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Dołączył: 20 Paź 2008
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PostWysłany: 00:41, 20 Mar '09   Temat postu: Odejście od dolara $ Odpowiedz z cytatem

W kregach ONZ powstaja rekomendacje dla odejscia od US$ jako waluty rezerwowej swiata na rzecz koszyka walut.
Mowi sie o tym ze jest to dobry moment bo nikt nie jest zadowolony z tracacego wartosc dolara. Nawet USA nie jest zadowolone z tego ze dolar jest waluta rezerwowa bo nie moze prowadzic polityki.

U.N. panel says world should ditch dollar
Published on 03-19-2009 Email To Friend Print Version
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Source: Reuters

LUXEMBOURG - A U.N. panel will next week recommend that the world ditch the dollar as its reserve currency in favor of a shared basket of currencies, a member of the panel said on Wednesday, adding to pressure on the dollar.

Currency specialist Avinash Persaud, a member of the panel of experts, told a Reuters Funds Summit in Luxembourg that the proposal was to create something like the old Ecu, or European currency unit, that was a hard-traded, weighted basket.

Persaud, chairman of consultants Intelligence Capital and a former currency chief at JPMorgan, said the recommendation would be one of a number delivered to the United Nations on March 25 by the U.N. Commission of Experts on International Financial Reform.

"It is a good moment to move to a shared reserve currency," he said.

Central banks hold their reserves in a variety of currencies and gold, but the dollar has dominated as the most convincing store of value -- though its rate has wavered in recent years as the United States ran up huge twin budget and external deficits.

Some analysts said news of the U.N. panel's recommendation extended dollar losses because it fed into concerns about the future of the greenback as the main global reserve currency, raising the chances of central bank sales of dollar holdings.

"Speculation that major central banks would begin rebalancing their FX reserves has risen since the intensification of the dollar's slide between 2002 and mid-2008," CMC Markets said in a note.

Russia is also planning to propose the creation of a new reserve currency, to be issued by international financial institutions, at the April G20 meeting, according to the text of its proposals published on Monday.

It has significantly reduced the dollar's share in its own reserves in recent years.


Persaud said that the United States was concerned that holding the reserve currency made it impossible to run policy, while the rest of world was also unhappy with the generally declining dollar.

"There is a moment that can be grasped for change," he said.

"Today the Americans complain that when the world wants to save, it means a deficit. A shared (reserve) would reduce the possibility of global imbalances."

Persaud said the panel had been looking at using something like an expanded Special Drawing Right, originally created by the International Monetary Fund in 1969 but now used mainly as an accounting unit within similar organizations.

The SDR and the old Ecu are essentially combinations of currencies, weighted to a constituent's economic clout, which can be valued against other currencies and indeed against those inside the basket.

Persaud said there were two main reasons why policymakers might consider such a move, one being the current desire for a change from the dollar.

The other reason, he said, was the success of the euro, which incorporated a number of currencies but roughly speaking held on to the stability of the old German deutschemark compared with, say, the Greek drachma.

Persaud has long argued that the dollar would give way to the Chinese yuan as a global reserve currency within decades.

A shared reserve currency might negate this move, he said, but he believed that China would still like to take on the role.

(To read Reuters Global Investing Blog click here; for the MacroScope Blog click on blogs.reuters.com/macroscope; for Hedge Fund Hub click on blogs.reuters.com/hedgehub)

Referendum to inicjowanie dobrych oraz wetowanie wrogich nam ustaw. To sprawdzilo sie w Szwajacarii.
Skonczmy z partiokracja.

*Nie odpowiadam na posty lekcewazace i niskiego poziomu.
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Ogląda profil użytkownika Wyślij prywatną wiadomość

Dołączył: 20 Paź 2008
Posty: 613
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PostWysłany: 23:19, 21 Mar '09   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Chiny i inne kraja "wschodzace" wspieraja wezwanie wysuniete przez Rosje do dyskusji nad tym jak usunac US$ z statusu glownej swiatowej waluty rezerwowej.
Chiny mysla o SDR'ach emitowanych przez IMF, ktore stopniowo moglyby byc zamienione na nowoa walute.
Sprawa chyba bedzie dyskutowana 2 kwietnia na spotkaniu G20.


By Gleb Bryanski

MOSCOW, March 19 (Reuters) - China and other emerging nations back Russia's call for a discussion on how to replace the dollar as the world's primary reserve currency, a senior Russian government source said on Thursday. Russia has proposed the creation of a new reserve currency, to be issued by international financial institutions, among other measures in the text of its proposals to the April G20 summit published last Monday.

