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PostWysłany: 12:42, 27 Mar '12   Temat postu: SWIFT bronią XXI wieku Odpowiedz z cytatem

Przez ostatnich parę dni dochodziły mnie informacje, jakoby USA zamierzało wykorzystać organizację SWIFT do prowadzenia wojny na polu międzynarodowych transakcji finansowych, a tym samym kontroli nad handlem międzynarodowym.

Zrobili to już Iranowi, ale z tego co czytam, Iran to był dopiero początek...

Jim Sinclair - US Launches Economic War, Gold Reacting

Jim Sinclair told King World News that gold has taken a major step towards becoming the currency of choice when it comes to international trade.  Sinclair also said the US has launched an economic war against key Asian countries and it is having an immediate impact on the gold market.  Here is what Sinclair had to say about the situation:  “Wall Street goes to war and the weapon is money.  There was a day when we went to war and the weapon was an armada of ships.  It was landing on Iwo Jima, mano y mano, it was bravery and honor.  Today it’s dollars.”

“Wall Street goes to war and the weapon is money. There was a day when we went to war and the weapon was an armada of ships. It was landing on Iwo Jima, mano y mano, it was bravery and honor. Today it’s dollars.”

“We go to war, challenging the other side to do the same because whatever you use as a weapon, the other side is going to tend to use as a weapon.  The weapon that’s being used is the interbank transfer system, the way money is sent from bank to bank.

We’ve already seen that Iran has been basically shut out of the SWIFT system and the SWIFT system is what this is all about.  The SWIFT system doesn’t take any money for the money that goes through it.  The SWIFT system is like the old telephone company.  What it does is charge for the use of its communication.

Believe me the SWIFT system works for the West.  It’s located in Belgium and you would think the US had no power on it.  It’s never discussed as being a US arm, but it is a US weapon. 

But we’ve already taken Iran and put a big X on it....

dalej: http://kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/K.....cting.html

Countries Swapping Billions & Transferring Oil Ahead of War

King World News interviewed 40 year veteran, Robert Fitzwilson.  Fitzwilson is founder of The Portola Group, one of the premier boutique firms in the Unites States.  He told King World News that countries are engaging in currency swaps out of fear of being cutoff from international transfers.  Fitzwilson also said gold and silver are getting ready for a major move.  But first, here is what Fitzwilson had to say about recent developments: Another development that’s been happening in recent days is swaps are being made. China and Australia just recently completed a $31 billion swap of their currencies. To me that’s tantamount to barter. These countries have essentially pre-positioned their currencies, probably because they are worried about being cutoff from international transfers.

“Jim Sinclair has pointed out what is taking place with the SWIFT system.  I would just like to add that SWIFT has now become a weapon in the currency wars and as Sinclair correctly stated, unfortunately the United States is now threatening other countries.  We are saying if they do not do what we want, we will cut them off from SWIFT, which will effectively shut down their economy.

We have already seen this with Iran, so India and Iran were trying to do an oil for gold swap.  Evidently we’ve warned the Indians because we’re not happy about that.  So SWIFT is being used to threaten our trading partners and allies....

“As we now know, South Africa is actively trying to participate in dethroning the dollar as the reserve currency.  If you look at the pattern of what is happening, these are like mini earthquakes all over the world.  

When you add these seismic events together, it suggests that something may be imminent, perhaps in the next month or two.  Saudi Arabia is suddenly sending 22 million barrels to the United States.  Why did they do that?  

Are they trying to get paid for it before there is some sort of eruption in the Middle-East?  Is the US stockpiling oil ahead of war?  There are military assets being positioned all over the Middle-East, on all sides.  So something is building and these countries are taking action ahead of that for self preservation which is understandable.”  

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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 17:34, 13 Mar '15   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

If Vladimir Putin is remotely capable of laughter (the jury is out on that one…) then he’s probably doing so right now.

Russia is once again Arch-Enemy of the United States. It’s like living through a really bad James Bond movie, complete with cartoonish villains.

And for the last several months, the US government has been doing everything it can to torpedo the Russian economy, as well as Vladimir Putin’s standing within his own country.

The economic nuclear option is to kick Russia out of the international banking system. And the US government has been vociferously pushing for this.

Specifically, the US government wants to kick Russia out of SWIFT, short for the Society of Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications.

That’s a mouthful. But SWIFT is an important component in the global banking system because it lays the foundation for banks to communicate and transfer funds with one another.

It’s a network protocol of sorts. Whenever a bank in Pakistan does business with a bank in Portugal, the funds will clear through the SWIFT network.

