by sie do nich przylaczylo jakbyscie mieszkali w USA ?
Czy nadal wolelibyscie siedziec przed kompem i sobie pisac na forum ? ;p
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Dołączył: 07 Sie 2009
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PostWysłany: 18:33, 15 Sie '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

To wszystko wygląda na kreowanie amerykańskiej Al-kaidy... Dodajmy do tego maly false flag, do tego dojdzie paranoja i histeria związana z grypą i szczepieniami i mamy CHAOS jak się patrzy...
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Ogląda profil użytkownika Wyślij prywatną wiadomość

Dołączył: 04 Lip 2009
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PostWysłany: 18:59, 15 Sie '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

lucid napisał:
To wszystko wygląda na kreowanie amerykańskiej Al-kaidy... Dodajmy do tego maly false flag, do tego dojdzie paranoja i histeria związana z grypą i szczepieniami i mamy CHAOS jak się patrzy...

czyli załadamy taki scenariusz

1. Refuse/Resist

Intro Zyon's heartbeat in utero

Chaos A.D.
Tanks on the streets

Confronting police
Bleeding the Plebs
Raging crowd
Burning cars
Bloodshed starts
Who'll be alive?!

Chaos A.D.
Army in siege
Total alarm
I'm sick of this
Inside the state
War is created
No man's land
What is this shit?!


Chaos A.D.
Disorder unleashed
Starting to burn
Starting to lynch
Silence means death
Stand on your feet
Inner fear
Your worst enemy


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Ogląda profil użytkownika Wyślij prywatną wiadomość

Dołączył: 03 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 13:31, 18 Sie '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Tak mnie zastanowił pewien artykuł...po co prowadzone są zakrojone na szeroką miarę badania akademickie dotyczące zwalczania zagrożenia ludzkości przez zombie?



Page last updated at 06:38 GMT, Tuesday, 18 August 2009 07:38 UK

Science ponders 'zombie attack'
By Pallab Ghosh
Science correspondent, BBC News

If zombies actually existed, an attack by them would lead to the collapse of civilisation unless dealt with quickly and aggressively.

That is the conclusion of a mathematical exercise carried out by researchers in Canada.

They say only frequent counter-attacks with increasing force would eradicate the fictional creatures.

The scientific paper is published in a book - Infectious Diseases Modelling Research Progress.

In books, films, video games and folklore, zombies are undead creatures, able to turn the living into other zombies with a bite.

But there is a serious side to the work.

In some respects, a zombie "plague" resembles a lethal rapidly-spreading infection.

"My understanding of zombie biology is that if you manage to decapitate a zombie then it's dead forever."
Professor Neil Ferguson

In their study, the researchers from the University of Ottawa and Carleton University (also in Ottawa) posed a question: If there was to be a battle between zombies and the living, who would win?

Professor Robert Smith? (the question mark is part of his surname and not a typographical mistake) and colleagues wrote: "We model a zombie attack using biological assumptions based on popular zombie movies.

"We introduce a basic model for zombie infection and illustrate the outcome with numerical solutions."

On his university web page, the mathematics professor at Ottawa University says the question mark distinguishes him from Robert Smith, lead singer of rock band The Cure.

To give the living a fighting chance, the researchers chose "classic" slow-moving zombies as our opponents rather than the nimble, intelligent creatures portrayed in some recent films.

"While we are trying to be as broad as possible in modelling zombies - especially as there are many variables - we have decided not to consider these individuals," the researchers said.

Back for good?

Even so, their analysis revealed that a strategy of capturing or curing the zombies would only put off the inevitable.

In their scientific paper, the authors conclude that humanity's only hope is to "hit them [the undead] hard and hit them often".

They added: "It's imperative that zombies are dealt with quickly or else... we are all in a great deal of trouble."

According to the researchers, the key difference between the zombies and the spread of real infections is that "zombies can come back to life".

But they say that their work has parallels with, for example, the spread of ideas.

The study has been welcomed by one of the world's leading disease specialists, Professor Neil Ferguson, who is one of the UK government's chief advisors on controlling the spread of swine flu.

"The paper considers something that many of us have worried about - particularly in our younger days - of what would be a feasible way of tackling an outbreak of a rapidly spreading zombie infection," said Professor Ferguson, from Imperial College London.

However he thinks that some of the assumptions made in the paper might be unduly alarmist.

"My understanding of zombie biology is that if you manage to decapitate a zombie then it's dead forever. So perhaps they are being a little over-pessimistic when they conclude that zombies might take over a city in three or four days," he said.

Mnie się wydawało że w czasach kryzysu pieniądze na ogólnie pojęty "research" będą przeznaczane na naprawdę konieczne ludzkości projekty,i albo się myliłem albo...
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Dołączył: 03 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 10:16, 19 Sie '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Władze New Jersey rozważają wprowadzenie godziny policyjnej dla pełnoletnich-bo dla młodzieży już funkcjonuje:



NJ city considers adult curfew after crime spate
8/18/2009, 4:38 p.m. EDT
The Associated Press

(AP) — PATERSON, N.J. - Curfews might not be just for kids anymore in one city in northern New Jersey.

Officials in Paterson are considering one for people of all ages in a bid to curb violence after a spate of deadly shootings.

Several experts say they believe it would be the nation's first curfew of its type to include adults. The state ACLU says it would open Paterson to legal action.

The curfew would last for two months and would bar people from loitering outside from midnight to 7 a.m. Violators would face up to a $2,000 fine and 90 days in jail.

Officials are still working to make sure the plan can withstand legal challenges.

If the City Council passes it Sept. 1, a second vote and a public hearing are needed for it to take effect.
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Dołączył: 27 Lis 2007
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PostWysłany: 16:21, 19 Sie '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Glenn Beck przyznaje, że Obozy FEMA to nie wymysł. Próbowali zrobić materiał podważający ich istnienie, ale po kilku dniach analizy okazało się, że mają z tym nie lada problem, gdyż one faktycznie istnieją i czekają na zapełnienie ...


arrow Mossad did 9/11, ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD!
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Dołączył: 03 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 11:49, 20 Sie '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Kobieta aresztowana za prowadzenie bloga na temat policji:



Thought Police: Mother Arrested For Blogging About Cops
August 19, 2009 By: Freedom Fighter

Source: Washington Post

A 34-YEAR-OLD woman, the mother of a 12-year-old girl, has been locked up in a Virginia jail for three weeks and could remain there for at least another month. Her crime? Blogging about the police.

Elisha Strom, who appears unable to make the $750 bail, was arrested outside Charlottesville on July 16 when police raided her house, confiscating notebooks, computers and camera equipment. Although the Charlottesville police chief, Timothy J. Longo Sr., had previously written to Ms. Strom warning her that her blog posts were interfering with the work of a local drug enforcement task force, she was not charged with obstruction of justice or any similar offense. Rather, she was indicted on a single count of identifying a police officer with intent to harass, a felony under state law.
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Dołączył: 08 Sty 2009
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PostWysłany: 12:49, 20 Sie '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

aresztują kobietę za bloga to ciekawe czemu jonesa nie areszxtują za swoją stronkę i film o obamie
nie ma żadnej prawdy, wszystko jest tym samym, wielu się załamie, wielu parsknie śmiechem, to wszystko jedno
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Dołączył: 03 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 12:54, 20 Sie '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Bo albo wie za dużo i ma sporo chroniących go haków na władzę albo jest agentem dysinfo...
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Ogląda profil użytkownika Wyślij prywatną wiadomość

Dołączył: 03 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 13:49, 20 Sie '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Plan klimatyczny dla USA zakłada przekształcanie pól uprawnych w lasy.
A podobno idzie głód i trzeba siać?



Climate plan calls for forest expansion
Updated 21h 37m ago

By Traci Watson, USA TODAY
WASHINGTON — New forests would spread across the American landscape, replacing both pasture and farm fields, under a congressional plan to confront climate change, an Environmental Protection Agency analysis shows.

About 18 million acres of new trees — roughly the size of West Virginia — would be planted by 2020, according to an EPA analysis of a climate bill passed by the House of Representatives in June.

That's because the House bill gives financial incentives to farmers and ranchers to plant trees, which suck in large amounts of the key global-warming gas: carbon dioxide.

The forestation effort would be even larger than one carried out by the Civilian Conservation Corps during the Great Depression, says the U.S. Forest Service's Ralph Alig. The CCC, which lasted from 1933 to 1942, planted 3 billion trees, says the Civilian Conservation Corps Legacy, an alumni group for workers and family members.

The environmental benefits are clear. More trees would not only lower carbon dioxide levels, but they would improve water quality, because they need lower levels of pesticides and fertilizers, says agricultural economist Bruce McCarl of Texas A&M University, who contributed to the EPA analysis.

The plan would, however, be hard on ranchers and farmers and potentially food prices, says American Farm Bureau chief economist Bob Young.

In the Senate, which is likely to consider a similar bill this fall, there are some who worry the loss of farmland would lead to increases in food prices worse than those seen in mid-2007, when costs spiked 7% to 8% above 2006 levels.