Calls for a rethink of the dollar's status as world's sole benchmark currency come amid concerns about its long-term value as the U.S. Federal Reserve moved to pump more than a trillion dollars of new cash into the ailing economy late Wednesday.

Russia met representatives of China, India and Brazil ahead of the G20 finance ministers meeting last week, as the big emerging powers seek to up their influence on decisionmaking globally. Their first ever joint communique did not mention a new currency but the source said the issue was discussed.

"They (China) did not formally put forward their position for the G20 summit but unofficially they had distributed their paper regarding the same ideas (the need for the new currency)," the source told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The source said the Chinese paper envisaged the International Monetary Fund's Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) being first assigned a role of a clearing currency on some transactions and then gradually becoming the main global reserve currency. "They said that the role of reserve currency should be given to SDR," the source said.

A U.N. panel of experts is also looking at using expanded SDRs, originally created by the International Monetary Fund in 1969, but now used mainly as an accounting unit within similar organisations as a new reserve currency instead of the dollar.

Currency specialist Avinash Persaud, a member of the U.N. panel, told a Reuters Funds Summit on Wednesday that the proposal was to create something like the old Ecu, or European currency unit, that was a hard-traded, weighted basket.

The SDR and the old Ecu are essentially combinations of currencies, weighted to a constituent's economic clout, which can be valued against other currencies and against those inside the basket.

The Russian source said Moscow was aware that the emergence of the new global currency would not happen overnight and said its goal was to initiate a discussion about it at the G20 summit in London on April 2.

The source said that India did not object to the discussion but was not prepared to take the lead. The source said South Korea and South Africa backed the idea, while developed nations were not "allergic" to it.

"We are not waiting for everyone to say: 'How beautifully it has all been formulated, let's subscribe to it'," the source said. "The main idea is to start a discussion about it."

Russia holds about half of its reserves, the world's third-largest, in dollars, with the rest in euros and pounds. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has called on reserve currency issuers to show more financial discipline.

Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin told reporters on the sidelines of the G20 finance ministers meeting that it would take up to 30 years to create a new super-currency, suggesting there was no unity in Russia on the issue.

President Dmitry Medvedev's top economic aide and G20 sherpa Arkady Dvorkovich is behind the Kremlin's G20 proposals, made public one day after Kudrin returned from England. (Reporting by Gleb Bryanski; editing by Mike Dolan/Patrick Graham)

Referendum to inicjowanie dobrych oraz wetowanie wrogich nam ustaw. To sprawdzilo sie w Szwajacarii.
Skonczmy z partiokracja.

*Nie odpowiadam na posty lekcewazace i niskiego poziomu.
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Dołączył: 18 Kwi 2010
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PostWysłany: 22:31, 30 Lis '10   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Hej forumowi finansiści - mam pytanie :co słychać z tym odejściem Chin od dolara ? nie znam się na tym i pojąć nie umiem dlaczego od kilku dni na ruskich stronach tłuką temat :chiny bez dolarów że tam niby w rozliczeniach odchodzą od dolarów czy coś takiego , nie wiem o co chodzi .Ale musi ważne skoro o tym piszą . http://fin.izvestia.ru/money/article1272281
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Dołączył: 30 Cze 2008
Posty: 512
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PostWysłany: 22:33, 30 Lis '10   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

a co z amero ?
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Ogląda profil użytkownika Wyślij prywatną wiadomość

Dołączył: 16 Paź 2009
Posty: 386
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PostWysłany: 18:30, 03 Gru '10   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Osobiście nie wierzę, że to się uda. To nie Chiny czy ktokolwiek inny zdecyduje o "odejściu" od dolara. Póki co to po decyzji FED o Quantitative Easing 2 wszyscy spodziewali się upadku dolara. I co? I gówno. Dolar się umocnił a osłabiło się Euro. Ktoś tam ma swój plan i go realizuje a nasze domysły co będzie i jak będzie to można o dupę...
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Dołączył: 02 Kwi 2009
Posty: 106
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PostWysłany: 19:44, 03 Gru '10   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

tu jest jedna z możliwych opcji... i teraz na dniach okarze się jaki kierunek obieramy...