According to the SWIFT itself, they link over 9,000 financial institutions worldwide in over 200 countries, which transact 15 million times per day.

Bottom line, being part of SWIFT is critical to conducting business with the rest of the world. And if Russia gets kicked out of SWIFT, it would be a disaster.

Now, SWIFT is technically organized as a ‘Cooperative Society’ and governed by a board of directors.

There are 25 available board seats, and each seat is allocated for a three-year term to a specific country.

The United States, Belgium, France, Germany, UK, and Switzerland each hold two seats. A handful of other countries hold just one seat. And of course, most countries don’t hold any seats at all.

Here’s what’s utterly hilarious—
On Monday afternoon, not only did SWIFT NOT kick Russia out… but they announced that they were actually giving a BOARD SEAT to Russia.

This is basically the exact opposite of what the US government was pushing for.


dalej: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-03-12.....-backfires
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Dołączył: 05 Mar 2009
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PostWysłany: 18:33, 13 Mar '15   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Ale głębiej ...Czego od Rosji w takim razie chce USA ???
Wkurwić ich ? zmusić aby stali się Amerykańskim satelitą tak jak cała Europa ?
Dwa kraje mają wystarczająco dużo głowić atomowych aby zetrzeć ziemię w pył i prowadzą wojnę ekonomiczną na pół gwizdka ???
Przecież jeśli jedno z tych dwóch (USA)wygrało by taką wojnę (oczywiście może) to drugie (Rosja) co ? przyjmie to na klatę i przejdzie nad tym do porządku ? Pogodzi się z tym że idzie bieda ?
To co się dzieje między USA a Rosją wygląda jak pojedynek dwóch kulturystów jeden drugiemu podpierdala sterydy i likwiduje dilerów....A obaj doskonale wiedzą że we dwóch mogą rządzić całą dzielnicą ...A cała banda obszczymurków spiera się który z nich mocniejszy ...
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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 18:41, 13 Mar '15   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Sęk w tym że kulturysci są za głupi żeby rządzić dzielnicą.
Jedyne co potrafią na dzielnicy zrobić to rozpierduchę.
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Dołączył: 28 Paź 2011
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PostWysłany: 10:55, 15 Mar '15   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Przeciez ONI robia tak samo od lat przynajmniej 60. Kryzys naftowy w usa za nixona byl wywolany celowo przez opec stad powdtal dubaj. Usa maja juz tylko militaria. Niewiele juz im pozostalo. Polecam ksiazke economic hitman johna perkinsa
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good why

Dołączył: 09 Lut 2015
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PostWysłany: 13:04, 15 Mar '15   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

[quote]Ale głębiej ...[quote]

Może to ten "mityczny" lucek kontroluje dwie pozornie przeciwne strony konfliktu, ale cały ten teatrzyk tak realistycznie wygląda że sam czasem daje sie wkręcić zapominając spojrzeć na wyższy poziom.
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Ogląda profil użytkownika Wyślij prywatną wiadomość
Site Admin

Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
Posty: 20417
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PostWysłany: 09:51, 31 Sie '16   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Exclusive: SWIFT discloses more cyber thefts, pressures banks on security

SWIFT, the global financial messaging system, on Tuesday disclosed new hacking attacks on its member banks as it pressured them to comply with security procedures instituted after February's high-profile $81 million heist at Bangladesh Bank.

In a private letter to clients, SWIFT said that new cyber-theft attempts - some of them successful - have surfaced since June, when it last updated customers on a string of attacks discovered after the attack on the Bangladesh central bank.

"Customers’ environments have been compromised, and subsequent attempts (were) made to send fraudulent payment instructions," according to a copy of the letter reviewed by Reuters. "The threat is persistent, adaptive and sophisticated - and it is here to stay."

The disclosure suggests that cyber thieves may have ramped up their efforts following the Bangladesh Bank heist, and that they specifically targeted banks with lax security procedures for SWIFT-enabled transfers.

The Brussels-based firm, a member-owned cooperative, indicated in Tuesday's letter that some victims in the new attacks lost money, but did not say how much was taken or how many of the attempted hacks succeeded. It did not identify specific victims, but said the banks varied in size and geography and used different methods for accessing SWIFT.

A SWIFT spokeswoman declined to elaborate on the recently uncovered incidents or the security issues detailed in the letter, saying the firm does not discuss affairs of specific customers.

All the victims shared one thing in common: Weaknesses in local security that attackers exploited to compromise local networks and send fraudulent messages requesting money transfers, according to the letter.

reszta: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-cyber-heist-swift-idUSKCN11600C?il=0
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