If those food prices seemed high, "wait till you start moving agricultural acres into climate-change areas," warns Sen. Mike Johanns, R-Neb., Agriculture secretary for President George W. Bush.

McCarl says food costs would stay roughly the same.

The latest EPA analysis does not say where the farmland would be lost. However, an EPA study done in 2005 that analyzed climate-change policies similar to the House bill found that trees would overgrow farms primarily in three areas:

•Great Lake states: Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin.

•The Southeast: Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Florida.

•The Corn Belt: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Missouri and Ohio.

Forests once grew there, says study author Brian Murray of Duke University, so trees would sprout quickly in those areas if farmers got financial incentives. The House climate bill would allow landowners who reduce carbon dioxide to sell carbon permits to polluters, such as power plants.

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack last week hailed the possibility that climate-change action could help forests. "We have our own deforestation problem right here in the U.S. of A," he said. "Just keeping forest as forest is a significant challenge."

Roughly 1 million acres of forests every year were flattened to make way for homes and other development in the 1990s, Alig says. Without a climate bill, a net total 26 million acres of forest will be lost to development by 2050, he says.

Chyba że się zdepopuluje i popyt na żywność zmaleje Confused
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Dołączył: 03 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 09:51, 21 Sie '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Kilka dni temu pisałem o prowadzonych badaniach akademickich nad hipotetycznym zagrozeniem przez zombie a tu proszę...



"Possessed" Teen Stabs 3 Younger Siblings
Suspect told cops he was "zombie-like," paper says

A troubled Bronx teen allegedly in a zombie-like trance stabbed his two younger brothers and sister yesterday – and was prevented from murdering them by a Good Samaritan, authorities said.

Cops say 17-year-old Nelson Santos lost it at about 3:30 p.m. and attacked his two brothers, ages 13 and 6, and his 9-year-old sister, with a knife in their second-floor apartment in Morrisania.

Police did not give a motive for the stabbing or what type of weapon was used, but the Daily News reports Santos told cops he was "zombie-like" and used a butcher knife.

A police source told the paper the boy said he was seeing demons and neighbors said he practiced black magic.

Drenched in his own blood, 13-year-old Miguel Santos, who was stabbed nearly half a dozen times, dashed out of his living room and downstairs to call for help. Neighbor John Flores, 19, told the News Nelson Santos was screaming something about the Armageddon and chasing his younger brother with "a big kitchen knife about as long as my forearm."

The hero neighbor wrestled with Santos as he tried to stop them; his mother, Delila, was able to grab the butcher knife out of his clutches, according to the paper.

Cops caught up with Santos outside the apartment complex and arrested him on assault charges. The distraught teen was taken to a hospital for a psychiatric evaluation, reports the News.

All of the victims were transported to St. Barnabas Hospital, cops said. The youngest, James, was hospitalized in serious condition with a wound to his torso. The 13-year-old boy was listed in stable condition with a wound to his torso, and his 9-year-old sister was listed in stable condition with lacerations to her chest, police said.

Z drugiej strony równie dobrze mógł zażyć stuff z jakąś domieszką Smile
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Dołączył: 03 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 12:31, 24 Sie '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Czy wiecie że istnieje dokument w którym podane są dokładne wytyczne i plany obozów detencyjnych?

Pewnie wiecie,ale warto na taki plan rzucić okiem.



H.R. 645 and The FEMA Concentration Camps

Posted By: Byron Tripp

Sunday August 23rd, 2009 - 5:56PM

H.R. 645 and The FEMA Concentration Camps
By Byron Tripp
August 22, 2009

Throughout the 20th Century, mankind's governments have sought to gain control over their populations with food, water, bio-warfare, guns, tanks, militarized death squads, militarized police, propaganda, mis-information, entertainment, and the good old original lie. The United States and the West are no different than the "third world" banana republics and dictators; its just the methods the western democracies use have been refined through trial and error. The lies become bigger and the controlled corporate media outlets push the big lie so people end up believing anything the mainstream news endorses. Point of fact - alternative news media or sources are not generally believed by the public until the story breaks on a major news outlet. Enter the FEMA Camps.

Well, in order to understand the subject, we must define a few terms. What indeed is a "camp" ? People have popularized conceptions of Dachau or Ashuwitz, gas chambers, ovens and guard towers with jackbooted thugs patrolling and killing indiscriminantly. Is that really what a FEMA camp is or would be like?

Dictionary.com defines the word camp as a place where an army or other group of persons or an individual is lodged in a tent or tents or other temporary shelter. Dictionary.com goes on to define the word concentration as a state of concentrated. To be precise, the same Website defined the term concentrated as cluster or gather together closely. From these definitions, I will deduce that a concentration camp is defined as a camp where facilities permanent or temporary, provide the means of clustering or gathering together closely persons or soldiers.

Now that we have gone through the terms of subject matter and expanded our minds, lets look briefly at some past concentration camps in American history. First that comes to mind is the popular POW camp Andersonville during the War Between the States which was commanded by Confederate forces for the internment or concentration of Federal troops. The Federal or Union side of the conflict had its many concentration camps as well. Second is the many Native American Indian reservations set up by the Federal Government after the War Between the States as a means of controlling the nomadic Indians of the Midwestern and Southwestern regions of the United States. The "reservation" as it is still called was a piece of land reserved for the Indians by the Federal government while the US government endorsed the expansion of its citizens upon traditional Indian lands. Tensions boiled over as Federal troops would consistently come onto the reservations or concentration lands and interfere with the rituals and traditions of the Native Americans. Sometimes this conflict would lead to an all out war between the Indian tribes being concentrated on the reservations. Third, during World War 2, the United States government, fearing a threat from within from its Asian communities, collected, processed and interned or concentrated AMERICAN CITIZENS of Japanese descent in camps for the duration of the War. Can one truly argue that these events did not take place?

Anyone reading this, the chances are that you are not going to get up in the morning and go through your morning routine and walk out your front door and see a FEMA concentration camp. Why is that? Remember the definitions of the terms we went over earlier? Camps are often temporary, but can be permanent. Existing structures such as a Football Stadium or even an airport hangar can be utilized to concentrate a group of dissidents or people deemed a security risk to the State. There doesn't necessarily have to be a Nazi-styled facilities to be a concentration camp. Ask yourselves this question: Were there any camps in New Orleans before Katrina hit? Not that I can recall. But as soon as FEMA was on the scene, any old army-air force base or public facilities capable of sheltering or concentrating refugees from the disaster area became a concentration camp. Not a "death camp" - a concentration camp. The most notable of these camps which became the symbol of the plight of the people in New Orleans who did not get out was the New Orleans Saints NFL Stadium. After the storm, Martial Law was declared. FEMA, The National Guard and Blackwater (as it was then called) all were utilized to confiscate guns and process refugees into these concentration camps, or relief shelters. Were law abiding citizens rights violated? Often. Were they exterminated systematically? No. Check out this video of the Military Police and National Guard forcing people from their homes and confiscating firearms from law abiding people. And you say it can't happen to you? What if there is a national crisis, such as a "Swine Flu" outbreak and then everyone becomes a suspect.

Enter H.R. 645. The National Emergency Centers Establishment Act was submitted by Democrat Alcee L Hastings of Florida. The bill calls for Homeland Security to use KBR, a subdivision of Haliburton, to create no fewer than six national facilities for the concentration of civilian internees on military installations.

Enter Field Manual 3-19-40 Military Police Internment / Resettlement Field Operations. This field manual is the basis of operations for the handling of all forms people in all situations. From the definitions section of Chapter 1, we can be labeled a CIVILIAN INTERNEE which as the manual defines is:

"CIVILIAN INTERNEE 1-7. A CI is a person who is interned during armed conflict or occupation if he is considered a security risk or if he needs protection because he committed an offense (insurgent, criminal) against the detaining power. A CI is protected according to the Geneva Convention Relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War (GC), 12 August 1949."

The above definition is very broad. It fails to identify the "detaining power" (Can you say UN Forces deployed to US in the advent of Civil Unrest?) It also states that the "civilian internee" needs "protection" because he committed an "offense" - who makes these laws of what an "offense" is? A military commander? An international treaty organization such as the UN or NATO? A Global World Government? Below is an example of a mid-level internment camp for the field of operations of the United States military.

CORPS HOLDING AREAS 3-55. A CHA (Figure 3-4) can hold more captives for longer periods of times than a central CP. Depending on the availability of MP units to establish I/R facilities, corps MP units must be prepared to hold captives at the CHA more than 72 hours. If the CHA keeps captives more than 72 hours, MP must plan and coordinate for the increased logistics and personnel required to operate a long-term facility. The decision to hold captives longer is based on METT-TC and the availability of forces. Captives remain in the CHA until they are evacuated to an I/R facility or until hostilities end.


Figure 3-4: Corps Holding Area

Enter the REX 84 Program: A plan for the continuity of Government in which dissidents would be rounded up and processed during the event of civil unrest in the United States. Fox New's beloved Oliver North was involved in the planning of this operation. Representative of Oregon Democrat Peter DeFazio of the 4th District had this to say about the REX 84 Program during September of 2008 when the Stock Market crashed.