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Ogląda profil użytkownika Wyślij prywatną wiadomość

Dołączył: 08 Lip 2010
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PostWysłany: 18:29, 26 Gru '10   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Podobne tezy wysuwano już wcześniej, np. tutaj: http://www.prokapitalizm.pl/ameryke-i-sw.....orii.html. Niemniej jednak od 2009 roku sytuacja się odwróciła - Chiny znów obkupują się dolcami i na razie wygląda na to, że nastąpi powrót do dolara (o dziwo):

Ciekawostka, zobaczcie na który miejscu w tym rankingu jest Polska (wyżej niż Włochy, czy Szwecja).
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Ogląda profil użytkownika Wyślij prywatną wiadomość

Dołączył: 08 Lis 2007
Posty: 98
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PostWysłany: 17:29, 28 Gru '10   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Fajnie, tylko dane są do końca 2009 - a te arty mówią o końcówce 2010, więc na moje oko jest jakiś pół roku - rok różnicy. Teraz ma to sens, czyż nie?

Ma ktoś jakieś bardziej aktualne dane - powedzmy do połowy 2010?
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Ogląda profil użytkownika Wyślij prywatną wiadomość

Dołączył: 16 Paź 2009
Posty: 386
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PostWysłany: 18:56, 28 Gru '10   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Chińska gospodarka wygeneruje prawdopodobnie około 190 mld dolarów nadwyżki. Coś trzeba z tą kasą robić.
Z kolei amerykański departament skarbu w październiku 2010 sprzedał 21 mld USD w obligacjach 10 letnich przy niskiej rentowności (około 2,5%).
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Ogląda profil użytkownika Wyślij prywatną wiadomość

Dołączył: 08 Lip 2010
Posty: 7
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PostWysłany: 00:06, 29 Gru '10   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Alvin88 napisał:
Fajnie, tylko dane są do końca 2009 - a te arty mówią o końcówce 2010, więc na moje oko jest jakiś pół roku - rok różnicy. Teraz ma to sens, czyż nie?

Ma ktoś jakieś bardziej aktualne dane - powedzmy do połowy 2010?

Dane, które są na stronie .gov są jak najbardziej aktualne. Chiny prawdopodobnie mają dość kasy, żeby rozwiązać problem fiskalny. Pytanie jak miałoby się odbyć i co za to chcieliby Chińczycy - tego nie wie nikt Wink
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Ogląda profil użytkownika Wyślij prywatną wiadomość
Site Admin

Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 20:57, 26 Maj '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

China And Japan Dropping Dollar Cross Rate System, Will Transact Directly

While various three letter economic schools of thought continue sprouting left and right, in an attempt to validate endless spending predicated on one simple thing: transitory reserve currency status, and we emphasize transitory, reality moves on, oblivious of what economic theoreticians believe it should be doing. As Yomiuri Shimbun reported last night, China and Japan are set to launch direct currency trading, bypassing the dollar, and the associated benefits and risks, entirely. "But how can that be?" dollar purists will scream. After all, when one bypasses the dollar, one commits blasphemy to a reserve currency. Somehow we think China gets that. From the AP: "Japan and China are expected to start direct trading of their currencies as early as June as part of efforts to boost bilateral trade and investment, according to reports. With the planned step, exchange rates between the yen and the yuan will be determined by their transactions, departing from the current "cross rate" system that involves the dollar in setting yen-yuan rates, Kyodo News said on Saturday."

czytaj dalej: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/china-and-.....t-directly

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Dołączył: 07 Sty 2009
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PostWysłany: 09:27, 29 Maj '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Bimi napisał:
China And Japan Dropping Dollar Cross Rate System, Will Transact Directly


Trzy dni później także w naszych informacjach:
Chiny i Japonia uniezależniają się od dolara

Władze w Tokio ogłosiły właśnie, że od piątku kurs wymiany juana i jena będzie ustalany bezpośrednio. Krok ten ma wzmocnić wymianę handlową między Chinami i Japonią.

Dzięki wyeliminowaniu dolara mają się zmniejszyć koszty transakcji między oboma krajami, zmniejszy się także ryzyko walutowe - poinformował japoński minister finansów Jun Azumi.

Porozumienie Tokio i Pekinu wpisuje się w chińską strategię globalizacji juana. Chiny chcą, aby to właśnie ich waluta w przyszłości przejęła rolę amerykańskiego dolara.