Ladies and Gentlemen, there is a plan that is in place to be executed by the Federals to lock down the cities and towns across our land and to begin gun confiscation. There is a plan to deal with mass quarantining of the population and its subsequent internment and suspension of the Constitutional rights of Citizens. Now that you know, you can plan with this in mind when a "national emergency" is declared and some group of unscrupulous people seek to gain total control over the population or portions of political dissidents - you now know what power the Federals will not hesitate to utilize for their insidious ends.

I will end my presentation with a quote from a speech that everyone knows. The "give me liberty" speech by Patrick Henry. What is not well known is is down to earth way of looking at the colonists situation:

"Ask yourselves how this gracious reception of our petition comports with those warlike preparations which cover our waters and darken our land. Are fleets and armies necessary to a work of love and reconciliation? Have we shown ourselves so unwilling to be reconciled that force must be called in to win back our love? Let us not deceive ourselves, sir." - Patrick Henry, March 23, 1775
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Dołączył: 03 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 09:57, 28 Sie '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Hip hip hurra,eugenika niech nam żyje!

Terapia genowa pozwalająca na ulepszanie płodu w łonie matki właśnie nadchodzi.



Gene therapy for the unborn

Successful trials raise hopes for end to inherited human disorders

By Steve Connor, Science Editor

Thursday, 27 August 2009

Scientists are on the verge of ridding inherited diseases from future generations with a new technique for swapping genes between unfertilised human eggs before the resulting IVF embryos are implanted into the womb.

The technique has been successfully tested on laboratory monkeys and researchers believe it is now safe enough to apply for clinical trials on the many thousands of women at risk of giving birth to babies with some of the most debilitating inherited disorders.

Such a procedure would break new ground and raise fresh ethical concerns over the direction of IVF research because it would lead to permanent changes to the genetic make-up of children that would be passed on to subsequent generations of the same families.

This form of gene therapy, known as germline gene therapy, alters the DNA of sperm or eggs and is banned in Britain because of fears over its safety as well as the prospect of it leading to the creation of "designer babies". However, a clause in the new Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act, which comes into force on 1 October, could permit a type of germline gene therapy involving mitochondrial DNA – which exists outside the chromosomes – without the need for changes to primary legislation and a parliamentary vote.

Mitochondria, the tiny "power houses" of cells and their DNA, which lies outside the nucleus, is inherited solely down the maternal line. It is estimated that 1 in every 200 babies are born with mitochondrial mutations, some of which can lead to serious, life-long illnesses, such as diseases of muscles and nerves, as well as diabetes and cancer. The study on monkeys involved "renewing" the mitochondria of their eggs by the wholesale transfer of the chromosomes of one of their eggs into the egg of a donor female that had its own chromosomes removed so that only her mitochondrial DNA was left.

The aim was to test the feasibility of taking eggs from women with one of the 150 known mitochondrial DNA disorders and using them to create healthy eggs by transferring their chromosomes into donor eggs with no chromosomes of their own. The resulting egg would have DNA from two females and, when fertilised with a sperm, would result in an embryo which has three genetic parents.

In the latest study, four healthy macaque monkeys have been born using the technique. The scientists involved said yesterday there is no evidence that the procedure is unsafe and that they were planning to apply for ethical approval to conduct clinical trials in humans within a few years.

"In theory, this research has demonstrated it is possible to use this therapy in mothers carrying mitochondrial DNA diseases so that we can prevent those diseases from being passed on to their offspring," said Shoukhrat Mitalipov, of Oregon Health and Science University in Beaverton, Oregon.

"We believe with proper governmental approvals, our work can rapidly be translated into clinical trials for humans, and approved therapies," said Dr Mitalipov, whose study with colleague Masahito Tachibana is published in the journal Nature.

Conventional gene therapy has been tried in humans for 20 years but changing the DNA of mitochrondria would raise new ethical concerns. "This is not a simple form of gene therapy. This type involves replacing genes in the germline which will of course transmit it to the next generation and there are concerns," Dr Mitalipov said.

"We are talking of gene defects that cause terrible diseases. So the only way to prevent these genetic defects is to replace these genes whether we like it or not. We realise it's gene therapy involving the germline."

Professor Peter Braude, a specialist in reproductive medicine at King's College London and director of the Centre for Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis at Guy's Hospital, said that the study involved a series of technically difficult experiments that were meticulously executed. "For the first time, proof of principle has been demonstrated that transmission of mitochondrial disease might be avoided. It is a first step toward preimplantation correction of the serious medical disorders caused by defective DNA inherited maternally in the mitochondria," Professor Braude said.

"The transfer of the normal genetic material from a mother who has defective mitochondria, to a clean donated oocyte [egg] with normal mitochondria would allow it to be fertilised with her partner's sperm and for them to have a child free of the mitochondrial disease with the genetic material of the couple."

A spokesman for the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority said: "If, in the future, safe and effective treatments are then developed to prevent the transmission of mitochondrial disease, Parliament would have to pass secondary legislation to allow that treatment to take place under HFEA licence. Any specific proposals would be closely examined by a Licence Committee to ensure that appropriate safeguards were in place."
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Dołączył: 03 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 10:29, 31 Sie '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Ciekawa wypowiedź nowego szefa FEMA:



FEMA’s new administrator has a message for Americans: get in touch with your survival instinct.

by Amanda Ripley

Craig Fugate, the new head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency under President Barack Obama, is an unusual choice for the job, historically speaking. Unlike many of his predecessors, most famously Michael “Heckuva Job” Brown under President George W. Bush, Fugate (pronounced few-gate) has experience in the relevant subject matter. A former firefighter, Fugate managed disasters for 20 years in Florida, the fiasco capital of America. Even more bizarrely for FEMA, often a dumping ground for friends of the powerful, Fugate has no political connections to Obama. Instead, he got his job the old-fashioned way—when Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano was looking for candidates, people kept mentioning his name. He has a reputation for telling it like it is—in a field where “it” is usually bad. And what Fugate has to say may come as strong medicine for his fellow citizens, nine out of 10 of whom now live in a place at significant risk for some kind of disaster.

A bear of a man with a white goatee, an aw-shucks accent, and a voice just slightly higher than you expect, Fugate has no university degrees but knows enough to be mistaken for a meteorologist by hurricane experts. He grew up in Alachua County, smack in the middle of Florida. Both of his parents died before he graduated from high school. As a teenager, he followed his father’s example and became a volunteer firefighter. Then he became a paramedic, earning the nickname “Dr. Death” for having to pronounce more people dead on his first day than anyone before him. But he found his calling when he moved into emergency management, in 1989. Obsessively planning for horrible things he could not really control seemed to inspire him. “He is emergency management,” says Will May Jr., who worked with Fugate for more than 20 years and is now Alachua’s public-safety director. “That’s what he does. He spends practically all his waking life working in it, thinking about it, talking about it, planning how to do things better.”

Fugate is well respected, which is not the same thing as being well liked. “If they wanted a politician, Craig’s not your man,” says Ed Kennedy, who drove ambulances with him in Alachua. “Craig’s personality is more ‘Speak straight, don’t powder-puff it.’” Already, Fugate is saying things most emergency managers say only in private.

“We need to change behavior in this country,” he told about 400 emergency-management instructors at a conference in June, lambasting the “government-centric” approach to disasters. He learned a perverse lesson in Florida: the more the federal government does in routine emergencies, the greater the odds of catastrophic failure in a big disaster. “It’s like a Chinese finger trap,” he told me last spring, as a hailstorm fittingly raged outside his office. If the feds do more, the public, along with state and local officials, do less. They come to expect ice and water in 24 hours and full reimbursement for sodden carpets. But as part of a federal system, FEMA is designed to defer to state and local officials. If another Katrina hits, and the locals are overwhelmed, a full-strength federal response will inevitably take time. People who need help the most—the elderly, the disabled, and the poor—may not get it fast enough.

To avoid “system collapse,” as he puts it, Fugate insists that the government must draft the public. “We tend to look at the public as a liability. [But] who is going to be the fastest responder when your house falls on your head? Your neighbor.” A few years ago, Fugate dropped the word victim from his vocabulary. “You’re not going to hear me refer to people as victims unless we’ve lost ’em. I call them survivors.” He criticizes the media for “celebrating” people who choose not to evacuate and then have to be rescued on live TV—while ignoring all the people who were prepared. “This is a tragedy, this whole Shakespearean circle we’re in. You never hear the media say, ‘Hey, you’re putting this rescue worker in danger.’”

At his first all-staff meeting with FEMA employees, Fugate asked for a show of hands: “How many people here have your family disaster plan ready to go? [If you don’t], you just failed your first test … If you’re going to be an emergency manager, the first place you start is at home.” Already, Fugate is factoring citizens into the agency’s models for catastrophic planning, thinking of them as rescuers and responders, not just victims. And he has changed FEMA’s mission statement from the old, paternalistic (and fantastical) vow to “protect the Nation from all hazards” to a more modest, collaborative pledge to “support our citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation we work together.”

In Florida, Fugate was notorious for what he called “Thunderbolt” drills. Once a month, he’d walk into the office with a large Starbucks coffee and tell everyone to stop what they were doing and respond to a catastrophe baked in his imagination. Sometimes it was a blackout; other times it was a small nuclear bomb.

“People are afraid to fail. I’m seeking failure,” he told me. “I want to break things. I want to see what’s going on so we can fix it.”

By the five-month mark of his administration, President Obama had declared 31 major disasters, from Alaska to Arkansas. And Fugate had already held his first Thunderbolt drill in Washington. At 6 a.m. on a rainy Thursday, he sent word to FEMA staff: a major earthquake had struck in California. Staffers, awoken from sleep, scrambled to get to the office. Many did not make it. Communications broke down, as they usually do in real life. For a man seeking failure, it was a fine start.
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Dołączył: 03 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 09:52, 02 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Wyciekły kolejne dokumenty dotyczące planów kwarantanny i obozów detencyjnych,
a konkretniej dotyczące takowych w Ohio i na Florydzie:



Department Of Health
__________ County Health Department
By authority of Chapter 381 and 252, Florida Statutes
and Chapter 64D-3, Florida Administrative Code
_____ CHD Order #____________.
Pursuant to the authority vested in this office by Chapter 381, Florida Statutes, and by your refusal to comply with the Orders of the _______ County Health Department, you, __________ _(name)____________ are hereby DETAINED under QUARANTINE in the following secure facility, ___________________________. You are further classified as non-compliant with quarantine because after you were counseled about a communicable disease or unsafe condition that poses a threat to the public health, and methods to minimize the risk to the public and, despite such counseling, you indicated an intent by (words or actions) to expose the public to ________________. All other reasonable means of obtaining your compliance with quarantine have been exhausted; no less restrictive alternative exists.
You shall remain in detention from the date of this Order until (date) or until released from DETENTION QUARANTINE by the undersigned, such determination to be made upon the recommendation of the State Epidemiologist or State Health Officer.
While in DETENTION QUARANTINE, you shall comply with all orders of the detention facility regarding your medical care. You shall cooperate with the detention facility’s access to you and access to your medical records for purposes of delivering or monitoring your medical care.
Other Requirements/Orders:
Reasons For Above:
DONE and ORDERED by the ________ County Health Director/Administrator this ____
day of ___________, 20___.
By order of:
________ County Health Department
_________Area Code & Phone Number
(for quarantine review requests, contact person)
DUTY TO COMPLY: This action is taken under the police power authority of the health department and your cooperation is required by law. Violation of any term of this Order or failure to comply during the life of this Order with the above-stated directives, including any attempt by a person to enter, exit or behave in a manner prohibited by the Order, is a CRIME.
RIGHT TO REVIEW. Upon request to the CHD, this Quarantine Order will be reviewed on an expedited basis. Review can be initiated by a phone call to the telephone number of the official whose name appears on this Order.
RIGHT TO CHALLENGE: This Quarantine Order may be challenged, such as through petition for writ of habeas corpus, Ch. 79, F.S., following the procedures set out in Rule 1.630, Florida Rules of Civil Procedure (extraordinary remedies) or by Petition For Administrative Review, sec. 120.569 et seq., F.S.
If you have concerns or questions regarding this Quarantine Order that you wish to discuss with your attorney please do so by telephone. Do not go to your attorney’s office or break this Quarantine in any way.
Legal Authority: s.381.0011(4),(5),(6) and s.381.0012(5), and s. 252.36(2), F.S.; Rules 64D-3.005 and 64D-3.007, Florida Administrative Code



Department Of Health
__________ County Health Department
By authority of Chapters 252 and 381, Florida Statutes
and Chapter 64D-3, Florida Administrative Code
_____ CHD Order #____________.
You, _________(name)_____________________, are hereby quarantined for protection from ________________________________, an unsafe condition or communicable disease that poses a threat to public health. You are QUARANTINED to your residence at __________________________, and shall remain there from the date of this Order until (date) or until QUARANTINE is released by the undersigned authority. YOU ARE NOT PERMITTED TO LEAVE YOUR RESIDENCE.
While in QUARANTINE, you must wear a surgical mask at all times while in the presence of any individual, including any caregiver. Your visitors and/or caregivers also must wear surgical masks at all times when in your presence. The County Health Department (CHD) will call your residence daily to obtain your temperature record, which you must take and record two times daily.
You must comply with all orders regarding your medical care. You must cooperate with the CHD including CHD access to you and access to your medical records for purposes of delivering or monitoring your medical care.
Other Requirements/Orders:
Reasons For Above:
DONE and ORDERED by the ________ County Health Director/Administrator this ____
day of ___________, 20___.
By order of:
________ County Health Department
_________Area Code & Phone Number
(for quarantine review requests, contact person)
DUTY TO COMPLY: This action is taken under the police power authority of the health department and your cooperation is required by law. Violation of any term of this Order or failure to comply during the life of this Order with the above-stated directives, including any attempt by a person to enter, exit or behave in a manner prohibited by the Order, is a CRIME.
RIGHT TO REVIEW. Upon request to the CHD, this Quarantine Order will be reviewed on an expedited basis. Review can be initiated by a phone call to the telephone number of the official whose name appears on this Order.
RIGHT TO CHALLENGE: This Quarantine Order may be challenged, such as through petition for writ of habeas corpus, Ch. 79, F.S., following the procedures set out in Rule 1.630, Florida Rules of Civil Procedure (extraordinary remedies) or by Petition For Administrative Review, sec. 120.569 et seq., F.S.
If you have concerns or questions regarding this Quarantine Order that you wish to discuss with your attorney please do so by telephone. Do not go to your attorney’s office or break this Quarantine in any way.
Legal Authority: s.381.0011(4),(5),(6) and s.381.0012(5) and s. 252.36(2), F.S.; Rules 64D-3.005 and 64D-3.007, Florida Administrative Code



Department Of Health
__________ County Health Department
By authority of Chapters 381 and 252, Florida Statutes
and Chapter 64D-3, Florida Administrative Code
_____ CHD Order #____________.
You, __________ _(name)____________, have been identified as a person classified as a _______________ “contact,” or identified as a confirmed case, a probable case, or suspect case of ______________________________, a communicable disease or unsafe condition that poses a threat to the public health. You are further classified as non-compliant with quarantine because after you were counseled about a communicable disease or unsafe condition that poses a threat to the public health, and methods to minimize the risk to the public and, despite such counseling, you indicated an intent by (words or actions) to expose the public to ________________. All other reasonable means of obtaining your compliance with quarantine have been exhausted; no less restrictive alternative exists.
YOU ARE NOT PERMITTED TO LEAVE YOUR RESIDENCE. You are QUARANTINED to your residence at __________________________, and while QUARANTINED there shall continuously wear an electronic monitoring ankle bracelet on your ankle, or alternatively ________________________________________, from the date of this Order until (date) or until released from DETENTION QUARANTINE by the undersigned, such determination to be made upon the recommendation of the State Epidemiologist or State Health Officer.
While in QUARANTINE, you must wear a surgical mask at all times while in the presence of any individual, including any caregiver. Your visitors and/or caregivers also must wear surgical masks at all times when in your presence. The County Health Department (CHD) will call your residence daily to obtain your temperature record, which you must take and record two times
daily. If you do not answer your telephone or are not at home during two consecutive contact attempts, the CHD may order you to wear an electronic monitoring bracelet to ensure that you do not leave your residence. If you leave your residence while monitored, the CHD may forcibly detain you in a quarantine facility.
While in QUARANTINE, you shall comply with the orders of medical personnel regarding your medical care. You shall cooperate with the County Health Department (CHD) and with CHD access to you and to your medical records for purposes of delivering or monitoring your medical care.
Other Requirements/Orders:
Reasons For Above:
DONE and ORDERED by the ________ County Health Director/Administrator this ____
day of ___________, 20___.
By order of:
________ County Health Department
_________Area Code & Phone Number
(for quarantine review requests, contact person)
DUTY TO COMPLY: This action is taken under the police power authority of the health department and your cooperation is required by law. Violation of any term of this Order or failure to comply during the life of this Order with the above-stated directives, including any attempt by a person to enter, exit or behave in a manner prohibited by the Order, is a CRIME.
RIGHT TO REVIEW. Upon request to the CHD, this Quarantine Order will be reviewed on an expedited basis. Review can be initiated by a phone call to the telephone number of the official whose name appears on this Order.
RIGHT TO CHALLENGE: This Quarantine Order may be challenged, such as through petition for writ of habeas corpus, Ch. 79, F.S., following the procedures set out in Rule 1.630, Florida Rules of Civil Procedure (extraordinary remedies) or by Petition For Administrative Review, sec. 120.569 et seq., F.S.
If you have concerns or questions regarding this Quarantine Order that you wish to discuss with your attorney please do so by telephone. Do not go to your attorney’s office or break this Quarantine in any way.
Legal Authority: s.381.0011(4),(5),(6) and s.381.0012(5), and s. 252.36(2), F.S.; Rules 64D-3.005 and 64D-3.007, Florida Administrative Code