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King Crimson

Dołączył: 27 Mar 2009
Posty: 2013
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PostWysłany: 13:21, 29 Maj '12   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

USD/PLN 3.4801 3.4810 0.0233 0.67 13:16:00
CHF/PLN 3.6315 3.6324 0.0180 0.50 13:15:00
EUR/USD 1.2536 1.2537 -0.0003 -0.02 13:16:00

Gówniany dolar, faktycznie traci na wartości od niepamiętnych czasów. Jak świat światem kiedy wartość dolara spada wszyscy drą ryje: "Koniec dolara, uciekajmy od waluty, dramat dolara, apokalipsa itp" Później frajerstwo wyzbywa się zielonego a ciut mądrzejsi w najlepsze skupują i mamy takie kwiatki jak dzisiaj. Niebawem znowu ktoś będzie darł ryja krach kaplica uciekamy od dolca i tak w koło.
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Ogląda profil użytkownika Wyślij prywatną wiadomość
Site Admin

Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 14:27, 10 Paź '13   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

China, EU Agree to 45 Bln Euro Currency Swap

China and the European Union have signed a 350 billion yuan (45 billion Euro) currency swap agreement, a major step in pushing international use of the yuan.

The deal, signed between the People's Bank of China and the European Central Bank (ECB) on Wednesday, aims to support bilateral trade and protect financial stability, according to a statement on the PBOC website.

The agreement lasts three years and can be extended if both parties agree, it said.

The two central banks began to discuss the currency swap issue in early 2013. PBOC governor Zhou Xiaochuan and ECB President Mario Draghi reached an agreement at the regular meeting of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in September.

"The new arrangement will provide more liquidity to the Renminbi market in the Euro area, promote the overseas use of the yuan, and help facilitate trade and investment," the statement said.

On October 1, China signed a 100 billion yuan currency swap agreement with Indonesia and it signed similar agreements with Hungary and Albania in September, bringing China closer to making its currency fully convertible.

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Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
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PostWysłany: 11:43, 23 Lis '13   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Russian lawmaker wants to outlaw U.S. dollar, calls it a Ponzi scheme

MOSCOW — Predicting the imminent collapse of the U.S. dollar, a Russian lawmaker submitted a bill to his country’s parliament Wednesday that would ban the use or possession of the American currency.

Mikhail Degtyarev, the lawmaker who proposed the bill, compared the dollar to a Ponzi scheme. He warned that the government would have to bail out Russians holding the U.S. currency if it collapses.

“If the U.S. national debt continues to grow, the collapse of the dollar system will take place in 2017,” said Mr. Degtyarev, a member of the nationalist Liberal Democrat Party who lost in Moscow’s recent mayoral election.

“The countries that will suffer the most will be those that have failed to wean themselves off their dependence on the dollar in time. In light of this, the fact that confidence in the dollar is growing among Russian citizens is extremely dangerous.”

The bill would partially revive a Soviet-era ban on the dollar. It would prohibit Russians from holding dollars in the country’s banks, and banks would be unable to carry out transactions in the dollar.

However, Russians still would be able to buy or sell dollars while abroad and hold dollar accounts in foreign banks.

Russia’s Central Bank and the government would be exempt from the law.

dalej: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013.....ar-russia/
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Dołączył: 30 Wrz 2006
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PostWysłany: 12:23, 23 Lis '13   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

Please, take the Bitcoin. Laughing
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Ogląda profil użytkownika Wyślij prywatną wiadomość
Site Admin

Dołączył: 20 Sie 2005
Posty: 20418
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PostWysłany: 10:41, 24 Lis '13   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

China Announces That It Is Going To Stop Stockpiling U.S. Dollars

The central bank of China has decided that it is “no longer in China’s favor to accumulate foreign-exchange reserves”.  During the third quarter of 2013, China’s foreign-exchange reserves were valued at approximately $3.66 trillion.  And of course the biggest chunk of that was made up of U.S. dollar(NYSEARCA:UUP) China has been accumulating dollars and working hard to keep the value of the dollar up and the value of the yuan down.  One of the goals has been to make Chinese products less expensive in the international marketplace.  But now China has announced that the time has come for it to stop stockpiling U.S. dollars.  And if that does indeed turn out to be the case, than many U.S. analysts are suggesting that China could also soon stop buying any more U.S. debt.  Needless to say, all of this would be very bad for the United States.

dalej: http://wallstreetsectorselector.com/2013.....s-dollars/
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Dołączył: 11 Mar 2012
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PostWysłany: 00:40, 25 Lis '13   Temat postu: Odpowiedz z cytatem

No to jeszcze to do kompletu:

China's planned crude oil futures may be priced in yuan - SHFE

Nov 21 (Reuters) - The Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE) may price its crude oil futures contract in yuan and use medium sour crude as its benchmark, its chairman said on Thursday, adding that the bourse is speeding up preparatory work to secure regulatory approvals.


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