Department Of Health
__________ County Health Department
(Hospital/Medical/Security/Parts Thereof)
By authority of Chapters 381 and 252, Florida Statutes
and Chapter 64D-3, Florida Administrative Code
_____ CHD Order #____________.
Due to an outbreak and/or the high volume of ______________ cases which is a communicable disease or unsafe condition, you, _____________(name)_______________, as the administrator, authorized representative, or person in charge of the ________________________ facility are hereby notified by the _______ County Health Department (CHD) that ___________________ of your facility is placed under a QUARANTINE. This order is in force from the date below until (date) or until QUARANTINE is released by the undersigned authority. No person shall be allowed to enter or leave your facility without the written approval of the undersigned.
While this QUARANTINE is in effect, you shall comply with all orders of the _______ County Health Department.
Other Requirements/Orders:
Reasons For Above:
DONE and ORDERED by the ________ County Health Director/Administrator this ____
day of ___________, 20___.
By order of:
________ County Health Department
_________Area Code & Phone Number
(for quarantine review requests, contact person)
DUTY TO COMPLY: This action is taken under the police power authority of the health department and your cooperation is required by law. Violation of any term of this Order or failure to comply during the life of this Order with the above-stated directives, including any attempt by a person to enter, exit or behave in a manner prohibited by the Order, is a CRIME.
RIGHT TO REVIEW. Upon request to the CHD, this Quarantine Order will be reviewed on an expedited basis. Review can be initiated by a phone call to the telephone number of the official whose name appears on this Order.
RIGHT TO CHALLENGE: This Quarantine Order may be challenged, such as through petition for writ of habeas corpus, Ch. 79, F.S., following the procedures set out in Rule 1.630, Florida Rules of Civil Procedure (extraordinary remedies) or by Petition For Administrative Review, sec. 120.569 et seq., F.S.
If you have concerns or questions regarding this Quarantine Order that you wish to discuss with your attorney please do so by telephone. Do not go to your attorney’s office or break this Quarantine in any way.
Legal Authority: s.381.0011(4),(5),(6) and s.381.0012(5), and s.252.36(2), F.S.; Rules 64D-3.005 and 64D-3.007, Florida Administrative Code



BEFORE THE IOWA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH _____________________________________________________________________ DIRECTED TO: ) [insert case #] ) [insert full name and ) address of subject of order] ) HOME QUARANTINE ORDER _____________________________________________________________________ The Iowa Department of Public Health (Department) has determined that you have had contact with Novel Influenza A H1N1. Novel Influenza A H1N1 is a disease which is spread from person to person and is associated with fever (greater than 100.0 F), cough, sore throat, rhinorrhea (runny nose), nasal congestion, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Novel Influenza A H1N1 presents a risk of serious harm to public health and if it spreads in the community severe public health consequences may result. The Department has determined that home quarantine of persons who have been exposed to Novel Influenza A H1N1 is necessary to prevent further spread of this disease. The Department has determined that quarantine in private homes is the least restrictive means necessary to prevent the spread of Novel Influenza A H1N1. The Department is therefore ordering you to remain in your home and to comply with the following provisions during the entire period of quarantine: 1. Terms of confinement. You are ordered to remain in your home at _____________________[insert address] from ___________ to ____________[insert dates of quarantine]. 2. Requirements during confinement. During the period of quarantine:
a. You must not leave your home at any time unless you have received prior written authorization from the Department to do so.
b. You must remain reachable by telephone at all times and answer and respond fully and truthfully to telephone calls from Department staff and other persons acting on behalf of the Department.
c. You must not come into contact with anyone except the following persons:
(i) family members and other persons who reside in your home;
(ii) authorized healthcare providers; (iii) authorized Department staff or other persons acting on behalf of the Department; and (iv) such other persons as are authorized by the Department.
d. If family members or other persons who reside in your home have not been issued a Home Quarantine Order, they may leave your home to carry on their daily routines and to assist you with any needs you may have during the period of confinement. If you live alone, or if every
member of your household is under Home Quarantine Order, you should arrange by telephone for relatives, neighbors, or friends to assist with any needs you may have during the period of confinement. These persons should not have direct contact with you. If you need assistance in providing for your daily needs, you should call [insert telephone number]
e. You must follow the directions contained in the attachment to this order labeled Attachment A to monitor your health status on a daily basis.
f. If you develop any symptoms of Novel Influenza A H1N1 detailed in Attachment A, including with fever (greater than 100.0 F), cough, sore throat, rhinorrhea (runny nose), nasal congestion, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue, you should immediately call a public health official at [insert telephone number]. If emergency medical treatment is required for conditions other than those listed in this paragraph (e.g. chest pain or severe accidental injury at home), you should call 911 for an ambulance. When seeking such assistance, you must inform the operator of the 911 line and the ambulance that you are under Home Quarantine Order.
g. If other persons also reside in your home you must maintain good personal hygiene at all times, including complying with the directions contained in Attachment A, to prevent disease transmission. If any member of your household develops any symptoms of Novel Influenza A H1N1 detailed in Attachment A, such person should immediately call a public health official at [insert telephone number].
h. You should inform your employer that you are under home quarantine and are not authorized to physically come to the work place, although you may work from home via electronic or other means if appropriate. You should be aware that Iowa law prohibits an employer from firing, demoting, or otherwise discriminating against an employee due to the employee’s compliance with a quarantine order issued by the Department. (Iowa Code section 139A.13A).
3. Information about Novel Influenza A H1N1. You should review the information contained at Attachment A for information about Novel Influenza A H1N1. In order to find out more information about Novel Influenza A H1N1 and its symptoms and spread, you may access the Department’s web-page at www.idph.state.ia.us. If you do not have access to the internet from your home, you may contact the Department at 1-800-362-2736. 4. Legal authority. This order is issued pursuant to the legal authority contained at Iowa Code chapters 135, 139A, and 641 Iowa Administrative Code chapter 1, a copy of which is labeled Attachment B and is attached to this order for your review. The Department shall comply with the principles for quarantine contained in subrule 1.9(3) of this attachment when issuing and implementing this order.
5. Ensuring compliance. In order to ensure that you strictly comply with this Home
Quarantine Order the Department or persons authorized by the Department may contact you by telephone on a regular basis and may carry out spot checks of your residence.
6. Violations of order. If you fail to comply with this Home Quarantine Order you may be ordered to be quarantined in a hospital or other facility as determined by the Department. In addition, failure to comply with this order is a simple misdemeanor for which you may be arrested, fined, and imprisoned. 7. Your rights B appeal rights. While under quarantine you have the rights as described in subrule 1.9( 8 ) of Attachment B. In addition, you have the right to appeal this order pursuant to subrule 1.9(7) of Attachment B.
____________________________________ ___________ DIRECTOR or MEDICAL DIRECTOR DATE IOWA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH Lucas State Office Building Des Moines, IA 50319 Attachments to this Order: Attachment A — Facts About Novel Influenza A H1N1 Attachment B — 641 Iowa Administrative Code chapter 1
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Dołączył: 03 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 09:50, 04 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Prawdopodobny atak biologiczny przy użyciu wąglika na Western University of Health Sciences w Pomona,Kalifornia.Sprawa jest rozwojowa:



Authorities in California were investigating a possible anthrax attack Thursday after a suspicious package opened at a college left one student and 30 other people quarantined. A "possible anthrax in an envelope" call was reported Thursday afternoon to the Student Services office at Western University of Health Sciences in Pomona, about 60 kilometers east of Los Angeles, according to an inspector of the Los Angeles County Fire Department. "One student was exposed but is showing no symptoms at this time, " said Mathew Levesque. "And 30 other people have been quarantined to defend them from an exposure." Levesque said hazardous materials teams from the Los Angeles County Fire Department and Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department, along with FBI agents were on the scene inspecting a sample of the yellow powder found in an envelope. No information on a possible motive for the suspicious delivery was available, according to the official.

Oprócz przesłuchiwania więźniów podejrzewanych o terroryzm,CIA przeprowadzała na nich również testy medyczne:



Lekarze CIA oskarżeni o eksperymentowanie na ludziach
Opublikowano: 04.09.2009 | Kategoria: Prawo, Wiadomości ze świata

STANY ZJEDNOCZONE. Lekarze na rzecz Praw Człowieka (PHR), organizacja non-profit, która badała rolę personelu medycznego w nagłośnionych przypadkach tortur w Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, Bagram i innych ośrodkach zatrzymań podlegających amerykańskiej armii, w opublikowanym niedawno raporcie pn. “Aiding Torture” (”Wspomagając tortury”) oskarża lekarzy o znacznie większe zaangażowanie w przesłuchiwanie więźniów, niż do tej pory zakładano.

Postępowanie lekarzy i psychologów, których zatrudniła CIA do monitorowania jej “rozszerzonych technik przesłuchiwania” podejrzanych o terroryzm można, zdaniem etyków medycznych z PHR, traktować jako nielegalne eksperymenty na ludziach.

Lekarze byli obecni na każdym etapie opracowywania, wdrażania i prawnego uzasadniania stosowanych przez CIA metod, określanych przez PHR mianem “tajnego programu tortur CIA”. Aktywnie nadzorowali oni stosowane przez agencję techniki, by określić ich skuteczność, i wykorzystywali więźniów jako obiekty badawcze, bez ich zgody. We wnioskach z raportu PHR stwierdza się, że takie sposoby pozyskiwania danych to praktyka zbliżona do nielegalnych eksperymentów medycznych.

American Medical Association (AMA) - największe zrzeszenie lekarzy w Stanach Zjednoczonych oświadczyło, że prowadzi otwarty dialog z administracją Baracka Obamy i innymi rządowymi agendami w sprawie roli lekarzy w procederze wydobywania zeznań od osób zatrzymanych w ramach “wojny z teroryzmem”. Wg AMA, “udział lekarzy w torturach i przesłuchaniach jest naruszeniem podstawowych zasad etyki”.

Eksperymentowanie na ludziach bez ich zgody zakazane jest od 1947 r., od czasu powstana Kodeksu Norymberskiego. Również Konwencja Genewska zakazuje przeprowadzania ekperymentow na więźniach i jeńcach wojennych.

W kwietniu tego roku do mediów wyciekł raport Międzynarodowego Komitetu Czerwonego Krzyża, w którym ujawniono, że personel medyczny zatrudniony przez CIA był obecny m.in. przy podtapianiu podejrzanych i wykorzystywal w trakcie tego typu procedur sprzęt monitorujący nasycenie tlenem, ktory przytwierdzano do palca przesłuchiwanych więźniów. Czerwony Krzyż potępił takie praktyki jako jaskrawe naruszenie etyki lekarskiej.

PHR oparło swe oskarżenia na danych z wewnętrznego raportu CIA z 2004 r. w sprawie stosowanych przez agencję metod przesłuchań, który ostatecznie, po naciskach ze strony sądów ujawniono opinii publicznej dwa tygodnie temu.

Na podstawie: www.guardian.co.uk
Źródło: Centrum Niezależnych mediów Polska
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Dołączył: 03 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 09:18, 07 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Profesor Igor Panarin który 10 lat temu prognozował rozpad USA przed końcem 2010 roku podtrzymuje swoją prognozę i twierdzi że wszystko zacznie się w ciągu najbliższych 2 miesięcy:



Russian Professor: Collapse Of America Could Begin In Two Months

Doomsday author says Obama is doing nothing to forestall disintegration

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Russian Professor Igor Panarin says that events are continuing to confirm his doomsday prediction first made over 10 years ago, that the United States will completely collapse like the Soviet Union before the end of 2010, and warns that the chaos could begin to unfold in as little as two months.

Panarin, doctor of political sciences and professor of the Russian Diplomatic Academy Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told journalists during the unveiling of his new book yesterday that President Obama has done nothing to forestall the fast approaching crisis and that it could begin to properly unfold in November.

“Obama is “the president of hope”, but in a year there won’t be any hope,” said Panarin. “He’s practically another Gorbachev – he likes to talk but hasn’t really managed to do anything. Gorbachev at least had been a secretary of a regional communist party administration, whereas Obama was just a social worker. His mentality is totally different. He’s a nice person and talks nicely – but he’s not a leader and will take America to a crash. When Americans understand that – it will be like a bomb explosion.”

Since 1998, Panarin has been warning of a future disintegration of the United States and the collapse of the dollar. The recent election victory for Japan’s Democratic Party is another sign that the economic collapse of the U.S. is imminent, according to Panarin.

Russian Professor: Collapse Of America Could Begin In Two Months 270809banner

“Today I received another confirmation that the collapse of the dollar and the US is inevitable. Japan’s Democratic Party won the election, and I’d like to remind you that its leader [Yukio Hatoyama] has the snubbing of the dollar among his economic plans. In plainer words, he plans to transfer Japan’s monetary reserves from US dollars into another currency. The move will seriously accelerate the dollar’s exchange slump as early as this November. Disintegration will follow shortly,” he said, adding that next year China would also begin to massively dump the dollar and that Russia would begin to sell oil and gas for roubles.

Panarin previously stated that the dollar would eventually be replaced with “a common Amero currency as a new monetary unit”, referring to the Security and Prosperity Partnership agreement between the U.S., Canada and Mexico.

He foresees the U.S. breaking up into six different parts, roughly along lines similar to those of 1865 during the Civil War, “The Pacific coast, with its growing Chinese population; the South, with its Hispanics; Texas, where independence movements are on the rise; the Atlantic coast, with its distinct and separate mentality; five of the poorer central states with their large Native American populations; and the northern states, where the influence from Canada is strong,” according to Panarin.

Russian Professor: Collapse Of America Could Begin In Two Months 010909top2

Longer term, Panarin predicts that the breakaway states will eventually be taken over by the European Union, Canada, China, Mexico, Japan and Russia and America will cease to exist altogether, as depicted in the illustration above.

Panarin blames the collapse on a “political elite that implements an absurd and aggressive policy that aims to create conflicts around the planet” and warns that increasing firearms sales in the U.S. are a sign that people are preparing for “chaos” in the aftermath of a total financial meltdown.

“In my opinion, the probability of the US ceasing to exist by June, 2010 exceeds 50%. At this point, the mission of all major international powers is to prevent chaos in the US,” Panarin concluded.

Watch a clip from Russia Today below.

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Dołączył: 03 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 10:06, 09 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Ciekawostka z USA o której wielu jeszcze nie wie jak sądzę.

Czy wiecie że w Stanach,kraju wolności i równości osoby odmawiające szczepień są wpisywane na listę podejrzanych o terroryzm i zdarza im się znikać w tajemniczych okolicznościach?



'Sorry, can't say where she is. She refused having little Billy vaccinated'
September 6, 11:40 PM

Deborah Dupre'

The Obama administration wants to keep Bush administration's secret about terror watch-list information that at least seventeen federal, state and local agencies share.

This secrecy, a threat to democracy, makes it difficult for watch-listed people to challenge the government according to the Washington Post September 6 report.

This secrecy would make it even more difficult for listed, forcibly removed and detained people, as vaccine resisters could be according to existing public health legislation.

These are some of the issues to be discussed at the upcoming International Conference on Vaccinations October 2-4 in Washington D.C.

Vaccine resister the new 'terrorist'

Existing state and federal legislation authorizes treating vaccine resisters as terrorists, including forcible removal and indefinite detention.

Officials tell the public that these legislative provisions will not be enacted during its mass vaccination campaign. Barbara Loe Fisher, Co-founder and Director of the National Vaccine Information Center asks why trust what officials say when research proves what officials say about vaccines is not repeatedly not reality and laws are broken. Dr. Rima Laibow details the meaning of "not mandatory," saying legislation for "disappearing" vaccine resisters is in place.

Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen recently reported on Russia Today (below) that officials view vaccine resisters, such as parents trying to not vaccinate their children with the potentially lethal, experimental drug, "almost as if they are the enemy."

At least $4.8 million is allocated to market the vaccine targeting parents. It is aniticipated that the official campaign will push taking the vaccine drug as a patriotic duty.

Madsen says authority protocols for resisters will cause problems when the roll-out begins before December 2009.

Hiding data about 'enemy'

Intelligence officials in the administration pressing legislation to exempt “terrorist identity information” from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act means includes keeping secret from the accused, their family and friends and others the "names, aliases, fingerprints and other biometric identifiers is widely shared with law enforcement agencies and intelligence 'fusion centers' that combine state and federal 'counterterrorism' resources according to the Washington Post today.

If a loved one is targeted as a 'suspect' and is forcibly removed or disappeared, with the secret data base legislation in place, it would be as difficult, if not more so, than finding loved ones in Katrina's aftermath.

Some officials say that public disclosure of watch-list data risks alerting terrorism suspects that they are being tracked might help them evade surveillance. Rudimentary publically surveillance technology (compared to government surveillance technology) include Google Earth and GPS tracking devices.
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Dołączył: 03 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 12:21, 14 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Raport z lutego w którym wojskowy pracujący przy budowaniu obozów detencyjnych ujawnia istnienie w nich miejsc do przeprowadzania masowych egzekucji przy uzyciu gilotyn:



"JUST SAY NO!" Military Who REFUSE to Betray America to NWO
Wed Feb 4, 2009 10:22



NOW Donnie and many of the men in his platoon, who he informed by phone about my reporting, on HOW the guillotines will be used against their fellow Americans, ARE BEING ROUNDED UP AND HUNTED DOWN LIKE DOGS by the US ARMY.

Humvees and helicopters surrounding their homes...military pay and all access to bank accounts and credit cards being cut off...and NOW HE IS ON THE RUN!

All because they found out the truth about MARTIAL LAW and the guillotines, as Donnie contacted them and explained what I had revealed to him, and because they had agreed among themselves to NEVER GO ALONG WITH THIS TERRIBLE NWO AGENDA!

-Pamela Schuffert reporting live from ACROSS THE NATION-

I was riding on a bus from BUTTE, MONTANA to North Carolina, when I met a young man all dressed up in full and impressive ARMY RANGER uniform, complete with a black beret. FORT LEWIS was across one side of his brawny chest, the name BOYSEL on the other.

He carried his personal 45 mag gun and many knives and several phones and military camo backpack and other equipment. (He is a gun owner and this was his personal gun. He admitted his military clearance enabled to carry this weapon on the bus.)

He told me he was a STAFF SERGEANT from FORT LEWIS. I discovered several years ago, through research confirmed by former NWO advocate DOC MARQUIS and others, that Fort Lewis is where many MODERN GUILLOTINES have been stored for a long time, for future use in martial law.

I teased him at first and told him I knew all about the MODERN GUILLOTINES in Fort Lewis. HE WAS SHOCKED! He said,


He then admitted he was also Christian. I told him that the US MILITARY WAS NOT TELLING THE YOUNG MEN LIKE HIM, but these guillotines will be used on AMERICANS AND CHRISTIANS in the future under martial law, to confront and behead all NWO resisters.

They will especially use the provision of THE NOAHIDE LAWS, already signed into legislation, to confront and execute Christians refusing to renounce their Christian beliefs and become NOAHIDES in the future.

As I patiently explained to him the purpose of the modern guillotines, the longer he listened, the angrier he got.

Using a few choice military expletives, he said,

"THEY NEVER TOLD US THIS WOULD BE USED ON AMERICANS UNDER MARTIAL LAW...to get RID of all CHRISTIANS and NWO RESISTERS! We THOUGHT they would be used in IRAQ or something!" He then asked me to tell him more and more. He even filmed me with his video camera he carried in his baggage.

Finally, so angry at how they were being deceived and brainwashed, he told me,

"I WILL NEVER go along with this NWO agenda! I am A CHRISTIAN! I will contact my men in my platoon (64) and those I can trust who are Christians, I will tell them the TRUTH. I was supposed to go to Fort Hood for more SPECIAL OPS training next week, and THEN RETURN TO TRAIN MY MEN IN HOW TO OPERATE THESE GUILLOTINES!"

"There is a special underground training center where the guillotines are...we are not allowed to bring in any cameras or cell phones, etc, because of HIGH SECURITY AND SILENCE regarding these guillotines."

I asked him to describe the guillotines to me.

"They are 6 and a half feet high, with hand restraints and a place for a person's head as they stand. We were going to use dummies for practice...BUT NOW I AM REFUSING THIS ASSIGNMENT and I will contact the men under me who I can trust...who will NOT go along with this NWO agenda and will come out instead with HUMVEES, WEAPONS and everything we can get our hands on to fight this NWO agenda!" I was almost afraid to be around this visibly angered young man at this point.

As we parted in Indianapolis, I noted he was calling several men in his platoon to tell them what he had just heard...I wondered about the outcome. I was soon to find out!

I called him a few weeks later. He told me he talked to his sister and family and they were shocked.They were all military (US Army and USAF.)One family member in the know told him, "HOW DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS NWO MARTIAL LAW AGENDA...IT IS ALL HIGHLY CLASSIFIED!"

When he informed his family about ME (I had given him a copy of my AIRMAN MAGAZINE in it, with my famous USAF father's cartoon in it) he told me his USAF aunt would run my name through USAF OSI intelligence computers to see where I stood in the sight of the USAF.

He told me, "She said you are RED-FLAGGED (subject to arrest and brutal interrogation) and are classified by the USAF as 'A THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY!'"


This ARMY RANGER had told me that IF HE HAD BEEN ON THE SIDE OF THE NWO AGENDA, he was authorized as an ARMY RANGER with highest security clearance and much special ops training to MARCH ME OUTSIDE THE BUS AND SHOOT TO KILL for knowing this classified info.

OR he could have called the nearest military base and had vehicles come to arrest me immediately and take me away for interrogation and termination. THAT IS HOW CLASSIFIED MY INSIDE INVESTIGATING AND INFO REALLY IS! And when I called him, he had even MORE shocking information for me.

"I AM ON THE RUN NOW...they are trying to pick me up...and my USAF sister too! She was severed from her position as MP for the USAF, just for talking to you the other day. OUR PAY AND MILITARY SERVICE AND BANK ACCOUNTS HAVE ALL BEEN CLOSED OFF...we cannot access anything now!"

"THEY ARE NOW ARRESTING HALF THE MEN IN MY PLATOON...men I talked to who agreed that THEY WOULD NEVER GO ALONG WITH A NWO MARTIAL LAW AGENDA...all THEIR pay and service and bank accounts have been cut off from them now too....military helicopters and humvees are surrounding their homes..they are being watched and picked up one by one...one man in my platoon defended himself when they broke into his home, SHOOTING FIVE MILITARY SOLDERS TRYING TO TAKE HIM in the process ( some were killed) before they were able to arrest him! We are on the run now, my sister and I...they are after us too....."

No, friends, NONE of this is hype or urban legend. It really happened. A Christian friend of mine who was at the time with me, donated $300 cash immediately to Donnie for gas to help get him out of harm's way. We wired it to him quickly.

I had been actively on the phone with Staff Sergeant Donnie at the time he told me this. His aunt who ran my name through USAF computers was being questioned by USAF authorities. I am certain the US ARMY and USAF is angry with ME as well, for having told these enlisted people THE TRUTH.


These brave military men are paying the highest price to say THEY WILL NEVER GO ALONG WITH THIS NWO MILITARY AGENDA to kill innocent Americans and to destroy our Constitution and our freedoms and people of faith and character in our nation.

PRAY for Staff Sergeant DONNIE BOYSEL and his sister Natalie NOW and for the men they are now hunting down like dogs, to be interrogated and KILLED.

ALL for saying "NO" to the NEW WORLD ORDER AGENDA in the US military.

Donnie and HIS MEN WHO SAID "NO" are the true American Patriot heroes of the highest order. Would to GOD that everyone in the US military had the courage to resist as they did.


Yes, they are real. Many previous reports from various sources over the past ten years have echoed this same kind of information.

Staff Sergeant Boysel further informed me upon questioning that these modern military GUILLOTINES ARE EVERYWHERE...in FORT HOOD (TX), FORT BRAGG (NC), FORT LEWIS(WA)..in ALL the US MILITARY BASES including GERMANY where he was stationed... (yes European Christians/NWO resisters will be beheaded for their faith as well in the NEW WORLD ORDER. Read Revelation 20:4 and research the NOAHIDE LAWS.)


-Pamela Schuffert

"It is now TIME for the Christians of USA/CANADA to PREPARE for the COMING CRISIS. It will NOT be without PERSECUTION, TESTING and BLOODSHED. I dare say, in fact, that it is TIME for the Christians of North America to PREPARE FOR MARTYRDOM for their faith. END TIME BIBLE PROPHECY is about to unfold in this nation as NEVER BEFORE...and I can prove it!"

Tyle pogłosek,a co do wersji oficjalnych-wszystkie biblioteki publiczne w rejonie Filadelfii zapewniające bezplatny dostęp do zbiorów oraz internetu zostają zamknięte od 1 października:



All Free Library of Philadelphia Branch, Regional and Central Libraries Closed Effective Close of Business October 2, 2009

All Free Library of Philadelphia Customers,

We deeply regret to inform you that without the necessary budgetary legislation by the State Legislature in Harrisburg, the City of Philadelphia will not have the funds to operate our neighborhood branch libraries, regional libraries, or the Parkway Central Library after October 2, 2009.

Specifically, the following will take effect after the close of business, October 2, 2009:

* All branch and regional library programs, including programs for children and teens, after school programs, computer classes, and programs for adults, will be cancelled
* All Parkway Central Library programs, including children programs, programs to support small businesses and job seekers, computer classes and after school programs, will be cancelled. We are exploring the possibility of relocating the Philadelphia Author Series programs to other non-library facilities.
* All library visits to schools, day care centers, senior centers and other community centers will cease.
* All community meetings at our branch and regional libraries, and the Parkway Central Library, will be cancelled.
* All GED, ABE and ESL programs held at Free Library branches will be discontinued, students should contact their teacher to see if other arrangements are being made.

In addition, all library materials will be due on October 1, 2009. This will result in a diminishing borrowing period for books and other library materials, beginning September 11, 2009. No library materials will be able to be borrowed after September 30, 2009.

Even as we remain hopeful that the State Legislature will act and pass the enabling funding legislation, we wanted to notify all of our customers of this very possible outcome. If you have any questions about impacts to Free Library services, call 215-686-5322, or visit the Free Library of Philadelphia website at www.freelibrary.org. If you have questions about changes to City services, or if you want to be kept informed about this situation, we encourage you to contact Philly 311 by calling 3-1-1 between the hours of 8am and 8 pm Monday-Friday, and 9am-5pm Saturdays, e-mail philly311@phila.gov, or visit the City of Philadelphia website at http://www.phila.gov.

We thank you for your understanding, patience, and continued support of the Free Library of Philadelphia during these difficult times.

Siobhan Reardon, President and Director, Free Library of Philadelphia
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Dołączył: 03 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 10:02, 16 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Złe wieści dla Obamofilów,pan Barry wbrew wcześniejszym zapowiedziom ogłosił iż poprze dalsze wzmocnienie przepisów Patriot Act.Sorry,fools...



Obama backs extending Patriot Act provisions
Measures are due to expire at end of year

updated 3:28 p.m. ET Sept. 15, 2009

WASHINGTON - The Obama administration supports extending three key provisions of the Patriot Act that are due to expire at the end of the year, the U.S. Justice Department told Congress in a letter made public Tuesday.

Lawmakers and civil rights groups had been pressing the Democratic administration to say whether it wants to preserve the post-Sept. 11 law's authority to access business records, as well as monitor so-called "lone wolf" terrorists and conduct roving wiretaps.

The provision on business records was long criticized by rights groups as giving the government access to citizens' library records, and a coalition of liberal and conservative groups complained that the Patriot Act gives the government too much authority to snoop into Americans' private lives.

As a presidential candidate, Barack Obama said he would take a close look at the law, based on his past expertise in U.S. constitutional law. Back in May, President Obama said legal institutions must be updated to deal with the threat of terrorism, but in a way that preserves the rule of law and accountability.

In a letter to lawmakers, Justice Department officials said the administration supports extending the three expiring provisions of the law, although they are willing to consider additional privacy protections as long as they don't weaken the effectiveness of the law.

Assistant Attorney General Ronald Weich wrote Sen. Patrick Leahy, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, that the administration is willing to consider stronger civil rights protections in the new law "provided that they do not undermine the effectiveness of these important (provisions)."

Leahy responded with a statement saying it is important for the administration and Congress to "work together to ensure that we protect both our national security and our civil liberties."

The committee has scheduled a hearing next week on the Patriot Act.

From 2004 to 2007, the business records provision was used 220 times, officials said. Most often, the business records were requested in combination with requests for phone records.

Roving wiretaps
The lone wolf provision was created to conduct surveillance on suspects with no known link to foreign governments or terrorist groups. It has never been used, but the administration says it should still be available for future investigations.

The roving wiretaps provision was designed to allow investigators to quickly monitor the communications of a suspects who change their cell phone or communication device, without investigators having to go back to court for a new court authorization. That provision has been used an average of 22 times a year, officials said.

Michelle Richardson of the American Civil Liberties Union called the administration's position "a mixed bag," and said that the group hopes the next version of the Patriot Act will have important safeguards on other issues, particularly the collecting of international communications, and a specific bar on surveillance of activities protected by the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment such as peaceful protests or religious assembly.

"We're heartened they're saying they're willing to work with Congress," Richardson said, adding that is "definitely a sea change from what we've seen in the past."

Władze stanu Georgia chcą uchwalić prawo wedle którego za oferowanie nawet minimalnych ilości marihuany będzie grozić proces w przyspieszonym tempie oraz kara śmierci,natomiast za posiadanie-biczowanie bambusowym kijem.

Jako w Chinach,kulde.



Georgia Lawmaker Calls For Executing Marijuana Offenders

September 15, 2009 By: Freedom Fighter Category: Uncategorized

Benton has given me an idea now on how to get immediate accountability of our Govt. at all levels from local, state and federal. Here is what I propose if the constituents of a elected representative feel that their elected representative has violated their oath of office they be put on trial. The punishment then should be if found guilty EXECUTION. I know this sounds outrageous,but what is more outrageous is how the public continues to put up with these self serving Politicians. They would honor their oaths if they knew they would be executed if they didn’t
Jim Stachowiak (Freedom Fighter Radio)

State Republican lawmaker Tommy Benton (31st House District) favors “caning” minor marijuana offenders and “executing” those who sell the drug, according to a recent correspondence sent by the representative to a constituent.

In a July 29, 2009 e-mail (which was voluntarily forwarded to the NORML office), Rep. Benton wrote: “Thanks for the email. We will have to agree to disagree on this and whether or not money is wasted (by mandating the state to prosecute minor marijuana offenders). I am opposed to the legalization of marijuana. I think we should go to caning for people caught using and maybe execute dealers. [emphasis NORML’s] That would solve the problem as well. That is what they do in Singapore and they don’t have a drug problem.”

Caning is a form of corporal punishment consisting of up to 24 violent lashes with a long rattan cane that has been soaked in water. The procedure inflicts intense pain and deep, bloody lacerations that can take several months to heal.

Rep. Benton followed up his remarks in a separate e-mail on August 11 (also forwarded to NORML) in which he threatened to turn over the names of citizens who disagreed with his political viewpoints to local law enforcement.

He wrote: “You and your cronies want it (marijuana) legalized so you can get a hit anytime without having to worry about getting arrested. I have forwarded your email to the Lowndes County sheriffs [sic] office so that they can be on the lookout for you. [emphasis NORML’s] Consider this my last correspondence on the the [sic] subject to you or anyone else who shares your similar “conservative views’.”


Call Benton now flood his office and ask him if he supports caning and execution of all Politicians that ignore the will of the people.

Contact Representative Benton at the Capitol

Room 501
Coverdell Legislative Office Building
Atlanta, Georgia 30334

tommy.benton@house.ga.govStaff - Debra Miller

Contact Representative Benton in the District
177 Martin Street
Jefferson, Georgia 30549

706.335.5519 - Office
706.367.5891 - Home
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Dołączył: 08 Sty 2009
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PostWysłany: 10:40, 16 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

nie ma żadnej prawdy, wszystko jest tym samym, wielu się załamie, wielu parsknie śmiechem, to wszystko jedno
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Ogląda profil użytkownika Wyślij prywatną wiadomość

Dołączył: 03 Lis 2008
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PostWysłany: 12:41, 17 Wrz '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

W USA ogłoszono w poniedziałek powstanie tak zwanych "centrów fuzyjnych" połączonych sił bezpieczeństwa,
od wojska do policji,z jedną wspólną bazą tajnych danych opracowaną przez Pentagon do których po raz pierwszy będą mieli dostęp również gliniarze:



Police to get access to classified military intelligence

By John Byrne

Published: September 16, 2009

In a move raising eyebrows among civil liberties advocates, the Department of Homeland Security announced Monday that it would give so-called local and state “fusion centers” access to classified military intelligence in Pentagon databases.

Fusion centers are hubs for local law enforcement, the private sector and the intelligence community, and were created in an effort to fight terrorism. There are more than seventy known centers across the United States.

The decision to give fusion centers access to classified intelligence appears to a shift in policy by Homeland Security. In July, Secretary Janet Napolitano “that fusion centers were not intended to have a military presence, and that she was not aware of ones that did,” according to the New York Times.

The centers have been a flashpoint of criticism from civil liberties groups. The American Civil Liberties Union, in particular, has been a vehement critic.

“As fusion centers gain more and more access to Americans’ private information, the information about them being made available to the American public remains woefully inadequate,” Michael Macleod-Ball, Acting Director of the ACLU Washington Legislative Office, said in a statement. “There is a stunning lack of oversight at these fusion centers and, as we’ve seen, these centers are rapidly becoming a breeding ground for overzealous intelligence activities. Opening the door for domestic law enforcement to gain access to classified military intelligence coupled with no guidelines restricting the military’s role in fusion centers is a recipe for disaster.”

In February, the ACLU highlighted a bulletin issued by a West Texas center. The Texas bulletin said it was “imperative for law enforcement officers to report” the activities of lobbying groups, Muslim civil rights organizations and anti-war protest groups in their region.

The model also took fire in April after a Virginia fusion center directive became public, which declared that US universities had become “radicalization node“s for potential terrorist activity — singling out several historically black colleges. The memo also called out “hacktivism” as a potential terrorist threat.

Remarkably, among the fusion center’s critics is the Justice Department itself. A December, 2008 “Privacy Impact Assessment” of the centers issued by the Department listed a number of key privacy weaknesses of the intelligence nexuses.

Among the problems listed were: “Justification for fusion centers; Ambiguous Lines of Authority, Rules, and Oversight; Participation of the Military and the Private Sector; Data Mining; Excessive Secrecy; Inaccurate or Incomplete Information; and Mission Creep.”

Defenders take message to Congress

A Homeland Security proponent, Robert Riegle of the State and Local Program Office, Office of Intelligence and Analysis, defended the centers in testimony to Congress in April, saying they’d experienced numerous law enforcement successes as a result of information sharing.

“Fusion centers are the core means by which we promote Federal, State, local and Tribal information sharing. Today, the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Justice recognize 70 fusion centers, including ones in every state and every major city of the United States,” Riegle said. “Nearly half of these centers have been stood up since 2006 and have grown rapidly in number and effectiveness. Many fusion centers are in their infancy and many infrastructure challenges remain, but the successes that the centers have realized thus far give us good reason for our continued support.”

“Fusion centers are force multipliers,” Riegle added. “They leverage financial resources and the expertise of numerous public safety partners to increase information awareness and help our law enforcement agencies more effectively protect our communities. Thoughtful analysis about risks to our communities supports elected officials and homeland security leaders. This enables states and localities to better utilize limited financial resources to make effective, risk-based decisions about public safety matters and mitigate threats to the homeland.”

The ACLU isn’t so sure.

“Congress must take the necessary steps to ensure that a thorough and rigorous oversight mechanism is in place to ensure that Americans’ most sensitive information is protected,” the ACLU’s legislative director said. “Without proper guidelines, fusion centers will continue to threaten our privacy while doing nothing to improve security.”
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